CiMIIHRKCIAI, from Cuban sources received here gives an day, but ratted an easy nieht. 3Ieanwhile, AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALES. LOCAL NEWS. LATE F0KEIGN NEWS. account of severel engagements recently be- Dr. Ricord has again been called to attend his tween the Cubans and the Sfaniatds, the .Majesty. HONOLULU. SEPT. 29, 1869. engagement of Moon September, 1669 most important of whicli is the Prince Gortschakoff has arrived in Paris. By ADAMS & WILDKK. By C. S. BARTOW. Phases the for American News, GOO Dcmxg the laat week the foreign arrivals between the forces of Valmszcda, strong, London, Sept. S. Despatches from India Sept. 4. A grand display of Qncsada. Tu- ratraixn bv cirr. Datrtix surra. NewYohk, and the command of near Los state that half of the Municipal Conrt of Sai- Y, were tbc.Am hip Titan, on the 2?d inst., 11 In THIS-DA- the Aurora Borealis was visible here, and nas. Valmnzcda was the attacking party. gon, Cochin , will be chosen from French On Wednesday, Oct. 6, days from Ban Francisco, and the Am bark n m some other parts of tbe State, last night. After an engagement of lour honrs, the Span- and Americans born in the country, while na 6th, J7ew 7 35 M A Washlncton telegram saysGeorge Wilkes were repulsed Ttlth severe 2Gth 15 days from the Moon.... . r iards Ims; tbe tives and Chinese are made eligible to the At 10 A. 9L, at Salesroom, Wednesday, Sept'r 29, Pekin, on tbe init., 12th, First Quarter 10 52 x x is to be Chinese Minister. 100. re- loss was over Yalmazrda Conncil. same port. 20th, Full Moon 10 10 a M James Otis, son of Harrison Gray Otis, of treated to Los Tunas under cover of the for- WE WILL SELL 10 A. M. 28lh, last Quarter 10 38 A X Despatches from Alexandria report the cot At at Salesroom, Tbe Titan brongbt a tmall Eastern mail, uosion, ana rresiaent oi tne American in- tifications, and then secured the protection USUAL CnOICE HONOLULU MEAN TIME. surance Company, died here, last night. of his troops, Cubans not being supplied ton crop in the interior of Egypt, as excellent THE ASSORTMENT tbe qnalitv- quantity-- . snd San Francisco dates to Sept. lltb. 1st, Sun S 48 C WASmsoTOS, Sept. 5. In consequence of formid- in and or; Dry Rle a X Snn Sets 12 T X with artillery necessarytoattacksnch Goods, Sucktat Prints, Brown Cottons, Messrs. J. C. Merrill k Co., Lad sold at th. Son Kie.... 5 50 " SnnSels.... 0 7 the general dissatisfaction with the new able fortifications. Berlix, Sept. 8. At the next session of 15tli,Snii Rites... 5 51 " Sim Seta.... 5 69 postage stamps, orders have been given to In the fight near Pnerto Lc Grande, the the Prussian Diet, the liberal party wdl intro GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Turkey Red, Dress Goods. Denims, auction, on tbe 4th September, some 4500 22d. Sun ' 5 , I!les .. .. 6 63 Son Sets ... t3 prepare designs for new issues. Tbe old de Spanish force, 700 6trong is reported to duce a proposition for ministerial responsibu-London- Buckskins, Alpaeat, Men'a Hose, 23tb,Saal:Uea.. 6 63 Sua 47 hare Comprising Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, ke;rs and bags Hawaiian Sugars, at which tbe " Sets.... 5 signs are to be restored. deserted in a body to the Cubans, leaving the Ribbons, Woolen Shirts, y, Groceries, Glassware, Crockery, highest and lowest prices obtained, were res- At half past 12, Secretary Rawlins officers, who were paroled bv General Jor Sept. 8. The 77n is in Pants, Undershirts, Shawls, Captais Abbe of II. I. 31. Ship Megere had npeared free from pain, and nas asleep. dan. Quseda and Jordan express confidence dignant over the late outrages in China. It Kerosene Oil, Card Matches, Linen Handkerchiefs, pectively $12 05 and Cc. showing a decrease has lieen Bedspreads, the honor of entertaining His Majesty at din There no perceptible change in bis In tceir anility to secure unuan Indepen- says: "Whether China understands that it is Clothing, Tobacco, Cigara, ate., from former prices of to 1 cent. condition for the last three hours. dence. for its advantage to order in its own do- J ner, on board that vessel, on Thursday eve keep Ornaracntnl Birds," Chicaoo. Sept. 5. Tbe Ti'mes' Washing- A report on the manufactures of Cincinnati, is resolved to insist Wrapping Paper, Brooms. Rice, jobbing at 10c. for No. 1. minions or not, England Photog-np- b AIltHiBB. ning last. When His Majesty went on board ton special says Boutwell, Fish and Hoar nearly completed, indicates the value of the must keep .Mandarins under proper Also 1'ulu, a sale of 183 bales it reported at 8Jc. that it tbe By Order of the tbe ship, the yards were manned and three strongly oppose tbe appointment of George annual products at one hundred millions. control. We shall refuse the responsibility of AT 12 O'CLOCK. NOON, Coffee, lots, Wilkes as Minister to Is mil- 31nil Association, selling in small Costa Rica China. Tbe item of clothing alone over ten maintaining peace if there is any founaation Pnbllc Kcsr Apples, hearty cheers were given by the crew of the S. The 1 of Dried Kona would sell at Chicago, Sept. Tr&une't New lions. for the suggestion that the Government is try 60 Chairs, long Koa Table, l.Round Table, 19101c. l"iclSc. Fcsscn-de- n Ale. ship. There were present on the occasion, II. Tork specials say the supply of water in the Portland, 3Ie., Sept. 8. Senator