CiMIIHRKCIAI, from Cuban sources received here gives an day, but ratted an easy nieht. 3Ieanwhile, AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALES. LOCAL NEWS. LATE F0KEIGN NEWS. account of severel engagements recently be- Dr. Ricord has again been called to attend his tween the Cubans and the Sfaniatds, the .Majesty. HONOLULU. SEPT. 29, 1869. engagement of Moon September, 1669 most important of whicli is the Prince Gortschakoff has arrived in Paris. By ADAMS & WILDKK. By C. S. BARTOW. Phases the for American News, GOO Dcmxg the laat week the foreign arrivals between the forces of Valmszcda, strong, London, Sept. S. Despatches from India Sept. 4. A grand display of Qncsada. Tu- ratraixn bv cirr. Datrtix surra. NewYohk, and the command of near Los state that half of the Municipal Conrt of Sai- Y, were tbc.Am hip Titan, on the 2?d inst., 11 In THIS-DA- the Aurora Borealis was visible here, and nas. Valmnzcda was the attacking party. gon, Cochin China, will be chosen from French On Wednesday, Oct. 6, days from Ban Francisco, and the Am bark n m some other parts of tbe State, last night. After an engagement of lour honrs, the Span- and Americans born in the country, while na 6th, J7ew 7 35 M A Washlncton telegram saysGeorge Wilkes were repulsed Ttlth severe 2Gth 15 days from the Moon.... r iards Ims; tbe tives and Chinese are made eligible to the At 10 A. 9L, at Salesroom, Wednesday, Sept'r 29, Pekin, on tbe init., 12th, First Quarter 10 52 x x is to be Chinese Minister. 100. re- loss was over Yalmazrda Conncil. same port. 20th, Full Moon 10 10 a M James Otis, son of Harrison Gray Otis, of treated to Los Tunas under cover of the for- WE WILL SELL 10 A. M. 28lh, last Quarter 10 38 A X Despatches from Alexandria report the cot At at Salesroom, Tbe Titan brongbt a tmall Eastern mail, uosion, ana rresiaent oi tne American in- tifications, and then secured the protection USUAL CnOICE HONOLULU MEAN TIME. surance Company, died here, last night. of his troops, Cubans not being supplied ton crop in the interior of Egypt, as excellent THE ASSORTMENT tbe qnalitv- quantity-- . snd San Francisco dates to Sept. lltb. 1st, Sun S 48 C WASmsoTOS, Sept. 5. In consequence of formid- in and or; Dry Rle a X Snn Sets 12 T X with artillery necessarytoattacksnch Goods, Sucktat Prints, Brown Cottons, Messrs. J. C. Merrill k Co., Lad sold at th. Son Kie.... 5 50 " SnnSels.... 0 7 the general dissatisfaction with the new able fortifications. Berlix, Sept. 8. At the next session of 15tli,Snii Rites... 5 51 " Sim Seta.... 5 69 postage stamps, orders have been given to In the fight near Pnerto Lc Grande, the the Prussian Diet, the liberal party wdl intro GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Turkey Red, Dress Goods. Denims, auction, on tbe 4th September, some 4500 22d. Sun ' 5 , I!les .. .. 6 63 Son Sets ... t3 prepare designs for new issues. Tbe old de Spanish force, 700 6trong is reported to duce a proposition for ministerial responsibu-London- Buckskins, Alpaeat, Men'a Hose, 23tb,Saal:Uea.. 6 63 Sua 47 hare Comprising Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, ke;rs and bags Hawaiian Sugars, at which tbe " Sets.... 5 signs are to be restored. deserted in a body to the Cubans, leaving the Ribbons, Woolen Shirts, y, Groceries, Glassware, Crockery, highest and lowest prices obtained, were res- At half past 12, Secretary Rawlins officers, who were paroled bv General Jor Sept. 8. The 77n is in Pants, Undershirts, Shawls, Captais Abbe of II. I. 31. Ship Megere had npeared free from pain, and nas asleep. dan. Quseda and Jordan express confidence dignant over the late outrages in China. It Kerosene Oil, Card Matches, Linen Handkerchiefs, pectively $12 05 and Cc. showing a decrease has lieen Bedspreads, the honor of entertaining His Majesty at din There no perceptible change in bis In tceir anility to secure unuan Indepen- says: "Whether China understands that it is Clothing, Tobacco, Cigara, ate., from former prices of to 1 cent. condition for the last three hours. dence. for its advantage to order in its own do- J ner, on board that vessel, on Thursday eve keep Ornaracntnl Birds," Chicaoo. Sept. 5. Tbe Ti'mes' Washing- A report on the manufactures of Cincinnati, is resolved to insist Wrapping Paper, Brooms. Rice, jobbing at 10c. for No. 1. minions or not, England Photog-np- b AIltHiBB. ning last. When His Majesty went on board ton special says Boutwell, Fish and Hoar nearly completed, indicates the value of the must keep .Mandarins under proper Also 1'ulu, a sale of 183 bales it reported at 8Jc. that it tbe By Order of the tbe ship, the yards were manned and