
This Day in History October 13 1792 The cornerstone is laid for the White House, the presidential residence in the newly designated capital city of Washington, D.C. 1812 During the War of 1812, British and Indian forces defeat American forces at the Battle of Queenston Heights in Ontario, Canada—the victory ended any further U.S. invasion of Canada 1941 Singer-songwriter Paul Simon, who made up half of the duo Simon & Garfunkel, is born in Newark, New Jersey 1943 With fascist dictator Benito Mussolini removed from power in Rome by the Allies, Italy declares war on its former ally Germany 1947 , who replaced David Lee Roth as lead singer of the band in 1985, is born in Salinas, California—he is known by the nickname “The Red Rocker” 1967 The American Basketball Association (ABA), a rival to the NBA, plays its first game—the ABA pioneered new rules like the three- point shot, and four ABA teams (Nets, Nuggets, Spurs, and Pacers) are now in the NBA 1978 American singer- songwriter Billy Joel’s 6th studio album, 52nd Street, is released—it would win a Grammy for Album of the Year in 1979 1995 Jimin, a member of the K-pop boy band BTS, is born in South Korea 2010 33 miners, trapped ½ mile underground for 69 days at a caved-in mine in Chile, are finally rescued 2016 American singer-songwriter Bob Dylan is awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature “for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition”— he is the first songwriter to ever win the award 2020 The online holiday shopping season begins today with three 48- hour promotional events: Amazon Prime Day, Target Deal Days, and Walmart’s The Big Save 2020 Yesterday, Johnson & Johnson announced that its COVID-19 vaccine trial has been paused due to an unexplained illness in a volunteer—two of the four vaccine trials in the U.S. are now on hold 2020 Health officials announced yesterday that a 25-year- old in Nevada is the first American to have caught COVID-19 twice—there have been at least 22 documented cases of reinfection worldwide 2020 Roberta McCain, the mother of former U.S. Senator John McCain of Arizona, died yesterday at the age of 108—she will be buried at Arlington National Cemetery next to her husband, an admiral in the U.S. Navy who died in 1981 2020 Five men accused in a plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer will appear in federal court today for a hearing on whether they should be detained before trial 2020 Apple will unveil the new iPhone 12 today in a virtual presentation on the company’s website and YouTube channel—there will be four editions of the new phone including a smaller model called the Mini