by the pre Tables, 1 do., with drawer, Casks of Latest quotation of gold was 135. Croton reservoirs issteatlily decreasing. ing to deceive the Western Powers 2 Toilet Anet'r. I. M. Commissioner M. Ballien, accompanied The died this morning. Ue was sensible till tended power tn more direct rela- C. S. BARTOW, quantity daily delivered from the aqueduct of establish 1 Gilt Frame Mirror, The bark Ethan Allen was to sail for this tbe hour his death. lie had passed a com- tions. is hard to understand bow we should by bis Chancellor 31. Marinetti, Ilis Majes- is less than tbe amount consumed. There fortable niirht till three o'clock. It 9 Eido Lamps, Spittoons, Ac, Ac about the ICth inst. The Titan is under enter into war under less favorable conditions, ! port ty's Ministers, the American Minister, are no indications of rain, and fears of a 3IONTKCAL. Sept. 8 Prince Arthur is ex- Cottage to Let Mr. . of the charter to load guano at Baker's Island, for water scarcity have inert-need- pected to arrive in Quebec on Tuesday next; because the outrages are really the acts ' ADAMS A WILDER, Auct'ri. Peirce, II. B. M Commissfoncr Mr. Yo de-- 3fandarins delegated from Pekin. which place she sailed on the 25th inst. Tbe At Philadelphia, tbe Schuylkill is lower he will stay until tbe Monday following, and SEAT COTTAGE, Famished, house, the Governor of Oahu, and Colonel than at any time during the drought. There afterwards pass through Montreal, on his " Should war arise, it would be unquestiona MA situated on Emma Street, No.-10- . Pekin proceeded on herToyage to , Fair-mou- bly our interest to fulfillment of Enquire of I'rendergast. After dinner Captain Aule are about three feet of water in the way West. stipulate that on the 27th, taking a few passengers. A lot Reservoir. Tbe bronze statue of Victoria, to be erect- tne terms of tbe treaty be assumea solely by WM. HUMPHREYS, proposed tbe health of His Majesty, to which 5. the in giving the 37--tf Court House. of freight that was offering she had to refuse fir Louisville, Sept. Active preparations ed in this place, has arrived anil will be un- Chinese; our Government, His Majesty responded and proposed the are in progress for a Commercial Convention veiled by Prince Arthur. chances of success to the Burlingame mission, Sugar Plantation wantofroom. The Haw. brigKamehameba V. to be held here on tbe 12th Gov- Connolly-Woolwic- h may be it might health of H. I. XL. the Emperor of the French. of October. The celebrated case, accomplishing peaceably what sailed the same day for Baker's Island. The ernor Stevenson bas accepted an invitation involving the validity of a marriage with an be compelled to effect by force. The present AT AUCTION! Horses, Carriages, and Harness, Both toasts were drank standing, with all to deliver the address of welcome. woman Bay bark Kutusofi sailed for Puget Sound on the Indian in Hudson Territory, and alarm will give no cause to distrurt tho recent I the honors. St. Loois, Sept. 5. Governor Clayton, or the sum of three hundred thousand dollars, ly recognized doctrine that it is better for for- FOH. SATiE 25th inst., in ballast. Arkansas, has signified bis intention to ap- came up In the Conrt of Appeals yesterday. eigners trading with China to make it the bus- On Saturday, Oct'r 16, After the dinner, a ball on beard tbe Megere, point a delegation represent THE UNDERSIGNED - Tbe Cambridge sailed for Portland, Oregon, to Arkansas in Judge Lorangerand Judge Badgely gave an iness of the Central Government to keep to IVoon, fij?- was given by the Captain and Officers. His the National Capital Convention. opinion in favor of Connolly; the other .treaties and oblige its subjects to do so. At IS o'clock, offers for sale, the Car !ESiii2 on the 24th inst., taking a full cargo of Island 0. A Majesty honored the occasion with his pres- Chicago, Sept. fire, at midnight, Judges will give their decisions to morrow. Paris, Eept, 8. The Emperor pre- Will be Sold by the undersigned, at their riages and Horses now ased by him in the I' produce, and the R. C. Wylie yesterday, for destroyed the distillery oi Singer & Beckve-dick- Washington, September 0th. The funeral ence until 12 o'clock. The other guests at sided o cr tbe Conncil of Ministry at St. Cloud. Auction Room, Stable IluRlncss. mostly Molasses, on North Branch. It was probably an of Secretary Rawlins took place at 10 o'clock. His Hamburg, laden with and $23,000. visit to Paris has been postponed until to among which are Valuable Double and Single the dinner party also remained. Oreat iueendiary fire; loss, The ceremonies, comprising a prayer by tbe morrow. THE BAL & ADAMS Sugars of dark grades, for which the Euro- Two gentlemen just arrived from 3Iontana, Rev. Mr. Butler, reading of the Scriptures hy Carriages, well broken Carriage Horses, suit- taste and skill were displayed in the deco- Tbe Palrie y to believed than San report that Wells, Fariro fc Co.'s coach, Rev. 3Ir. Brown, and an address Rev. of has reason able for family use, and Single and Donble pean markets oiler better chances by 3Ir. that the complete restoration of tbe Emperor's ration of tbe ship for the occasion ; and which left Helena Anc. 29th, was robbed at Wilson, were performed. Tbe IV ar Depart- plantation! Carriage Harness. Those wishing to purchase nFrancisco, at presents health is