three strongly oppose tbe appointment of George annual products at one hundred millions. control. We shall refuse the responsibility of AT 12 O'CLOCK. NOON, Coffee, lots, Wilkes as Minister to Is mil- 31nil Association, selling in small Costa Rica China. Tbe item of clothing alone over ten maintaining peace if there is any founaation Pnbllc Kcsr Apples, hearty cheers were given by the crew of the S. The 1 of Dried Kona would sell at Chicago, Sept. Tr&une't New lions. for the suggestion that the Government is try 60 Chairs, long Koa Table, l.Round Table, 19101c. l"iclSc. Fcsscn-de- n Ale. ship. There were present on the occasion, II. Tork specials say the supply of water in the Portland, 3Ie., Sept. 8. Senator by the pre Tables, 1 do., with drawer, Casks of Latest quotation of gold was 135. Croton reservoirs issteatlily decreasing. ing to deceive the Western Powers 2 Toilet Anet'r. I. M. Commissioner M. Ballien, accompanied The died this morning. Ue was sensible till tended power tn more direct rela- C. S. BARTOW, quantity daily delivered from the aqueduct of establish 1 Gilt Frame Mirror, The bark Ethan Allen was to sail for this tbe hour his death. lie had passed a com- tions. is hard to understand bow we should by bis Chancellor 31. Marinetti, Ilis Majes- is less than tbe amount consumed. There fortable niirht till three o'clock. It 9 Eido Lamps, Spittoons, Ac, Ac about the ICth inst. The Titan is under enter into war under less favorable conditions, ! port ty's Ministers, the American Minister, are no indications of rain, and fears of a 3IONTKCAL. Sept. 8 Prince Arthur is ex- Cottage to Let Mr. of the charter to load guano at Baker's Island, for water scarcity have inert-need- pected to arrive in Quebec on Tuesday next; because the outrages are really the acts ' ADAMS A WILDER, Auct'ri. Peirce, II. B. M Commissfoncr Mr. Yo de-- 3fandarins delegated from Pekin. which place she sailed on the 25th inst. Tbe At Philadelphia, tbe Schuylkill is lower he will stay until tbe Monday following, and SEAT COTTAGE, Famished, house, the Governor of Oahu, and Colonel than at any time during the drought. There afterwards pass through Montreal, on his " Should war arise, it would be unquestiona MA situated on Emma Street, No.-10- . Pekin proceeded on herToyage to Hong Kong, Fair-mou- bly our interest to fulfillment of Enquire of I'rendergast. After dinner Captain Aule are about three feet of water in the way West. stipulate that on the 27th, taking a few passengers. A lot Reservoir. Tbe bronze statue of Victoria, to be erect- tne terms of tbe treaty be assumea solely by WM. HUMPHREYS, proposed tbe health of His Majesty, to which 5. the in giving the 37--tf Court House. of freight that was offering she had to refuse fir Louisville, Sept. Active preparations ed in this place, has arrived anil will be un- Chinese; our Government, His Majesty responded and proposed the are in progress for a Commercial Convention veiled by Prince Arthur. chances of success to the Burlingame mission, Sugar Plantation wantofroom. The Haw. brigKamehameba V. to be held here on tbe 12th Gov- Connolly-Woolwic- h may be it might health of H. I. XL. the Emperor of the French. of October. The celebrated case, accomplishing peaceably what sailed the same day for Baker's Island. The ernor Stevenson bas accepted an invitation involving the validity of a marriage with an be compelled to effect by force. The present AT AUCTION! Horses, Carriages, and Harness, Both toasts were drank standing, with all to deliver the address of welcome. woman Bay bark Kutusofi sailed for Puget Sound on the Indian in Hudson Territory, and alarm will give no cause to distrurt tho recent I the honors. St. Loois, Sept. 5. Governor Clayton, or the sum of three hundred thousand dollars, ly recognized doctrine that it is better for for- FOH. SATiE 25th inst., in ballast. Arkansas, has signified bis intention to ap- came up In the Conrt of Appeals yesterday. eigners trading with China to make it the bus- On Saturday, Oct'r 16, After the dinner, a ball on beard tbe Megere, point a delegation represent THE UNDERSIGNED - Tbe Cambridge sailed for Portland, Oregon, to Arkansas in Judge Lorangerand Judge Badgely gave an iness of the Central Government to keep to IVoon, fij?- was given by the Captain and Officers. His the National Capital Convention. opinion in favor of Connolly; the other .treaties and oblige its subjects to do so. At IS o'clock, offers for sale, the Car !ESiii2 on the 24th inst., taking a full cargo of Island 0. A Majesty honored the occasion with his pres- Chicago, Sept.
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