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Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

10-23-1914 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 10-23-1914 Journal Publishing Company

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YFAIl TlllltTV-SlXT- ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 191 Dultjr hy Carrier or Mall No. 2:1. Mmiiti. Htnclft Copte 6a.

Summary War BELGil M DECLARES of MIIS. CARMAN ON SENATOR SM TH DESPERATEFiG RAGES News of Yesterday diners HER POSITION RIGHT ' in Th re Inn boon mi n of lh MN N JUtlN'.AL flC'AL LIID WlHI hatH, In Ili lKtum and IM'I lll' lli OP WITNESS STAND lit !". ii. ; ;i Th Lcigiun nov- - - l t 1,1, I' HOPES U (11. IV H'l BLASTS l'i ill t All tin- nlfli il eoiiiiiiunlc'i-tl- 1NUTUE Otl,.t pl'hllslll ll N tlnns 1i tlii- - fight'iig Is 'f "io .which r, nit. linn diplomatic rot NORTHERN ZONE BETWEEN - ifii r, , kI h;i ru.-- t r nml thai tlit I'.rd- ili'ni i Ii.. in Julv 1. I,, August '.'!' I flnlM nil ft iii sh' dm continue to Hiil 'lie nl .lK a ll.n.i.' agency ilspnti'h - llles nil lillllj Willi heaVV Kill II filV INI III TO 'BUSINESS IH FLATLY DENIES lli'til, .tux. In llio In ,k mo ropro- OF ADJOURNMENT Idolr guns, mi.' upon Im II that iliniil main t. ' u ri I - nil. mil Jo 'th.' I'.ndsh fleet Is being assisted h . ii l ,,ii,l also ii copy of tho ii.iio GERMAN h FORGES AND ALLIED 'll I'll Mi ll S,lUldtoll. font lii'lirnini t.. h r diplomat1! I Tlii' Hrttish it ! t it it It v praises lli agent i o,ti,KlinK thoni l.i iii.iKo CRITICAL , AT DATE 'work of tin- warships mill reports Kimwn .i llio (uivv i m tho lot, ntlnii n" EARL! '.it damage In th- - Hermans lt"in III llio i:.'l-i.- ,n liuvoriini. tit In'l jri' !n. iili ir fire. K adds that tln nnviil - rail iiti.ilitv n o.ixo n( it I'm win. Hi.- I l' 1,11 I'll IliK Itoldlllllt'N ARMIES IN DEATH 6RAPPL ill SK.-.- IlilVo belli fUlHil illltl that Hi'' 'in lllll, llt. K'.ii inaii aitil'.crv N havitm difficulty - .i.i...'-- t mil tu Ii. HI I'.iJI.o tho Limn Instead of Apolorjin- for Ac Declares Evidence Against Hei jlrl.ifti I EnicnuMicy Cuiiency Bill Is i In fiiiilliiir the-rang- Tile Hernia of tho I'niiK.i In win. Ii tho nil. - iiepurt, however, nil,' uf the llrit-- I tion, Steel ,Co!KMation Is Given by Celia Coleman Was '1 i.ii-l- i nis oi uiu.-itl- lopliotl i,;.itso- Passed and Sinned by Pres- ish iiiii il,i boat destrov ci lias tu rn ly tie,',!!!.",' i, I tin- i ll.'Koil ullitiiilo ii II! i v, unit nut f action liy their shells nn'! Pioud of Policy Pursued a Fabrication Fiom Begin-nii- u: ii hi h. it Is, iiIio.hI ident Wilson Who Is Sum- .V !T ,,n u u t tho Hoi NO DECISIVE ADVANTAGE IS refer t 111 IkI n it v tu the pliiares'i J'. iittii. .f tin' luiltli' along tin' whole front, During Panic of 1907, to End, i:i , n i '.inv:.!, ;i in , ,.it,iln,-,- 111 III moned From Links, K, I'.v hlently tin- - (liiiiiMiiR are taking ti CLAIMED BY EITHER jll Stl'tlUg offensive I'lilllfl" till' ITelll ll Tho ki-.i- l'iM.UI "11. Illill H It SIDE I to.!,- t.v .VI .1 .l U tll, t IU '.I'll '(filial cnllllllHllii'al Inn. rcferi'lmf LAWYER PRESENTS .DEFENDANT IN COMPLETE ',':! COTTON MEN 111 IM pi, w Us. h STATES I ho lilvlit engagement which hiiM T ,,f tiiti'iiiii nHaii l t ; sav- - t hy din inn. tiu ilrn HOTLY STRUGGLE:;: ll going mi lor Hovoriii nays, COMPANY'S VIEWS! COMMAND OF HERSELF mi FILIBUSTER SUCCESSFULLY CONTESTED l .1 have lint been i I'te In 111. 1, ll llollt mill .i III lllliK force back tno I'.olguin atmy or 'ho I'.'- - J ii.lllt ion ol n. Hll.lillV r.oi ' n i l.i n( nf .lulv. l'l;,nrii-l!litll- ll troops. n tho il.ivi Bei'Lh "In- - I Much More Argument to riios That Was Jeoily All Members Leavo Thousands of Dead Strew Plains and Gun Fire From British 'rum n I'otriiKT.iil d spat, h comes n roll. ration nf t ho official reports UONAIRE'S SON Heaid Bcfoie Court Gets sanely Jealous" c! Her Hus- -' Washington and No Quorum and French Warships Is Said to Be Most Destructive; (hat llio ;' r niii ii- - mo i otit'iiultm Iholi Ki-t- v i SS'MILTEl) BY ST retreat from Warsaw and thai Down to Actual Hoait of band; Corroiu'i ales Some-is- RIKCRS Is Possible; Recess May Be Whole Belgian Villages Are Wiped Out by Rain of Shells'" slHTiite I'lmnKolinlitH ;i ro hoi MO ' rmitht in tlnlUia. I'liinoinr WilliMiiii Great Trust Case, Witnesses Auai Her, A meed to, From Artillery; Russians Claim Victory Ka- lif':iilfii,irt-i.- N Wn-- 1. I Great Over nriil llio Hl.ilfj A UK' Ion, li , i'M ( 'jti'Mtlll llllVVU, in llllVo lotlOHtfll ftlllll I', nilv, mil, I to ho ,i non of n mom- iser's Troops Poland; Austrians Report Defeat of Invad- S'I.-mh- no, mil-- 1 liiiJNiiin riiiiimi, int.i I MOHNIhS JOUANAl HCIL intCO WiMI umnii an, 'l, of tho Chloni;,! h.uiUliii! fll III oi MPHNIN JOUlmi ,ll ,lisinl'-,- : i t I - llllll ers in Galicia and Hungary; Indian Troops Have Not Yet nif to ii l.miilini li.iily .Vows rilil.ulol,hl;i. I'C.U 'Tho .Mil l.i, ,. V.. ii Mis. I'lit- IV o,l, Inimhti Iniu i'o.. VV.Ii. ,lt- Hshliigtoii, dot. - I'tllbtistor- - fti'lll llio Hllhslllll ,iliitlll. iliiinorn, which !'l ni of th.- oino Conivllti ( '.' III l ll 1. Ih lt- - lo .1 hy HlllloiiK hIhiimIo on v t i ii u of soiiihetn denim rats who urn l t 'rovvo, i t . .1 1 Si. Illil ill ,. ii im-- I i ft- Joined in Battle, Several Weeks Being Required for Tho nf irrol.iiy u' mill Hi lll.ll.ill.i. il ,'l th,. tics hi i,tt:l ions llOlllo Mini lir.,ii In'. no lighting for legislation to relieve -i Im y I'm- - . or-- Ktnto fur Imli, until, nit tho iiiiuitrv iiitomloil In ih,- ,l;,rK i f promo i iHUt hii.- lit r Imv tmli v Ilowt nor-- t oiiiov e nam in stress lii iho cotton slates, t , - -- st.iti Ill- tit that til'' lniliiiii I'" llio p.'Uiii- of I !! 7, .it, i l.i il ll VVO pHIH iloiii.i ,f Ho h i ii ' 'o., fimn In- w.itor in oi i.cii s, I tarefiillv In id plans for iidhiuin- - Iih-- tu t h- - -. - vv , 1,1,1 I hi, Ii lifoiil in itiiln liiniiijhl i iivvh in liistui v of th- - In. In, ?ho iiiiiiilor il Mi.- I., ,ui.- U.lllov t oiulitlon. Tho men o nit Illl, nieiit of ii.ngloss at li o'clock o- - llio i, nit Hunt liiivo ini ol hoi ll try." s;ihl Klohnnl I lllllllliUI ill !. hi Py II - lit' VI O ll t O ol Ih, v wot,' .HI I -- (oil. I'l'llliotlV VV., ol h Ilk in th, I'iKhtiiiK, Ihnimh thoi; l, r, III. 11, 1:1 In ' th.- - I H .Mill..1 n.moil hli .imiiiiioiit for tin tVnM tml.i.v f"lli illl. llio nf iht in llio pi.nit I'iiki mnl I.etl hv Senator lloke Smith of (By Murium! Journal Special Leased Wire.) m t In ox , oil. 111,- tin- 111 oiiily ii tilt inn oil III li'ih oil Wllil o the omploy nt in, ,,f th, tl.lnoily X Tniihor i'o. In vvhii h In f.uhor 'i Heolgla. - the (tlon holt itiembolH at ( 11 I I l 1. In- -, intoro-iti',- loftl-o- tl vv '.iris. Oi l. 22 :10 n. m. Tin- continual inn of the The I'iiimjIhii illot him ihimmoiI Hilo, .Moi H .1 II (' ho, no in l'i p.. lo no out nil . threat Maton tho mul (lie last l n in . nt In ' rieveiilod action , li'lls oai rv itin nn intliiii iinnn--- liisl.-iii- of for Ih.- iii - I tl lit', illtl th'i l.i ifil Ills, i v I y ;o ii, (ho ii ,1 OI K II li thov Wollt I all! IclwiTii ttiv sva ami I. a liawt-- in w ami tue iiiii'n iiioom.HiK rhinulo Iho senate on ll Joint resolution toad-Joi- n ucli the l.eitans t ( 'IITri. nun. (inn. hy ! in. iilo iiinn-- lv tin- ho, a o lo ir .11!' Ol itilinn tin ii l.iKoii th iioi it i,o lit ih lion h,r loitiior on utriki il sine die, already pasnctl by (he tlic-i- "iii-M- ii 11 mlihrnH th, M i art' Imliliiii;' i;riiuinl. h;i iiflii.'ial!y iy tlie rremli In iin lulu to ctiliral io,l of tlii- ohhII nn i iiiiihl. refill. o,l. so, am) It . - tonight iippeiirod that lin-t- tin- lntioii;il! A t o H ( llorr 1i Ihrnook, ci.'il liistm-y- ho iiihlo.l. ho c.,1- - fill, ill, .h fl lining (o oiin vvai' iII'iit 'liHiilit. I U t ci n Arra anil the the (ierinaiis unless an agreement could he reach-i- d aie vioo ollnf, il,ol.irin Unit! a.- -. III t '.i o, ll i, rlniiii nftor pot ii ion id oxi'1' pro f w hut ho in hm 'ton.. a imjll t fun-oi- tomorrow for recess after nn-- t iloiiiwiny lnul hooii llio 11 l il ilii- ai'i'il in hae with Mrim1' iiiiixiiii'ii iiin .lOioniplishoil. tloll of till' Ill Illll.lliVo of til" tho November cnnn-- ln-- - BANK BANDITS elections, il i 1: vv.ii- hy Imiri mill nf noinh- i ovotil.-- ol Hi.- Mf li.uloy vv.m I'rov ontoil I, Ii - ri-i- I Itlllll. vvould stay The text fnlluu-- : "1 ,1 in Houston Indefinitely hrlH, Mliil Unit iol tililtl" vl Ii, mo; Klmt in llio i ol Mr. I.iinl.iliiirv fun, I th.. i,,n nn, :ill'l killo.l In. Without quotum of h,lU!e .. either in eiu-m- -j I imiilo lior iiiilll slio Ikih Kiiinoil tlilvvln ( 'ii ii, h in-- ml ,f ilof.'-- - "The .'u'tivity which the c yitenlay not iiinis stool ituiiiMtry liming tho p,,iuo rini! tho Washington, ii victory Hint vv.ll I.imiiu,1 limit .'inil of Hlllo..-.I- nl ppl'llllltM ill l!a-e- e, I'l'i'niiiins ilomotiilizoil iiml thut K. 1(. ilJoin iiim nt Clan ken tixlav. Iietweeii Hie sea am a the battle ha c i ,IK ioilof." l ho '.i i inn n homo BATTLE TO U.irv i riiloil loifolhi r tho mmiul'.o--- GIVE Iho :iti'l , it' ( collapse of (lie adlouriiiiu'iit t I ju-- iiumhrix nf CoriiniiiK loht hv tho Hill W.IH tin it- with t as yreat violence, w mut the (ierinaiis beim I.;n'o turors to lAcliiiliK" mi;! provotit Tim Horv l.nn-- ! vious lilogiiim came evet'y Ipipe A ui-- t Iin tin hnvV hooii CiKoii IT. in, lv th. p OS,', I'tloil ll tt'llllltui alter for vviito mnl Kinhloti I'lin Miitioii in prio, s sue, , the ami Ih'iti ll tl'oo)S. , -- i lis ss had been hold unci to force hack the army r 'rench ijon an, I Ii toiin-,- in ihc iil inn llll-- i ilv lo t.ii n Mi ill .1 11 VVilll oiu. Ihiit woiihl hriiiK rum evi ry on.. , tlllOHli-lli'i- l lo supreme efltitls llilt) boon tl) UC- - ( ile-- MI1II Ullil III, I i ll, I l'f tho Hi,- i Ii, Ht- - of Mi- lia,b 'Similarly hi ween Arra- iml the )ie. the enemy lias made In tho liiisini'KM. Aw u of cho' iinn iinil tho IsIi-- - ; tlio", , -t - PURSUING POSSE iiimpllsli Hie ,oiiciisir,n f the ses- liiviisi.,n ui th,. llt iilh hi Zoii" i 'n I'm i n'.-- c" H"!'l toil. IV ll ll, Imi- K.itln iin:;!i, ho siilil. thoi vvas not olio I1111I11 ith success, . 11.1 t , i I' sion after adoption In hiJUKe terininei clt Hts wliicli have at no loiiu iccii cn tu lieu I'll (lltiuilih' linlliiiHiM is t U n io iiitr iii. Hi nt w re i i of I, f.iilnr.' in llio iron mnl tool tr.itlo for the eoiifei erne report on -- f. ot Unit W'osimiiiMt.T A hoy h im til lli.- -l 10, lit I In- oiv.iiiIm t if--l iih n . the war In Ai'ijonne reijioii we e made- between St. l In ' h 1st proxies ;ili- - tho llit m in oiv of p.nir. levetiiie hill. . nmnvil mj-i.s- l Uiiiiiiiki' from liH lll-i- l 11 III I Ilf I 'i ll llklll'n. (Hii on fix, ,1 ,tl tllOSO llillllOlM , I Xo Woto ' A sin.-- tat llllhlTt I,e our tie ans, 'llttlloUH, Mrs. 111 iiimi Spoil, I, ,1 l Illl III feaiurn of the situa- lis nllotoil hv tin HOV rnnit lit, tun Men Aic Killed Two. tion was a by '' A P'lviito lolior 1,'i oUi il in in..'i rity mill si I'liiintilv w ith iiMiio fnmk-lii'.-- s iThroc and dish I'reslditil Wilson the of Ver w e have i;auieil vi Him at aulllollt W:ii nihil il iT i ; u s lim- - north im i . territory in an y:v! 'In 0;ilil niivk I. lout. i. on. - ' k the (j nesi Ion" of iiltornev automobile from a iuirs thot I, counsel. lo her Wounded During Engage-- rei-io- re- - ; in, ! to the cttpltol to and I'liabant on the MeiiH'. the W'oev re we have chlof ol' tho i iii.i ii Koin M.ifl, r ilemoaiior was (li,,t of a woiini'i thote In tlnm Mr. . c ,1 , 11 i oil nrn- - to sign the war revenue bill before, ( ilyiliK. In conio. o commaml of lii'i Hi on Canadian Side of an on li'i-n- ment j iuileil attack hani'lon. Into t'liluV nflor Ion one invasion fMnileil. Auiiln lior adjournment. Th president rushed i Most of hi ii il fsi toilny vm rvprossion of Hutlnosn (is Boundary, Into the cauliol, followoat by sev ret llio on wont fac. woio tin International . , ilorimin iirniiiii llio tnkoii up with Iho ooiitpiel of Hm vi.-- sorvlt men, ut 'rlra-- . ... "'"'! iv lion hIh iii' iitioiie.l her it tu rl in thn ( l,6l1iloll, Oct. p. m.) . to tue I'.xcnane nrc piisliini! forvvaol nniiiiifil ytool im orKaniz.i-tio- ii corporation after nini'L' lie' to vli vv Iho I'lnlv ol' Iho wom- - evenlni;. Attired In his gnlt clothes ii utroiiK'ofit position in tho reyion - tho o, IP hi I a.vs : la Hull. Iho I'norii- an el, I'm kill, d. -- jom.n.. 'itli''Ul tadltl Klnsset. hi i'eleraiili company in iin Inns' i .1 Ilf flute sh" 1.. csisd einiuiuimiiHi iK lvvoon l.illo mnl tho h.iiuiol in , 1. : incut' harnos that the iii in (lie jn,'-,,- s ;hi band haslenifl Into ths pi eslileut room ii at-a- n Sho looked into the faces of no Wash. nit. 22. The nlay the m ;nie a ilent ClllllpiliKIl Ml til i ll I'll olll llio flilllk "W'eilnesilay iiiht ami lierniaus lo the ooiporation were ex alt well Heady eyes when she desired .,r men who mo believed to have o Hie revenue nieunure. mulled liy t Hi, I 1 which, in tho fit r .f on hull, i Soilro-Woollc- y Speuln-- ()-te- which was reir,lsei hv energetic declared that, the "tin the impress them Willi some particular-p- bid th" lliii-- of o I'latk and Settnior I'lurk, tack on the environs of U rim 'If, vviis hint Inn iilmost " 11 pro 'l'",v re Put oidiiiarv. ii n I and sh.- s, eiiicl rt.-e- nl when Jil. (inn last Saluiiliiv night. nil 'president tent of die sotiitle, '. j lHi.-i- , counter-attac- k by I'.' frontier in onler lo ov r the I ,1 the cleans. MlVIIVN nil' III ( lllllpl'tllillll. .tlulit points In the stiny "f iho n w hose progress northward diro.ig h 'id, 'din. Horiinvln glanscH from i li iitions vviih homo land, , ,ia i.tomiiiiikii Ih" , Skagr. Senator Hughes of New Jersey, the, "I'.leveii I'.riti-- h war-hii- s fireil on ic (jermaii a" am L l ' ' Tile hillioii dollar coin in was al- gross were under tliso'issiou. the fpmieiy setllod pints of the situation to the easward on (lie - ways mi .Mis. i'armaii was on the stand near- iiiml U'hatoonl lidos has been (on- piosideiit signed ths bill and sevettil HI Hol-- fair to eompoi Itors. he wont. morning, (leiieral N'mi Trip ami his st , win were tooether fortress lino of Veritun, Toul and i a ol Iters wore III Kay. i ly an li.,ur under direi t exaiiiiiiation. Itlniious siiiio Iho itihlieiy, fell Into which Waltlim for him. o Hover net'ecd llealots ill'o fort has ehanncii inn liillo situ tho vv or - Smith were villed I'.rili naval ,mm-.- " l;t king its piodiu ts, did not soli, it or 'I'he dofonso spuing ii surprise Icn trip three nnios north die Interna- llokn Supreme, Lcltiiiyhe, near .Middelkirke. end of Sepioiiilior. - receive rehatos Iroin railroads i'i, Heoigc M. Levy, her nttoiiii v, iiillod bonmbiiv li re early this morn- Senators tan In and out of tlm . report i'o, eivo.l oily from dir. that not her n line and askeil her tu take the ml two of then number worn proshieiit'H room, holdinsr their ( dill counleiiHiico participation inc. JCUHNAU LIABKO WlBIl They do. la re that llio lof-- : rej-'io- n hy the Associated 'ivn shown :i 1PKCIL id with independent in i t i ml. The i iitirt has ho, n ad ,.nri) 'tig killed and a third wounded when ,wat,hos, while Hemttor Mardti valiilv I los-pi'liil- o manufacturers (li 1:u p. many prisoners Hoi hotvvocu , ,v ,1 l.oiclon, Oot. in. miips. I'lsitles losinu that the hum armies pools of ntiy Uitiil. .every day at 4. 'ill o'che.k 'I'll" lo posse niter, epp'd thcin. A iiii iiilii" sought to have luissod the lostilutloti ill u foot- - vv coiitilillos West cud aims, have loll Inly;,; puinlit Irs Verdun and Toul slill totaiii li.- -l k d. hleh passed fmhlins , in the colli-- room hail loon iiing of me posse was also Instantly lib the house bail curly in o n ii set mo s,. l'liin.lers and I'ranoo of ammunition and provisions ill tho, Hold on the West hank of (Ho .Mouse,! iie.ense jwllh die day, proridliiH (m' mm ndjoiirn- - noilli'in "1,IVU1- a- - little apparent Interest losloilos 'I'll dead: their-hofor- - "f troi.lniont ll . m fo St. .Mih.el, ('oinuinv's armies, reinforcoil I'll hoy had prepared d.spile ,,e repealed. ;lolil liy wiliiessos cile, in an effort Ali.VMS, iig'tl i'iin-"'o- at o'clock lotdtflit. Al every !'',,r,,,Ml ''l,l'- '"1 ' 'T..ll''K(ii;i lev virtually nil her forces in the dofonso. jl' efforts to eo, t them. Tliu to down llio tesliinon) nffi red ', he was met by the f IlihiiHterliK - Xlr' artiiin liiimigration inspector; shol'tmn 'l !Hormans , ,'i,'u,"'r-- iiortions of lioliuni. mnl the (o I lllllll lAii-il- t. appuvntlv nr- - I.,)"""- hy hovvoiv chariu'-l- l ;iaet.-- of Senator lloke Smith who !i"'1 ion led tl,.. (''artell, the throUKh brain and he.ut. troop.s, 'hold ponding t tl "'' - in)-we- n Fii'ilth, I'rilish ami liel',Maii dortiian lieadiiiiai lers her .he positions gaino.l .""'Pora. VVll'l is of the people's TWO Ho Kl!h I:S. both young find idemnniiod successive roll cults on .,fr " ' " aitleil hy Mritish vvaishlpfi. .Iiiiiiiguration of an artllloiv altnck vv it nc.-so- s. Many thus- vv h i coin, jtions to adjourn until lomoirovv, t,t l:ad ma le no reference lo this strii "liH'" "f",cn s compensation law , of rill K belts lieavv with K"ld A I, ,ni; Iho coast llio Ysor river si ill L'le. Inn (odav it thai after sev lugains, Verdun. j" ,hatl heon in iitloiitliirice throiiglioiil ri'eess until tomorrow und to proceed kivs ll" " ""-- "-- -'- Woanded. .Voillier ,1 fiKhtiiu; was; ciipiuien hHitier foil of ramp,"""" j'"" " the day hurt loll defendant lal detective, ' to consideration of executive business', iliviilos tho conlenilin;,' forrcs. oral vh of hatlle, no "' ' when the II. Keith, spin foi' ' 'if-,t- - Ki'innine.s, now ii part of Iho Uoirnan ll"",u",u '' , . , ir busy 6 niilo, appai cntly, Iiiih heoii iihlo to i cpoi i vesteidav iitid no deilsivo re- ;wim called, neatly fil'te, tl minutes (.v.nt Noi'tliiiii railroad, (This kept the senate until o, corilini! line, ami n i.erman nringo a,rov lm. tho r'gular closing lime. nil, 1, or. o'elock, the clock In Iho house hav- - vnii' hut in llio Intevior, in suh has heon iichici ed. " '"r sl:""!'' t'llidctilifictl Mouso. protected hv formidahle woiks " I ii-- ii i buck In lo a report insueil toniKhl.j ll liei'll Vul lily .loiiloiis." 'I he robbers, walking north on lheitig been turned meanwhile ijorman ,p:it tlu ro has illoto t I PHcos. fit the hridgo head, ..I f. i s a thorough- - Tho w ife 1'reepnri phv- -. lau hope the iiiIkIU pas tho iillios aril retiring from several in of tho drint Northern railroad track, wire 'the that fjj,,tjni, the east Prussian frontier! I faro for Htai'ting ii Horiiian wedge ha! the stool cm poration main-analn- lied a ( i posilions. . liidmitleil that she had i,-er- ,l w hen lin e nasseil thruoitil the resolution. miliorlant II situatioti has heon unlet fori hy the center of the Kronen line.! tallied mlilieial prices as chaigotl Insl i iimeii t In her d ft telephone ii o When H ,1 clock arrived deinijcrH-d- c Thin slatemellt froiu tho (ioliiiunM is -- o, as tho Herman report sHyni Ulnec, and wold was nine hv i il a resumption of this mass the governiiioni, Wiis denied .office slit, flatly d.- Hon Kile ( 111 111 .11 hail boon cenlfatlictoil, however, hy tho French ps pursiiiilK tile rollout-- ! whenever but 'aiiiiiilati H mil Inspector al seiiatois who flKhtthH "our to are Figiirt-- were I id II ci-,- Mr. i is tleoiitoil ml, isahle. sol. in ly "insanely She I :. '1 gave up. Tho litjuso ii it n ii it t ii issnoil ill 1'nrin this I in.Mii :Wiis Jealous." laslemuli', '. Adams, Kellh mid for adjoin nmeiii, in in it enemy in the ilireotion of ' to (illics The Kronch nltnck seemsfio coino l.indahury show that the trend of had hen nl people as; her iiid '..ii.tilin n Immigniiioii Inspector A. L. resolution had atiloimidi'iilli' died, aflornoon, which wtyn tho have iv otz." a h- -j prices In stool Industry has he'-i- imnre from a soul hern, even soul the i"!h,w all his girlJ wort oil ni-'- the on the (pick and Senator Stone moved (hut tlm not heon moveil, ilojipite violent lz Is Iho which was Iliirke robbers follies, downward. In disputing the giivein-iTi.- IV, . ioaslerly direclion Iroin the region of die had stayed out all night ause iHipred halt. In- senate go into executive session. of tho InvHiii-rei- . n sev- - ..lid Ihiike them lo in (ho range of tho derm RHUS l.,n-so- V.,n..e .,.! .... n liiolifs contention that llio sleet enr .of daughter, she said, she did not n l. I'.hi-- I- Hopes of Moils)'. I'lK'tl lilillls tilH.'CI'.-st'- Ict stead, th" I'lreiiiost robber drew Vial weeks nun when the iolva in - i ,,, ,",i- ii " 'i its ti 'want to a if I All aloiis! (ho North against the ordinal flank ol ino i. or '. I'tt "o i" obtain divorce lint her Kl.rke imtiicd'alely shot tic fob Majority Leader liderwDod then Iho front, from t Ilf Xiemen failed, .Mr. tula lllllll po sition than again t the poinl dency, l.i hiiry said thai lis husband was as had as he hid been low dc id. l 'iring then became gcu hastened to the house Willi the on- - sea lo tho Swiss holder, in fai t, ouch The hattlo l'rzemysl and of the wedge ul St. Mihiel. 'I'lle fori- - percentage of the country's Iron and palnti-- to hot, wauled to know P. Oil. f. Adams was killed by tho rob-- ! side claims lo hnyo repulsed llio ifiouih of (hat , ity is slill going o hut loss positions at Tool are on strong steel business was not as large as 4 If she found out what she had board In rs' first volley, Three of th" sur- of the other or to have made t laim I hey further on the Austrians j w h n (he to offer the possihllity of (a iing them was concern was organied, was true, sin- said, she hail dolorinlned viving ib a is look to the woods "he slight prnsress lit various points. the Uusslans out f Muii- - u- The Day in Congress iliave cleiire.l hy , oinparat ivo while on the other Im nil the pcni that she would continue to live in th i (he k vas '"I'lle raininW Un- storm and llierehv fnuiili fled down trat and shells ol the allies me gary ii ro advancing toward by t and u i preva Us niajm t, pel ul llage of Die business done other sumo house willi hint as nolhiiU l 111 so Un- 'I iitnl no ions br. iifchi down with a bulb his' are nearly equal In strennth that kovvina, a crown land in eastern -- m: tk,. appear to ho in prog ruf's. isletl corpora ions had increased. bad ever happened, l"il Ilia' ho .Inst before noon a thud roll- - e hack, llii;;''. 11,1 neiihoi' tun for, the other it in til,' oiijecl ill view. v Met hi. with saiiio liotwecn Verdun and Toul hoth 1. '. A I. I'cnl Again. would in or speak him again, ber was woiiuiled at Halls I'raii'e lb', pierce the front or got around the llclciinn. - I'ilSS resolution for senatorial More MilTorinir lor sides dug in most thor- 'I'he famous Tennessee Coal Iron Then, en the morning ft. r the mill'- allot und killid lilmseir ivlieii olflnos W illKK, al- themselves i ll lli'Hi Mh I'.elgiiins had not w eoiin-jse- l t '.nun lee to Int estlgii to the collon As the oughly. 'I'he Klein h and Herman 'o. sale as tom bed upon by dor she declared, sic t re on die run to si'i.o him. 'I'he two robbers The shells of tho iilli-- .s uro raininir ready Mif.iTeil su ff ioienl y from the that, vi, e ' , s inn t sit mi I ion. trenches are niai vo of ingenuity and who denied die corporation (hat the district hull v. Im s en are being ,,,s lv par Usteiul , -- up down upon the llcrm.'ins at a long the oast north any , -- , Took conference report on war (war, (he villages an- - had acquired more property for termed a "mechanical civ. droppe,-r Slie,t an 'Hi Iho iidvaneett pus! snugly ad sciiroolv Nieuporl. causing terrific uro heing razed hy shell. in pn al- bill, 'of ostein! sconced in these sin or pits. Kv en I he oilier purpose ihan lo assist liecaiise sh,. thought husband Tin 'irt t rohcr kilh-- and vv".,' Telegram's Antwerp do, tliej I'lo-itli-- nl pn, tern slum-- war rrve- - the fire. Lying as tiny hetween In venting the spread of the l'.niT panic ready had enough hm io r linn. She s. I'O lea, ve- , com iminder geiieinl. far the e:nt to lluve lel'll Id, orrespondorit repol ls. lines anil the Iliilisli war-- ,' "I the government that explained every I'lle bill. Herman our, a bomb-proo- f retreat beside 'Iho charge lor action sboll, a ml Slt'lllgl.V bllill nd had nil wit Ii t has on "Tho haltlefields are coverod ro roporled to tin- corpora ion ev n eiirriihoiitiod JI,-'- Vole Joint fesoHitiori to adjourn hips, some of them in which he (directors of sled had Mi', ''iirtnaii iuilr, He ha, I f gold in his ,. .,,,,1 his lieadipiarters takes hodies,'' th,. continues 'hut i,.., ,,.i others hadlv t o wiliios-e- - hv 1,- sine tlie Bt o'clock delayed to allow t,s,iiich i,, shotter if the eiieniv's heavy artillery! deceived Kit Koosevolt as to some ill.' stales bell. The wonndi',1 man carried - flesh Herman troops continue l" I., lniiLotl. II is believed. however, (ho house to get quorum. '"':, a two In 'the amount of Tennessee slock held milting that on the tig of 7(10, The nn 11 appealed to bo l'i,.'. chooses to drop shell or his ll .'!(i five. Since Hcriiiuns j tl ilangli- - I Itetesst al 1. 111. to 5:50 p. 111. mornitiK the vj,.,M.iv tlie inhabitants of; vicinity, by the Now Vork banking firm which murder she had call, lo her ci.lti.'- Th, vv as no pa per on iiein J T ,it.--t have retreated slightly. villages w hen the Belgian to be in during Kli.a lie! l( lo stop II vi llg I lie pill li". it- by Senator lloke Smith the fled The machine gun is so effottive in j;was said trouble the lor til it would eittilv tin in and a!l "A is river Vsor. j was I'.ul, slit- swore, Hoi, iglu prevented action oil ad- French squadron siiM'i'ti aimy retired behind the dv nl-- panic and whose Tennessee slock sh" did (ins, liocaost marl' 1 had en icnio'ed I'ioih (hot:'; (ler-tna- n this warfare that ant es retpiire j (he KiiRllsh the inler-icst- s a as Ho join ninent resolution. warships which Lord Crewe, secretary of state lor most as sapping and digging Una liy pun hascl by Iho stool she had headache ami not. I'loi ll llg. elaborate e Swe- gunners have di'l'ficulty in India, offleially disclosed in a speech wiis false and should never I" fiiibni h is intimated, bet IH-- sh'' lb, tilled pence treaties with ' ,HS did (he oil style attack oil fori- - rouchiiiK. . made pub-- 1 injected into ranted 10 n ov.-- tin m 'olia nie den anil 1'alaKilav and treaty with delivered last Tuesday hul losses. The attacking force pushes; have been the present' leti GENERATE MOLTKE I'ti-ili- troopnj l!ilitla bury H a v to h ami I'iiiiaiiia, living bouiiUarv of Canul Allien' Strolls. lie only today, that Iho lndiiln forward a successive line of trenches; 'suit, Mr. said. esdropper what hiel "Tho allies' are strongly not yet any part .More vers In ll wiis sav ing il vvt una u In bis II ce Zmo positions ill Franco have taken sometimes approach w law llctird. IS REPORTED DYING ithin , e Ol 1.1 Ad.), 0:2H p, fortified mnl inun- men j Henry ('ollmi. special adiiiitl too. on urned al m. tiuoii hy entrenchments in any of die battles. The and twenty vards ol the enemy. Mining-- She tbiu dation allies j v will begin she lo d in Iho sa m, will, low of the territory. The horses retiuirod considerable g to the altoint general, his Hon their and ('iiuiilei-niinin- is used in UOININd JOURNAL IAI. WISH 'il it filing ' o. -- th.i on phase.-- ! as thai nigh w hi, Ii he assassin oi lr tri, tllllD Ostend ml Xieiiport mo to heroine out tue t HigiiHieiit loiHoirow certain lime ) struggle for he tl ouches. l.omlon, (I2:t 11. in.) the direction seven soon will lawyers an- slill lo Alis. limit y fireil. lint this, she sai I, Oil. HOISK. of Jnhheke, ahout liof here is that they lie s, ii t i of tlie suit. i ("011111 .iroplane it ti n is so effective' Heneriil HelmiiKi M- -t imles in to front. bo n Knit- - l.emitS' she knew a (rained nut o Lieutenant at in n. m. .south est of Hi nges order ready to take their places at tho must bo .completely heaiil fioin behalf of the iwas that batteries I 'Vol! Moltke, chief "f tlje Hi'llllan Adopled c infill report vvar destroy the railway hetw ton in- Avloiiit. . d Steel t orporalioti and oih,-- tie ,i, pear,-- to be fond of was In h:H eriie on lino Take masked by branches or even placed States 'geiielal spiff. Is il; ing. tlie nge ml M r. I office, K.ieha 'revenue hill after uu hour's diflitite. tend ami Uruges, Again today it was roporled that j defendants bef ro iiison regular to est ape dolor-- i Telegl a ph's A Ills! ,'1,1,1 ill V'oi'l 'Oln t A "AH filled Avlona, elost s t he cases with an argument in. "I llopi' I licy Will llelicv, le. ''s rood to take up cotton warehouse. tho Ustenrl hotels are Italy bad landed marines at ( , lion, ll is lo be regretted that mill-- ! ' i nt nays a priviilo letter re, ived In iidjoiii-iiniont- with a step, it is genelallyi ebut la I. The a tness of tjio steel in-n- d la denying in s story she bill before nrovlilert wounded." Albania. Such P a lies, A l tary reipiirements irhiil riptloti ( Hisrerdii in o, in llerliii rev t'.ds special bo In Poland tlio preliminary hatlle, hero, would not bo resented itiustiy, the gnu to be cov ere, in no fin lil ic, ion She denied rub' of proceeding could believed tho ing i ' v i of Some of onions methoils of ion Hit I CSel Vrltloil. ei tiling," the oi i espondent disposed of. ft least, litis moved a little more by any power at the present moment; the al guiiioiiis mid tin,' imp,, tam e of jri'ii.'.n with entieealiiieiit. I "is the"lOWs A j tin- - ,l tho 11, extend lia's lost ill my, .10 Hdaig I" Mrs. a,lds, boil tpilie to keep resolution for adjournment siiib swiftly. 'j'lle report that w situation in Albania is so suit has lift tu Jlussiaiis hen the Aeroplanes in turn have been driv- von sillTei--- il vv;, ad- they t warring- tribes! the time f"f closing the case until 'a linn n. was a put fabrication from 'secret, lieiieral .Moltke is die at o'clock prepared by have been aide to drive back serious bemuse of llio to high regions Hir by en of tho artil- iti'.-x- t ing from an allot of liv, r. move against bet ween the Tuesday. beginning; to end. lion the ministration Herman offensive and Hie strife contendorsj n lery fire, particularly from .Mrs, (', ,1111.111 slopped dovv n 'I ho he was undergoing was liegnn ciin-ii- l. of cotton Warsaw, the Polish capital, and the crown "of (ho new nalion When Hire ration relief for the guns. They now scout at a vv Kus- - by i:i,t v ICi I'loi'led. fl tilil the sta lid she as iipiiaienuv is in July by tho Herman legislation. fori jess of lya ngorod. All the which wiis sin rendered recently t,.",iill height of feel, i,.i,tea,i of 4. ',110, Topok.i, Kan. Met. 1' 2. ('resident fresh as when she w ,n on. She walk ' Hiohilirat imi. He has now had lo Speaker ' "In I'M signed war t'eVetiUO xian act limits refer to this as a William of Wied, Willi ruled ditl in as they earlier the vvr. i: I' Itipley of Hhifiigo, Howell JollcS ed aioiitid the rear of (be Juiy hoi leave Kmperor William' hcadqitar-- 1 hill aftor setgciiiit-at-rni- s luul round- for a f vv months. heavy The artillery is loeatetl well el 'I'lipekii. and V "ha rb-- Steele and giahbed little Kiittebeth up In her arms lers, Hener,,! von Kalketihav n, the ed up a quorum. to (he rear ami occasionally receives Dr. Henry 1'iiP holt of Now York, anil kis ed her again ml again. 1'riissian minisior of w:ir, being- left Ilepresentative X'tulorwuud (he enemy's compliments In tho shapft o t, j in I llfll'Ke. ad- i: ATI I Kit 1 Kt AST. HKI'OItT OK wot members of the "oh," she said, lurnlng; to her hope nf passing tlnal Oil t.l.ltM a 'i' i ii-- of shower of shrapnel from an au- board of diiot'tois of the Atchison, mother, Mrs. J'latt. c.iiklin, "I do so "Many Horiiian offii-er- a si ribi the journment resolution in senate had oi'KK.vriovs in yi:st ' dacious field battery which creeps op Topeka .v.-- Santa I tuilway for lonr hope Hi y w'll believe lie. I told e- - cheek to the Herman advance tu die boon a ha ntloli' il. Washington, net. :'J. New ra litre, v The Hague snd within or from heavy shells voars bore at meeting of erythim- - t knew, f told die trulh ami j forced retiremeril of Ueiierul von Adjourned nt 6:1(1 p. in. to nociii Fair Krldav and Saturday, IScrlin. Ity ' 'j London. Oct. 2 a. in.) While ( onilniir (I on l'sg Tttu.) the stockholders today. that sutely should bo enough." I Moltke." Krldiiy. ,

e.sawsssi:i.i..js4jaaiittse OU:U ' ' TWO ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1914.