near. the enjoyment of all the gnosis was thorough : 3!alad Summit, GO miles north of Corinnc. ment, after the ceremonies, formed a military At Wailuku, Island or will find it to their adrantago to call on him Business continues dull we may hope for a About midnight, on the 31st ult., eight Maui, so much so, in fact, was a late hour in men, escort, and proceeded to the cemetery, xvhere before purchasing elsewhere. wha-.le- that it as- considerable improvement as soon as the rs closely masked, stopped the coach, and tbe remains were deposited in a private The "Young 3fcn's Christian Association," With all the Lands, Leases of Lands, Build 36-- C. P. WARD. the morning before the yonthful dancers ceas- sured the passengers that they should not be vault. President Grant, all tbe Cabinet, the of Honolulu, appears to have started in to ings, Mill, Machinery, Implements, Tools, arrive. molested. They compelled the driver tn de- Diplomatic Corps, Mrs. Rawlins father, do a good work. They have fitted np the ed to ' tread the misty mazes." and Carts, Cattle, Horses, belong- Tbe Etian Allen, due hero about the 3d of liver the treasure boxes in the care of the two children of the deceased, General Sher- room in tbe Sailors' Home building. Etc, Particular Notice! Express Company, containing A a ing to said October, will probably bring the next mail Ills Excellency tbe Governor of Oahu, ac- about $30,000 man and officers of the army and a large in neat and convenient style. card in Plantation. in gold. The robbers saluted the passengers number of citizens were In the procession. imminent place, luiorms us mat - mis room A Meeting? or from San Francisco. We notico that she is companied by Mrs. Dominls, left for Hilo on courteously, and rode oiT with tbe spoils. September fs free to is supported by tbe voluntary Planters, Avondale, Pcnn., 9th. Two all; it The Estimate for next Cropj ft AM) AXSm INTERESTED In Monday, In the schooner Tauatii. They in- Tbe passengers had an aggregate of about experienced miners, with twentv men. have contribntions of the Citizens of Honolulu, advertised to leave here on tbe 9th prox...... IS...... JS the Agricultural Interests of these tend to be absent on Hawaii for three or four $10,000 ou their persons, but no attempt was just returned from the mine. They report and Is under the management of the Young . made to take anything from them. tiieworK-ing- s, Men's Association. Visitors are Islands, and particularly as it re iio.-vohjh;- mat iney expinrca every part oi Christian From 350 to 300 ton or Sugar roKT ok' week6. A Tribune special soyB that Secretary Fish, and are satisfied that all tbe bodies have requested not to smoke it: the room, and not lates to the question of labor, will be held at though personally opposed to recognizing to away newspapers magazines." Itcadjr for Grinding, the COURT HOUSE, in this city, on SATUR- At tbe commencement of Colby University, been recovered. One hundred and eight is take or AltlUVKD. tbe belligerency of Cuba, believes that such tbe number of bodies taken out. There, we have given our young men, who To Commence in January. DAY. OCT. 9tb. at 10 A. M. Sept 2 Scbr Nokulele. from KooUn. Maine, held on the 11th of August, tho Hon-rar- y a step will lie taken by the Administration appear to be In earnest in their desire to im- For further particulars, apply to Messrs, A Circular will be issued, and sent to erery SO Schr Mary, from Hawaii. before Congrcts meets. The rea- European News. prove men, this 11 degree of L. L. J), was conferred upon principal themselves and brother A ADAMS, Wailuku, HACK- - one on these Islands, who has, or should hare, Am ship Titan, Berry, days from San sons which weighed against BAL Messrs. II. Fraucisco. His Honor, recognition were London, 4. notice, and only hope that their enterprise an interest In thia matter, and it is particularly Chief Justice Allen. This act is the complications which would arise in the Sept. The Imperialist journals will prove a success. Bam til' Oim. FELD A Co., Honolulu, or to Schr Active, from Hawaii. of Paris express discontent at l'rince Napo- t desired that ail shonld be represented, either Mo! fuutn MaoL all tho more graceful, inasmuch as, unlike too Alabama claims, and the terms of the treaty A Mir Keikl, leon's speech, and declare be went too far. ADAMS WILDER, Auct'rs in person or by letter. 24 Sloon Walmalu, fnm Koolau. many recipients of similar honors, Judge of 1795 with Spain. The members of the It At the request of several of our readers, S. N. CASTLE, Chairman, Schr Nettle Merrill, from MauL Cabinet believe is the general opinion that the Prince display- that recognition before the we publish, In another column, an account S. G. WILDER, Seo'y, Schr Pananl, from IliK Allen is in every respect worthy of it. Cubans have organized a government, or ed great ability and a liberal spirit. C 35--it of the last Planter's Meeting. Mir Matilda, from Hawaii. possess a ships, im- of tbe International Yacht Race from Cher- Schr Luka, Irom Kauai. fort or would seriously The Morning Pot bas an editorial on During tbe past week, tho following changes pair, if uot altogether destroy, our claims on Canadian matter. The writer says consolida- bourg round the Nab Light, (off Plymouth,) Schr Maucokawal, from Maul. England. Schr Hob Itny, from KooUn. have been made