A CALL TO WINGS Behind every great man is a great wingman: Michael Jordan had Scottie Pippen, George Bush the First had Dan Quayle, and Han Solo had Chewbacca. But sadly you can't just snap your fingers and find a Dan Quayle, so I have been forced to scrape by with Ted as my wingman for the last few years. But no more. I am in the market for a new wingman. Below is my "Application to be Barney Stinson's Wingman." If you think you're up to the job - and let's face it, you're probably not - please complete the form and email it back to:
[email protected] -The Barnacle APPLICATION TO BE BARNEY STINSON'S WINGMAN PERSONAL INFO : Name: _______________________ E-mail Address: _____________________ Alias: _______________________ Special Skills: _______________________ (e.g. Jack Package, The Barnacle) (e.g. PowerPoint, speak German, Masseuse) On the scale below, please rate your attractiveness. Ted-----2-------3------4-------5-------6-------7--------8-------9-------10----------------Barney SHORT ANSWER : You are character A, wingmanning Character B. Explain what game you would run, and why? MULTIPLE CHOICE : 1) What percentage of chicken was found 3) For some reason, you're pretending to be infested with bacteria? (12/4/06, British. Who is your President? Consumer Reports) a. Tony Blair a. 32 % b. Winston Churchill b. 3 % c. Margaret Thatcher c. 97 % d. Trick question - Prime Minister d. 83 % 2) You are claiming to be the sessions 4) Women do not enjoy jokes about their: drummer for Van Halen. Who could a. Face NOT be your lead singer? b.