ii'i'iiNi'il. our tronpn hnvo I-T- DESPERATE FIGHTING inhume STEADY HK i ixBriilly In llio dlri'dlnn of Vpnm. RUSSIAN GARRAWZAtVJLLA PLEADS GUILTY - REGAL BETWEEN GERMANS "Tlif liiiltli ii In "till- Miii'thwi'Kt ,,f l,llli mi' vi'iy revrrr. hut the cin niv " AND ALLIED ARMIES Ih uliiwly rrtri'Htlnif. ' "Kltrrf iillmk from the (llrii'llm, ADViC INTO CONFERENCES IN AND SENTENC E Cimllnnril f rom fit On.) nf Tmiliin h"iKhl. mnilh of Thlini. STEWART (iturt, rri' ropulKi'il with hi'iivy ciiS. - Iff from ilu- Iiiiilt niimp, hiuh imuli' kuiih. imltii'H tn the Kri'iHh. M - n lj Ilu- nrillli-r- l if he,ty prtii'licf "The fin I Hif Hrltlfh titl in iii t i GERMANY SOON AGUAS "i'i ni'M lit iiIkIiI In iivnitl ncl'iipliillc dr-I- f, romnuimlfng the flret oft ( n. IS IMMEDIATE CAUEN1ES linn. Such KiiiiH, winch me opi-r-ni- wiintril In liniiil.iinl tin1 tiiwn, Inn ii. l liinivi-l- IM In Inillri'i t firlntf, nitlly xviiM pi'tditiiili'il hy tliu A MEDIUM-PRICE- D in ycr f( ii Ilit liii gi t iiml ai t-- li.iturally iiiitlinrllli'H tn aliHtitin." STEWART RANGE iiiiti' iin iiiviirnti'ly iilmcil In the dark- - END ih'Jim In ilayliRhl. 111 I I i, (ii-:- s v. Czar's Foices Have Just Com- IN FAILURE Former Treasurer of Idaho t. W ii fy'JL. mm X WITH WONDERFUL Oitaln rcRlmiN of thi fnitri'RM line I'AKTLY IX I l . MI s pleted Preparation) for Move- Five to nn tin- - liinti'in front arc heavily woinl-"I- . LASTING QUALITIES. Must Serve From (3:25 ii in the Aitnnni. fnri.vt ui.xl nf Liniilnii. (hi. i H. in.) Tin. v Hlmntrn. I'fllnKhr, HAS FIRE ment on Hune Scale, Says Ten Years in Penitentiary The HtriiKKU' in tli wnml Milium nf ?. Delegates From City nf kerki- - ami Ml n. In northern Rcpoit T Mexico .Vri'innnl, miiithi'HHt nf St. Mililrl. I HEAVY-WI- loin Pt'troi'.iad, for Embezzlement, I . parlly on fire, to BACK THAT IS EXTRA LL Bk liuvi' li null!' :ih ili uni'iitln nA k:iii-- ! am all nfcniiliiiK ih,. Fail to Return AIiitl'M for Further milParv im In Hie Aix-nni.- f,,r..t Tlif.'l)Hy Kliinhinif forr'Hinnilrin NOT WARP OUT OF SHAPE. NO BET- The ilerinaiiH," Ihe rorrPHpoii,ent Discussion fiKhtini; In thcMH Krcnch fnri'MlM Im nut r MrmNinn imummai. j of Controversies aritai m IftV MnffNI JUUIINAL KPICl.l. ad'lH. "are niaklnif trenchen STEW-AR- T tfmo irKll "tily nn Ihe miifnie hut In 0Iho l and TER BAKER MADE. HAS THE I nn, I. 2; I hi Oil. (2:M( u. in.) II. llnlM', lilitlin, ml. 1). V. Alli'ti, hritiKiiiH i;utiH and miichine kuiin to Li-.-ln- Between the Chit f tains, anil unilerxrnunil. ICifleuien and the latest r ; i r I ONE-PIEC- E i Hiicrt n In. r ii iiHiii nfli'i nunn In PATENTED OVEN. EACH fnrtm uliiti' 't', this niarhiiie guiiH operate hy c Zeeln iiKKe, npparcntly preparation I il.l'il ,11 ;i ireferciit 'lest dcclspc h,,w, ill M pli'inlnl K in It v In ll"' rhiilKi" of Pin-- , Six from the Iree-top- The Kinimtl t fnr il retreat. thoiiHiind hotllen nf REGAL STEWART CARRIES THE STEW-AR- T ninv I'.iijlv prove I'i l,i t hi- l.i pn i i ll hy Mfiiitm zli'irn iit f.'i ilnvcrnnr Ih (1cm - wine ere demanded frnin (III- - the mirf.ue rilied hh nne enn- ''Mini Imilll ill ll'iHlillllo." III.' I'lllii- - j FIRST CHIEF USES Inliii M. II.iIiiih nl ii lnt Hi'Hfiloii nf veaH'iday." WRITTEN GUARANTEE. WHY TAKE . llniimiH ina.e nf wire inlaiiKhinentii ( i.i m.hmiih1i-ii- ,,f tin. I mk Ti'li-- iIihIi i. I iniii'l, mill wits wiitfiiriMl the ami irapH, invl an inlvancp Ih dif- NECESSARY CAUTION r ho ellph S.ON' j tn fi fivi- tn li'ii in the pnnl.' IIOAT CHANCES WITH OTHERS WHEN THE I m lltniMI TOHI'lilMI Ih ficult there tliat the Hull Ii hurrow "ll clear Hint till' : M ml irniiiirM hi'Kiin hid term nt iinri', IS IM T (H T li'' forward frnin the en- or A'1K GUARANTEED TO SATISFY? Ml III I' (In. VlMlllIu ( tlii'si- - trenchm and STEWART IS t.,:tl 'niiii 'iili'iil with .rm iciliiiKM, I. I deavor to low up their nipttneutH. null tin. lii in. ,,,,,,,,1.1 nf Hi" M 1'i.lriiiHii. (Ii'puty lri'HH- - He illn, net. (Ma London, 10"::, I . Refuse to Place Himself (tilc iixxi,, ii ,!.. f,A i The (lerniiin htiHpital iiminiiemeiit.i, i: (in pin ii '111 fnr ill.It III' r Alti.n p. in.1 "t'n Ihe Yhit canal huuy RAABE & MAUGER inil fiM ly i i - Heeii in the ArKtinne reulnn, am nf-I- II.VIU North IlrM Mrccl. win ii finiti Ini. tin- iiit'inv' mill Power of Noitlicin Rival if""" "i- "' rrainn'.i n lixhtlnu Ik Hilll In prnfircHH," an I, I r.v. I admiralile. Aulomol'lle Iiiihci are tlo-Iii- k lil --r 'rllill'KI' nf I inlll'.Zll'llli'lll nf .':', 'lllll. ial iiiinniincenient Ismied tnnitilii r I - pai'tli iilai ly khimI win k In LARGE STOCK OF STEWART HEATERS "Hi pill "lliliK In. t t ,i Im: wiiose Iroons Were Con- - no w.ts i.h.i rnr tnai nn.i.r tx.n.i the frnin the chief heiiiliUarlel'H, hhvh ,, hi-- In- I j - rapid triiiifpnit nf in. ii hhi ji im iml merely i.f I'., Km. A III 11 H hhni tiini- will up-- , the wniinili'd frnin The enemy Wuh leinl'orced hy urtil-lcr- vcnicntly Ii. f ' ii K In, , I. Near at Hand, the illl. field (o the field hiiHiitalH. It lip ii nl i ,i, i nl pniMiin.iK !!in,0(io. (Itvliirin from fire from the nea ut a point in Inklm; Mint . x I One column nf hunes Ihe Hlfp in tin i i III' ,'lllliil l.f IllH llllllkM tllllt Ili.M IM'llllll- - lierlln auto the northwest of Nienport, hut In the nr it pi i riui-- , l.roiiKht 3HII wounded from a in in r:i pi, in f,,r ,, n,,. limiM iiivit tmiHl nf Ii im ti'rm nf nearly hallle enniiKcnient n Hritish torpedo l,i,,,i ... t IK'i i V nr Illii- - unniiM jou.nal ..) un,l-i- ' AtKonue whlih Htarted at nnnn, hy I ilf;r.'. ,ri llih noi fniir pit It nf Ihi'in and; WiiH put mil nf action our artillery. t hi it hi. i lull i iiiithtirlci ' l il I'iiw., Tex., ( J. ii vitrn, the) , , lei. Aih delivered (hi in at nnly iii tnlly In ri iill,iin. ;i.liiiini;triili,iii i.f cx-- ( Inv IlilH-- i the field hospital "T'li; III I1K cnntiiiucs lo the W est nf ' ' k In III- I 11 II II ill nil colll-- ill I. I'llinr 'l lii' rily iiii'lH Iriilnal ny i ' COAL ' i.llll' ill. n ,,1 Slli. ri III ry, ili'iimi rut. "mi' in. in iiii inin'H in ine rear iiinl hi also our troopH Imve DIAMOND i,i I III I'll) I I i l. I j(, i" me rcl.1 ill nf , 'I Hie IIIT,II1.. 'ill.t i',.li'ill:".,'l lli.i'I'M III (hf lipi-l- i plniHH; oi'iin'h. iiar been removed nfl'iiiHhe and have re. j I ml siiiplu Ml the hi' hank's npilnt i i , I, ,,, , i'. ii lire already li.i, ii Hiilleil mil "iiti' iii i ,,t ih.- Inn, i from the anibiilaincH ami racks pulsed the enemy. K HI II II I.l III M ll I,, Icrninn I mil r IplINf - lllle iiinl M.lilil iii, I nnewell. All ULniVIMIN rninorno , iiml frnii ll.'l- I.l ll'( I'M 111, HI H,,. ,M,,H UHJIDLnO nn wlii. h twelve HU'ctchclH cun t st I lei-rai- ".No ili Isinn llii cl hern rein he, i (In ,1.1 ChMs ,li. Ii i i i i i" hill It liilml M'lrUl lull 'u fi niti li iiiliil inr ("1. fJ2 l.iHinp ii it id recciic liihl pi, ill,. iim nf t,,. iinpi,,. I'I. n In the nf the war." Ml points f IIH lailMIlK ll' H, '.ii.! ni'litaiy Ih. COALED FROM eastern theater tiwuitl Ihi' N. IJil'!llll, I i v , ,. liulletliiH limn MEXICOj"" mi frnin in. ' ll"W I.H I I,', i '!- - I.l VI w II 111 X.. l I smhi-IIihi, V llli'h II :ih hoped prevent iiipilal repnrleil that Mem-i- M. mhIi nlr . 'I im w In- i i IIM - ill liikn C.nii nf k.iiiim; ( iA is IlKMIMI Si AKIM, ( 11 In I! n'l li K U III II IIH- Anlnllin up, I Hie W filial nil' fin e Kiihi-Imi- lll:ll'eii nlhelM nl MONIH J.IUtlMAL IIA.1D nl.' i ,iih,uii(. i Ik lit nl ' l'Al)ltlll.i; It) Al'STKIAXs SI AK HY (.11. MANS vi expiated Tin' I'lll wii" i i.i ili'hmiteH ri.iiiiiini'i1 l"tl;iy m Itniiltaiiv. cl. a. tn.) Inurnment iir Ilu- - lllll'." iit.i i.i (l::il III If m It adine nil n M"ie.) 'it V. , The uf a lliili,sii tll'ld liH taplain hlcamer lam li n, int. :: (10:11) p. m.) -- "It l.oiitlnii, th t. 2U (12: III a. .) The AZTEC FUEL ii two-hou- r w ill 11 U 1 lie ntlt.n atljnui neil in t filer, hli It Just after fur eiinvt has arrived here from i. (iffiiially annniinced frnm Vienna suhiuarine cnliininndetl hy l.lcut it vm niiil, I) .'I I'epre-mi- l dm lai'i-- (It I COMPANY rum. Inr the I'.llla Mexico that man cruiscrx that th" flKhtiiiK In mitldle Callela ha" Com. (leni'Ke l' Cholmley, Ih now An lOIL i tn 'l j n.' rippcuiel alive to Invite Itelnif cnllieiH - nffi-clull- winn thr iiiiiiiiiii SHIP SDON Heir hi.f ale coiled frnin nper lici will' Hlil iiinl.- vehement," say a vii iiHltleruhly overdue ami It i y I I Phone 251 ppi'llkcl' fl;MI'i III!" I'i Will' Hie eniiveiitliin In II w.i" .McXiiitn port?. l I 'J .the persn'i. .itiiiu frnm Iterlln dlsyniih received here ton in lit It Ih fern-oi- Hhe nnnouiicrd that revenue hill, iiinl plans i f t h In have llrt HiMKlniiK t.nliiv tin' nneweil Six collier flyinif the Norwegian liy the Marconi WlrelcH.i compan;'. has heen nunk in the North mii. com-il- Im ml nt Hi ('atranvia'H refii".il In n ,i inli'i fnr limi iiiin ti' i.enil'.il i:n flat;, iii ciudiiiK' to 'The Aiistr'i-Cerina- forceH Kain-in- R i the llrillsh captain, arc A wii'cli'MH dispatch rei eived here I A( 5 , . i A.'.ilii CalletiliH, 1'iilinii n rim Hcili Illative lite emiv i'it, lay II K-- RFIFAfiFfl FRUM his vessel at Vera Crir.i firoiiud mid n l;usian attempts' from lleiiin Tuesday huhI the 'i hud Mann d lull i:ill i nnll-Ulch- t In heeil In have nri .iMjnn. il Ihe fnrri another lie says he taunht a wircleHH dis- m recapture the Mafcl'T.'i heihtH have heen nunk Sunday Octnhcr i, hy the (hut Ik II ,i iim-ru- lilli h ill pun fnri' eMiil.( the I'eiliims patch Hi' i ly Hiving Ihe liuilude anil heen in vain. wiir.shipH. j Cerman Her complement Hie H ii, would lutv" puss., I t'arranvin hK"MIh Int im.i l"il Unit 'hi' AUCTION id' IniiKitiiile and the collier immediately "Our Irnnpii have carMed the consisted nf Hixteen men. 'till- - it il j. in r ii nn-- t esnlullmi i inline jiresi'iiee nf a uti'iini; fmie nf Villi put off at full Hpeetl. heiKlit.t nf liaiiinhoehe, nnrth- - the Mi'KHtmi. As llii' lull inll pro BRITISH GRIP ;trmip within ntl'iklllK lliil.tllie nf III.. I west nf T.yszkowice. Many n.-- i Al aim: - . IJussia sTitiA.v Titoors H'li'iKi il mill Ih,. I.n I, nf i ihiiikIi hh'iii- nili'e nlili'l ilu e eolliliiliiil Willi nllpr - I .(I lit- a in pn ii I ii . jliive heen priHnnciH, IM t; Itl SSlANS I Stalls untile iitiiini:; lts SALE ln'in In ilu I i if i nr mm Im'i'ii iim- ii f hi ii iliiiitleii mlKhl h ue i .uiieil the ly. ii' i, n linssian general. Mai ' . nlil- Waslilnk'tnn. (irt. Set relary j",r" hinc ituni ..I t' 11 nil' emion inn I cpi sen t a i iv. s I'rniii the Villn - cnine Utile ileri (H;a."i p. 111.) I I I. nne, rif Ihe (leparliueiit, l(.ft nave itiHii nei'ii capiureu. j lie primin- - Nuulnii, net. :: The 111 i i f inl - 'llitit neW'H ( Ver Ihe ('fl wifefl Interior related lliii pii'tatlnli iiiiii'ii- (lewTilip - trunpH have niiitle further OF As-sui- tnniKht a crs the effect nf our artil- Austrian Ambassador Sprini-Ric- c cs ,1'iiunluK fl'nm mi i ii to for trip thrnuk'h llll'lll. lllll pnil Auiiai in Kuknwinn, to a ( went. The lcry fire as im ful. inlviinies accordliiK " 'iilli nteH. Nothing li tH In i ll hear.l the secretary will speak iralln lllll" Minim. Hiiyn Iteu-te- r' ' "To the Houth of Simian, Hudiipcst new'Hpaper repnrt, vState Deparlnir'nt That finiii Villa, Him heaileil a col- al Itenti, New, Monday niyht and later the river "Alfilfi lllll" Mill rii v, nl I ' K lit In tn I. 'ii no ilevi InpmcntH cnrre.spunileiit. t al San I'r.iiiclst'o, further have taken Anisterilaiii After In-- umn mil', n it .stale whieh Oakland, Sacramen- High I'lili'iliiliieil (he m ii ill y ilu in ii ml Not. into Imranno plaee. 'e Kot the ltussliin.s out of Kcrclh, Class Oair.o Is if I.o.K have retaken loessez.Ki ilrivinn Contraband li il h he n hv revolt t to and Anircles. lie experls to in- til.' r ii mill III III' Kllllt'l'IlM j the " Iwenty-fiv- e fzernn-wlt- ., nalli ii Hnuth-wes- t, and Sereth miles southeast of ' ,1e i spect irriKiitinn pfii.ietln In .1 .1 11 lii- - I Ii-- , 'the 'a tun Hit Of the id. the l.' 1. Ills 11 I'll I 'liiii n i 1' for Denmaik Only, mi An adviceH, nay, l. piiiliciiliirly at Phoenix, these the ltusHiann Jewelry w i t millers. Ariz. hii h i etui il "(loud MkIiI Ladles nr: :i.i in rs aui: or went mi to Czernowitz, where they I m In l m - inil oilier nf t.ilewell. 'I'll"! iiKiiin wen- forced to in a north-eiiKlerl- y i liisiii'cs Against Air t im: x t;i:Mi:.Ts retire (III II V row i; io XI'IHIIWS rafl. AFTERNOONS AND 'llllllKli took li'K'l I. Wll.'ll MflHI.ha K.UWNAt. OPfC.Ai. ' Wlltl i;; directlnn toward the Uunsiiin llfO i ( ( I :."i0 -- M (In- v I It F.KS Uunliiii. Od. 2:t a. ni.) West n'l lin k arrived IhiiiiIh nf th" iislniiMinn, (irl. 'I e ."ti'.lllt ni IIIMT til lierlin, Oct. :i' (via Kolterilam and frontier. li'lm li mln-itili'f- hy l!i it . , miiiKtcr Al.hey Iiiih heen for were liirnril I'm k iwi'iilv o h r hi i's nf Ilu, Alut'l 11 Insured Sill) p. EVENINGS T l.ontlou. in.) The Ccrnuni . . 'nsliini:lnn, fiel. 22. Mexican $ fiO.OiHt Ihn t ii i r ii ii v x i Hun nil Hi it ll ll 111 In hi t The nuuinsi tlamiiMeH from air house shlm loilly ini n niakex puhlic follow-I- n (.i:i:m II n t m ii it Inn Cllllen-- j nr .office Ihe axs urn i!r:nv; , coin int Akiiiih n rmoiincitiH lli.i .licli'l, In ii 1. i at craft iitt.nks. 'i senate iiii'khi.iki'!" the nf Ih Male tie dispatch from the Kencral hcad-iUaite- OX THK NOItTII SKA - ' It.'S, wait h l'.ceiilly voted Itself tin plISS lil ,,f tin' nil I, nn unit nl l eHnl.i- illlni'iit officlnlH. of the army, ' snverelun iiiiihorily in Mexico, has ap- - dated this Hon. Tlie n h iiye nfier n Hln il l ih lenl inn Watch Our Windows for (Thursday) Iforeiunin: Anislei'dam, Oct. 22 (via I.nntlon, pointed II comillltlee of five to ",'IH- - j Tin iiru.ll.' ninth had I'lumi I' ,nf Ihe t. Hiker .Inhll I I. Cot In p. in.) The (IcrmaiiH kl'fl'ller ' i "The rmlilinu nn the Yser canal 'ii are n-i- W siime Ihe tlulies of five cabinet pits' I it (ImtiiM I'lnlii'il applause Willi a l illi the evpliiiialinn ,y Ihe Saturday's The Middelkerkp Dodd & Denliofi Ihllish in nil- - Specials. coiitinueH. Eleven Ilrllish Wiir vessels from on the I rtit.ns Mexico City, ntcordiiiK to tllt'nii nf "Mow lrv Am." liiiiiliassnilnf, Sir Sprltm- - Weu-tentl- I' liice, Ivict'H lo the th pa r( nt today. assist the encmy'H urlillery. North Hfa, hetween Ostentl and I'mli-i- vtsst-- stale mi Leader. JEWELERS Thru M,ii.fity l.iaiiei 'Hull the uan ,n,l, he- ' I'lxmutle, enemy Ij ilil.lillltl 'I'll,. C.Oltniittee l In I lln, I Itiil'i'a nl "Knst of the was accordiiiK ta Ihe Telegraf." i Ii i In-- a whin-- ' , ciil.ii.l Ih. in After tilllse nf tlntilil ,H h, lest unit urn ,w,.if,,ii..u ... i III,- ,i. ptl'iil inn fill in e ililli spenker he' nf Inr ciirdo, was i ucil as :tn utl-li- i Tiimn ami i: cnicl war, pul.lic inslriii linn, jiiHtice and fi- ruh atihi. im. c, all liiipe nf an-- I'V Ihe that final Ihllish Cni einiiieiil ,,f nance. No mention wan made of iihai linn nil,. Ill mum, ,ni, that with nn the I l; of A merit an vessels. In "'' Itlie Coiivt nth n would tin with refer-- j s I i i I'i l nf tn iii Iiik ii In the ml Ittn ll- - tiii.riim without lieliiceii lll i,.Ml. ,, tM, pi nl Isinnal prcsidi'lll, hut e i li t ii w house I'fhii ilav there is lial pnriM. ll nun i. t ; has li.t'ii cvn tic. I hat the tllt's!liill iiceint tll.'fe no Imp,, nf M,. iiiilhini; to lir tl.nti- - I, til in iiiljiniin mi joiirniiietit. I'iiiiii lit itiiiai k. would mi,lit the arrival nf (Jciicial til urn. t Ami till-il- I'n'i the hundred nl That llt'ilaiii ri. leased he 'Zapata nr his il.'lcmtlcn. The hniise lien liitd Let n I i X , iviiiilnti limn. i'ehl II I U llii hilll ship mill il il .. . nome ufler hil'l asslll ils H A lest nl Ml'l'llli mill' lllilili time wiihniit a n, m. .lilllln"I Hie i tiniiim with (heir Kiips In 'Mint. IhrnuKh 111" IllhiH ,, ,, 1M, nr., hainsh K", !, ,.f,,, cnlllllllssinll to as The Best iiriiiiui'iy no ,MM liitn nnl, u rnv. t'.H'lllH andi their IruiiKt nt I Oleic p., liepri limn uim t.ppnrl unity for lie il silme authority. Heictnltire there has senliiltvi' fruit i until s.,, ,11. .11. fll I lleii- illy nut nf the ell. illt-l- l 1., push int.. ilei niiiii hail, Is. was heen im indication eoiivei:- - laier he ilnl n,, l ,.v, 11 I. that the that Hllllhl Snline It lleHplle lie t . tshlnult Itc'lit'il upnn as licet hIiik niilv rea I ' 11 ' I'R poHsihle n , I'llll In CVt'l'l ise exet'lltile mi, In i lll'l Mill nl 11,1 n i hilc ithei's cam i il Ih- f pan ni jl'iltiiln mid I'fhmark. Mnrenier, il functions, Mnt cm cr, there are Inli tn ii n iitl.liiiii iiriiciil i Inn rv iiiniiH iis learnt tl the slate depa It nielli iiiiiliiinsi no null in Ihe press dis until after the elci timm In ( I iuhl. inlllllllc has heeii Inl',,, li.if nf the pilti lies hilt ill nifii ial I'epnlU lll.l, Index fi Ih'fnre nVlt.ik .1, c. I I had mill, The .linn statcH leailcis nn Imi.i ra cniinlilcs in not t In in lairnpc (iciicril ('airitiiza has tn ' , refusetl fai l. nf ircHi t Icil t , li itl.iiut,, sales tin. aptltd assci hat lie hale li. ni placed tut Ihe eieluy assciii-hl- M the snl ,,f the nitlt.iH had It It ii Wnnltl 1n i l I ovv ft Inn and din uillniie r li;hl liniml any l s Ilu- t x- if fre-- 1 nf cnmiiunlities Ihal nn pfttpes. to continue if w!ll.'ll the fil'lVc tial'' think (if the hannfuitK'fs nf e iiil; . ca !"t'ii it', is .shnwn IniiK :,ter Ira inn. 111 the linn-- Ihe hi lit he lie I h ' ilclllillnl iiiIkIiI he nscil hy Ihe armies nf i; of executive functions! until Miijiii Hi l.e.n I, ,.,. , Hie p, sawc nf In Ih" it caTcinc. and iiitifiidnicnlu lies, This, il is hi lit veil, will i ctl uce t her hiis heen a Keneritl elettlnn. llii'ir cffiiils lo jj'i't rii of tn gvi a cdlfcc that doesn't contain (leiniicritii,. t . sciiainm ei,uall .In inmil. i Ian t he rctlil t writ' hroadeiiinu the halli'CH nf illtt rfercuce w it ll i The Stilt.' lie pa II me 11 I'cct'll .tl il Mium a, i Ii - ' nf niiv llm, im, i ni al Ihi- - pi'll et f tllk.H ill lilt- reserve A - t Inl tin fi. .ni It Tn facilitate ll ii ill "li'KI'ii in fro in Hie consul tlriig-eunten- t, , American When thi'v do siKTCt'd in ,i;cttiiH,r rid of some uf the caffeine the result tune, Inil ;, siaied ih,,! :, M'sli III These lit llllitl- - Istelli-ra- limenillllellU icri'iipied vo.iiiiien hy mere haul vc- - l 'ul .Monlerey that nt li i slntini! I'lltn llllKl.t ,e et il I III ut la if cur-I'iin- hy '! ItihlTH ll'lll ,i'. Uti lliii ,'iniiiiitil i i'i i .i scls cai .villi,' f.otlsl ul Is, oils, metals i lock, on the mKlit nf Octnhi r i'll, i. a wcaK. "c!i cr-lc- decoction that few appreciate. fnilll the C.. II, i I. id a w ii in v a limy' Issic nn cnmiticr- ith the Illl land other Miiil-- i unlrahainl material, all uf the cniplnies of th Mnitlcft it I r.'iliiii.lini; thai hills i t al papHI' I't IMI I'I lit Of IIS i ,lli- - :n nit al., In pel in is heen sii',KC,.icd maiil-h- e .ilt'ect nn it nd Ihal that Ihe rnilwii.i went HtriliB I ii'Mive the c..( s e M VI Kill l till ilnl siii would mid to '.nl after all their to rid coffee of part of its caffeine. how ahoiit ihe other cof- - puis Ihe leal ist tl hv ii li t nffi- - not a car hud Klnce, A tlllll-l-l liril tiii.'ailar un.vctl si'iil lip it ((. I i ii .red, p. i I' I CSCI I C S c, in. nil nl tile Slelll I CI S Im hy ln American polls, which would lllt l'c.lso ill V'ltne.l delllllllllctl 2-- 5 I I . li' "tannin" iihoiit 2 to everc enp of coffee? inislaiii I illl.ll,lcl li lie; Illl nihil Ii, n - ,11 "rains !'t ill.U insiiie Ihe shipa l .1, I, sliikets. It' Is saltl that the tale nf -- auaiin nl, nn ,j t St ' .l l li unit. r Sinith iiinl his ,, Ill s tll.lM. sel I ll Ill In,-,-- illl li ll or t l i fill.. "Xchnnue makes Hi,, car tare Ihe d all , Im! Hull lllll I l.e In Id In on n i :i it hlll.n..i alter their nils Not an I liiiiialiiin, i'st of any in Ihe wnrhl and thai Tdllllill is tilt t1nt uscil iii Ittn hides tvith. Do you know what 'does to your stom-I- . Im I, ' III", til led i,.m. iiiin,:li I. Willi 'In ... i all a e Lei I'll.' pint, si nf the si, tie lie pa I men ; has n losiiin mun. i..r en ! he v n i i a "lift la ti a I in a IIH UeilSllll III IllStlllil, ad I'rohahlv in Here is what Liuod authorities sav about it: fit '!: .nst tile it, I7.UI I lie some time. The comp.iu.y. whu h m nf slcatncr ' I'ort hi. h was n:;i I l.i i ha li I, utile i I. .II I. He. a Is ' I'i nlill.i iiml I'llllililillll, onus Ihe lilies In Hie I'il., " I her detent inn al Halifax., tn thtmich lit d. I , sel I e l,a nils a Ial Mt o. Ull Hi'' del Id for lief t It ,l:.e, was of xit An "i I a II, I In I. .inks as i d ii In I'. ll, ill II The ctiiisliliitiiiicilist v tntl.t "Tannic aclil in collet' lulcrl'ci'cf nidi dine; lion." i iml he nt illn of an ii iiual inicin t ii jiiit I. I inn, tin. nt .1 l tail ni ilia inn I il lull. Ihi In Is. et il tlv fid Ion iiijf Icli'iifam frnm 1,1,., i "'dim: laic department nl fnln as ,'( ... I ' H I i Nn-- l.. t.iM' ml. Spcclf.l Hide. t Mi cnu-ula- r : 'Ih depa i ni. nl it If is iKimra nt of the xicau lUii'iil in ciilVcinc In ten ccrchr.'il little I "The and tlicinc coffer and lire stliniilniils, hikI lain,- ft,,,,, ie, U ii. rii.' . i,i. mil- ,, .Kales, Ariz III. i, nf Ihe fat is ncccssai, ,, I". Ini l ttmi nn im III tlv In. II .1' a I 111. "1'ohtit ail pi w hom M.niii-ren- a the (aiiuic aclil Is nn uslruiKChl, uffcclintt especially the muscular fiber if f .special ill Hie ilse hut Ihe pi nl i M WilS as in ,i. Ill lil, t i I me til ine tile ll,,,!.. l.e I i in, Hill a .pintail In i u m relt .'tscl est, nlay at leniinsill.. H M sale all Icr.a and Ihe of the liitcstlmil walls.'' !,, Kepi , la- "i niii ami sen sci III I'd nil them, I, I' . were rea r est ,1 ,1 Nu;iilcs today hy , "ill he awaited In fm fur-i- ,1'ile I., aui il.-n- c..r.l. ..I null l el ,,lle II nh ii n tie lion Is I, (ken. h!s "f'li is. ial Alvariiil.i and h.i !e. - - .Hilll ll. I'I t I It'll Up, .11 ' t I i "Til ii- Is hy Illl s u It, tld ale a llllieiil tint-li- staff and ' escaped to mi mid universally conilcninoil iiulhorilics hindrance 1t th pal is s! ill ii'.lhonl any if the' in I... k I'. ; im ..'. led ll.lll Imti h.r Hit Im in:: in. il lufni null inn ,. Ihe American sale. nn,) licnlth." I a . seiiilc of iliesiion In i a nf ..(I, HI "t'ou:- humiictl from I Hind si, ml. il d nil steamer, Ilu I. tl. Lower I 'il li! nl Ula In ildditmn I'I I tl - inhiell MalliU'i Ill's , I'lia. and lias iml ii.,i any pin- a' "I liiiiali! Ilia fiiiccs ttalai. la e. with them liiii'i. us. tid Why Keep on ninniii ; the risk uf serious interference with health? Why not a lull . i ii ii quit line lltluictit Ihe ha I 't I lion iind Ihi.,. niacliine kuus.'' he l I'accs colt iim I'anihii., iiml Wnlild I p. the pr beYciaiJC in lot trouble like I'd fl tame ttnlay thai I'etniiiiiU, table that bears its train a ol nervousness, headache, heart. tip, I stale : MINING DISTRICTS 'd nl a petroleum famine. was bowel i, nth. I ll ! Mumacli. disturbance insomnia, etc. II. 