in tho public schools in this Recognition nould almost inevi- tion and the development of Canada are at and back, which took place on the 10th of REDWOOD LUMBER 25 Schr John Young, from Kanal. tably create a war with Spain. hand; immigration is increasing, tho Govern- A PEW OASES Schr Warwick, from Ittolukal. city : Miss Mary Cooke having resigned the great August. Schanton, Pa., Sept. C There is ment is active, and relations with the United AL-I- Am bark l'ekln, , 10 days from San TJIIIOJI CARGOES cx ETHAN ? charge of the primary department of the excitement here in consequence of tbe burn- States are in a fairway of improving. Pcoplo t-- Francisco. ing LEN, LEGAL TENDER, CAMBRIDGE Royal School, (boys) 31 rs. Kinney, who has of a coalbreakcr at the Avondale 3Iiue, and money are the great desiderati. Let Ca- 23 Scbr Fairy Queen, from Kauai. Plymouth, about twenty and NORTH STAR, consisting of 23 Schr Kitty Cartwright, from Kauai. miles south of this nada show that these can safely and profitably for a long time been in charge of the primary city. Two hundred men in GENUINE HEIDSICK CHAMPAGNE and boys are the be sent there, and the Old Country will be Meiusr N'arau Ou Saturday evening, 25th lost, Surfaced Boards, ito 2 inch. Rough Boards, School, was mine; tbe shaft, which is the only means of by the II. II. Parker. Capt. Fcter MelUsh, SAILED. department of the 3fililani (girls) in Iter. 1 escape, is found supporting and invigorating a better to Mia Luka Xahale. No CanR Tongued Groored Flooring, 2 to inch. appointed to take the place vacated by 3Iiss choked up by forty feet of burning IN PINTS AND QUARTS, t Sept 22 Schr Llliu, far Koolau. coal; ventilation is totally stopped, and great manner than in supplyingher with inadequate Pickets, rough and fancy, feet, Schr Fairy Queen, ft Kauai. Cooke. 3Iiss garrisons. 45 for Theodora Taty, who has been Icars are entertained that some, II not all, 23 Schr Hokulele, Nillian. The Morning Tott says Burlingame has re- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Scantling, all sizes, Scbr Kitty Cartwright. for Kauai. assistant in the upper department of the Royal will be sulfoeated. Toy 24 Am liark CanibrMfre, Frost, fur Portland. The special, from on the ceived a despatch from Prince Kung, express- IT'ox Battens, 1 and 1 inch, School, was appointed to take charge of the Herald's Havana, Sale 25 Am bark Kutusofr, Atkinson, far Puget 5tb, says advices from are ing bis entire satisfaction with the treaty, and Siding, Plank, Sound. primary department of Mililani School; Miss to the 29th. An engagement before Aux announcing that ratifications would bo ex- An die Deutschen auf den & V, F. A.SCHAEFER Co. Shingles, Haw brlr Kamebameha Hickman, for Caves occurred on the 22d. Salnare was de- changed shortly. ic, Itaker'a lalanit. Louisa Brickwood, who has been second assist- 33 lm For Sale feated, and danireronsly wounded. The London, Sept. 4. The 3Iarqnis of Harting-to- n Hawaiischen Inseln. at Schr Mannokawai, for Man). ant in tho upper department of the Royal DOWSETT CO'B. Schr Mary, for Kanal. rebel steamers Florida and Columbia bom- attended the cutlers' banquet at Sheffield k AUFTRAGE des Vorstandcs der 36-- H 27 Am bnrk Pekln, , fir nongkong. School, was advanced to be first assistant in barded Giovares on the lOtb, and succeeded last night, and made a speech. He said the 131 FRESH GARDEN SEEDS Honolnla, Sept. 20, 1869 Schr Kettle Merrill, for ManL in taking the place. The rebels received ten task at the ensuing session of Parliament Unteniehmanpen ergebt die freund-licb- e tho same deportment. The situation of second im Aus-lan- Schr l'auaht, for Hilo. rifled guns from New York on tile 3d. would be tbe settlement of the Irish land ques- Ilitte auch an alle Deutschen At Wo. 74 Nuuanu St. Schr Kamot. for Mam. " assistant is as yet unfilled, but will be filled, sloops, laden with coflce, were cap- tion, lie hoped the subject wonld be debated folgcmle nation ale Bestrebungen durch Salt For Sale! Schr Luka, for Kauai. tured on tbe 11th. Salnave has a pro- unterstuetzpn zu wollen. Schr John Youn. for Kauai. probably, this week. issued with as little political feeling as possible. It New Garden Seeds ! HEST SALT on the Islands. Schr Hattie, for Kanal. clamation that be would abandon tbe cause had never been the battleground of party men. Zur Errichtung elnes Kational-Benkma- lt THE for whicli he has so long struggled. to the Best Lirerpool in quanti- Scbr Jennie, fur Knuai. Br advices from Hawaii, we learn that the Statesmen of various opinions show an honest fcer At No. 74 Nuuanu Street, ties to snit, 23 Schr Kamalle, for MolokaL Washington, Sept. G. At 5 o'clock this at difficulties sur- 36-- volcano of Kilauea is again in action. The disposition to grapple with the U DOWSETT A CO'S. Scbr Isabella, for Kauai. morning Secretary Kawlius' cough was more rounding Alexander von Humboldt, Scbr MarlUla, for Hawaii. this matter. Just Arrived per Idaho. "Old South Lake," wbicb, our readers will troublesome and respiration more difficult. The Timet comments as follows on Cardinal In seiner Vaterstadt Berlin. Scbr Hob Roy, for Koolan. At 11 o'clock he was asleep. One of Scbr Kona Packet, for Hawaii. recollect, has been for sometime nothing but a Cullen's last Pastoral, and on the claims put USD Call Immediately at Haw bark R C