'Wetl If that ft al i t urn ta iictl oier the ilcli iitinti ,1,1, il l:i . OF GERMANY RESUME l', til slat. nf lie I.t us t r s. II. '11 linn.'. n it kt i I, a I'. mill k th inl ti 1.1 illltl Thousands, suffering from these ills, find easy to quit coffee when they have at hand IHV t n a 11 MONNINS JOLlBNL VRAIIIO XII i niii. la ml illi nf The tU,l. Wlll ..ttit il e ii. ftier I I mi I'i cvlili ni Nothlnir. .i'lllii, 11 I 10. a." III.) delicious, The h. sals 'i ni i tor her t; lid pclfiilcuin." 1. the nourishiiio' licverage oi t si from Ih, l .1,1 I '. iiii-.l- i districts I hi iini'h e.: ,, ,! Wi nil elll,: IP Hie r , Mr, Iti nn, how Ihal Hm ,i' o i man mining linlus-I'n- ll lllll tiles ill'1. 11.1 fill t Hi. ,li I.i l al leu of ut' this i' pared for c. ... I' try in of-- , actio is ami that t he tla h v lull I'liI mail Cl't'C S hi i ti ni ol I' Nniv w e siviiik iire it :s . I. i, ell neces.i im- Ihe men tn work I'llce I e,,. I,,, line f ei.nsil nl cd ink Aim i a for these oi't ft ini"," sa . a dispatch receive. I ter I.f i. t ,1,1, ,11,- , in Hi .In ll. had tipple here tuniKhl ft. mii hy Mar- - a I III lierlin the t..r nut lit ..f n i th so colli Wifeless 'I Ii company, I f. l I I V I ciiiph 1'. I .. f 'il mi ;hi LONDON. I'l s IN l(. ail. i, "The cnillllla inhf nf the Seventh ut c ti s ,,, 'I he el lllll t pet . xioiti; siciNiii ni i:i the die mi:si (iernian i . - arin.c "ips has declared that Ml lit MI IMtll.lHltl i IK litljllllfllllll fm ll general In l.i. ml. I calhu nut of the mist ru in TUMfood-drin- .'J It. Ill k. , !. ti I. I,' r U" PO a The , - lies I'll ami pure mippni Ial tceluiK Ihal up I" is uunt'Cessai ii enormous tuiniLi is . lnlllnlTiitl nil tin TnciiSUt et ati tin a of the I.t nI In i. are HtHI availahh. 1, l" al Llil.tin has heen 1 Ulljolil ct life li. Made w heat ro asted like Co ce) and a bit wholes' i'llt lilci A i lie adds tint! it is also essary to loin prime ol nne asses, a., e ll' la Mow tit; nn ii ap o linnet it tie usHiireti fit it, i,. ii til tail! In t en i It i i uy on vnlitni, i .1 im throiiKit neutral CI 'lit, any oilier ftMietutm. e nn no catleiuc tannin or dru ni larmful ubstance. i,ih ami illltl li s ll.ltlH, hill. (he ll GRAPE ' I'hls is milt earned In lie JUICE BETTER I I'l.sliliely Masterti eroiip. ToMum in Maloiily Leader ,,. t.inl'c tmlai in th,- comes two forms Regular Postunt must be boiled, 15c am ' I discmsniK s.iiiuit' .,,(.-- I l.'i-e- t'ninpDun.l GRAPE-SHO- aided I.i Itipnl an I.. ami Tar H e I T nir. "I Ann a an lank ste. J'.rin a-- : tnef I t- t , , "'" "'I k hoklnic lliuctis. iim) and Instant I'ostum soluble made in the cup instantly, oOc 5(Jc I Malm, uathind his i. i;,,i ilili. i ''i Hie and HIS. .IHI- - Opt'liH up llrilisli .iiivii.aiv truiser (he Illllll the phleflll ) n4 iiipulli 'in t ' wspa-pc- r the a'r ,tnd Htnps (he ''.ll.illi.l. "I Nell York. The !e Si. Louis. "The snipe kint' s are sold by Grocers and the cost per cup is about the same. 11)1)1 Uf Oil' house liis. p a i in .:ii,..- hoalsc - c.ei):h. The st r,i us nn finlit t ..III It lies I illice diploid, rum ut a 'f the atliniuislr.Uion final ntlJ'iiJ) rem id - Hint, Mi steps hu i ll .'! way to unlet hrealh- 'If mucin ,,te taken at vvashinat s far preferahie tn mdutiori li u! h,,t :n ;i'i, pe.n ll w ni,ld I, he, Old and youiii; alike, drink I'OSTUM with pleasure and comfort. tr iitm ful sleep Harold Herft. alii turn si: i ' the trape '"I I'.plmi.iii-- of Kurope." of H cntlinnltei-,- f l.i in. ;ln - incut idi M;e. ,ln h.. wrili-- "We kill tthicu expresses I i RdeiV liU'ith hnrinr at the his slat no i t t as niatle hi V. U. VI u-- . I e e (,, t id? lit thai ,.lKftsH ,dv and Tar our hiltltcn fnr lllt'll. Im II 411 Ul 11 . II - l - nt tlpnlt in h Wilscn. - , . it set i, iii ' nf In bur in I'resi- I UjilUMl. Were ,ocd h.V l oll nil Votei- frncp and itluais hi is .iilcklv." No h in i y l attls iitliai hniiilis .tii.l fliim; ... a man j dent Wilson' net in nn address, ri-- tv the l.elt Ifpies. ntn wonder in Texan walked 15 . f. rntinn nmchiiics, to lllpl.lln if il is pi i'lll I h t hi.-i- ' "There's inithn to the mire to itel n hut tie of ei heie on n opened a three a Reason" Th iH Jiit the enlil HiieMInn of I'I aillt'.. - llvi. Money , the finm sup. inK iier- days' m pal i I - up irolfyii mid Tar Compound til mi t halt of the dem- I dtouriiinii? I'i thp senate. a fru-n.- l ... with (he pettol l i ( I.VPrv User la l.'..r le liy,"'"' iicccs In ncratie ssioiiiil canditlateii fitun j X hnviS',- - Coniai'ia-'But- t m; Hull IvsuilH'il I, Inc. 'fitt ill, da tiirjiy ohjcits il 1,



LORIMER BANK IS DODGED BY ART LLERY IS NOT POUR TERRIFIC TELL OF BATTLE Betters vour breakfast V Vour break fast rimrala'S. CtSE COME THIGK ABOIIE Oil ENEMY OFF HELIGOLAND 145,000 UP 10 STANDARD FIRE witlllos, liiscuits or frit tm (see the recipe below) will tnst l'ur mom deli- Many Men Accused of Usinqj Government Officials Propose General Weaver Makes Pica I Long Range Naval Guns, Di- - There We;e Moments Whc cions if served with Positions for Purpose of De- - to Hunt Down People Who for More and Better Guns reeled by Captive Balloons Action Was Ciitieal for trinM.iTOWI F'Q frauilins Depositors and Are Failing to Comply With and Larger Garrisons for Outdistance Heavy Artillery Biitish Ci niseis Befote Re- Misuse of Funds, Revenue Requirement, Defenisve Purposes, of Germans, inforcement?. Came, LOG CABIN CANE. AND ! WlMfll t MOIN JOUHNtL ( . HOINIM JUUIMI, IAIO ,,, HONIN JOUl. iCL .U"t 'T IPCIL Lf Wing, BY MOHMINC JOURNAL frBCAL LlAtfO r MoKN.Na jousi ire,,. 'V IPlrllL ... 22. William Lorimcr, .isli t ,l, iiio I., i 'i t. 22 i (la p m I MAPLE, (iii. ihk mi. 2 re tire Washington. Oct. 2.'. An lanidon, (let. 2:' III .'a i til I iiThe j union, to SYRUP , ,, iinaiit of a seat the m , ,I, U1 11 ,,,, ,,r (lei- - (rapliie ih si I Ipl ions of the hiltle off i Muhtt income la llodKOIS I days' lionihariliui m the Horn, "Suttt" tlomi, - w Id for more money to gau.son the four InJnd senate; John 1. Si'- ho hit v, evaded I hi III In which the I'.ritish fl it i,,,,l Males Internal revenue w:,s mini positions alonK the coast llelinolaml, In , 'ouiiIivh const defenses, made Maiiw., , hi, f ddk llit office of the oil, tors. :iiTiir,lini! in immi i... lioithein In rnllli warshipi sank the Herman iiuiscis It Riri Jim tlie iIcIkicm h Hriuailier (leneml K. M Wcuter, - two toi- - If, nil twelve officers iin,l umiih nr.' averaging about $1,7 no, nun whose fire is direi I' ,1 I'V ,aitive l,al- Koi'liln and tile Ariadne and liiiiilc tl.ivor ul in la st, ami h e . 1 l , e .. I. . i wi ,.,'iii,..f- on.,., e :i ..t I m...... i., ilesli'oyei contu ii ii " tiionlh less than was expected. ' '"'"-- hivioi iji "i I, ,i,ns win review ed in the follow lint pedn lioill ale a1whi snlil In the mi"'' : In- - In ., will, ii me A ! official rep,, its issued toilic.lit r ell: H tatlks, ol i.ii.iiiie iirillcu in figures m.iile Hpoit siihmilteil today Si cretnry ,,,mn a h y slat, inenl toiiiuht public il cans your uuiiriiu(ce LOG CABIN iinil Savings tin n k was -- ,i il Admiral Sir id Kealiy. Hear .( Trust tonight l.y (lif sei fetal y of tile trens- - "I III (lotohcr U le,,l, (s iuiv ln Sir I'arrison. of x , mi, I . :: I, dull'-- inlriil Arthui II. ii rhitstlan quality iull hi t, CIC llliliciei, in ii, slate :s n i were Ilia, tn the FRITTERS ITU " ill) turns were m.nle U Ml f that Hssistance. I'alliiiK atlentlon to the tact ' l W In Hi' i line bills I, w ullied ,, ,,i, ill. unlet s III other olfli ho took palt Incusiiie. its Thirteen the income during ih flu il i ally l,y the Mi ti'iiApixuifuU butting ". many of the foreign wnislnph ol intesi n '.'i tn y to xarious , m d :,i linn A'lmst (Ii.ugiic; ' "n"linn ruin M'ar Just ,n,i. I. The slim, ,tes on coiiseipi, nee u nnvai tint lla iii The; ponder thoroiiKlily lth four C to curry IniKer tha.n - I the Towl Maple game, siun are tiii pow ' I f ul loim- lepoiis show that wli lie iiil-"- . i':ilin a confidence which congress li, ii v I, w nh a liiiinhi of he c" much oi "i lain,' dcsir.n-fnllKll- t Clip llnur. Add hk inches in calllier, ileneral day- - I (lid u, i in l'rotliicti Company i ts'li'upA ret ,.'ml larceny were re- - I gav fourteen lul,, aelioil iel not ed iii in am! on the a, e 4 .immi rani;,. !illis at nians , tax:il,,. tell-llic- h w ii. Sslri lladtUMrtre ' milk, one t u hi j. (ion Hwrrt Weaver asked Unit six (iiilis , on liel anv I'.nliMi ships In - on the iilncl, nth the rnn Peplof (.kk Ago tliriieil. collies. These eslimates did not in- break C,a Hu,lu,n, i re lirilf a l unit mnl I la' provided tor 'upe Henry. Hi" detel nun H hoi and hefoie tin ini, iiss,iii i nr. Munday. Fox, Mi lonalct ( hole incomes between $:i,nnn eons! the lift of meat 5t. rani, Minn.i am! fortl-lii-allo- i" Rftnritt , three . II U- itei' , 'rv 111 "t thei w isc," he said, "these I, ..,..:. 11,1,1 riiiL? HUH Insi tlie liirriviil ol the is the situation, M. Juhntbui-y- X pm, J . C.allagllcr 01 me $4.Hili. slab-incu- ,i,nL' iiul, tin,nl it in) i.oruiier The lloWs i,4.'i, liot lard may he suhje, ted not ililv (let-mai- attack, which. the wolds ol Vi Admiral lleatu tiiitd l.rnnn. Serve mill llaghcr onstiin lion coiiiiniiiy, returns were, mi III,-- HI! bo- - iIlIH of the ' I " I . I , lA t 111 t,. a eiy much .renter volume of hv posilioii, aid,' In Hppeireil Ileal mill arm . itliui all ,.;nly tmiler Indictment the IWl'l'll these limits, so th t llle llov w re. their lire loin' II Hi'" hj-ru- cnmgcii won panoy lire that (all he delivered hy tlieni, enf'ladc. T1,e llldish fleet Wh'll Weill I'llitc.l States court discii between the imates twenlv-fn- Inili - 111 also have il iia,l a nlane of hy Mhells m lion Was ollh funds the j ,i Ihi lul the The Hermann replied of nil omes is Hii.S.'i. I t In of w o man n.nal as s and II was that lite with Runs from their heavy i;un. hut owinK la from (Id Sui'i nk while a national It was not cxpe, e, in Oi,. tin,,, til hope "I us a ,,,w,r, hoth hy re, son of the the superior ramie of the liritish Pia- ship wele maneuvered in the prior to its incorporation the , (1, fl t estimates would pr,,e corte, diameter of the hole of the (tun and artillery, pnu no d.illl.lKC hl iiiKlne lit the main rm, in vl.ile Inst it lit ion. hut having net, tine h , the ml returns full Iv nason of its slimier leiinth." lint without Pin The I'.i.i Indict-- ,'has heeli done. " , Lorimcr, the others I suhlua-rilies- llesiiles below Die hi oh tiulld-llrazi- l, tar mi:, has led b if the need lul' additional artillery w ha h were were aliackid. however, hv y were Charles M. Munduy. "Three monitors ,.,1 i.rl.i the lc lief out i,f the lll.iuln ."aid and destroyers and liyht cniisds the LuSulie Street fii, the general Inn In liritish ports for pI.Mil'T.t of missing he many delin-- h, vice there must, ' siiiply of c ,,,st lltll'li- ver neitilrod oil the oulhreak of the One HlMi-- cruiser, ih.' bank; Tlionias McDonald, cashier; The iiienls. tloops for the I'lliled Stales proper war, have proved paiilciilurlv well w llil'll had I'd n out of the huild. flnirlcH !. Fox, Junior vice president; I, rorly-clKh- t m 'I'lie revenue m i only hours, KOI1MP1 1U IIATIIN - inieriinl ean months is fi, far lielow the t t einents as suii, t to this class ,,f iterations. A 'pands IM I.evln, ciiKhler of the Ash- M i .rl f ,.l,raliaiii , lie-a- v had to he lak, n Hftrl i.lsrii Ai'i','ii,,l,,illl',l, f'.r i.,,if iluaait UK,, liemin a vigorous amp. Ull to s In make It a matter diMivitm Uieiheiny lioiiilinrilmeni on nie ,ei niaii jn e, e handled she IMward , . l . Twelfth Street hank: J.' I K Mlllli.iil I, the i lode, is, nml It w finder-lllieh- t s, of I'een liiaiiit.iineil without in- - Ill tow after the in lion was ovoi. llslh " i nous consideration coni;re." flank has I k.-.- n.. Will, . ft'KI. Viie preSHiem oi lie same "'" j ,..1()1 i nia lUlll I'M I'M. l'ntls. toiiUlit thai results he oi me Vice Admiral Henlly omni'i Mi.nllily u AiuiIIi i,II.. i II,' reporte.l ',H officers i.inl ia,9'!S,n since in,' inoininM rklT ,nl KhIm m fir.--- ,i'l filiation: I'lllll liaraiil, , ' Kittle cruiser s,iiatlron l'f-l- fl.l'thcolllillK sooll. Tllele is little 111,11 liel, ,x- - IIIHI is neiliK oilliuin'ii loo.ii he Mill Our Sil.n.ll,t Papular Mid inein- - lire needed number. nineleeillll w l"f the Slate hank. I i i siiia,li on hue douht that every effort will he made Ohsi'ivatlo Is annum l oin shot ,' first liuht ulser t;-t:i- Cl..aM le P4t"rf. 1'lil'i-- and llt'li Car l,lna plniliiiiK the takiim of companies! . l,.-- r ,f drainage board; John I'. that l" l ma i the to up with violalms, a I illoniis all Hoar Aoinirnl Chl isiian comm. in i iioi.i Aiv. utu oi..ii. catch for as in w hich must he added t tt en hy meaiin of navnl and -- ' i HI. e, vice president of the wiltie hunk; rwilat. i a venue producer the law has fallen ports - that losses Itho ilestl'iivers '"id the Arelliusa. piesi-i- h moie in the near future, for service tn- - II. Novak, attorney, and j , r, was issued Frank i (.nndcralilv h, low ex p, i tat ions, have lieen Irflicted upon the ciuinv h ial poll also ; in the , Hawaii and the a Hallk of t'.'iliirnel - ( lin til of the State turniim In ah, nil 2S, null, nun t,.r the and the fire is wd directed and cf- jnlnlit Il the work of the saluiial secretary of Canal .one, had ciippled the service H Thai I" W. Novak, the i heavy sincp the war. paiahle ti n ,11, ,nl lis of last year in- - fccllvii axainst the l.alterl and the hecinnlinr of WAY John It. leVney, former at home. isays tlie THE EASIEST Kline hank: stead of ahoiit S C.i .IMIII as had l.een cimi, that three hours nfler in Ihe l, "I'nless provision Is made xplo-Isio- laisiileiit of the International Trust V.'sierilay n considci a hie out two sill, marines, unaci Rheumatism expected. ( xx . future," report out inued, .' I Savings nanK; narry j near the 11, ml out a reconnais-iinc- tin, iiiiiiik, Not a tiKilialilv of an munition carl simile class of iiicomes liv additional coast arllllery w H h END DANDRUFF manager and director of the Itosej "lor followed a naval shot. The hi HeliRohimi I.IkIiI nml id in ned TO htm ii Tiinriif.fca ll to tile ll,,, of Hie estillialot In II Will he necessary to Hill Cemetery company, former di-- ; reduce very $1(1,01111 lliaval losses have so far heeli lusi'ful information. the $:,,iiiiii to class, howeve,, Ihe Harrisons tu mere caretakers de- i re. lnr of the LaSalle Street imnk, and small considerlnn the dainaHe and III" Sill, marines also stood nuard niln the discrepancy was. dealest, the es- tachments at some of the defenses of y e W lorimi r, Jr., mid company, d to tlie and day while the expedition:!! for Hair and Itching illiam ITHJKIII (Hid e- - 1, .impoitant assistance li nden Stop Falling timates heillk' the sscr importance." conli-ncii- t The l.aSnlUi Street Trust unit Sav- !l'.eli;ian left flankx. was helni; tianspoi'tcd tn the Faywood 'turns 101, Tlx. Incones from $4.luci v ings hank, Hrnadwuy State hank, i received hy the adtnir- - and have hecii incessantly Scalp. the 1 1 4 4 K 4 w "All icports to $."i,llOll lllllllhl r, d . . hile the II, n- - tlie Ashland Twelfth Street hank and :,'ty courage mid (leterinaoi- - al on the enemy's coast In was l.'li.ullO. shmv the xvere closed estimate ROADS army, IukIiI an. I The i" w never the Illinois State hank E ASTERN lion with which til" llelKlan luoland Tide is (lie miio iv that Hot Springs The showed thai ,1, June 11', hy order of the state auditor. announcement animated hy the klim In person. Is port cunt Inn, s: faic, lo icnnoe i n cnniplctelv forty-fou- r - - de- , 1.1,111-- 1 returns were made on l'.elejall "They ohtain.d much valu- an, is In ,ll",,he II. This m . line i . ine Mine nanK oi fellillll the last few lllili'S of have lhat oyer $ I .iMMi.iMMi, ninety-on- e on coin-iini- stroys It 'I'o do this. .Inst gei It eure, n,l you remain eurad. , ,.r : comes nlile informalion reKiirdinf Ihe tut .iv. i,a rluiin. closed its doors Mill. wn you will If you $.',00,(1(1(1 $ ,kh'.-O11- about s of plain, oiilliiary know, and tn incomes tietweer. and i naval operations are position anl iiiov einents of his lour ouiu i oliiiitarily. TO END "The apply II at ii inlH wh'll It 222 on hctween $J.",ii,-OO- EXPECT n occupied Ins wat. i t luiiiid iiivou. Indictment today nlleKed incomes the command of Hear Adinir. Ih. Irols. They have t The thief I retiring; Use el,,lu;ll In tlliilslell lie Considered th $."iOil,iiiiii, and 1,1:41 on in- " cd his n n, hot a a n irtttMt UuJ the of the IiSalle Slreet and Horace L. A. und and iv. nlinoitcl si alp it in li' M y with lb'' on rnulititis I" !, ' and rub Wglr erth. of money and se- - comes hctween $lon,niirt ami $.'.",0,oiin. .while so etiKaued have ell suhl" finger dps. lank of t J.onn.oon !, - Why not vlll FATWOOH HOT i $ .(lOli.uOU in-- i m well exu ulcl inili- ciiiities. l.oriiner, Sr., Huttig, Me- - The estimalis put the :i:m w hmmiim: tn skillful and Hv mi, ruin:; most, il not all, of RI'HlXiS fimt, iincn you 1U were ci uies at 100, the next class at I'.r.u. HEARING T ham; ii siitti I suhmai ine ' i.'tlcs, hunted for hour.; dandruff will be none, "lid three or eventually Inert, nywyT liotiald, Fox and SeKlave k- - rd .",0" to .1 I'V and foil! appll' w ill couipb f, con Ihe next at and the $1,0,0H0 !at time loipedo crall alla' ii'i'le alums buUL ndantM and were chanted with " ey.-iy- Ijvue, modern . $:'.",0,ao,i at :',r,oo. 1., .nil, .11, int. H. - Hrilisli war vis-- ed hv nun In-,- and torpedoes iIismiUc and iiit,i,y destroy, lrfet hy false pretenses to I i iiialtc-hoy- olluiiite. Hooklet. spirinit apir suhina-- d lleil-i;olan- d ittgl m:'. n an. f it. no - destroyed Herman Suhlliarilles look ial't ill the trace priate to use property of tlie The lack of in' omes la tween $10.- jse, have may T. l M l)K.ltM(rrr, their I oppor-- 1 ii'iich liaiiilritft ,'ii have l ine I,use on one lie uninhahitcii hattl-- ' hut there was no depositors creditors of j oca anil Jo.auii was show n l.,y ine tact You w ill (ill, I. I,.,,, I hat all Hi hlng "The. pulilic and and - Arguments Are Presented to! od. s of the Shell: nil islands in the unity of i I'isliiK with the (IcIiumi in- MKW MKXIOO. tin- - of the lrniidw:ty State thai there were only Jtl.MX l elui nsof :iu, illmimg nt the scalp will slop rAVWXl. hank und to a report from torpedo the class with estimates of :,:),oo iiccordiiiK cruisers to within ramie. stantly ami your hair wIM be flutfv, hank, the Ashland Twelfth Street Authoritylsciuiami.'1 u F- - H's esli-Ilan- Sustain Appeal for It is said that there was Is lllllde to Ihe silky 1 1,1177 of the latter with the k liefelelice lustrous, elossv. ami soft. niul oooooooooooooooooooooooooa hank, the Illinois State hank, the Statejand plates and belt, r. mates of Jl.Mio, sto, k of oil, hattcry siiikln.j of the cruiser 'Ida lo', and teei a ini'idied limci of Calumet, the Farmers' hank - S- - mi xx Ki p -- o XI 11 till plaint's Hlcllil there for suh- ami ihe U'O liealini: If iiit I" your hair look Citizens' Hank i J ii.ii 0 BUY YOUR 0 of Nethallo. ill., the Incomes hctween and e i raft illg do by nil luciins e. of. ' llllilllies. gell .rally Willi the use ol in, rah. ,d o Alh.'iinhra, 111., the State Hank of POO were not far wi oiik In the to Full Five Per Cent, da lull ul f, nothing destroys tin- i a ( ieriiia n report for huir 0 j Another report concerns the sas: III., P.ank of trainee, only 4,0(10 less so ipiiikly. It li. .1 ,.iilv ttalAes Hie 0 the Slate ' mads, ahout than near l.och 1. mioinl. "Against :.n cneniy whose capital Lumber, Glass, Paints colli- - wireless station hair and main": it f.,11 mil. lull It o und the Kose Hill Cemetery ticipaUd. Those lii'tween $.'5,000 and - it'll .Messa-- os have he, n Intercept, d coti- Iships have never, and wlms o 11,144 lav MoaNiNs jouaNAL apcciAL LffAaia wiaal 'makes il si riiuiy. :' ra i;l' dill, div panv. $.',ii,000 actually returned were ,p- - i , il ii Cement o ( all to find th i iiisi have seldom i,icik, fro. no-- and (le-f- 22. 'I stanth. hut efforts as 'hl lltle and e iy liudv I 2 ushington, let. he eastern , - lilel,;", and 0 The first count alleues that the while the estimate xvas ,000, The I ii- I I so Hie led harbors, the ppnrl . li, railroads' hultle for a 5 per cent in- - In, :i IIS have failed, their forth ices it an r.el old at'Min all o nilants (onspired to possess $l,'uju,' remaining incoines, those hctween ih li ine o com-jplete- d tiitics f,,r criiig iiibmai drui; sl ue. II is inexpensive, iiml AT THE col- crease in freight rates will be runs. ooo in money and $1,000,000 In $5o,000 $100,1100, were found to xx ,1. 'I o und Some shipping men believe a sl iilacks have necessarily few and Ifour oiiuces ih all you nc his tomorrow' hefoie the Interstate - .0 lateral in the LaSalle Street hank he 3.H fi, while the estimate was by only one o easioll prior In Seplelll- isimplc it im ,l h.i" in'vci- been known Commerce commissi"!!. that the (icanic was struck on SUPERIOR LUMBER o it to themselves in ex- n.r.oo. 5, siibinariii'-- b i ,to fail. 0 iriinsferrins I torpedo from a submarine und ran li"r has one of our , - The hearing today turned from con ; j Ii:iiiki' for securities of little, iincer- were fi,0x2 women range of a cruiser dur-- S There married lUiropea n linon Ihe rocks of the Scottish ast, .within torpedo ft Mill charges Ulitlona arising out of the " The cost Is so let,., XJ - fO tain value. The second count 'who returns, Ihe total t ing daylight hours. and the result! ifiaa-a- made separate ni-- he cl ew. war to consideration of rales llu I to save nt'll Ho H II Ullllil'lil'tol-y- the defendants w ith conspirinK to re-- . A large ol ficct s at,- ree nil. of all married persons making reports spread diirinu war number of I de- - selves. W. C. Maxwell, general traffic Such Journal wain n,ls. i heat the siihsidiary banks and heing :7K,M)."i. mini- - by ,oiiimen,lei for orders and pruiiiolloii. 