Wylie, Hattermann, fr the watchers was' General J. E. Smith. THE RAINY SEASON "big bole in tbe ground," is again filled with Nourishment and stimulants were frequently forth by the Roman Catholio Bishops of Ire- Zur Dcckuug der I oaten dcr bereits land : lava. Those who administered, the physicians hoping to sus- lirgonnenen have visited tbe lake lately, "They demand, over common education, IS APPROACHING! tain his fast waning strength until tbe return is' anticipate will soon overflow fill Xwcltcn I'ASSErVGEItS. that it and np of the President, who is expected this after- exaltation of denominationalism language. lewtclicii 34 lm J. M. CR0WELL. AND the great depression mado in ' its vicinity noon. Archbishop Cullcn must provoke resentment. to- FaoM Sax Faasclsco, per Titan, Sept 24. Ars The pretensions of the Catholic hierarchy Water-pro- of during the convulsions of 1SGS. Although Washington, ScpL C Secretary Rawlins tou Bremen mis. The Only Umbrellas Sml lb. 4 wards tbe Stato are intolerable. There is not SHORTLY EXPECTED died at o'clock this afternoon. Bench to und sonstige interossanto ilittheil-nnge- n FoaGcAXol6LaXi9,per Kamehameha Y, Sept 24. several shocks of carthquako have recently peo- New Yokk, Sept. G. A private cable des- one of their resolves on education which ueber obige Angelegenhciten so wie ARE TO BE FOUND AT THE STORE A II IHwards, 3S native laborers. Puna, is patch, dated o'clock, Is ple will not impartially repudiate, and which been felt in it confidently expected London, 2 say6 there Subscriptions-Boege- n find gefsclligst auf dem FROM LIVERPOOL! Foil Iloso Kosa, per Balk Pekin, Sept. 27. W II a panic brought would when in Germany on account of the receipt if before Parliament, not be Xorddeatschen-Bundea-Konsula- Corner & Merchant Streets Hates, Thomas Snake, Akin, Yotin. that 3Iadam Pelo gets her fireworks Bureau des A-- Isirgc Assortment of of Fort ol bad news from France. repealed. The lesson of the last two years hicselbst einzusehen. going after her old fashion, the people of that Philadelphia, Sept. 6. She argument seems lost on these prelates; they have not ARE OF VARIOUS MATERIALS, T1IEOD. C. JIEUCK, IRON-STOC- K THEY EXI'OJt'I'S. vicinity will' be deprived of tbe pleasure of commenced in tbe great contested understood how a proposal of great modera- ANCHORS as Italian Cloth, double frames and Konaul. Whale-bon- election case, before tbe Court of Common tion and wisdom abor-tiv- o A!CD assorted eolors. Genuine framed having their "regular shocks" irregular acknowledged proved Honolulu, Sept. 27, 1S69. For IIUMcao, per B. C Wjllie, Sept. 2Sth. at Picas, involving all tbe officers of the muni- last session, through the profound antipa- Umbrellas a heavy silk, and double frames. Books, case 1 Molasses, calls 38,344 intervals. cipal government who had received certifi- thy of Parliament, by applying public money Alpacca and Cotton Umbrellas, of various CoSee, lbs TOO Preserves, case 1 cates last October. Tbe evidence taken tills to Catholic churches. The present proposi- Cliain Cables, qualities. Dry Goods, cases 15 Samples, cases 1 Boat Race. A boat race for a new flag, four thousand pages. oc- Tax Collector's Notice. cossisrora as follows Theargumeut will tions arc about as hopeless as any that could IUU UAjM ALbU . Effects, Private, cases 4 Sugar, lbs 047,812 cupy all day. 2290 to 2796 56,005 Wool, lbs 101,715 will take place between tho Cara Bell, be propounded. England and Scotland will 6 Anehors, weighing from lbs, Hides, lbs Chicago, Sept. 7. Senator Grimes, of mAX-rAYEH- S Yatue domestic produce W2.4S5.78 sailed by Thos. Clark, the Dauntlets, sailed uot listen to them. Even in Ireland they will in the District of 5 Anchors, ' " 1501 to 173G lbs, Save Your Doctor's Bills, Iowa, has sent in his resignation, to Gov. JIUXiUliULU, or aro here- Yalue foreign produce... 6,315.93 not command assent. By the classes interes- JL island Uahu, 7 Anchors, " " 580 to 1002 lbs, By Supplying Yourself ivlth lome of by Joe Brewster, and the Harlot, sailed 3rerrill, to take effect December 15th. by notified the undersigned will com- Gcixo per Kamehameha Y, Sept 25. in that Anchors, " " .40(5 tq 501 lbs, Foa Is., A New York special 6ays that Bigelow and ted in higher education Parliament they Collection i Tlioe Elrgnttt by J. Gnrney. The boats will start from the mence tbe of Taxes for the year G Anchors, " " 260 to 300 lbs, Casks, empty 7 Pork, bbls Geo. Wilkes are the principal for would be mentioned only to be condemned." office, be- candidates 1869, at his in Marine Street, opposite 151 to 205 lbs, Flour, bbls 3 Kice, lbs wharf makat of Brewer & Co.'s store, the Chinese Mission. The friends each are The Prette says Dr. Nelaton, the Emperor's 7 Anchors, " " French Screwed Boots, bbls of tho Honolulu Iron Works, 102 to 300 lbs. ralaL tween the hours of one and two this P. 31. veiy confident. Bigelow bas almost entirely physician, contradicts the alarming reports 6 Anchors, " " Which, for Quality. Style, and Extreme Yalue Foreign $133,50 constantly arising in regard to the health of On AVclnclay, Scpt'r 20tli, Yalue Domestic Produce. .