00000000000000000000000000 turns liadielors manager of the Wabash system and jtiinos, but Ihe suppression of news fraud the Kose , Hill Cemetery com-- j single women Commander Max I lot-to- of hired .iri.ll' and the of Cen-(r- (the Hritish censors lends to more than panv of larse siinis of money and se- - appealing in the interest the for both. 2:1.551. association, presented the customary crop of rumors. ('initios of value unknown. ' Freight other counts chai'Kcd conspiracy to. figures to show that even with the un, Ihe coin-line- s operate a confidence game, to cheat partial relief granted hr (! cision, SYRUP OF PIGS Ihe hank hy agreement, to deceive the TROOPS mission's previous the BIG WAR CREDIT ND1 urgent need state auditor, to loan money to offi- of that territory are in revenues. cers of hank, to loan money to ir-- j (of greater the in-- rcspotisihle persons and to violate tliei Mr. Maxwell estimated, that I creanei revenues to Ihe Wabash, by FOR CRO hanking laws of the state. j SOON TO BE ON GRANTED B DIET ss. j in St'Ki'uve, Monday, Kevin and rolls' carrying out suggestions made ihe Mere (liaised with conspiracy to ruin commission's decision would amount figured on the Ashland Twelfth Street hank." ,to $.150,000 annually if ihe 1111 3, allowing Hazard, SeKrnve, Miindny und llico1 basis of traffic in and FEVERISH CHILD FIGHTING L j that Interstate rates would be TO ARMY GOFFER were chained with conspiring- to ruin IS THE MOST OPPORTUNE TIME to have the llroailway States hank; Frank and also. He insisted this last j was not to be anticipated in Illinois Charles Novak and Munday, cnnspii"4 Be where' state commissions i yoi'r house wired for electric light. loir to ruin Ihe State Hank of Cain-- 1 and Indiana, 'had Hhow-- little inclination to liver niet, IH'venoy and Munday, conspiracy far MoaNiNO jqurnal aalciAu liiiio snail bv MoasiNG jouanal aaiciAU LlAam wian If little stomach is sour, prepared to spend long Winter even- "- the j in relieving the carriers. mid In ruin the Intel fiationiil Trust und London, Oct. L'l' (5:55 p. in.) The Herlin, "id -' vla Amsterdam frt-.- I ( (.ciicrnl lievisloii of Itnlcs. -- 5 in-- bowels savings hank, and Huttisr, Munday, i k.'i:u hn ii ml ii v the London, H The Prussian torpid or ings most enjoyably. Electric light in your soee'eh Hrandcis, special counsel for hills, SiKi'uve and Lorlmer, Jr., with con-spiri- of l or I Crewe, secretary of tdiel met tmlav and passed war to ruin the Rose Hill Ceme- slate for India, delivered last lex - me commis.sioiieiM biiuki'mcu ami including one granting a credit of closed, home will increase its cheerfulness-w- ill ( m tery company hy Huhslllutini? security day to officers recently appointed to j nolning snoi oi rauicai n visinii an l.r.oo.OOO. ooo marks ($ :17 5,000,000 i. as was recently inniei-take- n of little or no value for good secur- the service In India. the rales, such The house and the galleries were make it a more pleasant place to live in In Neyv Knglantl, would aid the some Mothers can easy all v :. i filled. Many of Ihe deputies. fist ities. "The Indian forces, the si'crelar.v " I. II n Figs, very railninds. The witness promptly !if wounded, attended Ihe ses-isio- "California Syrup of cause to your guests. Electric Loriiner. Munrlni' T.evin 'said "will soon he tnkinir them ,'d-ii- p and entertain Fin. and their a few nil the clogg wnsi... 1,1, 1.1.. Iw.Mltb, agreed military uniforms. hours Tnllu wava ,1,.. ilK a eon f n ,'e (ho linn their in their bile mid inenliiig Inn, gently 'Anything else is just playing with lei of illuminants--th- e game tn defraud the I.aSalle slreet Hritish comrades. The enemy makes After messages to moves out of III, bow els, a lid you haxn light is the most healthful situation," he said. "The condi-:tio- n - hank of stock valued nt $108,750 In it a matter of reproach that we are Itho the em pel had been voted, Cleln- ia well, playful child igain. Children sub-bill- s, of bankruptcy is there." I , all the firm of A. H. Hill Co., bankets, employing Asiatic troops in Kurope. ens U llll IH', k ice chancellor, sininlv will not tak the lime from most congenial for eyes of ages. Mr. Maxwell said tariffs were now bowels, they and the operation of u confidence To that reply in the words of the fa- mitt d III,' w a ilerr Helbl'lleck play to empty their and n commission increasing golsslug-- , But in addition, you will find it is game and larceny on mous sentence over the gateway of file with the sa id Cerniaiiy lad been forced Into become lightly packed, bxei that the Auburn decision had gish and disnidered. Slate University of 'They rates which ils previous war by Hi" haired and envy of stomach bank by menus of kited cheks the Aberdeen: in- - the ClOSS, I'eVel isll, leslleS". HOC con- say.' indiciiicd "xvere too low." These neighbor- - II regretted. said. Wlll'll also the most economical, everything involxing $ 10,000. say what say they? Let them her If tongue is coaled, lb- n give Ibis ile-- i Huttig, Jr., will jciuueu main auo i"m Ihe Imperial Ih Voll love Munday and Lorimer, lint add this: uxe- -'nhat Melons "fruit laxalixe." Children sidered. 'beef, k Inn house prouucis, b u g, ciiiii- - were charged embezzlement is not in our eyes a mutter of nui Ibniiiiin-l- who had :u iil. und It can not cause iciuiy. No with the "It enpper and prod y stock, sugaiT smelter William In Ihe Held, your one ol of I tone Hill Cemc-t'-r- reproach but a matter of pride that allied lanpc difference what ails little securities the to dlar-- them- - ni ls from Chicago the Atlantic vxas unable he present. if full of cold, or a sole Ihroul. i EVERYONE CAN AFFORD company. Tlie indlclnu-nt- con our Indian fellow subjects feel - Included estimates on stomach-ache- , bad breath, I'o- tained counts each, selves identified with (iiirselvcs in the seaboard, die " am the bearer of tin sinccrcst rhoea, from one to twelve the elimination a "Inside cleansing" - I fully expect these increases with emperor to you." member, gentle ELECTRIC LIGHT Capiases for the iirrcsl of the de present (tnarrel and greetings of the be first Irealmeiil . of special privileges and exceptions to! fol-oi- should always the fondants xvill tomorrow-- the enemy before the war ends, ( ontiniicil H i i Helbriieck. lie is chil- be issued jthat classifications, the revision of ays-- j given. Full directions for babies, . . 'xvill learn several unheeded lessons lowing with lixdv Interest work. ages grown-up- s are Once you investigate, you will realize that tems establishing weights, and the dren of all and 7.111111U1 l Delegates. the troops lessons In of will In the wounds created p, on in from Indian mil-- j wliich intc'l each bottle. of passenger rates on a w - expcnsive--tha- Mexico Citv, Oct. 22. Oeneral Fe- - chivalry, humanity and respect C,r placing by the war. II you sw 'ft prog- Sewn re of counterfoil fig syrups. electric light is not t its 1 -- per Dasis, 50-c- - poor form cents mile notni . Ask vour druggist for n lit boitlc lipe Angelas tn a telegram received the persona and homes of the . ,.. v.!,. .r ill your deliberation ri....,.u , less in- fol-- i llller ailll lllilil smie, in ins iiruii-- in S'V'"" cost is well within the most moderate here today says that twenty-fou- r and the humble." iitliies are lighting and!',"' !'''.' ,. , 'h'Z revenues for the Wabash. llllin nee j:",. lowers of Ka will at- -' " increased blood, our duly is m i.lieioii, ,l,,,l iooi ..'' Fmihmo until Higher I'rcighls Necessary. SIH'IIU IOK Ihe: by the California I in Syrup Com- come. Surely you owe it to yourself and tend the Aguas convention, Foley Cathartic Tablets. the ountry In a strong and - Calicntes was called to Mr. Max-well- maintain pany." We maid- mi smaller siz" be Ton will like their positive action. Attention o n, nn. 1 hl but that Zapata himself will not s, efficient lit 'npreoeih Hand back with contempt liny oiIhi IThey have a effect on the bow-'el- figures for maintenance of way your family to enjoy this convenience. Let present. tonic ( being made on us and the fig syrup. and give a wholesome, thorough equipment 1014 on the vari- la ilils an and for gigantic saorilicos are demniio-- , cleansing to the entire bowel tract. In some most us show you little it would in your liryan I,envrs Colorado. ous roads. instances these everybody knows we how cost the liver to healthy activity and simi-ila- r ed: but that Ory-n- n, stir iahowed decided Increase over Denver, Colo., Oct. 22. W. J. ikeep stomach sweet. Constipation, i possess the resources whii h will 011- - a for 1913. Commissioner case. Phone us or write today. secretary of state, completed headache, dull, tired feeling never statistics table lis to hold out until peace b two-day- sought an explanation and the s' speaking trip In Colorado those who use FoKv Cathartic Clark " - haz- la ilK'd. on a speecn ;u Tablet. Only 25c. Specially comrori- witness ngrued to supply it. He ionium ni',r")' wno enjoy us to equipment. Secretary Hryan left Denver late to-- j ing to stout persons ine arded an opinion f'lipck Kidney Trouble at Once. light and free feeling they give. For "We are using a lot of old shoes 'lay, spoke briefly at Moulder, Long There is such ready action in Foley inont, Loveland and Fort Collins. sale by Butt's. Inc. and patching them up," he siiid. Kidney Pills, you feel iheir healing "With new equipment, that expense from the Very firat dose. liackache, Albuquerque Gas, Electric Light cut." kidneys, bla(Jd"r (icn. Diaz Itcported Jead. Pound Sale. would be weak, sore painful 11 tu 22.-r- uncon- added, however, irregular disappear with Mexico City, Oct. An day Oc- He that roads 'nd action On Saturday, the of - O. Palmer, Hay, Wis., There' comfort good firmed report received here tonight 2h m., needed new credit before new cqulp- their Lse. Oreen tober, lsl4, at lo o'clock a. In says: "My wife Is rapidly recovering and Power Co. Diaz ol North Sec- inept could be bought. cheer re freh men t stated that former President front of the city jail on and strength, due sub-l- to one dark Clifford Thome, representing sev her. health , satisfaction in every cup of Mexico, died today in Madrid. ond street, I will fell sorrel Foley Kidney Pills." And W. T. Hutch-ens- 502 West Central Ave. Phone 98 horse, about 9 years obi: will weigh eral sllte railway commissions of Nicholson, Oa.. says: "Just a Watch Our Windows for about 700 pounds, both hind feet western and intermountaili stales, as-- 1 few doses made me feel tietter, and white, white spot on forehead, white surej commission state bod- my pains mid all on the the now rheumatism are The spot on lip of nose, two brands ies would not oppose increases In any gone and 1 sleep all night long.' For Saturday's Specials. thigh. THOMAS McMlLLLN, left inadtquate Intra-stat- c rates. sale by Mutt's, Inc. 3 uo Leader. City Marshal. di FOUR ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1914.

GHAPTER BUTTLE BECOMES Acute AGuIar GRAND GERMANS PASSING THROUGH BRUSSELS ON THEIR 10 THE FRONT Rheumatism If rlifiinniMnii 1. Th rxtiCl rmi'i un. known, tlioiigh It H Kflifitillv l.fln veil .,, OF OLD S OBSTINATE be ilue toun of l Ir; lh l,t,tt,i, 1. IRE l! mriy b' nli"'"f'l WIM1 """l truiti ItiM im 1.1 rinetlv I tin liteii (muni ulili'h la n iffiino In all rnit.'K. In fitet tlie lilirtitiir ol ihown tlml lni riiiO bu' t(w Irni;-- . li If b lmi" " I""''" ' trliil. ;ln tim O DAY linnili ol oni' oherviT iiml tl'iit n ivi tmn MIDI ELECTION FROM drug hna hi en UKed with the ii(iiu : mitts. N Itu'lloniotlnTi Hi"' lunii' remeuv to be Kiet tllfllPDollitlllfnt. All litivii. rlnm liovu'vr niirne tlml every iiifllmU i,( trralineiit imtltletl by thf adinliilm rntion nf i,im. rnni'iiy 10 relli-v- (lie prtin rout tniii-- t A, W, of Demin;; I: BelAlaiis FiAlH fur inn nervous wi", ."' "" Poiiaid Heroically rIplrli tin. opinion ol tin in. an, In ol rime tltloneri ulirn ht my tlml Hic-hes- t Or- i? fiie: Office in Last Few Miles of Country; 'J allien "lioulil be Riven Tiiett r. m ovtr till oilier mtifillfi for Hie relief r.; the pain In rlieiiiiiutlnm. These tiilih - Magnificent Charg- all lorim ol uean tout Ainii'iiier- Cavalry Iib purt'liaitrd In any Humility They rs alio initturiiBni'd In lieailne he., nutralgn,, i:tio es; Spies Everywheie. aii'J all pain. Ask lor A-- 'iuulttU.

i, l,y il ri !t i hl,.l IB, MOMMIMU JOUMNAL tflCUL LCAttO - Tiifiirl In linn n i I I '!., II Tl nfu r Krtiin Ihi- litilli' Krniil u la Tal', is. Hnd Hy Our I'alnlrna and i V ;".'.) y hvttrm in", i n i ii b r f A rl. Tlif tilisiiniu i.f Imlh e I n! al M lrnllllo lllll. rnniurnt, I'.iii u.i. I' 'lllltlK, ,s t hti-- ii fi in llm flu li t in k ntii 11 nlly if - the h l tiff ID III f 1' I ,1 ti,l t Imp Uli.wiiin iliilly. Tin- liutllf In lim ni i ili liitH VARICOCELE 1' i Holt I $1 ,11 I hlk.ll H li to m ' ljt'itiiiii niitlf vlnl' tit than lyti." si. . - (Hernia) ' ll 111 n i. 4-- y v: TI10 iJciiiiunM tlin'i Hydrocele, Rupture l lf,i. nf swell i d S Mi'if liritr . UHiitil I tur-U- t, ur Mom The t.lh.i 'fa in led bv 11, i tit' In tnday'ii ri nn thr No frm Ituln nfnw 1 Ik t KHH AH tl kixttlr, i . Imst' li'-.- 1: twtifd ha (it r n o.xtrimi wim; sti fit nurnt Hkn niiKlillon uf tU xriiu, uiih I MaWH- rum i tittsl 11 nVi r siK-i- i m ("niin, l'lpult fiaml .'liiili IT lest thf nltitiu fntnt nf iiiiii( ikMhk aU lifrmnsni'HH, (h'MIlt ? )mk mf J 1 Kiilnn. twenty mllfM nn ih h they at rhr$tv mn ni lilt Ini A ititin hi l for In from l i A 1. flRliUnu ht'i iiiiully i, ,1.1 K if ll ii.. nl i ik, Tu fur the I'fsliii'iilinii urli n.i-!- iiiniiut cnltT tii t". S. Briny. 11 n r fit I iiMMit (if a ft'W ittln-uti'- o I iM'.t ,. nf llm intfn ii(lftii'f nf llmii' full ki niif if:n U - j 11 No Nu linger. Nu in (.on- i r ii l fc, II. .it. tn r . f ll l iff. t Kultlitr (in ut I. a l asttc nnil l.lllf IMIrt(K! K 1s a HUt rSfihii - l A A tilt- lOinliitt tmlny iih nf a nniHl 1 rfHtulrlnfr iifirt tifnflon. Tir i M.ilm, .-- V. N . .'. r. Itriiutriir off Ur fluttl t.nly tmii-.r-nr- t mi'iei Mil'1. '; rliaiiM li If ytiu nr n miffi'Tcr frnm y ( (1 I " " Itillliutil ( iiitilry mm will m 'M rt :r.,n - A A K li. Mini itatsAds,'- . liuiiifs. dr'fflt lnvi"ll- Sni,t,,i - 'X1-.:'- 11. . i . .Tim nlllfil finally ilisimn nislif.l ir MiTiit'i r i rtK. rit. r 'IIH' Mi li rtir'M inn tttiiiliniti lu At .1 -- In iiiaunlf it om i hnrm'M. till l .i i Int. i" J ll, Sllwl iii'l li!f Ulilllllt'M file. llmsf in lite nlil style nf I'atlle. A HI l'i I HK (IIMIM I'Urrnni It of u r lun in h .V U ?n. A I I lltillt IlllKUll", nlllll)H'(l nf I'll in fluid 'h.ipln ill - V, A. 'llii HI. ill, si r:iln. t'tniHul liy hnprzliig ur'.n 11111I lliitlsh s mill nn 'iini' -- I nn lihinn. Ilfthm r Ktj.(nff Jim u rlf'Ii":. l fnlliiu.,1 imim kly, ni.'iy ;! ti ili'Hrt'ut of (lie in-,- I llo-- l A. Iiii tlm ivnv ami ire Hi. Hi. plain i.f Ihe In.--, In..' In M r:i 111; u hit Ion ml liy heavy til uRoiitls, laiii t rs anil ,til h. i Ion. S.nil i Ft rfijitlrltiK nn ti-r- I n ft'ie in;iny its-i ieri'. : In ntie irt ut imnl. No Incnii l'i in liu Solum in i I: M OCCUPATION OF BU&S?EL DY THE GERMAN ASMY. KcntllMh iiii,! .1 No ilHriili.iu from bimlnoA "I limne. '.1 '. The iiif.iiilrv (il.t M't mint lit JiHIf 111 ill:' It ink. Tile "liil-lii.'- A For A i;i. in, i lin'nl Alcli I'ni.l.iiii - lii ii . Sure Cure Small Fee a litillfty nf lieav 1 111 n 1'i-r- . A IImi'iui ;E.MCLISH NO INQUEST OVER 'tliaiaeil i,iir BILLIARD - tn till. Iilin- 14 11 (itiiinl M.iMii Third Vinl J. Mnitli muii 'i iiml inn. ir; CHAMPION CAINS OM BODY OF WAN WHO V tl it ll mail.' Ilif llUHKIlKf f lilt' lill't'll I i iif, ;m, II NEWS OF THE . 1 Hrllalil llt-l- urtillcry iliflit-ull- Tlif Smlili If i i ii nil Muster Vml -- J. i. aw? 1 -- A - M'afata. scriiil HOPPE AT MONTREAL' WAS KILLED BY COLT iitaile llieir w.iy thrniiiiii tin- hn'lii-.- l V Moil. I'l'lllllIK SCHOOL HIGH vile nut. ui;l. infills, rem htil Mun'i-- Fiisl Vinl I' liiriiif. fl.i'id , I aitil-Ifiymt- li MOMNisi, t 11 Ml In It (iilim nf i fAtlti Wi.ll No II t in (t lu lil iinti ilisnin'il iiicii M . 1 1 I . It It Tlir ilii ..,lti',l .M I. ij.t I! jniit .fC.,! 'I lif Intn thf ,if. . Mi'Mirt-iii- i n l. ': : rii, - U a w nnil maile tin" tli ili nif lit nl l 17. Al-- ,n ini; i n In li th nl llu' fi in ii tiinii liii Sinii'ii-- l". low lur, i.i I,. '!,.. II. n. i' HI li. ' lli'M I, Ini K I, ,, K ml lied iiiRsilile. i nl linn il im t'tl il. tillft-Ili- ll tile Klin's ltsiilf the ii'iin r n In In In li ln 'i iiirii ii :i tn.mi ir;, In nlh Wfilmmlni Mi Ihi-l.- t m. .1 I 111 I'lm.iftN. lli.tiii ii,. Inniiii Ufll'll'i STn'1 ill' fifliifiit lire nf the "ifiiiiiin hint' (riinil ( iiiiiinniiili I ) ,'HI H,I I'.l' !, ll I, ,, l'l III! , inn, ll iiii i.'iiirh. I'ntlff W I Ii , ,. ,, I v. i play rl. ill if luiii v it ,i mill !h-- Ik nlil t sti lility Hint llm Htrns whl.'li ff htnnulii tut.i Tin, !inn. I'liiiiiiiiinili'i , Ivnlnhm All IhuikIi l.iiilli. "IK U .'. f! ,'t'tinnl! 1.1. .ll ,iiis ii r - lute, till aHitx K.lflU'il Ilif pusi-linl- l. .11 IM iJ rii in iiif sts',,,11- ..ii ili'iil h nf iii.'iii wim mi il:iinlv ,'in tin TiiiiIm, will ill 10 nVli.ik llil" Ii ,1111 f tl.lvll l. I".:, ImI. tu III,' 'll' in Ilif niiil , Ml, I, ,11 jllll! I 'i III II Our lllplumai, f'frllflratfa anil I i III infill, tit Unit uftii'liil imiiiiry unit IHIII4 Tin' li i i).i I n Vi lli lie in tin In mi mi lu It rrn In lur mini. I ..I Mi h J I ' Acrnss I ii his. nlsLrllun, 'I ,, ii, ,, m Thf mi lit, sin in ii in. in nlil hf liiiin tl irifti'il lii'ii ua tu hf Ilia mosl uiily today. Thi'V hold .i hir't 'if - tiltltfs, tiriivi. session will uilll Ihi' if i -, ,i inljil s hi.- i Tim si i nf tin- liattli lu lil n best bpa-- i , , Ilif in lli'liiif W. V. Siini'Mii, i Ii ynii ii . tif cilirrt and tiiallflrU i Tin-pits- Ii. .ii i, ' l'i' S.I I'll lllll 11 s,t lir. Kintiiy lluir In linn Him afteiiionii In. .ill. ,.l - I'atl-l- y lu Ml l u. 111, till' i j f i l t n i . t - HiiihiitK niii, Willi Ihi- lowing nf lallttta l liis ma t x.i i inn nf Hit- limly (li i,l r,:i inn lililc 111 i ni I. lllll S lIlMllil.lttl-l- lil l. In k' nil min til officers nf ni'iil ,11 hi i!.r. ill i in; SI" l.i, l - friuhlfiiftl iiitllf anil tlif I'ltalin 1" 11 1 thf tlif a Htnit tun lis tn lilt- H re Ihi- iip.i, i i i' 11;. Si I'I'lt 1". i'll innkf i't t'linsf Don't Give Up A Visit Will Tell In- I'lll .1 nf a In n it n L.til hiln i f nf UNl'l'll, ill the IlillK l l.n 'I ilintli. l.T anil beat Mil N i'iii'ni;i,t, (.'(.mil 'n Ill In n-p- We also rare tlif lulfst Abnn Pratt, 'I. innisin;: i,i r y r.'i'i vm!h larniH, ininfjetl with t , , Imn.ili Xii llm lilffililV thf shari h o.l x Itltttid I'tilsioi. Skat lilse-f- i r. Mil, ll In, i I w iiis linl.t sllfil nil lit tI iKiiniiinili lo r. , t n 11 11 111 , Hit; i in. 'I In- mill" ,1 tn.l,, ,i rn. s Kn.s.'i.iii yiHiffilay. Tim inliip it tn of tlif thf tattli' of ulurrli, or and 'I bruat Sir M'U Is H. hh, A lliMniiri I if Ilif lroulilf-- . .Neritiui. Drillnf, fhitmbcl Amottfj the Holders ' ,11 , .. s j! ii ., ,i liilil,- ,1 i i i, t iiml Urn pallt r of Ihe I.illfiy, ntlll" i., in- i.:...... in ,i i linn lihif fjins illi- - I r iin'iir;iit iiimni u.ii, i'i', NrrittuHnaii.. rrttnlatf, illll", lI'M'lllV Kll"l nilllnandf ..r ii. I, l. Tinnp.s he - n In fi'1'f tuiliii; tn llm i iiiirli in warrli '" file. tall ht'fli iiilan'- trurllonti istrl.liirf 1, Hl.ltiry, lllmldtr Sir A. W. f l.'lll- - limn I'iiIIiihI. IicmiiiK. I': n (j 'I i i, ,1 .i t ross Hie npfii in vvitlely uprtail and I'rlnary llirawrii, I'lien and all s'r mh or tiii: in niit in in lif i h.. said liml ins at 1, ' i it if niiliii nifiit. sin,i hf ' eland K.'in Ii'iimi i, ih v. I .1 lili.rat.ea, anil all aprelal dinraara ll I'.l i a i n n,:, 1: in i n slni .m h In li lit f liitaM'i. lli.wpvt'f. tlii'V linen. Tiith fall all urmiinl, euttlitwn t M I i. ,il ; I'liinr ifiiii of Mrn nnil iiinrii. Sir II.ili'li Puitonis, i:., swill, llll li. Hi. ,l,, w ii r; i; .i;i, ll li In- - hh.'iif'-- l.y hfll.H nil is I'm rnv.'-- I ii t',1 fin inn m n hull" l iM'i-i- ii l.- any of the urouiid i MINM l.T AHVIC'K AMI 11,1 , mi in imt trurf imv I, I J I illl.llll Rl IHT.ll. I :: v i nil- - .i. 'i '!i, I Ii ,. - fit W illi tile I'lll'stiHK of .slitapnel. In KHIATIO IKE'.. mi in tt iii llf :ilt",- t ini- answ ft nm' tu Ins tit'siripi mil OVKAY l. , f ' out i.f luivu, write. Sir John Itui i mliiili', Alliuinri iin tin i in1, i i : !i , : is, in ii.ll i.'.i.n I'linif, SfVrrnl pt'iHiiiiH wim went t Kri'.l the inaislK whirh are mime nuts juand senior wai.tin, -1 , i : . i Mrs I, A 'i .. limit' In jllliy iiilinlry. it in lielity id thai many INTERNATIONAL SPECIALISTS ' 'i tillntt'K rialutin ninms A. 'Im mi,;i n, Union, i i I H S : I Sir William nli"i ii iilii, i: ', I, .1,' r ht.fiil'i'. llnii. iini nf Jf I'm. lim llavr lit i ll NEW 100-MIL- E RECORD i, n.iil tin vi. vi,i,n him (mind J ii ii lur w. I, ii. l I. In ! TUoclc, h, l.n tin l.n mill i'.i II .";') s,,m , u i niif,, n .ii ii liitlay ''""t Sfrntnl I'loiir, llaniinett etirnrr , Ave., KI Sir Will in tt II. Niwi niiili, Silvia Mi . si !l I..' I."i The t it;, of MlltVii ( (.innii'it ial tpiar-le- r Teiaa St. ami Mesa I'n, Tel. .'.nun UP BY will In' .1" I' ' . HUNG MULFORD thf hotly iriiliihl liill'ifil lilrinit r Tl'.' Mesg Ave. f I y . (.riinil I M s lll.H i.i li X. lit .;!.! haw siitferi'd very nun h, while V 111. in I n n link nnu 11 man. a. tu I p. in.. lu 1 p. m. , hat nf Hour. A li u M . , A I i .; i Sir r J llni'iuti .iic, M ISM 11, ll. s i;i is .si. the old ihiiri h of Si. Manriee is al- - rninita, 10 u, 111. to p. tit. (V Mnf.NI.lll JQIIHNAL .fCCIAL llt.lU MIIN.I crtiiul treasurer. A i;..init ; ll .:i::;i nn yi dt .si royoti. Mil mill', I, t. . llll li;i Alpheii A Kh-ii- , BISHOP HOWDEN Hir Alliii'iurnpif, I.. it i IM.I I', The .soldiers at thf front, iilthoiifh h.ri M lllll, II l.lislH'.l II lll'W Wl.l'lllV (I'Mld ol M Vil tin-i- lei der ill'-li- l lit i. Tli li MlMlill l. nn M of lire very yiuiiiK men, i mil fur ii i iii' ilii l tiarli I i WILL PREACH TO I 'I rt. i t ,i. h Sir llt'lhft't I'. Hull. I.iih ili .t II II llll '..niiii. 'lull Wiz.tnK lire lieninnliie; to look mid at t like C i in.iii, u hi-i- i In- i ii. i i fil Hill inili s gl .lllll si. 111. I, ll I ,l .l I') ilt Many of them have Kl'own Is. llllll'll ...f III t, day's an!,, nml. It- 11) '.'. I STATE TEACHERS 4 I raff i - Mil 'lint lr A. In rli. n. Sallln f, mil il WIS IHI) (.AMIS l .' liennlH durliiK III.- eleven w eeks of I'liis. nils fiiiif-l- d s,. n,l ill ' I ' Knli lint nnil (.'land rwold lM 111 III IN i: M MuhliiiK. I'aees hearer. I'illls. Ill lilts o II Mill . . eoii.stant Their are 1'... ' . ' i" 11 i " .11 Ii 111 ii k 11. 11, of Ho' Mil Hi lil y I" Stephens, Ft, ii' .in.iii frtil'i' Santa MlS- - II U hronzetl timl llieir elnthes In III M he I w tit n 111 In p mil ll t'n' hiial Kpirrtipnl ilitieese ol New .Mexii'o, will1 v Al.'i. !li' I u ,,n wo names Willi They i fee tly lit .uilir if II l Ill, nils tliist. uiipear ut K i llsli ll t . .11 ml. win 11 lie 1,111 1. in of s tli'liyer Ilif Minmii lo the New Mf.iio Hir Inn i I l,u . A Inn i ii i li 111 t ha ndi- - :i ri l ready to do Ihi niii', II l.i tin' Ilnl.lf nl I.f - full of ardor and lit ill mi ., '.iinnall I'l'.'ki' ilif Id s I. ,,n,l foi IM in ,t : ii 111:1 ass.ii'ialion Siimliiy allfi'- iiiil i ii Din u II in hi a t nni- - aiiyihini,'. l,r, i.f muiiil. hf 111" ili-i- - In 111 lilt 1111 1, t In In' mailt' lionll, pi leedllK.1 til olfllillS! I'f Hi'' All Sir Kulnlils nf I'iIkmih t'nin-m:- t Iff " r I 'fills of Heroism. I' I. I. Ml ,1 I' in I mil, ni s, I s. 11, n, Is The , tir la lull', fill ioll liav-- mil l V, .... 