$330,78 The course will be from tbe place of starting changed the editorial staff of tbe Timet. Lowncss of Price, cannot be beat, and aro Others of the old force arc expected to resign the Emperor. Dr. Nelaton declares that his and in conformity with Sec. 503 of the Civil JJH'AIN CABLES, warranted Water-proo- f. You bare only to tothelccward of the Spar buoy, thence round be ne- dis- this week. convalescence will rapid if he takes the Code, all persons liable to taxation in this 1 Chain Cable, 18 inch, call and see for yourselves, and be convinced JlEssits. Buck Auld hare removed Em- the Bell buoy from tbe leeward, thence back The Englishman who paddled bis canoe np cessary rest. Public reports aro that the trict, are hereby required to make immediate 1 U that such Is the fact. their Printing Office to tbe new building yes- to tbe Spar buoy and again round the Bell tbe Rhine, down the Danube and Volga has peror is fast recovering ; that he remained payment of tbe same. 2 " 1J " started on a similar journey from New York terday the Empress Office AIho, Ex St'r "Iilnlio," erected for them on Merchant Street, next return to evening conversing with open erery Monday, Wednesday, and 2 " " buoy and the windward of the Case to New Orleans. He goes river and canal 11 li. A NEW LOT OP BENKERT'S D00TS door to Kawsou'e. It is understood that by till o'clock. Saturday, from 9 A. 31. to i P. JI. 3 " ' " short links, buoy inside the harbor. All three of the to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, The Journal Officiate reports the Minis- LUCE, i they Intend establish there, a Stationery that GEO. II. 2 ' " Gent's Half Hose, fn grea'f" variety. to thence to Pittsburg, down tbe Ohio and Mis- ters met in council makes no men- .. boats were built expressly for fast sailing; but Tax Collector. 4 .... Hats, riuspenUers, Store. . sissippi Rivers. j Clothing, and as the friends of each boat are sure their tion of the presence of the Emperor. Tax Collector's Office, Sept. 27,1869. 37- - 5 Neckties, Opera Hlippers, Washington, D. C, Sept 7. Tbe liquor Prince Napoleon had an interview l On Dear I The following appeared among favorite will win, our readers may expect to dealers of this city have addressed a circular Trunks, Valises, and with tho Emperor. Travelling Bags, tbe items (for which the editor was evidently witness an exciting race. to dealers throughtout the country, propos- The Senate, by a vote,of 113 to 9, rejected the Cordage,Hemp Rope, ing to hold a national convention Best Russia hard up) of Saturday's Advertiter. here, in amendment to the Senatut Consnltun propos- JUST RECEIVED Best Russia Standing Rigging from 4 Flncsit Pen Knlrcx Jc Razors, December, and requesting delegates to be in Westenholm,' "WnisnEnruL. The of this week The Bishop of Honolulu is on a confirma- sent. The circular says the Temperance ing liberal reforms the Constitution. The to 8 inches. From the Celebrated and Gaiette tion in South America. was offered by PEIt HAWAIIAN BARK tells its 2221 readers that the next full moon tour At .Montevideo just closed at Chicago has its Senate amendment Senator Best Russia Bolt Rope, Wade and Butcher's Manufactories. a narrow anions 1 occurs on tbe 50lh day of October. This is he has had escape. Jnst as tbe objects the adoption of a prohibitory law in Borjean and supported by Prince Napoleon. Manila Cordage, size from to 5 inch, Pearl Dotom Stmts, Bishop and his party had entered a small London, Sept. 4. PriDce Kung's despatch ' about as near as usffually comes to tbe truth. this district, as an experiment, which, if suc- . ALSO Gold it sailing boat to convey tbcm on shore, a brig services, and . Collar Stud,, Tho trouble of course lie" at least, in this in- cessful, will effect the trade of the whole to Burlingame thanks him for his under full sail bore down upon them. In a Gov- Tar,' Ivory "Wrist Studs. stance, with its proof reader." country. The proposed convention is to In- asks him to intercede with tbe Peruvian rltnrrcls or Stockholm moment the boat was under her sides and fluence Conrgess to measures. ernment in behalf of the Chineselaborers, who of Pitch, ALSO A FINE ASSORTMENT OF is very sar- defeat such Tbe above very amusing and partially immersed. Most of the party seized It is stated that Gen. Sherman will act as are badly treated in the mines and gnano dig- Barrels of Coal Tar, castic, the more so, from the fact that the tbe tackle of the brig, and tried to get on Secretary of war ad interim. gings in Peru. Portland Cement, J. M. Davies' White Shirts, board her. The Bishop was unable to re- The name of G. W. Dodge, present 31adrid, Sept. 5. Four thousand troops phases of the moon for October were not given cover his footing In the boat, and was carried Chler ' "Wcsptlinlln. Cheaper than any other in Town, Engineer of the Union Pacific Railroad at will sail on the 9th and 10th instants for Cu- Hams, away by the brig, still sail, a consid- Half-Barre- Linen Turkish Hath Towels, in tbe Gazette of last week but those for under Promontory, is mentioned in connection C.000 more will follow in .few days. of Crushed Sogar, erable distance, hanging by his hands to the ba; a Almonds, Extra Large Linen, Huckabuck, and September were; some of the figures in which, with succesion to tbe office. Armagh, Ireland, Sept. 6. The work of French Olives, Shell bowsprit, and up to bis middle in the water. French Sardines, hf qr boxes. Cotton Towels, into the was Havana, September 7th. Cespedes and organizing the Church is progressing satisfac- t Crash Towelling. got