'i, KiiiIiIh i m i i , Tli, A hieyele h t itltT lifter ! nlr l w;e hint Ill , ., pievlolis n r. id 'i lilly mil'" 'Hi. Tile hishnp wiik M'leelecl yesle rtlay riHHsli', u ilirl'l III lilt' unvlillll ill1 il I, ' inii fumed orders to the hrinttdier .ini';: .M a 11 eel'- -' A ... ,. itiiniiifs .n'.l v. nntH. 'iild" liy the inistf lliaiiie. The , k'llil II t'lnt K 111 In IIII. I llllllj 1,1 fiillll .III' 'I ir. nl,. i' nonet-ill- I'lai'cil Ills motorcycle, aitair' ...I, ,11 it ,;; ' H'liaheis he a tlf , M tn !v.v"1';, moll lo the Will IC. Ill lilt' ' nllillli, ll I y. !.! I'a ,r" 11 tree while lie snioketl a t nil lt.ll. W iwirettc. t .IllM I,,' I,, 1,1 11, ,.,1,1,. ,11. V. I',' II p milliliters, hopf, lmw I 1 " ' ittiil'.'. Tilt' 'I III' iilnn In . XI, li, I,, t,i vi' M . Shells were liurstitiK iill mound him lis I :!- a fen III . , , ma, lime hf, "i i'f ill'iviin; fver, to iniihi' Hi!h reuttlar lur?! HiiiK sir Kmr.iiiii, in i'. i:. inni,,i, ll J I I., - nml one Ml ink his machine, whiih never 11 lent lie i imnt ineir rmi- lit run, in. i inli r III 1:;.: ti.!.!""" ,,,nj , Was destroyed. The cyclist was linn fimiit in v t i vii'i'N to he .1 .1 mi liflf. Tlif rei iil'i I I'll-r- ,n,i ; 11 of 'I'lll' Jllll lillllllll- i tilt i l r llll, ' hull l,,.,ll ;;l 10JI I il ordered to lake the reply Ihe ii!ltilia!s tin) l 'l'i nils. in Id In the new hiKh nehool 'audit. III) I Hull III It ll liriadjer fflieral afoot to the division- .Ililll. let 1. 1. Mi ni.. h i -- X.i ' na. Thf ill th" aflf I'lioon. l 11. i. n .a- '..1.111. n In cnriyiriK his Hit, M. in,, nl,' It -l nir.lH f.n n nil. Ton ! al coiniiiiinilir. mil itii'li' "U'''i ti, nii lorn: lie All r't.u m nil. at. d ihe S' Imnl !s to lie ilfilii iil" l I i , Thf llill lire-swe- I a 1;. lin n l,iiiiili.'t Ijitits. nf li,' r- - task he crossed the lielils. mi. A nn Unfile In let" , ,, itlii'day hfloie and many flip, DON'T CALL THEM In '" 'I'lien he ehcoiintf red a party of lie. a r': ,,y, ti, 11. In lultitm i.pliortiiin I,, nls and ei 11 fa t nl ft will no in'ii' it 1: 1 l! S lt LU mans, hut jumped iUM.a river and ii or lllll UT. 13 at filiiciitioiiiil foiini'll will "LOAFERS" I MIS SCKUP.'S WOKK K Thf l.ll M) II l' II I! Wll Th ur.doii 'I'' I " I ISS iseapi'il by if ma initin in thf water Mill and many leaehfia lust l'i cause lliey are, til in k on our 11T ",".7 I'm' fluid hours. ICvf nl tially he Rot SUIU'UISKS COACIIKS ia.iui'1,1,1 i::" l.'l FIVEMTHUTES xp i'i ted to Sunilav, kii Ihfj loaves of 11 UN i.inve tippcti.iim They lire The ki .111,1 Iiii pier i f Un- h r ol 'l.n, lii 17s i:.l :'::J ','ii I Idv his incssiifcH Kaffly to he adtirlcrs...... nn- pfolia ' nil. at the just wise men who know w hat is ilif J.n.lif 11 Stni will liiet'l lieie loilay Ahlie t'lirinelllno, a second lieuten- will Idu. .ffoil, and to whom I 111 1, :! all the ".staff of life" nl f'inliiiiii- si, ,n n i ',,;.l!s I M 7 lii 'J ll. I ant in Ihe French infantry, when v Is im e of the most Important ,iiin ,i urn mi 111 W1.111111 nn 111I111 .1 i.f hut ill in y of his company were killed items RIDE IN nip-i- n of fond. We hhkit only the purest !'. in I, I' llele I...--I Ill-- ' s PURLOINED or wounded, look coiiiiuiind and allilf,! tit;tll. Th, A ,l .'1. Miii'.l took three HO SIGK STOMAGH. :'."i(l and most nutritions hread, Unit ni' al 1. niK .1U1 inl.iii, .. red lierinaiis. lie was twice has nit It ii'.'.ln In. in the r S'. M tf.iin REUBEN PERRY'S CAR fi UKTam e suhptnnce wounded. " and to reeom-- j ' The senle mend' it', ''we Riv you (he highent ramaTivingston ,v '.: " IN WRECK: MRS. v Tl'l. RESULTS itiiallty at '(lie Vivvt's't' possildc. n:s Jirice I ! v.. iiii PACKS TRUNKS TO GO in m:', :.! siipi-I'm!- lim h'; I II U I U LU I I UK I VIIIU Willi' Ken!, en Perry, l- T INJURIOUS I I 17:: 1'.7 17t 11 L HOME; DIES SUDDENLY P. liiiin. ....I. di'iit .if ithe ml 111 11 school, was tli In Pioneer Bakery . . 171' i nn-n- .,.i. i'.i:: i7n Mas-oiii- im rl:i 11 last niKht Ivvo 207 South First Street. 7 V, . . . I ! '.''i'. :.;! .'imniiet Diapepsin" IS tliO '"'i want r'dim; in his autoiiiohilf' M I'll! .ll 1 llllsl ,1. Ml,,, H 'Rape's ll fiuilid liii' car in front of tin THE KIDNEYS I,' 111.!. ,1, i'lll If 1st ,,,ht L.I ll. 7 s "',.'" 10 'r,,t.,ls ... !'::.' quickest and surest Stom- Mas-lin- temple. h, y were seen to Inline ..I M.i .In .1 sn.l.h IH ,1 enter the machine, hut the police were s p ni I I. a pa nn in in tin P. 7il :;:! al , - X ach relief, iinaldi' to (ii.taln nunc tlian a meaner 111. in-- . 1. v 1 Id. mils it. alh s,- iiii ir. f i w..i nr. lies,., it.iion. I'hf ni' was driven in''1 e . ,1 iTar-- tablespoonful of Salts heal 11. 'i- IHI' - -'' '' a in a Won Vl.ll j"M l'" Is K, llll Ills,' '"I Max Nordhiius' uloinoliile front I t -- ic Wllal .ills h.i.l ke. Iff , ;,,.i mi n 1: ;;:u n "f of his home, tl'.'l nveniie, Hudson for Signs nni .simiiaeli '.i Ill's like himi' foiier ; if Back hurts or Bladder i iruiiU i,t iiml in ilanulili I, lan ns I:".' l:!.' li LIS lead. lelllslllK in lliKl'Sl. or .Vol! I'fl'll damai!in leith machines sPmhtly. and M Is A ..f l'i. sin, nidi, if) 'M '' I v: e,as and I. lie .sour, lindlKl'slfll loon. a there. bothers. .hi, i, imp 111 In r In of Pub of di.zill 'SS, Wall Mi , ip I..'., .1 nif ll. If 7i-.- ' 7 ;:. Ms :':::.o lllll II iniuseii, had taste Paper :ais you can 'PHILANTHROPY DAY' AT a ant' Ini. l ths ,,l! HIH11. li ..rti 'let! II KI II ll nml omat'll lifinlai he. We ore nation of meal eiil'Ts I s. is wit ll acid, says 111 I t surely lief in five tniiiiit. our hlootl filled uric il, I" Hi,, nl,.' had 'I'lie S lltn I l'M I' l s w el aide " eel CLUB TODAY 'f f 1st slmw' WOMAN'S a well-know- n authority, who warns . ,l 1, Ask .volu- Idiai'inne t" id. ,1 e I W 11 ,,f t lllllti'll HUDSON pi ill rallies Inn tin- formula, plainly print' d on these ns to he constantly on tiiiaid attains! for Picture Ml i 111 imp, lilt Hie l.i: in.. r,l',y-icu- t 111 s, s nf' l'iip"'s liiapepsin, "phila.ithrnpv-la- y" kidney troulde I, , This is at the Iter d. hi i s,, is an. Till' w why dvs-- i The kidneys, do their inmost to flee Frames seine then vou ill iiiidfrsiaiiil W s i, a HI' h I'l :' " T., no. nnian cluh. ,))p lll(()() 0(- lig (,id. - l.'IK Mi. is l.i ilil t'o. - pipti,' Until, v ,,i all kinds must rr(ttinB hut uf-ol The inec!in will he caled In order PllU frn,i, Vf ; PonrUi .Hi V ll, foil ."0 lill and wliv it .Iievex smtr, out df r ,.,,. the rworl: St. and Copper Ave, vl Ill - at 3 o'clock in the Woman ti.s- - I - .i iinlnj.'stion mill- nimnplly Nttni,v shiKfJlsh; eliniiiiiitive Til. h V r mi - ii 4 sr. f'.leir.aclts 01 In five Bet the !'!' lfii, 'int. r.'ii 17. i 9 t - Coons mid waste 9 lODIMIX ' ,, I s- iiM Is harmless", ellil liinldiiiK Mrs. f. rues Iok mid thus the .ii lal.ll,.- in s li ,e M: pp.'tl .11 II list Oil IK '' Hits. "1'ape pepsin" r llil v'. will to poison , H t ' ainly, tll.tUCh each dose Mm. W. Watlinxlon make luinetl In tiie hlood thi In S'einoit Saul. II llll X Mi finikin 11 r'" lastfs like . ,, will die st ami prepiire lor assimna-.- aildi .esses, A lull attendance of the t re system. I in, .I i a iiiiiu 11, 1. iiml i'..'. i".:' ir." ni'' lion into ilif ,d all the food yoif liieml't iship nf Ihe iluh is expected, When your kidneys ache and feel I n 'I 'Mi I Ian. lit up 111"' lumps of lend, and you have stinR-iii- DRUMMER ;'' rat: heli'dcs, i; nukes you jto to Will I a IlieetillK of Ihe civics like ALLEYS I-- There f in or is I ' taldc with a healthy nppitUf: I'ul pains the hack the urine lit pal'tlliellt after Ihe reuulnr meetinK - - r)i: i:.i:i:ris!:. p,,t ,1s i vi s7n Ttil -- 110 will please vnu most, is lliat you cloudy, full of sediment, or ill Ida mid intes- of the i luh. tier is irritable, ol'lnini; yon to se-- 111 III It Ml I I Sin. lis Will feel thai y.uir stomach Try u l'i and an t came of (en '., ; you There will he refreshments pja, M, -, '1 s :!'! are clean and fresh, and will oiil'iiH nif .iij,..., "TI1 1 Ill I H ' - fin tines Viein-- 20.-- Will. Ill l.K1K, III 1 si ill!; prnura 111. West 7 n 'ed to e t or liver in! ert severe headaches, nervous ami t;,.,. "V Ts acin i' .IM Mil no! lo laxatives '' liiiiou.-ties- s constipation, :dizzy ,'ipcll.s, sleeiil ssnes.s, acid stum-- ; 7' 111:! 1 Mi pills for or ' M. u i is . l'Jl Jllii,e li... li-'-. It I . ,U Will city will many "Pope's ach or rbeiunalisiii in had wealrier, I 7 7' Tins have . .Kill 4" IV.1 4 LAST CHANCE TO delhir u I'lilt ild'il ' ss .,!( Kfiiuntit .Jiinpepsin" cranks, ns some people will i;et I'rotil your pluirniac Is! about lourj I, v I - " tariff lt'Klflaiiiii lllll, its ftti'i ll Howdicll them, lint ten will he enthusiastic it.ltiices of Jad Salts; take a table- -- fall , JOIN BUSINESS. . splendid Ktomin'h itrepara-tlon- ipoonful in a glass of water befort on Ihe t oiintry, ll llsw tl'liK t'n r r : vx nhoul ihis BALDRIDGE j Toll! tV too, if vmi ever inlv.' ! 'or CLASS breakfast each mornm-- ami In a few of! iiKked uueftioii ' SPANISH LUMBER COMPANY t . - s1 Kiisi-s- heart burn, sounmss, days your kidneys will ml fine This; "Why In ii ilia! ii 11 ' . p ' islii, sails is made from ihe acid of , ' ,., , t n fiUsT nlysii or anv stomach mis'i'v. famous putdltun '.. if u:t.i juice. d PAROID ROOFING 15-ye- ar ml I ' ' lift some now, this minute, and rid A ninht class in I'aisinets Spanish Kiupes ami lemon eonibim with ' Indl-Hesli- w rfpiil'lltun It I' ,l,.s 4 -- "'., misery ilh it ri in, and has been used fur l.rt'tiilne lit l ." lte-u- ls yourself of stomach and Albiuiuertpie v : i ti'l ilil 's has started al the s nml hinpin, l ' Kent-ration- to flash and stimulate j guarantee. have j)roprlli " ,. V ' v , ill five ininutes. 1. mil Francis. ashless tollcRe miii tonlKht is the d tie ,1 ..'. I'mll San cloRi-e- kidneys, to neutralize the while tinder h inntiHti, lasl t A eonipe- - V. nl, e li; l.os AnnchIS I pportunity to enroll. acids in urine so it is no Innuer a u ilein Slop those- Ilronclilal ITiubIi. - iitiniairallon iintl - s ' ,s.. : . T"i Miss, I'. not leni. piaciiem insn iicinr is in ciiiiik.- of endini; uri-o- f fref-lratl- .j Oakland They liamt "i all if isouree irritation, thus tr low or t" tarifl. ( In t. winter w - cheeked, mid pave the way for serious the class and the instruction ill nary- and bladder disorders, lei In-s- t DUKE ileinessnai j W. 1.. Pet. ntitl luni; diseases, fet a bottle be such as to fill ihe need of Jad Salts is inexpensive nml cannot CITY wind's lil'e lli-ic- 'injure: a (leliKhtl'iil - diaiiftcr ith loffd 11- tif Foley's v Compound, I le makes effcrves- Portland . - sl ,,,S0 and Tar usih.'ss tieni Cleaners-Hatte- l.iiiin. Aitamx. , en! lilhla-wate- r drink, ami nobody rs lahnr mill atiitSnunl 1 :t 1' I 'and take it tr., ,y. Stops eniiBhs and l'l'iiieml.ei-- t in "fills Sa 11 Kl am isco . . .;,4,'. the nioliment Col. Kdwaril JidiiiMin will ii, - colds, heals raw throat, nn make a mistake hy taking H little .r,r,4 inflamed special class closes tonight I S20 ' Hooi! qnm Icrl.iiiU.i are scarce nf Venice K"i '' Inxa-Itiv- e. ,.sl.,.wlL' th.. : P ..I V. (.ol, on ihe ('.i,hmI piiis-ii- s the phi, am nml Is mildly ,.f :,I... Phone 416 liver an nddriM ' I .;,:!.! U IU OI KKOI I' IU SIM SS active." n- - Princeton just now. If the men l.os Annelex I"4 ('has. T Miller, Fal. Kmiuirer, land Old Party, ltd llifi"r. j f n (IU1 .11 7 11 'i , tOll.M.F, . p'uv Infr tliin Willi Nas Mn si, 42; If mineilon, Ir.d tin tl broiv hlitl trou-- - At Ilif Ve in. mm ami ll Flll'.l' .'7. rau ht pit sent don't tin belter. (Oakland 7". ."t)."l hie. t.ot very Ii nurse, eoimhed ron-ftant- Pin lie Our fhe WM.FARR At liemi.p,.,!' Watch Windows for' COMPANY the ten 111 may pet from a throat. II? w.- -i Attun.s the Mitili tlrkllnn "f"1 ;''T VftHi tlold avenue, ,f Com-nouii- 10-da- y Wle.R!'e nflnil Henlors in I 11 spit-d- 10-da- y lisej only Foley's Honey and Tar Big - the plan is work in I Our Sale Starts Saturday's Specials. The! Utl'SlI AMI Vjtional I ki Ilk t'Udd- Our Big Sale Starts rplievetl. IJATS t.f tlif Hrm rent Viavice t'times lius titirprisef Whs entirele Wants Sansaso a saltSptslally 'others to know of Foley's Honey and . ki.d inm VaiciJ tin.' i'uai'hi-4- 'Saturday. The Leader. ltlird3V The Leader. Leader. For Cattle and ITdus the Hiusest ITar. For sal" hy HuttX Inc. ' Market Prieea Ar I'ftld. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1914. FIVE


1 ' ' Technical Difficulties in Mat- Here's Footwear ter of Voting on Constitut- ional Amendments Are that you may Gotten Out of Way, I depend upon TO MOMNIftia ST"' f''l" OitCH JOUMNAI.I ,', - - - Santa l'"o, Oct. 22. Ilalph C. Fly. jcpiililii'.in chuirinuu: llronson .M. ("lilting, progressive ehiiirmim. Mini J. - II PaNtoii. dmiiocrcdc chairman, ' reached mi agreement as tn the ..' f?. - ,' form and "allots for tin- constitutional iimondinenls pioposcd til Nov irrrr tr,l in he voted on In nilicr."" Thi' legal size ff the ballots is three ' S -- 4 Inch-'- Hull Im largo iafcjLii . ... js ;... . ;;, i . . W... .li . liy eight lul rint 'J , tMf ... fnmigh for prlnl Iiik r the tax niiietnlincnt in KngHsh and Spanish. The ballot agreed upon will lip twice Ihe width (t llu' rbilutory 1:i Hot und long as may be reuuired to v. piinti'd en white paper and u Mpur.ito ninenil-nniil.- '. rOi ballot f"r nh of the throe im ballots nrc to lie 14 VI Ir.rirucllon - printed !i enliiieil i,iier. :Amm The- grecnu-nt- . j iim The agreement Bent out to the coun- Unity 1y till1 of ty officials scorciurv - 7- 'tvr-.iv- ' flute reads: 'iiv nil Hie 'lid day of October, A. 1'. . ill consideration of the 7' ' .purTM-itr- u. .A":; WnP;: ,'wm ifj ngl eenietits herein made ami i( , l ""It,- . f f (Sf ,oc' y V' ft It hereby liliiluallv stip- mfX':: j provided. i 'l l 11 e and ItRt'eeil hclW'-- the - ulated 4 ii I'titc ti I I committee ni ,,iv .Mexico, acting li' i' huiimaii, lirunsiiii 'M. Cutting, find the republ- 'Lri., ican it.ite central ce nf Ne .1 tr - Mexico.. nctinK by Its- cbulritlnn, Kull'li ('. Kly. and the democratic state (ini- i mil mil tec. ucluig I'jr.ItH chair- tial VVILLV- - UTll-lT- y TRUCK CONVEWTFP INTO CAWKJVALL man, '. H. PaXtoii, that Hie form SSetTIM TROOPS. TYPE OF MUTUK AMBULANCE Ut)tU PY HU Ak'MY t" be wed In toting on ih-- nnstitutii.iinl .luif Hi) irons in lb, :JymWA:.AA -- - v t n 0n of tonstinitional nmondmctns the the most noteworthy features of the present conflict in Europe is the remarkable success that nil the armies hc.-.-- rieneed in - New Mexleo fo hot-pila- IMnrtal election ol the usa of motor vehicles. "Wheth;;- in l auto-luobi- used the transportation of troops or uurmlies. in service or in the movement oiMtillery, the le Id NoVellilier 3rd, DHL shall lie ill has proved itself most efficient and reliable. The photographs reproduced herewith show a few of the ways in which sheet of white paper, the automobile ia 6 employed at present, li e Willys utility truck in the illustration, is one of several recent iy puivlia'.e.l by tuo British government for use. twlie the width of Die ttatutorv hal- iiiniy lo! and us long as may he neiwury. I m (oiitaining the text of the uinentlnient Ciutoni blii'li-r- , Avenue .,; : ', , V' ' L. In Knglish and Spanish, respectively, ' STEALING BARBED rj:iA n''iurany un if - t piinled In purnllel roltiinns, with tv WIRE DOJin IP SECUCATOSS' MEET AT A W'iK;,,,0H If iiXAJii one onncTrr Malik soutnes printed helow, of SECRET DRDERS AND SELLING LIQUOR TO fiyiial'n fly IIUHU ; PORTALES NEXT WEEK which Hhall he laheled af IJUUJlLliu bimd fmUi to i1 : negatively FiiRlish SXJ?3ZZ y j,i ii ml the other in INDIANS IS CHARGED AN ATTRACTIVE EVENT ami Spanish, thus: " Constitutional Amen- 'For the T ICII. DiaftTCH TO MONNINn jnilHNl ' ARE DELEGATES dmentEn Favor de la Knmienda IV, (HI. riiiteil Slat.s HK1 IIJIIPNALI Santa I".-- ' . t - -- The ill pal I ll I oiistilucional.' Deputy Marshal I'nrln.s I'raetner il Hie j i f I'llin alioil t"d iy ived the pro- - " 'Against the Constitutional Amen- .M iniiel l.olinto lit Dlllce en the gl ,1111 of a I 'i n ila ..' lill ,1 n!l- - dmentEn Contra de la Knmienda charge ol' stealing thirteen spools of TO PAY Tfi XES TO CONVENTION l . l ' ll nil mini v Ica. liet s' njim n- - Cnnstitueinnal.' Im flu i wire from the Indian servie. at Poll ll. s on I'lidav ' "And that the voter shall indicate on the .lieaiilla Apaeh- - l evel .:' 'op, ;Mv """Mil) if 11. At "eik. .Imp-- - Mi' 11; will his vote on this question by marking .'ml Tenlnln Salaznr at Al. alile .,11 llu lio- u ici ,ni in; ess .1 negative - i imike addi and H iron In' tie uflirmative or ebaige nf selling tu !h' Lulai-e- III. Kelso will i ii in, I lifter an invit.t- - and ousting his id" I Miiare of his hallut, ririin!Ai-- i at Fan Juan. nil molion oitc! HP a whole lot nf Internet ,y ;,V- ":- HERE'S nrnoioct ; Governor Appoints "ll,:h hallot so marked; and that separate jupiiiiuil VI miviwi (i,.,,,., .Vltiiiney Siiiiitiieis i it.t-- ii.i rl Prominent;" uiwiwi .!. V. Voiim; and Miss Minnie Km lies nd distinct ballots shall for tn All Frntprnnl Drnnni7n-- ,"ll' the ntencing nf lieinetrio ' : Citizens to Represent State.- ..r ih- - si of in voting" on 'earn nf the three constitu- lv ,"" ;Mtv",'7' .C3'p, iiyU S'.telo Drtiz, San Juan i.t satisfaction ""'V lis i tuiiiivn. in- ,si iiooi i. unary w ihuf? 111,1 ;n- - tional awl these guilty to Ocean-to-oee- an amendment! lions' Delivered by Attorney at eci ol,t, in will be discussed In W. I', to the th- - buvinQ; of ballots .shall he .distributed troil ueiiiu r on Indian grant, ' an article i borne, I'lank . a iimise n nl IMie.i election .Judges with the ballot boxes, General, w is contlnii'il mil i I the next term, so at Yuma, HolililCK. I lisciphne ml Scho il h.v them offered to voter that I hey can testify against Salazar. und i;ioiinds n the siilijeel assiened to wearing apparel that for marking arid voting, when'he of- The two men wei e relen.xed un tliei:1 gen-er- .Miss N'.na Keller. Mrs ii. I.. Kcese fers to cast bis vote In the said ISfCCIAL Dltf ATCH TO MOttNINO JOURNAL) ov. 11 cognizance. ISftraAL n.MFATri, TO H OR Nl NO jnilffNA.J and J. V. I b a ma ( izat hy unconsciously brings to ballots , election; and that these Santa Ke, ,Uet. That properly The i.'ise of the I'nit.'d Slates Saiila Ke. n t. -- i nni e,i. I'liiiiaiy Children, to Mr.--, Vsrl shall not be allowed to, go hitu the ni frati rnal organizations, cv n if against II. .Morris of Santa Crii", of Cel. D. K. I!. ,r Sellers, president Miss Lena King, Mhs V. an-- political' or other workers, - hands of iiented out, is exempt from taxation also an Indian liipior ease, conn lie- ivcan lligl.w, ,,. , ,11!,,- your attention the fact ' (,,,,,, Ml,, U( In 'the custody - i i. ;;o. n,iv,, Im' shall ue retained if the arc used for eharita ued until toln'i- Mi Donald today appointed ll,,- and Me., Montana of judges, save ns they tile purposes lodge, npm l eiipe pleadi il following the' election oj the is the nltv delegate,, to the cm, T-- Vk .D--i is annual i M .1. original of '; ;i instead. I :); to Ii. Shock. that it giving service me voted; and that an Ion, un important one, handed down tvespaf sing on the l.iin oln eti u . of the asaocialion .1 Vnm:., j, w. Tavlor and K. ' Ta lor; j V WL with the ( . ,1 this agreement shall be filed i by Attorni y lenora u Clancy forest with in head ol sheep u Pun Ariz., on .November and I I Mexico, and u nty I'l- Ictus to .1. C. Wel l. of unusual secretary of state of New j today. information filed by I'ltit-- d Stales A- an nature. Kalpli K. Tuilchell and .Inines Mamie .Met'ollnii'-.- ami .'ill's. Ma be binding and obligatory upon says: ttorney Summers t. He w as ihull ll liurkhai Freneli, ol' Santa FiaiiU .lohn-- j Kalliillam- o provided -- $"ii) I'a (latins the several political parties, Mr. lieorge F. lirnington, Aztec, .New fined und costs. .Mai I Sclz shoes may San clal: Harry lotigbi-r- Wallace, .Mrs. :. IS. Nash and You will find party organization i Mexico. v,as scie. io.,a me Ma.-Tav- that cither ine.iuiy lor SlJ(.,,, j. s, h and Al. W. Li In Foi la s. ballots on a, nm , print and use instruction "Dear Sir: I'pnn my return from in ci tnonnts .u.min ami M.l(;dalena- rf-.- doing very thing on over W I:. b.-;- that ;, ' hi (oloi-e- not voting. I let-jt- to Friday veiling nddre: so: paper, but for jhonie days" nl, Hcuee find your for conspilaiy Miliiggle !,.y I,. (; .1 a- Chin' ,al.; rose and la by Dr. II. II. whereof, we have here- i nil-i- t Here delivered Frank KobeiH "In witness of the l.'th instant, whieh appears nun ine states. are ven. A Dn ' : II. 6,000,000 pairs of feet today. lieorge Ilnnlicr, o - . . day and year some sst-- tiling lanit ii.ivin i.'-s- mo o. ..o.n- ,y ,t unto set our' hands the to have taken four days to reach this ten witiii iepres. half J. per. ! T. Ve- - l. Tan Iloskins. n I'iio- - i K(f written. a dozen includin- - I'liiiitt- - lay evening, Supct inh i.f tl-,- In this agreement lirst nbove (office. Von ask as to the assessment liationaiilics, Margarita llotneio, F I'liivenu: We just as sure t M.' (TTTJNO. Japanes-- , .Mexicans, 1 lie Instruct ion A Ivan N. White and ('; are "HRONSOX of property belonging to your lodge in meii, etc. he r. .1. Shoe-rncjke- V'ill Springt Lan Vegas: T. l w. l're.siil.-n- I.. !l- Slale " "Progressive Chairman. irdt-- trial will take all day tom-no- Mar- Jinli.e of Aztec, .of the Independent of Cuervo: Kpiniinio .Mart "t pJ above will per- ine. Nm ll, at Sllv. i l ilv will shoes pictured KLY, 1 1 lives at a i. al School ."RALPH C. odd Fellows. dn not see that can tin Tueii in. and S. Vol oiiburg, WaK.m Molnnl: I. ' Chairman. I "Republican imlil anything: In tin- opinion which .l. Shitli-r- Union; Josh (';. Chavis, form the service for you disru.-sion- s will be riht "J. H. PAXTON. (gave May, 1SMJ. and to which you I. una-.- ; The Salitrday in. RESERVOIR COMPANY, Los John '. i by II. Tinimoiis, C. '. St one and "Democratic Chairman.'' refer in your loiter as .No. MM. I Keeker. Sr., Helen; L. M mid agon. I. as we can be. So is the man- Kvans on lica.ling Circle Work. Mrs. section 7 of article VIII of the ASKS COMMISSION FOR ,et na Ii Hi, Thomas Manila, La my: (H A. Superintend-il- Men-fol- NTV C'l.KHK K. WALKER ednca-jtion- al Culberson, -- why they ail property used for James I". Springer: D. I!, Dov- v. .. i. ufacturer. That's H ALLOTS .1. D. m OVKIt ls,etX-jcm- LEAVETO er, Miss Alice Ken IX r.MAHV op ehnrjtfihlo iriirposes INCORPORATE er, Katoti: J. V. A ru gnu, Cyphers and Miss Wi ; M.