transposed in putting form. He eventually rescued by a small boat. Qncsada, with six men, Lea & Perrin's Sauce, Tlie Record, Aug. 18. thousand attacked torily. A requisition is prepared to ask the "The trouble of course lier, in this instance," Los Ternas, garrisoned by 400 sick and inva- Primates to convene a Lay Conference. Red Herrings, in tins, Tbe iMrgent anil IJext Assort Peas, not "with the proof reader" but with the wri- Cofffe. The Rev. J. C. Fletcher, late lid soldiers; they were repulsed with the Paris, Sept. G. The Bourse is excited; French Orecn ment of of , now consul at Oporto, gives the loss of 500 men, many arms and flags; it was rentes opened at 70f. 35c., a heavy de- French Mustard, ter of the mite. a complete rout, so much so that they did Pate de foi gras, Perfumery, following information in a late lecture : cline since Saturday night. the Com- Cosnell's Adolpiie whose not oppose a column of Yenagsi, only 500 Marshal Neil, death A (rood cup of coffee could not be made missioners of the Bourse, in order to allay tbe Kiillnli Jams and .Tellies, Ever Offered in this Market. announced in cable strong, which arrived tbe next day with a excitement, publicly announced the health is oar dispatches, by boiling goes smell convoy Los Ternas. that IFL. In Cases, Ass'd Pickles, Currie Powder, Good Hair Brashes, the best cup np in lanre from Emperor was satisfactory. O. Extra. was ooe of the ablest military men of Washington, Sept. 8. Iu accordance with of the WSTilB Ass'd English Pie Fruits, la cases. Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes , to tho fourth story of the house, and peo- France. Entering tho military school at a circular from the Executive Office, tbe t- The Emperor is better CAPTAIN II ALTER MANN, Raisins, Currants, Etc., Etc., and Shoe Brushes, ple should brown and grind their own cof- Sept. 6. Cardinal Cnllen has or- an early age, he evinced an extraordinary heads of Departments have directed that bus- Dcblix, fee. There is no way for the South and dered prayers of thanksgiving in tbe Catholic To be Sold Cheap, on Arrival, A Fine ANSortracnt of dilligonce in study', and would allow no iness be suspended in all the Bureaus West to get good coffee except to ask for and Tbnrsday, until alter tbe obsequies churches, for tho termination of religions as- by 32 B0LLE3 CO. one surpass him. His favorite branch, j t to the golden Rio, or gold washed Rio. and of Secretary Rawlins are concluded. cendency in Ireland. FROM BREMEN Fancy Soaps, in which be excelled, was the science of 8. body Sec- Mr. Gladstone, in a note just published, N, Ratlin, when they ask for that they willget what Washington, Sept The of SrUN-YAK- Hoaslia, Marlin, Hair Oils and Pomades. engineering, and it is in this department retary Rawlins was removed to the War De- says the pardon of the Fenians will be under want. Coffee should be browned in Fisb-Iine- he won his military renown, thy partment this morning, where it lies in state consideration in the Cabinet. Linen Ilandkercliicr, Seizing, Wormline, Dentifrice Cherry Tooth Powder, that mainly a cylinder evenly, and not burned. White Signal Haljards etc., Gist gained fame in Algeria, where he It in Gen. Sherman's room, attended by a mili- The Archbishops of Armagh and Dublin Cherrr Tooth Paste, lie should be ground about like corn meal, tary guard. All tbe military departments, have agreed to convene a Lay Conference, Ginghams, Hessian, For Sale by Camphorated Chalk, himself and cap-tar- e distinguished at the seige and then one tablespoonful put in the pot including the Executive Mansion, are In which will meet here in October. White Shirtings, 32 B0LLES & CO. was Towels, of Constantino. He afterwards for every cup. One cup of water for erery mourning. The Interior of the War Depart- JIadrid, Sept. 6. A proposition has been Turkish Murray & Lanman's Florida Water attached to the French expedition sent to ment is festooned with National flags and made to reduce the Hierarchy of Spain to five Bathing Towels, DOCK, four cups of coffee is enough. It should COTTON Woodbnry, from 1 to 10, restore Rome to the Pope, and was hon- crape. Public business isentirely suspended Archbishops and thirty-tw- o Bishops. 4 So. Instantaneous Hair Iye, not be boiled, percolating is tbe only tbe War Department. The National flags Hemp and Flax Canvas, ored as the bearer of the keys of that city at Paris, Sept. 6. La Prette reports that the White and Brovtn Duck, And a fine assortment of PEARL BUTTONS, Christian way to make coffee. When over all tbe Departments and elsewhere Emperor kept his bed yesterday, and received Noi. from 0 to 7, to the fugitive Pontiff at Gueta. He sub- half-mas- White Cotton Handkerchiefs, oi all sues. done, pour one quarter of a cup of the throughout the city are at Empress and Prince Imperial only during Cotton and Hemp Sail Twine, added his distinction by his the Linen k Spool Thread, CO. sequently to decolion in a cup, and fill up with boiled Gov. Walker, with prominent Virginians, the day, but adds, the condition of the Empe- For Sale by (32) B0LLES k skill as the commander of engineers at will jiarticipate in the funeral ceremonies. Horse Rope, Lead Pipe, Linen & Cotton Sheeting, milk. Ity this plan you will hare a drink ror is not considered worse. La ffepubliqve Blueing, Whiting, 10x1 very low, Bomersnnd. In the Crimean war he was No order bas been yet made naming the go out CEMENT, worthy of the gods. Water ani coffee Secretary War interim, but from what says the Emperor did not yesterday, Washing Soda, PORTLAND of ad fa- lc, Oregon-Roma- n Cement, Pieces Fine Shirt Linen, sent to investigate the operations at have no affinity for each other; boiled President said last night, probably Gen. and his physicians counsel him to avoid tbe The official journals this afternoon de- Rosendalo Cement, California Lime, Linen Table Cloths, Linen Diaper, where, as chief of engineers, ho milk only should be used. Sherman will be appointed to act uulii the tigue. Superior IIIacLccd Cnlfslaintf, clare the Emperor's condition is not alarming. California Bed Brick, Linen Pillow Casing, CalieosV greatly contributed to the capture of the There were grown in the different coun- vacancy is filled. good order, and for at lowest price Brown and Bleached Cotton;, recei- New" YonK, Sept. 8. At a meeting cit- The Senate adopted the Senatus Oil Painta, Grindstones, Marbles, All in tale Alnlakoff. For his services here he 18GG-G- of tries in the years 7 : Consultum, by 131 affirmatives to 3 negatives. by (32) BOLLES k CO. Alpaccai, Fine Coburgi, and ved the decoration of the Legion of Hon- izens, held at the a pro- Currants, Raisins, Swiss Cheese, Sacks. position to raise $50,000 for Mrs. Rawlins The evening Bourse closed firmer; rentes The Best Article of Ladies' Hese, or. In the war for Italian unity agdnst Yeoeinela, 193,000 $15,000 advanced to 70f. 25c. CAN'D MEATS, was carried unanimously, and sub- Superior I'rcncli Clare t, LEWIS' by the Anstrians, he commanded the Fourth Java, 210,000 scribed on tbe spot, including $1,000 from Pabis. Sept. 8th, Evening, The Emperor for sale To be found is Honolulu. 25AC0O BOLLES k CO. army corps of the Army of the Alps, and Ceilon President Grant, received bv telegraph. will come to Paris La Prette says Cbaiean Cmiteruerle, (32) CU Blca,.... 60,000 Gents' Cassimere Qvershirts, his skillful management of tbe artillery Guatemala, 80,000 New York, Sept. 8. The Stock Exchange the condition of the Emperor has improved a PanlUac Duenaie, j by 300 bbls. best quality While In Bralil were grown, 2,096,000 voted to appropriate from the funds little since yesterday. His strength has in- TJiiUcrxlHrtu ana Drawers, decided the battle of Solfprino in favor in quarts and pints, SAX3IOIT Salmon. Also, of tbe treasury five tboussnd dollars for tbe creased and his pains diminished; but it is Cotton, all Wool, Linen, of the allied French and Italian armies. Of which 1.100,000 sacks came to tbe Rawlins, and Fifty Cases Fresh Salmon, in 1 2 B) In Silk, widow and children of General not believed that he will be able to go ont of Snperior French Sautenien, i Bleached and Brown Drill. Canton Ue was made n Senator in 1857, and Min- . It is also true that the the same amount for tbe sufferers by the doors The Emperor signed most of Cans, packed in Spring of 1869, custotn-lioase- im- Flannel. Ac, ic. ister of War in 18C7, which latter office books of oar show the Avondale coal mine disaster. Tbe Rawlins the decrees presented, in bed. y he re- Chateau d'Tqaem, For Sale by CO. V. - T- - T.ii;i'. Mtisea and he held np to of his death. He portation of but five sacks of Mocha from fund now amounts to $24,500. ceived 31. Ronber, and the Ministers bearing JlolUuid Gin, 32 BOLLES k il,. .r the time BOOTS, finOES and SLIPPERS, Em- Africa in the past seven years. Tbe blos- Allejstowx. Pa., Sept. 8. The Allentown the Senatus Consultum, which bad jnst pass- Children' possessed the entire confidence of the Iron Works were burned Yesterday; loss, FOR SALE BY Cheaper than any other house in town. Napoleon. The health of Marshal som of the coffee plant is like tbe white ed tbe Senate. GOLDEN GATE FLOUR peror $300,000. One thousand men are thrown out Moxiteur complains that is difficult to BEST Family, in qr, sacks. Eater's Ex- had been such for sometime past as jessamine, and exhales an aroma worthy Works paid $15,000 In The it Please call and examine.' Ite Neil of employment; The obtain any anthentic advices as to the Empe- P. A. SCHASPER & CO. tra, in qr. and hf. sacks. Superfine Flour, in to preclude hope of his recovery, and our of Eden. At the head waters of La Plata waires monthly. 33 lm sacks, for in bond or duty trouble to shoir Goods. Sept. 8. Tbe Old School Pres- ror's condition no donbt variations of qr. and bf. tale, latest French files, contain rumors that he saw a stretch of coffee orchards 30 miles Cincinnati, in- 7t CCk I bytery, which closed on Wednesday, ratified temperature hare exercised an unfavorable paid, by 18 EQLLES ST. McWEKIVEY, was about to resign his charge, and that in extent. One planter, out of 450 acres fluence, retarding the progress of his convales- and Faint Oil, unanimously the plan of the General Assem PAINTS tale by By the bale or at retail. Corner Fort and Mefehtst Street.' Marchal liazaine was to be bis successor. of ground, made clear of all expenses, with bly. cence and rendering his pains more severe. assortment, for UNNY BAGS 32 B0LLES k CO. by L1SJ UUliLJiS & UU. Honolulu, Sept. IS, 3S-- $ Journal of Commerce. seventy negroes, $48,000 in gold. r'ASniNGTON, September 8th. Advices The Emperor was unable to walk out yester G For tale )8.