-C- . - en the County lliull School: them as they do. limb- from taxation, and there is no A. L. liaea, Haea, guarantee County flerk, Walker has been lie Mae . Mis Mob- - Kelst that it, miisl he used sol(-- llflCIAl DISPATCH TO VOBNINfl JOURNAL) Sandoval; A. Kogcrs, to how to get limitation M a e ered for geverat day. as the" until Ke. Oct. I!'.'. Th- Settlers' Mis.i Vertie Ashloii, Miss re mill There's no "guesswork" when such t'ntil courts ',wci,1.-eigh- t amend- fur riurtmses. The slat- - is entitle. lo e ( V. the proposed constitutional Ditch ( ; i r nit- ( 'n. ol i 'a t son, on Dt,ii...-ll- Ail: 'should decide, otherwise it appears (n Tum by gov- i'llloison ment on and revenue, con- delcvalcs ap,oiiUe,l the r. .Miss l.ilcll in taxation Sine Hy' used for eharita-- , county, fill d ineorpnral im papers to- - Hider. .hold lill. you invest your money taining1 on a, ballot that all propt ernor, all to be selected from within '. about 450 words, day with tin.- state coriim.-tio- coin- - Atnistroim on Manual Training: hie purposes Is .exempt frortj taxation.; lil'ty (he tin- Inch-way- ; three hy eight inches. A statute speci- miles of mule of Mis:: Ida Km, Ilex such foQtvvear. You are sure j hown-ver- mission. The waters in l.e taken I'. Stone, John In- - the.-"-- Accel-din- 10 y stalenient, jit llu- highrtnv running front Trini- fies that nil ballots must of the Agua.ic la I'etuea lb H A. L. Wilson on Accur- would seem all revenue tie-- ; from de and nth and One-fourt- h leewav 'it that dad, Colo., follouing Fl Caiiiino Ileal -- and dimensions. inch - the main canal is to be ten miles in acy in Writ ii Work. to get full value. Conic (lived front renting a part of the prop- In Socmro. thence west via Mngda- - is allowed by law. A I this i;i length. reservoir is 'onserve . , ,,,,,.,.,.,, , ,,, in- jerty of the "dd Fellows is used ,, .,,vl, fail styles The clerk. Ht first, acting under the floodwalers and some IIO.UOO To on War. see the many new regular charilalde puriioses, so. White lo Club.-- I'lioenix, llclate Suntu Ke, intended to Itheir mountain:' puh-li- formation from a lirn- - acres are to be reclaimed, making il Sunt Fc, i let.- lirst' i res- ithat even if we could put such Vuina, to I. os Anaeles. its c 58 ;. provisions Flood rj rre !or follow the of the - one of the most iiiiporlanl irrigation lileeling Hie High School Klter-n- snowing upon constitutional provi- of i f t olution h, having the ballots printe!, illation the New j projects of that part of Mexico, society Is booked lor tomorrow it Udlild seem that the property li,!in-i,- ii nil Inspi elion Trip. en but later advices counselled agains' jsii.ii, The capitalization ia $M,0n(),. wouieu ami uuk.r exempt.1 divided .1. W, al. which tin- question. "Keslllvcd, a way out of i of your lodge would still le Simla ivii. --'2. lOrnuiu-e- tliis. Ho was seeking; into l.linti Th" incorporators tin- Kur.i-pia- n to which the shales. nf-- tlial the effect of present the thct "In answer the letter K Johnson of the slate engineer's ' difficulty when he learned 1; and directors are.- William Sbttpe, war is more .1. , imenlal Ihali were meet- hoard sent on the second of June, lice left for Maxwell and the three state chairmen "., shares; Arthur W'lliains, Hi beneficial tu the I'niled S';,.i.s," will ing In to felt constrained, by considerations of' 1- 1- will t plans for the Santa Ke yesterday afternoon M. 12 i e J shares: Kichard Willis. shares; be debaled in tin- aff nm by 5 settle question. jofficial etiquette, as usually do, to of lb.- Hebron dam wliic'i f the Finery Mason, 11 shares: Samuel A. lied .Miss Nellie I'', gm .,-- jlTx isiiv county officers should apply j went "tit dining a flood this I'attwtig'hl 1 Jim ,9Jt J :V that shares, liiehurd M. Willis by Mi.M attorney for advice, H'orwin, for Union Xiisbautu, and in Ibc negative 7 SALOON-KEEPE- to their district is v ag.-nt- and Ih" dam the ,Y1 fc R FOUND ad-- named staluioi la i son and John K. S. Wal- is hy law made legal j niunieipcl n 'as he their iV- ( waterworks Carl, Hay Hruce 'o, of Koswell, In addition, ihcre will In- km? GUILTY SELLING viser, and a district allmiiey might I'liilips. ler. : OF also tiled incoriiora im, papers, the by Mi-'- S Helen Knapp and : it ! intruded upon his Ifeel offended capitalization being $i:.'i,iMin by Miss ' LIQUOR AN INDIAN diided (ioveinor Appoints Notaries. Allied Koll'-i- a Piano solo TO Jurisdiction." .100 m-- j inlu l.f.00 of which tu I glee shales Sanla let. 21!. Oovt-rno- Mc- .cut ha Stephens, a song by the per cent m be preferred stock. The: Donald toda appointed James ,1. club anil tin- reading of the I'igh 2ft f'tCUL TO MOMIN JOUNU COURT statutory agent is J. F. Kay. ,CS ft . COtFOICI MECHEM HOLDS The' lingers of Moin-- s, and Charles M chi.,,1 paper by the editor, Albert km Santa Ke, Oct. 22. Max Chaves, 'n company engage it- - win in real est Keyne of Katoti, notaries public. Win Ion. sales, nkeeper at Alameda, near A- IN SANTA FE COUNTY!' mil livestock business. The incoipo-- j yester- lbuquerque, was found guilty ratois and dir. elms are; 1, .M. Carl, day of selling liquor to un Islcta fipeeiAi. Dispatch to mobmino journal) Arlesia; !. F. Kay and J. !", Drupe, The case was a hard fought one Jll.l-i- M. c. K, ( ;eil ! I VP S.mta Ke. Oct. I':'. swell, shares, und II. - fk V and it it. Sum- i: 1 CLOGGED NOSTRILS took two day to try Meehem today licaid for District JliiJ nnld. hhan 11 MINUTE! 'A'Ul.'JflHl It mers l'nite.1 HE IIA Burkhnrt represented the Judge K. C. Abbott; the demurrer of llii-- . & Wright the on States and renehan the North (iraphio Mining company Officials lteiiorts. ..' . Sanla.' Fe, Oct. 2:'. defendant. of Magd.ilena, to the complaint of A. The depart- A significant upon the (J. ment education LD sidelight L, C.rlmshaw, et al. James Fitch, of and other state OPEN-GO- S HID CATARRH VANISH change of sentiment throughout New attorney for the company, made a are aln-ad- at work on their lu- disclos- Ji ts - Mexico as to prohibition, was nioiion to dissolve the injunction Is minal rep which must be sub- y.Av to (.oyernor ed In choosing the jury to try Chaves. sued restraining the defendant' from milted McDonald. on upon being December 1, for legislative scs- - Talesman after talesman, ("Wei-tin- any of its funds until the the "I Discharge. Clei.i-- s siiii'l'ed grant balm dssolve. by the heat called, admitted he was opposed have I Stops Naslv that claims of the plaintilfs njiicn. I i n. IM-.- . tien-tiiitc- and heals the to had taken ii..,., il, .u l,,ii the noMtril::: the liquor traffic or llt-e- , - w hich oaii! and tn discliarge ine receiver, .. i .... 1..1..1 i...... toe' mo. I I'oii ill.,- I ii I'l.i iiu'd, sw ollen ineuibraue part precinct ...... , " in the fight in his Kenehun & rigni ippeared for the Mines the nose, head and Ibroat; clears Sama Oct. (.. d I afjuinst the saloon or was prejudiced plaintiffs. il.U. ,,,, ,llr ,,ll!si,,.s; stops nasly against saloonkeepers. The panel was tierger, manager of the Cimiu- - Try "'s Cream Halm." and u feeling nf cleansing,1 Glass-Pain- Suit was tiled in the district court illnlely. t filially and jurorg had to ron and Northwestern railroad and j (j,.( sma 11 'bottle anyway, just to soul hing relief comes imm I I exhausted toilav for the First National Lank slnigghir--, Eon MlllRPPkym bystand- (Xtensive lumber interests in Colfax 'try il a little In nostrils! Don'l lay awake Cement-Plaste- he chosen from among the 1 1. Pettini, the - r N. Pettini and - br.-al- heatl sliiff.'il; ers. As was selected from attains! county, was in consultation yesterday m' instantly your clogged nos- ami for with ij"h- ii the panel for Jl'.ti. p miwi-ui- nt recover on a not. atopped-u- passages .on. every state, it i In w it h the state corporal ion commission. air of the licni tins eiuseii, ".", portion of the ,.nen- Iv : r a cold, w th itH running Albuquerque Company Thomas Doran filed suit ngninsi i.. v.,.. will lirpnihi, free I'll ta h or Lumber that sentiment for prohibition hendnchs disappear. Ky nose,- foul mucous dropping: h'tn the, 423 North M Lnwsnn and garnisheed the First Herring licturim From Koswell. dullness and. First Street is cold-in-hc- tlryness Is distressing. pretty well disseminated. the sum of I70, niorning! the catarrh, Ihront. ami law National bark for San lit Fe, lie!, i'i. Adjutaiit but truly needless. on a board lull. lor catarrhal sure throat will be gnu", to be due Harry T. Herring today i once in 10-da- y alleged returned Knd such misery now! iet the Put your faili Jii'd Our Big Sale Starts Iloswell, irml ynur com s - from where he sn tit the :ls' "Fly's P.abn" "Fly's Cream Kalm cotn-- rat-- at the J,,ur- small bottle of Cream Results From Morning Want Ads Wii nt'il Clean, Week on national guard business. any drug More. This sweet, lt:i- - catarrh will surely disappear. Journal Saturday. The Leader. Dill I'ltl-'.- . SIX ALBUQUERQUE MORNIIVtS JOURNAL. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1914.

AN JNnKrKNPKNT KRWPI'AI'KR of the experience nf lln world wnr, (lentil rattle on th warm, dump COTflS Qllit, PfliflS Che Jlltuqucrquc Id make It t Ii mole definite, What the Editors Think of the With Scissors and Paste i.nnii iiie rnom m inn. iiinu.i.iui one!: extreme view Is that nf nmrttlttie iliiniHt a lullaby, went mi n,l Stop, With .'"Gets-It- " ' Med Mhmit wan i i i tn. iiiil. And all iikIhuk IIihI f n r make free Duty of Harvard University m: iu iiwi: i.ii:i i'v t K. II. ii 1,111111 . Itlteilhe, i, i Ti. t .. t' , Mtnlld Food," kiiIiJii t only (' oi ...1 (.lull IMiisti'ri. Suite-- iiiul moniiiio M I It-- - Ma Journal It 1 Mnlemn luit.N It t I'ltOI'. Ml him In wllhiliHw nf .Mni"- Vim who hnvi' iii wnr from reNlKnation of diMpalr, tbe HHiiiK- "CKTS-IT- nm-,- . n fit tn bund !.' n enmity hi llii pur-- i ln hi., fine After y.i Mi Wiener' - il tlllneNM nf the deiith chamber, broken n. Ir I "Fill., tlciii,,,,, nuHiHnuiuil loa- n luir, will never nii.iin linve ivisioii fur IwixiT That needs linrifl. nl Inn y n . ll "- tlniN flutiK Hi only by th trend 1111. wliiNpern nf ' III I 'In to e, t c iVi w York World rHnr .,n nt nn 1. greed I'M' Vmi who Imvf "i'l' IKkllllf. i.r CO. r t ri I tf JOURNAL PUBLISHING it " ilrfiiillb.n i.f ii.iilirf. . "lil-.'- In I'lnf. Huso ,Muiitrhet nf .i.iitM.j l.tntnurticnii, ihm ,in hrMin I nn- - ( H I.f hell the HttemlHfilM IIIV nrnN the nt,, I ii ii. I i Mtuhlishmcnt i.f ri Mhell-tm- .UI'( nun cm p lid. r ev ntnl. the mi ln 1 il,lilin,(lii(l In i',r ''ninllt lnn Ir f Uin Ami huriii'i'i'fil nil tlif fi tiilii by your ItetitN in tatlere.l, (el er known 1 A. nt "worth Unix- liliilin MTlirn0?f lil.llil i riMll' prixf to Insure Just i Ii diN.'InMed Kit pi n vc tt.ninilH, '. r. Mi.K.r If limit 01 iiny fn t nf ihut mini li Im.u "l '"'tlnti hii, fr.i.,tiuii nf !" ' ill eiiil Npi'll untie Hinii rib-an- Ii .Ii-- II, ! M- LIS I .III. I hikI 11 - winlit Itnli-t- will lit thun ;n.l nf Willi a hanty I. JI TKll I' i.r i(iiii liifii ntfiintfil hii In Hie mil- Ih iirci ,y nn f'lf-- ' '"!" ' and kinn; had leeeiv.d "Suff.M-- Yf . fiufil ,0, I, nr A. x. MotMAN 'it y I:. HI i 11 K In. bounty fi.i ).. sustained. M ixils n fuciiliy, mnl hiM iil i lnM Atni'ili iiii uiiiyi nil V. 1 lilt wrath you ibiff, fill Hie battlefield, while others Wiih M. U JVX I..I.i..f IfK t lux lit- - 1'' In niiHi'fy Hn.I Wire Mtlll U Tlic other In llml nil lili.l trniii' iitilill. iiltitiitn M haw only ""Ki'H fur Inn ., .Imin In ) Anil iiliiiiue Hie eiit'ih raw and hlee.liiiK, 'Ibelir Corn.? in ' H u feet, Mtlll Illl'UMe.l ill inlllne GKTSJT.' . ..inf. .il In hii enemy Ik hii iilif rnnd-I- . xflvnl In innruiii thf lii'lii'f. Tin' n i'l "P fur il lie. iliKt.air. "lie ller . nIiucm, II V.m.hl . J. AMiMt'ON, ro.n.r him 1.1 Ami yi-- i it ,,,,,, . Ami, frnni the fraisiiii-nti- f cmli crtiNlied intn 11 itiiiNNhKe I,, ii. i in n ii ii ,ii wr, mill ili..iil.l ului ilmic im in in h milk.' .i.itn l'l tirii Mnr.1tO lliill.ll, III. ellinvvM, l.l.n, (iovi In. Inn v iilii iilnim I'rnf. Willliuii I'' "f' inr M i.i i k (i,ik gniip Ik huh d r. iin uliell rmii) kneeM and that vver. iin In- ii.i)ilili'ii. Tin' riiiiiproinise mi lh tinxtct J11111111 i h Im i'Ht ll I y 11 linm-11- . I Hrpr-nfMt- with IiIm nnfniiiiil..f Ii i f rt tsii n h Ki.r iirnMiifH fnine iimniuli'. they had been NtiuiFhed ftlrm In . iimiiiik 'huiAiIn tn M M II Ml I I II. v. whl.h the blondest Intel li.ii.iiuil '''! rii-- - It t ln-i- i (ind'N er, d in.-t- l There' I'll ill.) In inakf it iiniinliir in nut mi in ' t x 1,11 tin. win. Hi- h im Sy, In uni tn ai.l with dependi linibN. Hit New I II - I'Bik l(,,. lord. I Mil- NllvclKlllll llllllilllll lll'fl- t fiiimitli-t- l ? were ill-- 1 I iiii' nm nf any Mini, but 11 the ,.x,.,.,., ,vhi' (iivni piHyi't broken IiiiikIn, mid finneiN I I I - t llll.l II. III)' . tin- A 1. I'nt.-roi- we iu'ir iik lllliiri 'f llhsulille enllt 'I'tie iiiifni tiiniil.' thinii In ihui tin-- lin t 1, n ,(,!.. I'U Mlil. ni llli.Nt seveied. ready tn drop, retained A Il lin.l,-- .ffi.n ,.f ll.ii. V M, AM I I 11 by a - riii, nl.olllli.e nf olldlt Infill iititrilllllllll, Nil nf I'rnfHMKiir Al llllult 1.1 H Wllnifl th ,,i,it...iiiiiiin nf l.el.lll llll.l the lllli.n flnw inlltt'nl eiirh only Ntrip of nkin. Mont niim.i- iJ,.f "..r,rr'M of i ki 1. lli'till t'. l III- - - 1I.1V; ntiH were lll"lf lh It elllllC plnlllllllltin III fltlll'Mx nhnlllil ha VI l.ri'll t.lli'i nil- In IH i,,,inlli'llt ..iHltl..ll, llmnnn tbe iiiNiialtiiN the - , 11 tmi; uni'viMi .mi ir.M. i ntl'ljl InflN 1! .m l i ii( inlly In" iiftnoi Vmir .an-"'- like h fell thlniin, In In fla.'tiireM; the pnnr IH'fiiN ninl li'BN, Ml-- miiliiil iiinli' In the iiik' ami entire lir Whllll ntllliln in vi "f 1 I.I I'l in T. . Nl IV IS''. 1'Uiit . - HI. Willi flic nn-..- Ii imti with I it wmilil hnvi- red n ml MWiilleti, tlinibhoil Intolet nblv h.i..h'm hi rri 'i. 'i tiiij putv l fl it nf hi nt ill mule III llir tUlit nf flii. ill! limn rtl their .ale. J 'l I ' l ' Ml K T miH'-ki- l.l'l'll I Ii 11 v In it tiling und were iim Hut I'M i.l ill) CN I' III All other. AtnrTlmn iirnl whlrh nmk flll.lC I' f nn to Cut i;.,Im pun l.ivnr heavy lead. the 1IW1 I K in.-'- II,; I.IK Ali ih nn i'il;iln i.f IiIm lifiiuniillmi llllill. II I,, I il.. hIiiiiiIiI rniiHid mi.Nt danKeroiiN hiirt.i were tlmse in i AN I VI' IV ll. II In II i.r! fllillf VI III. I' WIII.S IMhVAIil. i line f 1. I ,. wlllmiit ir. .In, n tn tin' 11111 live ci ii 11I, (,, , j h:n lii'liiuiB Tn nine iiiul fluiiKliter iind the hist the nbdnmen, eheNt lin.l lleatl. Tbele I.I..II l Im Ilieiltll by (III .list lliiilnll In tlic WINlly. 'I llnllKh till V III I llllM tl .llili'-- t Lin ml Mini, In liiiblli- lit to (l'i. nf nwny, Wer yawnlnu future that laid ..pen I if. n thiol .1 r i i,liiil'iii uf Aim 1' 'IT ml .n tin' mi cnnnri'iK t.y I. 1111 II I lllll Make, if ynn 111 nsl , Ihe full' enlth Inire the flank, viMira If vim have tried other tliilis by the Im I ii i.iily to Kitln kM'i.inn Inm, it .iiinint fiillKlitinfil Aiiki. n.'ill '. entire the l. I ' III I'.l 1 hV Willi ll Hi". t Miifi -- Ncote will tioiv try ?TS I,... i iUr hi .sulmf llllll K". NilllllllH HO rkM.MH llll unit red. were drawn Into Hie:it liaiil ItimpH and "til Ii I 1 11 - IiIphm tiyhf-dr.'i- nu will realize llus ulnriiris f.1,1. n.w Ifil In ,i'li till military ciiiii. IIIHiill nf In Jiif.1 Hf i.uti itrv or M.r- nm III Ve lint (I. id to J mi the 11 f.kln, while as 1.11 MX SI luirnlllu ilitnlHin srr:i I'H'IIII'I I' 11 Vmi ale nn 111. ,M. l. i 'i v 11 Willi.- J1.11 Nlny' lH pa- iircl siicklnu y. i i r riiail, i.ii in. 1. ill Hu lit mil i.f Kirn llllll ttlltM fnr ll In Un ify .1 fnl' III i.n Ihe efferl of (ettain wmin the Ik r ia iti. tape that umi't May Min k, 1 I'lilluil. liihii, .;v .11 I i vl liInK I".' In. ii.i i ni inin lie. iiik tient frntbed ut tbe niniilh and (., that Nbilt themselves t.ubl milu i Milli'l'l TO fi list 'ii:hm lllIKO M I Ol.ll-TI- v " " I hi-- i UllNlPI'bf II HlMlllltloll tin' lltS. writhed like an epileptie. Ileie and . m t I I willing In tin' riiviiiiiHti. tirr". rfuri'. em n, a pt Imt ma ,1 hn,, i.. It.'lti t.i 'i. J .lml, Htint .llf.NHIlf null ke w I.f ,N.y,lll,l.i.V ill JllllVllllli (iiniiNton runt.) there were where the limn had pre--.- 1 Inn Heir .nr r tn lit Ml In thf ti 11 m 111 p nf th Cnliinrl In 1'tnli M iiiikI. i In u nmv tn ra.N die nf i r hie all nvi Unvvn ll in !. I., ii l)it i,M .tilr.uft uiilv.'iNlty im he iiMuit nf a (Iniini Nl Thi-r- have belli mime very pii- - been pi tietrateil, the pun. tine now ho mt cut n. I'm .. iil lit.' nnni.i.lKii (ill.- - tn u rc iirri'lii'l' of li' lani bin rliiilr, but, it In in I... ihe lit., drops - Iblfiit to WllhlllllW 11 1..1I Inn. Kinmy 1,, Mi;biN to hi ape nt' ' I M ,1 . I) - l ir ic in Wuslilni'lnti due t. minute iin permit nf nn "i;l"TS-IT- en rn in . - li Itin .il.Miil lint B lt:l. r Iiih tin. ...I linubli- nr to tin- f''lli..Kj Willi IiimI.'Ik ..i.H..fii .in. mi that ttv.. s. 11 i 11 vv ,, I I, H in l ij,il (u llliV 1.1 lirIH-- i.f $1(1,(1.10,11110 nf Hie ,,. n from public life ,11 blood, u it id.', lieep orifice he cm Is in 11 tf.i...n riinit .nlinil.'N nmt Hitb 1, exiniln i.,l i ui,,,., S JU. . "- - ..f in. In mi.l Ni.11.1w uf thi. iiiirriiw fit. In ll A H.fri il 11I. NN.1r N "UI1W il .l n-- l 11 1, t (if i'H- - I V, il . l,r A ti lil i.inl. let mull snllle m. hl. ill h.'( of old lin n IhioiiKh whi. the red ide life vll e ttinht 'll S The IMi I "i V cull, ii.1 mn nf the N.lril ..( met im .tirty hud frnni - that the "the ullertliii'fM" rulHeN 11 Hlintl lit nil. e w iv. caped in tin- sh iiv I. iili'li-.- II. pi ; In.. til i.tlnlm. lie will lllx l.'tetl-II- . .pi. In. le cut adrift without tiieium tnrntitN; and internal i.l.l nw' n y. rume Kill?" iiru'liiiiic ficednm an I the vlnlaln'ii i.l 11 livi llhnnd, I.ei iiUNe llley Np.ill hemunhaKcN, iIiump that were hid If think this sounds d lo v 11 I I 4 HI tn IliM hf ll ,1 ll.llrl fnl till' . T(i: It l:i lllil ' , rni ha I Hv . n 111 11 b. trv it t. iilltlll nil il 11, i v i.f neutrality'. pilhlb' frnni Hiuht, were the must terrible In 'i.l l.l.i.e but to the 11 n vi- h ibviitimi heir IneaKei V ri callus, wart nr Imtiiiui. M 11. 11 Ml' KM) I (tit . . While the tin ,,f u nfefiSnl Neiviee. 11 nf Hi effeciM, prnNliatinif vlciim MHiltr Volts. tn ill, fi ee e e, h. the yultf liutnbel' dltheir their ' ml til. iie nf i;KTS-IT- " is sold by driu'sisi Mi Mt l. IVIImV. lenvi'M tile I to ...I, it IN 1111; to like 11 flash, hint I, lack in the ..,eeeril lee inin Inrturiute ciiminh obtain makitiK v vv il ev i l her. , a '. nr ,1: imt iXieiied there Hint 11 Ibniit nf other a PpointmetitM, but many are face and delilinilN. And finally Un- Tin re bib tiuluitm miinulM imw f..t Ml Mil l IONS. reel by I:. I.auliilc, I'll , (ill. iie, Nsll Itlll Itii lt vMintiublinir u Hum nf tnuney w nm p ltd to live a piecaiioiiN oxiNt- - bend, nutre any Other portion nf 11I111. .Hi ev i ryt hli.K, 11111I the than In the I'Luiit iinlitl.i.l ruiiiiMlitn, ieuilenie I .MIlliieili(iiM I J. .tl! mil. have Ihe leant effci t in iliii rmininu lice, fur the reuHnn thai there ure the frame, nave evidence nf hard if lite hit. I t.i lb. with Ihe I ! MK l.dv illltilKen, Imt bp reel, ile.l i.n Th nveiNeeiM nf ll.iiwil.l cuilc:.', their ile. iHinii. Llbeiiy nf xpeel'h halt imt puHitluiiK enouwh t' It" rnunil. tlPiilin. 111 ; a broken Jaw, the nintith a tn anv ext. fit vi 1, J I , f mn tin m. The im. nihil m linnli l.mff lliele I inllIHe, inn do ll.illllUK l.'NM lb lievi r hi en ( nn.lltlnne.l by huaiieH at W hen men like Senator Murphy Fou- pulp of teeth and lilei'.lllU' tnliKiie, nn most brilliant writers 11 In .llb- - Wmibl be 11 a tiiiiilili.'ii to Miv lift tier tent h In f.. the , .1 1..1 t ; I Iin vat (I. ItN THE inn fnr ,.(,,, Ihe tell milllull il. ler or (senator (.'nckerell, who at the eye torn from Mneket and exposed America - the artists Me n. 1. Ik, 111:1 culleK.-- ( itlM I'KIII 'I n mid vnli' hi" Iln the icllll lit u lib)' lOnKllHlimilll nlfelN, ( l, ll If that Iiiim been a vlnlallmi n' 11 ake of K'1 vear.N, are Ktlll tniliHK 11I11I1H upnli tbe cheek, 11 Inviii skull that tiiket. Hut lln'ie In tin ...niIiIiiv nf Mte iiinkiiiK luo Id, id. h nf (;niMir.,w I.l lull (ill their dlNllliHHal fll.lll the trality iim enjoined by lieslil.til Wil- in minor offin-M- are favored and can Nhowed the palpllaliiiK brain beneath. whose cartoons and "comics" . . .M any tiilllf I. iliirinu (lie neXI two where line mew f.ue, ninl two emn nlfy of I'rnf. u niiNtet bem, son, then the tinivei nty may n:I'"!v do the work, iinbuilv hiiN rlKht Thi. no in whime cane the bullet bad make the nation laugh - are - Im i.ffi.'inily In lovvn ealtNl' nf IllN "pri.-lii'Ullll- deal Willi the nil nl'icr to complain. The public Ncrvice d touched the bruin or Kpinal tiinrmw ei.r- - no imw-ibjlil- nf the l..llii- i.f nun. It Ntiited lltterall pinl'esnr I111M. r en- replcMcrt-ni- Mich omii- - working exclusively for 11 II 11 i "'I The uf Ihe plnffcled Klniinds. liliilic nfli. nils tint miller and Mirelv lei were already us (lend men, Mink in l lin ri'KMIIlltlif nf either InlilHt Ui lit the nm Ii in nll. lie thi.l I., peiipte Hhnvv 1111- - .11 effort frnc- - hilN .Im, I. pl'ildlll dnwiiient ennnnt blind them tile Ihe Lad lusle in tn of bitih yeaiN of for the the lelharny of coma, while the i.f the linliutml I. plHlntive hn.l) . Mlnte led the mil in essll v of 111 11 11 .. i (i 111 their . 11 plnjinir their official pnsiti.i .1 public nn nil at small pay is lint to hcjuncH and other less serious cases Hut tlitie when I.iIiiim (if tlott iluiiiiH the paKt W( nty.llve I there lire j i ct Hn.l Hint of thi b- mi unM of expl.iii nm their views on liaised. One tlilnK Ih pretty cei tnin. tunned restli Hsly on their pallets and Iiiim l'( Vulllllull-- 11 ll.'K lii even put nr and completely , v 111 lu.tty nf!', when the lllHlitlltlntl Win, Mi. d.'NlillicH 111 run-- the war. A university piofessnr ii'fi When men who have hii ved liinh beHeechitiKly culled fur water to 111, . iKcd I.e. f little, The ty Iiiih nil hnlli.l If llll'l'.ty, f b. the fee.llnu nf filled lo tlnill, Xnr doe the I'es.t'll.i- - very prnpeiiy 111 (,,y n,. re fie doiii. slatinn have passed life's mcli liatl 11 lid ipiench their thltst. I ' u I a Iiiim M poli-r-jlic- cnlutely Kit iiMide. It In the eiy en-- ! Mi0"'olil liKlicult 11. Here U(, w)t(l w,i, h I'mfessnr Miii.Mii This Im a matter whi, h ll.11v.n l Is are fnlccd by the vli isslt mil nf 11 d prnfes-- ! A I America's Cleverest Weekly i Mitci of lilt? cillZellHhip Within IbeiKlveii ine vti'iiiuiv li' in o i" l.ef hum In iIihii- .1 icl'll les abiiii.liintly able to de.i.le fur lc In testlmu Till 'Ml HOI T IHIY ltll(.. ( 11 fiimis, they hi, I seek I'arm ami Fireside.) republic that jM shall, kly re-- j llmal.n iiiul the Hmiih ih.k nciiooi iiiui niter tn. sit lllll Inn. T.i pel ui'. self. do these inllior . . . . . T.i.-- ,1 1 usu- dry in ... iu ..iciii,.. ..if..i.', 1.. iii . offices ml' nf lust fnr place, but The hlsli.ry of fainiitiK the Everybody 11. In mnral i.iinn. u 11, n iin s ine Lores Puck fn. ally I.iciiiisc of nei.Ksily. And in Hint I'nlted Sfat.'N .all be summed up ill i.r pi.itV rcBulalily thcte Is I " whi le tbe i.ilnliill for Milne General Von Hook liithl, when fortune sinil.M upon them. one sentence; "(iund have been Just i'un ' hommiiI Bernhardi'a itifiiiit.-h- J m..l lirm iilnn; H.imeibli.i; printer. tr the list i.r iim mil fttlord to He KlU.l raised by dry-far- methods where Tot 40 ye.irs this paper "- -' - t I'tknla nuii- The m.iii.iK.-men- mid conduct nfjl' s""' Dissected by Col. A. W. Harris nl the lilt they k'et. the rainfall is around fifteen in, In s has retained its position Im ,1 rui n thi- - icpiiblicair parly In New M. xi. u coltiiial n.ll. f.e bicliiiK per year, but (iund crops are rarely as the best d wilhin Ihe mIioiI i have imt .uliilcd It tn nuppni I of the that will miitute sroitv or n i: ivm it.wt ir raised limb r such rotiditlmiN." humorous periodical in tho people. Whatever uf bad i(n eminent .casnii between frosts ill that stale, j (I'.y A, W. Harris ) (Heat tie er. ) This menus that under experimental country. It is bettor now 'I f.-- j up-- at any tn he schools are ilolnu wmideiM ,,,,,,, , I I of life insiira nee fiil'trilns, cnndiictcd with ample capi- than time its Slim been puMslble In il III the p,,M, II ,. M 1- 1- .1 ulir nil aci ordttiK the di. tal, if nur nvv n The beKiiitiitiK j in- career. peopleI I uf principles was in 1762, tal or liav'ini; outside sources of has Inflicted upon the people wltli-i"- of ,V,IV Ncilon the A cinclul p. rusal uf an ti i. l.' in cciiscienccs scientific company was formed In Lon- come, or tin vini( funds in the lunik In ,,l have ' nil''1' Milieu. Jnllf bslle of the I Kill Inst., wherein ll has painliilly apparent when u 10 cents a copy l,..lllin ('mull been prevented them over bud men It the niaynr of now place in don. Ijick of information tide Ihe Jfars, iini-i- MClUptle, III X.I lu.vei Hut fur are the ideas nf iiemral i.n that the sIiukxIc taking without il equitable prem- succeeded in prnvini; enr-re- i Iim, III., picMhlcn! of the Nlate Hern tin r.ii nn Ccriiiaii militalism and liirnpe is instituted bv the motive of from esialiliiiliiiiK have the Ask Your Newsdealer been levied liie.iiltnbly mid W nsle, iums, (in all between 1:' and 4a tness uf the theory. It further mil, iln nieelliiK, In his JilMlificallon of the iium-- Msive and iimmcrcial suptcmai y and iiiibridlcl nises III h, llml leiiuile. at ( ".II l Vllftl colli ctcd. cnutlty till" , , WHS II nf t j means t hut nvi na y, urea line lliitlllll, t lillK KVslelll i.f 111 t iio.IV Vl- l.lst fill' hllUl'l' il.lit o 11 11 'file Ve llS there flat halite the raite, the I, ke Iln. li.lloHlnu i..,l - - .UK llllder republican, I 11 11 1 11 IllolllllH insiilatice, or tip majority of liomesteinlers in the semi- Mate, tend I ii Ihe .lew it Ihe h a k u ll nil fnlles thai are iio,v ml hnve'f"I' twelve t'nivcrslty; d Ik I a h In Ihe nf thtce-fi.l- mcater than niriil west do nut often reap pn.filnl.le Iiiim a Jail nf twelve ill liiasseM tn Ihe ii r and w liked (b- - hi en fnr veins Past III evidence, leave I'1' i.xiinatclv "Viul have a stunt curs, for farni-i-r- ill. '(.St. t rn a small Htr.aini to siitr h no the present harvests. iln. rn". M. nf the nail. ms rmw in duiiht but that the general welfari rlav workirs. loud cniiint-e- years rain- . I ('(itnpany btKan With several of unusual for bonded InibiiteillliNM of a ball hoiisi k.'ii'ei-- , and oth.-rs- Why not Li ub' w a fare. nf the world has been sceuiulary to! The bisl American i fall, ure en, (.urajfed in the Im- a wuli Hie i I'll, null desircH nml.illuti.s nf busilK ss seventy live vears au. settlers million ibdlaiN. mayors' Sel aside week ll will also sh,.w Ihe fallacy and and ' ( Kni-up- belief (disproved by the records of Im special flilVM Iln' iillH.dera Inn of u.-t- Hie if inctciiHi'd objei t:i f The lll.i I law was passed and for vviakness uf Hie I'h atli niptcd nations fur lis eativ pulici ire the pl.lblelliM of (tllfarent cilv dcpittl-- l or os tv t nev w e the tililcd Stales weather, bureau) 111 pus. ex. uses fur the ni;KI esslve aclM nf his'liuwer nini necessiun territory, cm al this time. ct maintained lur th" nf t in.- - day could be known iim Hint the is They no tils y i w many "climate chaiiKillK." " "Valei lafid." He ass, l Is that li Kvcn in neutral natinns tin study clumsy enntracts ith plllilicatiull uf (be tlillll ma v in V tla v , reap in proportion to many, eipinl peisonal Interests as In cont in- - ine, fcatilt'cs. I'm' Inslancc, all fair harvists (if plllillc pieslib nl uf the uiilverslly re- - with an aicn al.uut lo'tluir - llbutlt Ihe Itianacrllletll ibe lied neutrality or pari i.ipat inn mi one were fmf.'iied if the In- - their industry and w.s.ldm, immlKia- - that nf I'iiilit e, ex. eeils the latter in hereiiti'lcr The tn. .llll p( I cepl iullH nt' 11 plied that he would l.e li.i'l l "ll- , WashltiK-mi- e tint! Increases, new homesteads no iiul, il imi bv nun, null, with an In - tM'l1' or the other. As In the case of jsurcd moved tn the city nt' lire. l expect1 nf the people have si.b r Hie Idea. We easnlia bly I - ". 0 n - taken up and the outlook Is promlsiim lalKf peleenlilH.' (leisinii ycaily pupitla t imi uf I ,IMHI,- - b'lV. of lur writois on Interna- ,,u nr iiny town with .) inhabi- ( t(l(lles-tioIl- I Then do the lean vears make famine' I blllllt.'.l, It nines Hint N.'hn.ils soon will be HHiiiK shuit' nun, hence Ihe need nl' cnli.imnK hei'lllonal relatiotis, i tilt ie) mo I'eri'ei.i, nts, or if he traveled west of the - in the land und there is nn .Joseph I.f pulltiiM TIlillMM III'. tnlel iltill ccui s.s fur majors, ntul that butler. colonial possessions. lie Intimates unci's that this at present neu- Mississipid river uphold the written mm itnfurtu-pus-esslui- to save the people. Crops fail, stoi k rtf or eoliiloiieil In public life Hint Would it'H.vniK will result. There Is vast room tlntt the liinllcd space nf her present "al power finds itself In an consent of the company. ri - starves or is sold for lack of suste- pti-11t- e ' treaty ob- ... 11 ui In Improv i ineiit In Ihe execullve will soon fiiil to' support hate dilemma, in that her While of comparatively recent not be i,i,.il f..r iii.iiiii lor nance, savinns funds run Invv, home- - p, He lialbins with del many and Austria bus mail.' tre- life. nf must nl nur I'm Ihe surplus imi. t. ilcclares life insurance iibaniloiicil. tilnd lu r to side with them, while hel In American com- steads are party re- anil there Is in. icas.ui wiiv Ibai the parliiiuiiiiiK uf the world's mendous strides. il If the rcpul. lleatl mild erniucnls, , Kv en these sail fads do not impel .ry ls It'll - " miaie ini.-ii-s- ins in ics,iuium in-- panies and societies there are nearly form Itself fruiii within, it vvniil.l Ntlil expeil attention should not benefit, ten ll. koIiik nil and that the fundamental value of dry fann- - loiiuef pruv lin es., or wni. li Ausu iii HI, (llll), (MID policies in tnree, rcpli t. rial '.llllsll lulls ale justifiable and I be in power In the ntnte ninl the Mi- our cilv problems. Just as it Iiiim been itikr. for havr M en uond crops n call I leiillxed olllv ui Hie , ,,si i, r hail unjustly deprived her. This writ M'litins $:'(!, linil.iUKl of iiisiiraiiia .lt. llion. Iim of of I Ice iihkIiI linve nf Incalculable Improvement to our t in uiv yeiirs without itiiK-nimi- tenure nl her stnt es. er Hank ly admits tin the lamer part (.sources of one ronipanv are nearly I, iM Join-pluvi- been unlimited, lint when II pn.ceids mil. is, Muck itruweiM iiiul fe.deis, 1110 I'opuliitlon of Italy fnr three-fourth- s of capital ll will readily be seen that th. (in- - i"r i'.iial to the piin. ipl. " find bad buti n llll ill liits and deliers. ll X H'c lo anainst the banks. Another mm iipmi vvionii naiiii nal rv Iiik ..ui uf this pel tii.iu us will allies of all the national Inn. ills uf Ihe Teutons, and 1 4,iiiiil,iili0 policyhold- The Storytellers men for nffue, arid persists in dmuu ileitil lo the necessity of armed military elKioa. company has nl I kiss tlhe fun her loss of territory that the ers a equal tn Ho, the leliledv Is ill the bands "When 'al all.:l and Villa and iiav al forces, vv bus. ililv use must number t'nii-i- d All. I success of the empire luitibt of population nf Ihe Work for those vulelM llll.l pla. c prilKlph' nr. limk. up," is the beKlnnltiK id nt necessity be tile em I nil. Illllf III uf the entile entail. Its membership exceeds the An cpiirrain of John 1. Uncle, above piiity. all lllilcb- ill an ex liianxe. That will Mi'iitiu natluiiM ui, on ihe l.iiitury of States. twenty-tw- o states'. ix belli'--; minted with approval in on. s, caii'.viiiM, on of Thus It will be seen that very little tnial ililiabilaiits uf The plea lu.w hem it Inaib' bv the Ihe kiss heard round the world. Weaker and the ' vvarriiiK na- ;:!." (dd-lin- e life .panics of rytown. what I nly holies! account is made by the The a ticket ,s should and - 111.- - republicans for slialtht tinns or the neutrals of Kllt'upe, uf the America have resources of $J,ii."4,- ,lr. Ilo. k. 'teller, on uc. nsinii i p. aceful iiielhuils of i otupcliliuii, by In, I n nise mask a iiiotal lstiewiih t.i i si it. (nin.noo, a sum as larj-- as the his will's seventy-fift- birthday, sua; t. rn; to c vvarfaie, Xenernl welfare uf the world or the twice I'miuci-I- aiim'esslve fun and brutal I tin- - II puny ilu.ik. Men wbn bad . iv n c. unbilled capital uf all the iV,2'.i at l'ncantict) Hills lo urnndrhil- as now Im inpli'.l by the pruMtess uf IHxation limit the path such atl. - j il whit- - pMi. ss. d In Matnl tur the best .an The I', ill. una canal Is liuilliiK itself, nl iita1 liKhli and the Itrnt het huud uf hanks nf Hi iiintrv , w.ith the cap- Kath 't'cd round the ureal of liirupe in their utihiily stiife. ' vvmst. v il Was sluppeil lialik i.f Kimland. Hank of j bit thday cake with its decoration "' ' I If new st.iinllm: for the Tin Illiilllli llllnlleil fur' ( humanity. This terrible war and its iliil i.f the U$?Jl '.nupi-- it imi, as defined by Web- cnty-flv- e a it) France, Ihe central bunks of Russia, scv randies: luii-- t be (iiinliialed nr tluie liev. ,lavs teciilly because ui . filiihtful cost bb.oil und treasure ster, hitnilics in u In t Inn and rivalry, Swe- - "i this. Sticccs-- i anv will have null uiie result, and that Italy, Spain, Austria, HelMiiitn, iiildreii. remember nn be sin ci ss In ihe pativ lur elide. These slliles startle people vh;i is . tillable, und tile prize . which limine i of (let'-- means hard work lu.i failure means i will be the n.i uti urat ion nf systems ..f il.ii and the Imperial lei, Kill uf 11 not I. iiuillui' will millions ut Ihe w.n Id s vvnik. is slimihl be b is. .1 upon the divine imi iiv thrown in. The ncctiiiiulalions hiirtler." ll. illl. ll. patiV IS e 11 " as inal'.-i- of I de- - liuverniticnt I. ah lin.l there, bill taken In hose who honestly i 1 n, i ale awarded .a..,.. ..r - ..i..- ...i ,.r ,t...t ..r I'limpani. s are . J 0 0,00 i mm ,i o- i" n.sieioj of the life Iii tbe mutiny in the f nlure tha 11 course I,) ellKlllccrs vvlia r. nu servo it by tin- snptiioiity of their "n'- of ,..,1M ...... iii,. miy the anil Kieatcr than the total amount j - alii, ln IklnL'siintl euipi'iurs, purely a miitral," ffWsiM ' il rniH been In the past, bill Its sllc- llie lllelll merely as Iin Identit nf nc in lions lake tlic students in circulation. "SneakltiK as I If s, t'nlimite.l monarchies und urlulrary """" Harvey th.'1 IIMOrffM I . l.e loin;, cllb.-- In state 11. our piililn hools and universities ,x;, Kepreselitative iidm utiiiot cotlslt tl.ill. by roust il ill ion- - J & ' Nl,iv' I'm' pi .1 i rule will be displaced i iother (lav In "I can't: SyJmS 11 lis,. If ,,l Ho- I. Cil It '"' incut naliuiis ttiii ..r nation, until divests iii.' Iiallilal ilance nf the ll's a re- - j '" isS?ll nl muniirchy or representntive ) what odd llnhts the II le. bun'-',- sliuuld be peaceably lu 'Corded what ((,,Vper help remnrking 11. en who have find Ilii i lias bee I profoundly - ptibllcaii uf government; naval Hu y deserve, form (if ,,,.,,,.,..,. steps; the dark- - various powers have to throw on at, a I a ' . it In .lit. ed bv tiirniiiK sc. si rail llll ol'ch nt inaiiients and standing; armies will , In to make them s' m i'o uri-u- like Vmi liet thai " events order A siitgltn! npiiatiiin Is neres i lloill ilia III lalll'.", and the ( rcittimi of ,, l.e ncciled for honest cum l; to lves. I lonner (W m ,,v(. p;,,..) Mvr.rable themM inn naval at tiiauiciils arc ' tl , 1111 be p. fnl incd unly at Hi. bat- a lake In a i h . r vallev'. A new build petition ill all the vocations of life "s'',w Knnlnnd, now I.itssia, now necessary tn Hie commercial welfare ivviv ' ,1 .., vv It needs no to defend it, Have ifiermany Ilia settles If and ;i u. machine ui iiatinjiM, and that they are Justified folic titnl nuw Fiaiice comttiiit a, I e -- Im-iiu- which cmpllshes Its end ''V ion so striinirely "in hakes Itself l clller. iu costly stiuiiliilK atinleft, that VI.l. WI HYD. IV IH'SIM'SS. events that sustainlm; pel-- ;' ' 1 use .f labor, brain, untiling minded of llellyon. M. All a is ie...rt.-.- l shlppini: "."--' I'll ll,, ill t be llniahed till i" In lite blithest diKlee tcprchciisitile, (Collier's) und sobriety, "llellyon, talking about his emplny- - - hav e pror-res- severaiue T)l,, Wi1. nllH s,vvn clearly the in l'.uiopc" If some of the all Hie .lellcite Hal ur il balances ami is nut In accord with the , At titesctit Kur.iiio and other nn-- n ,.,,,1 weakness of our l.usi-'c- r, a manufacturer, said: VI ' a K. t IlllXcd 11,1 mid new ciin '..f civilization, nor the protection of cell eslal'lished. Ihe ., ,, taskmaster. He 'the the in real- Hons are. to some extent, sul'felint; v,,i.- .tie ,itam;os In inter-- ! "'He's tin harsh l l .. bolder, tills Ml .11 'a a part uf Ibe weak aKallist Mtom'. . .' i. lite stale iliii. has coiiie i ii,! ,,f ...i-.n-- i. . , -- ., i i i., ,. nn sneedcr-un- . Other tirms have this ity a of i..i,,i,,i ,.,.,ii' i,,. .... i, in b, .1 (uiiiinif back of the wheels .an il.ited nd Kiirupe, eat ill's sti ll, litre. The level sand of national .... , i... ,.r and to here blasted eiRnt Hour law. Ve nm line and ll return to feudal svstcms the otii come jealousy, in.d.. oneti 1' " Iii n, w imt il a w nay i vvoi k in mild notice uf the Sue inn slid and shook fur i. i be- - to Kit tnrotiKli noie thai have loon since been condemned pride and prcju.l e. ,.w mies. These possiltilit ies nre ...... t I.l llll liatuial balances wet e t. llll cil-i- i , a m "ours or k in teal's these :,is ri lies of hai binistn, and Ibe rule The raver i.f ennd i.,u- and ureal deal - - c .... tini", 'e IcMolcd. Model II etU'ilieel lUK i ini'iiM shuiibl be fur a restoration or 1)f hopeful work will he un- to p.... j w, jof inii'.bt and oppression, sixteen to do a day's work M l l I IV W Alt. rutliplex leadjll.'-lniell- l harmony; let them luon (b One result iftii Ileitis lit it iu: Will luutell the In declaiinit thai (let tunny must Interiintinnal rtaken in conse.iience. fcrward w ith . oiiraKe. and tlioiiKh the u ai n ... the economic in. in I'i.n.iina li.i e additional territory to provide Piithway is at the present time beset p,,silion of our country nmoiiii, the . ll. loom foi' surplus population, he, in leadership, Tiki I'li-sli- . , with thorns, let them remember that nations. This is business i I,.. an.- lo Aic, Icil lis Sir tiauilc M ill. I has la it appuint-!,- jell, ct, JiiHtlfieH lief 111 Violillllllt' tl'ell-jli.- s "The German advance on Paris, Its "Truth crushed tn earth will rise 'ami those who undertake it an cni-- j , a ad. vv ll III. to ratiama. IMdciilly with liiciidly nations, and the use arrival almost at the nabs of Paris inlltlslcr nanin; j tains uf commerce. Un the other hand I.. I'- Ii. II- - nf nl im', i' ill aciiiiiiinn territory. then its swift swerve to the east and Maui. mil Is Melt nut rid suinc ,i tin I foil a (list urber of j , Tbe eternal yens of are hers ,ie war shuck is ureal it re- ll il oi- - up. It the intelll-- even swifter retreat well, all I. k llu, kel s. will strike honest and While error, wounded, writhes in pain viilues unit prices, since it causes nut-iii- me of the hunter." a iccll i Mail iiiitid that there ure other some things, but minds And dies am. mn her worshippers.' jtrenie.i hityims of i T,u, (lip,lk(,r w;1s Haul Rainey, th. o, mid peaceable means tn prov id" lines. of CI M 1'MNT. panicky cntn nchmcnts in other - l'll! llu- Is liiir Rame hunter and cinemaioj- 'foi suildus population, and that DI N TWO lll'OWN n e u.a.,i,l.l.l.....- - In two thi: ;t: OF nie pi ui mikhi i , evv le t nf Vork went on: ibv swat mini- or cntie nt inn. II nber . I' j I . Til. iilii band is ii' 'a , cumplaints !. MS. a ln- - ,i almost, i is chew nf does the at inn of o - What initt Nevv Mail.) nue-iuui.- .. ... ,,.c-.,- ... mil a bv Hi, ' v tUIni Krtson. in York a iiu; Hi Jiii.ihal utile. of the difficult . ;,.U.,.() in Reneral store: to our own loumry mean but hnu.--e small, ..l.ti .said kBAKlNGPOWSy und Riinlen were promptly enii.ue 1 .i i y ,, , ii. humble (orne.s a . la mi in1 mil mi! tm to llll.l l ollifoli.ilde t ti I ,.V.Hlm,:ly n.ori.inK struck lealll Hie mt in moans empluve.l by theni ( l tree, And ooked sin uh ntul Various lirilP,s anil I,.'u i,.,!! II 'el- la V lit to he had ',.;,., followed in, lii illt. flint if. nations. Ii.iiims. Thcie ire houses io provide for the o erti'owdlnK of And love you nil, sort of is speculative pi CCHlCAGC rniiKh stmic vvallil iiiis thinu 1 a II. t - A sundown, men niue.t nncu ter I be cons, a tin ss of he colli- bin arc not III repair. little j heir fatherland? it a"1' iliiv Fur yon belmn; to me. jtasitism, and those who force camp. . In s it ti ib.ii il l.i.w. i m.iiiev , ., ii, led on llieiii would make When the), the peoplis of Kuropc. 'profit by it are market adventurers, " 'Why did you hike hack tn amp . t o ts ate ilea pi i !y vv II i b un ,1 up I,, investmcHis for their feel the sln ss of tun dense ll popu- In misty Aprils are flown, men. lb. in i.a nn' that j not business asked the neneral sturekecper. Better ' ,, (Ull tie- nencr-.,il- , lation, tiicv leave of their own nt'eord, I cookies, cake y an i.l ft i.'l ii. III ut ..wi'h-i- ami would vont ribute set em h Inch and tree; " 'Well, to tell ye the truth,' said a 1 1S70. f bv and .an take lesson from the of me, t built, own. HOSIMTM. Si'FM. IN j :,nm. lit of 'l tec a trail to ibe pio'i.critv ut the .ity Tluit wall si. the hunter, 'that thar trail was a S - nnd. biscuits,' too. All sw ai mini; ,,f the busy bees. The ( Zola. 111 Will, peo- And so 'tis tair to inc. l'niile " Cveiv kind .'f tladc L Villi Mlltable muirtei's tn tbe of tin' itltOKct her too fresh.' as liglit, , tililcd Stales welcomes slab illl-- i In the vast loom, the wide door Huffy, tender ),,ie ( nliltnt-all- n vv ;is . olltM ion ple win. arc ( mi; hero for lil.bfl-ii- mant tn her vast domains, with uood My Harden, fall. which was siandins open, not only and delicious t Tin where the petals Tliei ('oiitiiiciilul .Method. as mother used Ii to l, ie pell. ids because uf the''. ernm.-ii- i was no kov und fiuiitul soil, but il every bed occupied, but there e mi paths an if tho flowers; "Figures can't he,'' s;iid lieprescn-tativ- to bake. And just as wliole-Boui- e. 'I wh.,t tin , bi.e, SilbJ. ct In Let tin. uwiici ,.l every tenant less Id. .es when upon had not follow that ihev arttvej liver the wall the roses crawl; Jmore room the litter that Wasner, apropos of a ilalvcs-tot- i For purer ISakinir Pow- ., 'cAii" ll"li iilld S. if. ' nil irchit.ct, and then dow n at the boti.e iuiis ii mi jbeie in make their hmues ainmm us.; A dial marks tin hours. been shaken on the floor girl's wooing at the hands of a der than Calumet cauuot be bad i tn . Import They were lime lilN iii' nut bound si. i pair and pa int. illley mtisi nr should Ihe luws end of the npartimnt. Polish baron. "There's nothing like at any frue. t 11 t spaces h) lull '.' bl,l Mimed IS a .aint customg of their fat tut kind, their I plann.ut this .Harden In the past. to throw straw In the f imi rem. Ask were your grocer. llu- sc., b) v . forms uf nine lit or their ntlemptM Mv mown; between the beds, the wounded bi t'ummaiui of .'Hi' We tl :i tficit li.tlh that the Rnvn soul. Willi it. has "ThU flnlvesioli cirl. enterinir th,, RECEIVED vv 'to justify the fatherland In wroiiii. Inst my , is crowded toKi'ther so clusi ly thai tnej SjlUi HIGHEST AWARDS .f ibe bellmen-nt- Bites i tl :ulc Ith piibh. ;,ns ill he beiiellitcd bv So here nt lot fast piu.l)r to h, r f,.lth,,r in surprise: The States Is a republic 1 . were in me ion) Wr.rld Par. Elp.tHi.., IU. . . I i liiited with all .all my own. eontaci. inroitKii "Why. Where's the Fsl Oiato. jiptil i i,. la bills els. ev en a u.s. ll SSons of this (ampiiliru. .. Huron.' j where no forced military service is windows the pitilfvs while dayliubt ,jve just mid the baron,' the old i.. . i m t i ll.ibalid. imperl. or peace. W upon of ,,,., !' 'leinutcd in times e ito What ownership could be more Tine siren med i that iiKKregatioii answered, 'what your dowry s to TT"7""" i,.l ii- lias nil'. una b sin. the tl looks as if ii lot of money had W I i ,.md not the divine nulil of kiuRS and bee: siifferinn; lnimnnity. Now and then ,P, .,nd he tn tLTk.i'VlJd mrj..T m Ut chop w fcit-c- u ticomue Than muss and flower has retired the libra rv lw Y I 1 ,sr w m Id war n ccuiaiv mil., iin In ell Wiiitc t in huildiiiK iinpr. .;nablc or W i v. un ; iJ a..r.i". rr I superiors tieidmii of This is siun mine; an utmm 'ed ilii nient elicited t figure out he m- . uiuhi,1. ",.- the the Kurden's whether loves vou u.ii w oe,9ain-- - .. . - , i .M a, 1 invi-lunl:.- y v s.ri, mHinUH. il iln lit. in the U'i't spi ei h iinj the to Worship la t,,e vi, of anguish. The rmiT H.IK i.e. tie. listil 'lod It i in is sou) i.l tut not.'" jbjmjnor "'' ' ' lad M.U. SEVEN ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1914.

WHEAT SHRINKS MONET EASIER EI Yoi lave a Warni!. CLSSEHEID) M M Baro like JJOilMM COM IN PK; LESS IMTERES T HATES Copyright 1(14 TAD FOE SALE International News Service y INDOOR SPORTS liu won DEMAND 1.1.500 brick, modern. - hi --ry- i EiIP! T AGAIN LOWERED built, llnors. Illcpiaco, Vi 1iMl J U hardwood li'll'l:-- EM ll J - i AT VI, illlll TWO SCACi It lot, lino Til CXwr Tva.i ' .! O0 YiJ eemeiili'd ii'llur, corner ". li ll II VMHAPtNE (((J TUC Me.Ot Innlliiill In lliglilutul. .1 'Hi.'1 I! pnero me evce ovt WORdW-- ',,'1, ' "- I 9 3.T0O 13 of good land lieor nr'l N 7771 Helm VjCH.- - Dtevvr...... it 7 TT.s.f- - I Lumber Mill, near car line. ier '.i; . riw ets j Sflll fj-- l r1- N rtvjd'i-iiii: I -- nXH-- I RKjMr r"- ( LOOK" of. European Buyers . i .., lliirh. I re,fcr ALtTArvOtB. V., pUTf... LVriiiy Savings Banks and Insurance -- .eiMi iranie, ..u"..-- i v r- - Wrrew K GOV AAJ .. . 1. Bcjii n i . itinus, nose in; ici in. or Has Greatly Lessened companies Are Lending li.n-4-r..o- m modem; low- - Fecu Pfiowo a frame, I " "" I ' e, eMi twy aar J r MWt I. : Hi mAj ""e" lands, nour shops; 4Ul) casn, piece of c mi and Farmers of Northwest More Freely, In- tit l A tltlKW j Showing I per CCD I. Ue--e THeV- T- Are Releasing Holdings, creasing Confidence, t.'Uhil) Htnnm, brick, in. id- - nn, fine locution, V. central; iiiuw nmh, balance K per cent. 4 1,901) friimi'. Imth. fine 4 - , .o.N.Na incitk wiaii ia wieaatha joueasi. routn "II ," t ir- io.mi into eefciAi lsabio iii shade, good oilthulldlllH", 'Itio Id- - III'., ML - NIBKl'CI New Vor!, 22 "' "'"'ill (let, Further cation; N. 11 ill St. today, Hit Itieliccil liv u lull in In money rates toilMV, Willi I'l.'.'iio rooin IniiiKalow, modern, nelliuiiii. i in niarivct eior-,.- j numerous iiver-yen- r bums nogid th'!,M",n atcu IliilhlandH, l lose 111. in.' tiled, i l' ' under lint al li i, r tent. testified lo the lurruj-in- n lliilllt. Cum finished '.4 ! i" off Id supply of cash here. Some il-(I't- y (" II A. FLOSOHOI i,e HI' "ill"' down. lid plov isluns loans were reported at a shad.' Tie Loans Insiiriiiicc ( j,m iilvant'e of to Joe. under per cent, while call money hire 1 1 1 .,,t n ilhsb.ndiliK thiit wheal In (he ;lso manifested an easier trend. South l onrili Street In t'iiiniiu showed u tendency to rise, Saving banks and other Inst t u t mis. j.eiitiMietit qu'chly ( hltnUcd. Tile fait including Ihe prominent liiMirane' uWviv"lJi-yr!-lW-"-,----L.-Lni i urgency of f apparent thul Ihe 'companies. HIP said to he IcmliiM Jnflh. Km in buyer tmd In en greatly jmoro fie ly, which lac, street "I"' W!l UllNt- - t'"uT ii7riiTli,.U mu.l-iin- . purchasi- . I'ldl ruonii, iIhi mid thiit llliinediate considers proof of Intiviis'iig cont'l-- tntd Nnrth Hn.nn.l ng nil trniis-Allalili- o account Would donee. In slock eMhuiige ci''cl..,4, i''ull I(i:ST M ..I. i ii i. ... inn. tii'iou lifHl. n,,t lie of largo propnrliulis. I'.iiIIm ihniAcvci, Nentiiiiont remains pessimis- n H .n,!;. WrMt ntrnl. wire .ib" handicapped by dispatches tic. The oale of an exchange tnemli I' Ull K I' r iiltl, HU'rlilllg Mreti from Hie northwest, saying thai far in- at 134, thin, Ihe lowest pile In nnrt hosnl. 4'.'J Weil Mi,rnmtl. tra, had heen selling more freely. liiiHiiy years, ineasinis Hie depth of i i'K ItK.N'l' ,H) ru, nliili,',! fi rwil r n In pi Iv. family, , Nurili m t (in die decline, export") s here took the le.l ession. ir f.nnih I I'iMI HKNT fuiiilhi..l r n f", 0 Is wlieat, and did con- - Tu ushi of lM(. i,1Veslii,( Id c ". nl ft hroliv." Uecjll nil . ci rrt'lu j pol ll. liiqun i. A . mh ial.le hny!n nt other centers. j r11Iul ,,ioie a, liviiy in short term no:,. II .,i t h Hiti Ii ilrocl. lii"'l'T'lr rally I" 'luotatlolis rolioweil, Ismes nnd hii;h (;radc lionds, Ihe n, w UIA 1' - KillUle tilnl lt..llf.-k,- pilli; a t i prr i Ii up I iimiIii 1c' h dut the flccl huh not lastliiK. jelty noles h. liiR III lair demand a: in lout - h .l. .Mrirr .'..,irih iiiul ,'.itt.,il. ilions Unit prominent Hp.ciila- prcvlg,,, hiiih prices. Kealiims in In nil It ION T One Imikc l .null .r liulit tors liii'l started a ciiinpalKii iilnlif-,1- . lH some of the a, live list d stocks wco limiHi krriln. fin lltsll il it unfit, , rii made that cereal cut loose from m;,. , f ,.,,,,. collections, the hmii HTi Wnl ivmriil I'lwne lieui.l , , -- funi' iiii.v w 'ii me wean, ,,cai transactions judication cxtrem, noe- - I'l'U I IC N T l.n,K'. C'lnl. hli'i-l- ) furnmliiM) piCTUll OP TtiCT - jiiiKinn roiiirim coniinuoti unra in Hi ' roiiiii in g'Hiil leeall'in Hnil prlvHtn fsm- jss.ts ni part of the sellers. Ni. hI.Ii' ami prospects wore a wider tmih. Ilnhli, lonlr. .'.'I Welt MAAAG-E"rC-f fur j Headway was made In the - V..rk. OppfCfT u,, ,.,,, ,, oinani- Hirrani 'Z;lt on of the cotton pool, lull locil l.'lllt HUNT - nlroly f in nulled r""in, II, u Tu (3oV. ilKH'tf sales lormeii weiiini on hanking inleresls will not coniini; nllli li..illiR piireh. Cull.ilil.' fur tn. I'll BAGV Ilcsides, demand Mile finally, wall or ulihi.ul Imunl. ulU the oats market. the Ihcilis Ml , III IllA ill. ill llnli-N- Ihe Ho was d, nil,,- - Wi"l Slule. from seaboard much lff.,,,.rn, rr(trIVP ,,11U1 ,H ,,,..,, ,,, li,.1, as compared with what has ftouth sToll (. chaiKe. Soulhorii hanks, which il- -' Iks n tile rule of lute. Ml .1 i' Kill SMI. ready havo larKe dehlls here, w e t'i I1KNT fui iimlii ituiia VVAXTPIK Plsnm. household goods, ete.. Uo-co- kt'i.pliikr 'II Si. it. run. ll. llilihor prlci'H for hoes caused ' tern, lllll Till! Kte client I'l.ei.. lln.e loi'is TIKA1IW5 fiore.l safely at ressonalda ratea Plum negotiating lor renewal), of loans and III of town, Holes in ail. .ill. IFOlvS 0)1. Improve-mer- it lo Imlse. wore full IIUNT-T- w fin IIIHlleil l.iiiUi lo.l "iltll SALIS 4s. The Security xiniais rackets s good soil, on Noltll Co., uccea-5io- 'in the main those were Kranteil. Th nil. r.: l Kilv, fotnili ,' null i n. Springer Tranafer w.t I. - -ir- HiiriU'iis Imyers of lurd. Is loille II leu, till- II l.ill!.'illn 111 !" s'lllU. Ill) llolil avenue. factor, however, likely lo play an 1'i.m iiikIii.i ,. .IliM K. nollie Closlns prices; iii'.Ni' I'm llrlllti. near eettaaea In f."H"i wind li.dl, important part In Ihe cotton plan. nwn; per mntilh. IK, West Held ave F. V. IlROnnF,lK r....l I. Win at Dec, (I .lj-1.- May, $1. .. siiibI). (iivnii Wiints I" ue ui Willi further heavy exports of Hold Monty .' loan Terms PROFESSIONAL CARDS JI . f fi r h..iui,.-H- Hump 1'hnt.t ui:m'-i- i. a in in limlteil i ,r fhon 1?4W to Canada the svndieate which float inn - I'm i I, 4t Corn - I cc, till 'c; Mii.V, ;iUc. keepinic. Very ri' I'all West in modern eotnenl luck; uood ed the city lean estalipshed Ini'K no,,;. 1 ArroKNKVsi Mats Deo., 60 c; May. has f. location, corner lot; block from car :'J!ki 11 fail i'3c. for the of M Mir Pork Jan.. (IX. 9.1; May, (in.:: a. redils I'ank Knnlaml KuK It KNT,iliiR riHitna and line. John iuttawa. Definite figures arc lacking, cottagna, aleping purchea. IK Must he sold. i Cffittmpaiiy A((rnej-at-Iii- r. Lard Nov., (10.45 Jan., W'l-n-t jliut csliinate.s of the amount of Kold Il.oma Cromwell nidf. "iTi r I'wu iu'i MMini r..r ttea Plume 1622W. off lea I'hona JITI run as hkn iiiuuii lots, bit iim on Nul l ll ST. I.ol IS l.K.Ml AX II 'transferred for that account loins. kf.p, or, sleepinK p.irrh; modern. I.KT CM SlldW Vol". Kotir choice " ;iilnh IIKIKTISTK as U'S.oon.oon. Wel In. n I'le.m. CinTW. Twelfth stnot, In tin- Carol., addition 1 is, (.1. j weekly of w ii lllei'ly in iiixlii il r K St. Oct. 22. Lead quiet, The exhibit of Ihe Hank full 'for only $50,1, tin. "it waier, Irtiual- - OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lilt. J. K. K T lii lew keepinic, n h li.nvtt; Kiirseua. 3;! 3.;l7 'a ; spelter higher, (4.SD. iKnulaud show(l a Hold increase of 'r llnht alf lle.ttnl . . Rooms, Vf si. k l' ctiiMr ll. Ji'.i M,izi liline. I'lm illlt dllell. slreel al" facilities, anil O Choice Furnished Iluomi ! 3. Harnett llldg. Phona J4 ;4.i:i7,0(l, to which would ho added u- - Mutle he Mali. O m 111 balh. t ciiltal b" Appolntmenls mm, 00(1 of the advantages. ei. heat, m $7, reed veil today, mostly iiountv taxes siinic ( idm;y it Kin1. Co. 'X t J tin. $:t nil, nil week. A IKiKONW. jfiom this country. lllghliinda. PorllerlEieM I'II1HH'IAH Nil SI oil .Make the jo (IRANI ( NT I! AI. IliiTKL. New York, (let. 22. Mercantile P' I KOK HKNT tiled riMima. Ill Buulb RKAL ESTATE FIRR INSURANCF. Mil HUHN I.. Ill KTON, M. II. Waller. Phnna tat. Mini Surgeon. jior, (i 'ii li per coat, Vonox MirxrioN LOANS. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I'll) sli inn 'i l ill IlKN "Ill w f le plitii ,i uimI Phone W Harnett llldg. liar Mllver, 50c. i:i:.m i ii i) A is wt.i h.iio.l Pin MlilW. M.'i Siuiili rim . 2K Gy . II. SIHHt I I K, M. II. li !' in nislit !' tutndl-'- do- - l!l.l $ :, utiii SI'io'K ueiicml inori LIVESTOCK MAItKKTS. New York, Oct. 22 N'o fresh M.llm iiiul hhi praetlca l.lmltld lo TuherilllolH. lnnh W. Gold, Hi- - i w ii ii In ' ''' - VI i,, fc in t.'iiti "' III to 13 Phona 1171 ivelopni' nts in plans for leupen- t ti k 'Pain the l'i,l( IlKN'l' 2 nicely fiirnlnlteii frmii ri.uinn ft nil i n'li "I' W. Central Ave, -- KaiiMKM t'lly MvesdK'k. cotton exchange were repoit-- wllh er ivllh'iut 21 R P)rnni-- I, u..,,ils. Will t "ii I' h ' In, "itie Ihk the ' h'nr ( II i ,1.,,,., Alhiiii!sr,iia'i Sanltarluiii. Phona IH. - -- sai.i; lionds, ill MM ss s. I'.Hf. A'1' - -- ion I.'i Kansas City, (let. 22. Caltle- Itc Oil here today. More favorable :e- i Ht i it; .nt 1 tiiinilieil riiniiiH ami h pi.,p,.it in Allomui ulile I". mil. :, i ss I, .loin 'I I I HAKKH ceipts, 4.(100. steady, .",11,0110,000 Ine n..rr-- "'I S. .illlt W'.ller I'tmt.e IH;'' full K,i i.K room modi-ii- collage. U!,ir, - hotel; ctieup. iln f lilts. I. Market Prime porls from the poo! for full SAI.f lleiiiiitiraut and Urn m4 Addrep l 'ot age, care Journal .11.'. I'ruillie l imited In t.). Ear, led fteejs, $9.63 dp 10.7.1; western fimiiicinic surplus cotton w 'fe circu-- i lull IlK.N'r n ii Iiii ki- i.lllH liir llnlinr F. Nlerl. South first slreel. 1hriin(. l n lilfl SA - Milder,, (B.aOdi S.7,1; 00 W In hk Itllilllil chllihul. full l.i; nollne. well fill lushed. .SAI.i; Hotel only l fog pay llldg. (ulves, (li. led during the day, bill aih ices Amiii, .n 710 full Slata National Hank S.'iltll Ph. I"l. Soulh Ariio, Ph. oie ri4L'V p, Wiile J:.. .'lil. i;im of TniArae 10.25. from Ihe siiKKested a more or of ioui ion. south HUNT in iSAl.r; 111 hoiiHe, in ce Jour: M. 4 ll'I'.H Sheep Foil Twu lame neulein rinmi, l'l'lt .1 im.iii it.u Oil. JOS I'll Kecciols, 25,000. Market los unsctlled spot situation. die. en or fur hnusikeeplng. glasscd-l- sleeping jior, h, furnace, every - New A nil I" llillltllng. sulle fit filTT SAI.f.- Soap mi I.1..IUHI11 looi.e, lltll fnder ni management, Hoard and room; ss I - a. in Phone 1119. firm. Sheep, $4.9Ofi;6.05; lambs, Texas ofl'eilnus were .said lo be a llrnmlwiiv. onvenienre: west end neur purk. Atltlr illlli ll. I'm to, field '.oiip.ifi collages f..r lions, keeping ; prlfi'S reasoii- Office tl ours: IUU X. M, care Jour, nil. W .( Sunulot liltu for Tulierculosla. (shade today, but some of the Mwi Hold aide for further l,ifori,,iill"!i Ininiltn al t'lpts hifrhcr iti;T iiiims. .'. Phone 67. I ion nuy 211 Smith lolls lU'i eipts, li.000. Mu.VTII will rotiii, fiame. .'i ill SAI.f- - fall lit o onf In all AllittUel-- Wards Store. ..r at Hill s Shop, Market .eastern bell markels were lower. New nu- North. llighliintla car line, two lame lots, iner. an, He l',ni,le.-.s- . If InlereHli il ad- Second Stl eel. KANATdllllM liinlo r. V.iilk of sales, (T.ooci 7.3.1; fi ; Prop. niTirfrtt'lIFY 'oi lcans spot quiet, sales, xfll merous fruit trees, poultry plant, elc. A l ' , care ntil. f..r partli tilnrs A. It. STIiOVH, I.", N il Hi dress Join i ultei Throat and I.ungi. lieavy, J7.20 H 7.40; pins, (11.2.1 'it ti.5.1. HUNT - At J Sixlh reel, I'liotie T't. culsia nf Ihe bales. III MH'lI'MIl hiillSO l"iV full SAI.K SiiiiII roolinlm liolite lonniieiot 01 tv ufflte. .113(4 West Central Avenua, full SA n Imiiiiiilovv. In I la ndit. ,'iiltf, : gootl ,i.i v line prop.. In I I I" I P- - Kult IllON'r ni.nlern fist, Nurth lid iimi: cuius. office lloura: I II I. n ' ( Livestock, Will take auloiuolille, bees or In MiHiill low rent; hpli'iidnl localioii, every-eleill- l VXi Sanatorium 1'hAna 4DI lilcaao ::o nil per calt Plume treel. rnmiih; water euny pay- - , Keei-ipts- fifth tiart ian,e,it; halante moitlhly lllng anil In eon. Ilium T. Murphey. M. 1. Medical Dlrerlor. Chicago, Met. 22. Cuttle i:s. pull! Havlimit Hunk Trunt Cu. first class !KoBw(t!lllsi:rir;;ss Umi W. i.i:;al xotk II, cuts. Phone . , avenue, li,li"il. ilnn Si, I'll. Went Central Market steady. Ileeves, (11.15) ml- - i If. servh-- leaving llosweli Ml'llt K (II IIHsT l.:KTIN(i or ftouth. full NAI.K-- A 4 room Iniim.ilow. nen, 'a I'nlly piissiagir '(I II j W, M. M, D, in. SO; steers, $5.7018.75; calves, ( KI.IH I'OKS. modern; In the huilthiesr. part of ami Ciirns ino lit i"i a. in. SHERIDAN, HUNT-ulil- of ioune. Ntlit-m- o 10S(I In 111.- - Hie il Stuti-- lull Purl p.lui A gootl go V Thnoiuh. fine, one anv Dunrlel Ciurl "f iiif V ( - .I'd, etui with this pur MOM TO LOW. Prnt-M- u; eil- i J.linllnJ for tin. lisli lei nf Ni w fur iv KHllll! hint. chase, p. ::;7 MusW. ' eriliedlaln p.. II, Is, p.T lull" II Sllee.p- -- ,1,000. Market ll Hot Phone licceipts, In lliiiikriiit( y .Ni. mil. S lit oil renl In lbs. biigg.ige flee-- fi, ,ss (arrlrd liiii. SAI.f. -- A rial liu.iga low. Hiiee Ill MIAN Al it iftale iGenitb Urinary Diseases and MrmiK, Ijiuihs, $li.75C(i 7.00 ycal-linti- In Mono. I.. I .Min- .'OK HUNT - fin mulled flat, full il.lioll. Adtlress S. T. V. X , cu-- 1,1, 1. 1(1 tile M.illir uf I'miell rhii rooms. Imih, lame tinny sleeping pon-h- one sum I IKISW Al HI., A ll moili-rn- with Flei Jiintf port h. -i Suuth 121 (5.2.ri'i(.ii. 75. nie p.iuf'll, Inillv lilun tilnl as a rent and rear portloii: screened, Just com- Joitrimt Ownera and ( iperntois Phone Diseases of the Skin, luiniui.KF Sltth. Imiulre Suvi.y II. tel. 1 il'ilni; ituiler till' pleted. Must lie sold tillee, Il will go lb us Receipts, S.00O. Market at Nogin-1,- linn liiillie i.f tile 1'i.M. II IM UK 'i.lpilll ('Oil IIK.NT Kiiur-ruii- brick, inodnro. gaa ll!i:SSM KIMi, Tha Wissermann and Teala; Ci.- - at first cost. Will lake lot. See owner ami How. liulk. heavy m. fl 11 (7.1047.50; llanlll up, ranifn; clean In, new furnlahlngt; corner 'SSlvyosr fi ft M sa Adnilnlslerad. also builder It'll Itoma nveliue. W - ssmaknig eewli.g of nil C "n" !U"ii7.iil; $4.2,1 r,i fi.K.".. I'.. Hit! ereilll.ira ..f M uio. I.. I'., ami Hmith AN I'Kli Hit and i llUen, Hank Jtl'lg pigs, mil huu?. Inqulrfi Seventh. tpi lile. Minnie A. 1'iiuell. initli ilt ' in aa n polls; to a' Home. Fliers retisoim IlAll.y AfTliMiillll.K STACIIO AllilltUer,lla Near Melletl I, a, I rl nei ship t..l,ig liiixini uniler Ihe lliffhlunil. FOR sl,i: Leal l.slale. lit!! S .lid l ei Sin Hour Piisseiiger Servhe. nam,- i I :i" CATTLE BARON DENIES firm uf Ihe t'nwi!t Inuii ruiniuiiiy. MAI.fc; A limit 6 Improved land Leave silver lly P. in. - .'OU ItKN T lent,me With Full acrei I.X.IVFFKS. i,' A Ion, llel iIM', 111 tile r.'linly uf llemu- TVI-- I U I I US. Mogollon "'I a. in. leeplliu poreh. 1119 Smith Waller. adjoining ranch, at a bargain. III Leave u, s. mi Ull'l lllslril't Hi. II TSIllll. I.HMKT'ltptK. Henrv l.ocklinrl Plume Inn Cura ii.ei i nil trains. Largest and lieai J. (., 1)11 III- - connection; 111 .'nil, u lK la. hrii k, new second hand, 111 No lie la helehy Kllell Hull nil l',m IIK.NT Soiilh Al.l, KINDS, botll and etUlipell Bill. i livery the ublhwcat. Iluliig Fnglneer. i Fi SAI.K- -1 ll Ii. elc live elm k. two lay f Oil. .her, A. li. lull. Hie siilil Munlu mil. rn lniiilie inn A' .1111 i lu-- lit lor bought, add. ranted and repaired. p. lion mi. J ..v !, Al'TII 00., ii, A. well, iluliviilll-ani- l Missouri fa in s ul acres "ell iinpi Typewriter Kichange. Phona 114. HKNNKTT ( AsmhIhIpiI I.. P well mill Minnie I'.. lll-o- I' - nisln .1 II er II e."'il lane, M. l '.''',.l. A lliiii(ticrfiic, N. M. Press CorresiKindeni.) ft ,,t J'tn It'.'o linpt ov id. a W'ch; Silver City. N. Phone ally. s a i tnei ahlj.i 'l..inK KleeplliK uHi Ivliih. Phone and Helen Ifuinlre I. 1121 West Hold Sydney, Sept. 12. The ll'.rcli. Kl.' .. , llfhS Hie firm nione "f Ih" Hold an ex- I Only fiiiernmontal Inquiry into the meat niK ('umimiiy. were ml nullcale.1 II - HUNT - l'loee-- l ho tine. II II Klaaa- - l.iinkl Hint the nieetlliif er full Ram In 000000000000000000 port business with particular rofer- ll,l anil flul eneloKeil aleeplim por. h: Mrnlfhrtl: 113. f.O Slli: oooooooooooooooooooc il'M HI OOOOOOO000OOOOOO00000000000OO00O0O0O00000C the i.Tei Hill he Alliiniuelii,e. - nee to of the American wllh ivMier pni'l. ii, ii it,- IJIS Pmitli Walter. lli III ALIO (ill 111 o the activities j.Nnv Mexlei,. Ill Hie nffi.e ..f Ihe referee, Ai'llfs TIIAlif n -r Fstilltcl.l v'.i lev N. M., mil, from low ii. o piu kine, companies in Australia is still '..a the Jnil iliiy nt Nun inlier. A. H. lull, f l "It ltK,NT--.:,- "in inotieni eollane, tient a at? iTOnvrfViiNiir5i??ifinD id: iK Ii reeu-Ple- nil smooth ii ml car; well fciuiil; ,nrl! o in progress. who Is 9 u'elui k in the f.ii'eni.un, nl iihi' l, lime loeatlni, In Ihe nils, never Justice street jut 1'hmie Hv a ted lo.iist nnd good tic!!. II. A. o Hie aalil i iiuiy nil, lid. prove Ihelr l.y alek. liiniu't rent to Invalids. O (onduilini; tt, after hearing a lai'iv 111 il lirooli.ivcr. ;;ir .Miiiy SI., Son o i.laiinn. iiiiiunt n trustee. ex.onlne Hie liii.7.1. or enll South lOdllh slreit Anlonlo. O liiititber In Queensland, Imslneaa Texas o of witnesses hiiuki unt und tnnmai t sueli ulher full HUNT Oil KAI.K - ftiininlied ll o es- ' liefure Haul o When' the SWifts of Chicago have h.s may properly e"ie eotlio;,.. flue IlllUe I ll. hull. three o o '21. I'lH. eloMel's. i hi, til cloaet. halh. IXIIt SAI.F Llteslneii ami tablish.-,) I homselves under Ihe name Datlll l.leliihir elothei inilitrv. 0 o .11 KIN V. Wl I.HON. liell, Ink' lot .'.llxlHO i o f - Irtn liorelies, lliit Wilier SAI..; Hit S, o Whltn, cH iiLi:si Ki:i'i'i:i.i.:i win Hie Meat Hxport eom- 111 I'ivs. "Hi1 iilii"1 M. Jyha M. OPTIC MAN Australian feree )tanliruiley. feel. Heat I. nation III illy. "i2 t ''elltral John Mor, JKWILFfl AMI o - 'I'll ""g.'.,l" o Mirr. curlaina, 1'itiiy, Is now lioaring wIUiohscs in this ai entle. full SALK- ret liorses. Impel oil Rre. Makers of awning", porch Avonee o Laundry o In canvas. 114 West Central o j o AinrQri-:ii;r- aiistiiact t:t. tent nnd nnylhlfiK NAI.K-qul- - 1811 o i i it'-N:- r - re 'two gentle auddla horses. In- o 18K1). In.orp. 7. Roods hoiik'ht and sold, H, VAN.V The tenor uf Ike testimony has he-- n iikli' w.vri:i. on I'dll Kslab. Household T. jini. ''jJ''- 61H Fast Hold. o AbatrucUi, Corllflcales. Ksirowi, (loud line of new furnliuro. Sleepi- o that the puckers ill the I'nited States .Mule. o New Mexico's Finest Art Jeweler. o North. Foil SAI.F Fifty liorsca and marea. Ad o f!onvevaiiclnf. ng; porches, our specialty. Phone o Iiae more or less Intimul, relations f dresa (iscsr Llffrelng. Rernard,,. N. M. Ave. 10 401 South street. Jewelry ami Uulili Repalrlnf. o LP I A It I Willi HiecplIlK port il mil 0 214 W. Oold Thont 907. First I i lief l oinl'S with several' firms in this state an. ' Hotel. lleiilthseekera; Jerm-- milt;, eifus. FOU SA I.F (tit) gootl French Merino rams. o Albuquerque, N, M. Diamond betting. o Pel-A- i" Qu'onsland arrange j WANTfl) (loud lull her In Arl.oiia. fruit anil vei;el utiles. frea eonveyunoo. Address William Mcintosh, Mcintosh, N o o that their nun. - o meats with these firms are not of re- inuueut puslliun fur rlk'lit I faff rnneli. 1'h.uin lr,!UIW. AT o o Hath. Journal. - o CONTHAt TOH3 Is not on. ilri iiK.Vi' Itooma or eoilBKes with boaid Foil SA I.F I'll liu ill 0 Ithotl,. (JIIFKMIOUKEH KLFCTHICAL MniiufaelurloK Coofo'(louers o lent origin; 'and that there - nil. rull convalei-oenm- . 0 AIiBCQCKllQlfK S A NT K Spanish Iw.y who at Mrs. Iteed a aanltarlum for While Leghorn In ns and pull, Is. id) l o the to show l'He oud o surface nt least evidence writes KiiKllhh. New Mexico Home milk, cream. eKits. frulti and "tl celllH ' 'I '' Noltll Walter. O. BMA W, Prop. Nitsh Kleetrle Supply" Company. iSchult A David Candy Co. o o s. Aus- ('".. Iliml s. Third, phon ion. , onBl-neer- that the packers are working the Manor fiowera T.nekhart tlnneh. Fll; SA 1,10 lootl lug young bronze lui lie.s o Klnctiical conlractoi ami o tuJ chocolates, tralian field in cohesion; nnd with WAN'TK lixperleneed ul Ion am! for lil'eeitlng; hotll sexes Also Indian o nxmisTs, nKsif.i"iis ani Motors it ml irenernlora. Wholesale and retail o ,, New South pun goods, o the exception .Swift company lerliMlllR Kollelttus. needeil Itunner ilmlis, fine layers. Shelley's o DFCOHATORS Evorvthlii(r eloftrleal carried In bonbons, taffies, let of the n lid-i- o .a a new monthly puniii No KXCKI.I.KNT tulde l.onrij anil llott :!:!! Aininini hhi.. X, M. Phone llnlW o oreatiiH and sherbets. 'i'lZ West tl't' iilloRi'd of the "beef nnd and cold water In 17th and West Central took, not! West Central Avenue. o members vun, o Ion lilieiul eonimisHlo rooms with hot SAI.IO- - I. o itreet avenue. 70. K. II. FlUt Pine I'd Llev.clljii No, 2. Central Phone o trust do set plants i ,,..., , run make everv room, ("sua lie (Iro, ml West Cold. o 4SI Phone not intend to lip those that UIih. whclpeil S, pi. -- 1. pnrellls ext'i lleiil rhona o In .touinul offire o Australia nt present. Is. tare Illjthlanila. huiiteiH and rel riev ei h. champion Ho.lfu Id o o be- FamaTa. strain, SIII on ptirchu,.. .Molts o The royal commissioner has had 1.1. w eek. Itoiitns and reniMl.r o IAIII.K HUAIlll I.'i. o fore Sid-'o- y i;. lllll I tin. Write for ilescrlptloiis. o MUX him us a week WANTIil)--Silve- r. do Ml sleeplna' tiorehes. South fdilli. Try our Hunt Columim on the HAKFItY SEW ICO MAUKICT witness this Woman to waahlnit .114 South High slreel, or phono MX'U Or o KKWOOD o Kidman, known ns the '"Cattle exchange lor Kotl.tU or shot nun o o - T MiK Classified 1'uife y, F. Romero, Prop. Fregh and salt Kiiik" f"l' ueltiliil houn.i"lk Tel- roil ItKN ejlanooi o 222 S. Second street. French o of Australia, lie testified that U'ANTrcU Hill ink.! I, nicy will, they pav. Wull menlH. (lame In season. We buy o ,1:!'- locat- o see quick you rent the total crown lease holds un- eplioiie -' HUNT A good barn, centrally four first, one second, at atnta fair. Fill; and how erenm puffs mid the fineat of are.i of foil Ap- - o the lilnhest priced hoof, mutton o , ((il l lit ed; sultahle fur automohlle or hona. 19)2; his .10,700.000 WANTf.H A Inn oine. lli atx first, two seconds. five firsts, four day. Urcnd a aea-vo- n. o der control was onie 1 o vacant room or house cakes every FlK.da oysters In I,. nlv West t.esd avenue. seconds and flov. Mclionnld cup, FH:t, It. I' that and pork. Fresh 150.- - South four, o 9 Bt. o Apply Ml! ll. I. Iteds, Mottled Aneonaa, S. (.". White ipoclalty. Phone 877. Phone 7.5. SI 8, First 1.1.A ..i. - ...i ,.n, iviVTKIl Ciinilietelit wulll'es. Xpiirlinoiils. o 0 neep ana 250,000 came, aim , wnolsey.- 2"i Poinl. Hill tr. I'Olt Itli.M" OriiinKtoiiB, Huff orplngtone anil I. II. o JorilVAL ,. lucks. Stock egs snd chicks for aula. !,. o o ll m thousand upon mnei j KRnl.ral housework Two apartinenta with """"I' f vH hunt E. Thomaa, P. O. Um 111. 717 Kast llaiel-dln- o o own-- In answer t j,'r, Schwentker, 616 Weit numa.j porches, modern. 115 per month each, lanchifi than his j. u. o MACHINE AIJKNCY. OITHTAN o lite question nut hv the irovernment's .venue. Ph..n mm o CXH FIELD MIT CLKANINO CO. VMKK HFWINO o ii 11 the ninny food 110 , A K i"l he P fa in . Let ua demonstrate Soutll Second Slrfvot 0 lawyer ho said he was not In any wav waxtkii yi'UIIK 1" Itixiiiix. I'Oll SM.F o H to atari: tl home. KOU HUNT Office o We cleiin riets and plumes, mon'a qiiHlillos of Ilia Frea Sewing Machine. 0 interested In unv i.Hi.;illir or of three Wanes o o. a. iii lini ii 0 .,t Hi Crania. N. M. Offices. Apply LI. A. Mac- - women's clothes, turs, drapor-le- s I'he machine for the dlserlmlnatlnf lilH FOU ItKNT and Orlnd-In- K c meat Felling ompany in the rnltcd k.-- i ITOUMC .Teur-iw- wood good o Everything Optical. Lens WANT Kfl -- Hood clean C""k I" tih,r,i,n l office Foil SAI.IO en. lei lypew iter, - :t(i. o and curtains. Also do dyeing. houiBwtfa. 0 fcilutes. men. ercan- order. -' Weal (lold. Phone Ixine on the PremiHos. Work lor four yoiiiiR Bernaiino in. o CHAIILICH K. IIOI.DT, 0 M. MiHcelliini'oim. .10 - good our Every tile I 'o.. !.. mim," N. W WI' I' .lll SA in pi oved. nicely lot aletl Ok- o Promptness and work Guaranteed First Class lo 0 (leuei a! liihotnn raroi. Address 107. Phona 441. JU W. Oold Respect. 0 CALL l"OK HIDS. VTMII l 'ompetelit WANT To Imy siroug wheel chair. o motto. 115 S. lh St, Phone Aa. i Address c r o 0 K"Rled bids will be received at the housework In family of time. :: I'Oll SAI.i; S'oi and iiuipmclii sotiill o M 0 f'ffice licrnu-lill- Natl-n- al hunk- 'i ill e rant Ii. mil ranch for no Phone o of the county clerk of Firm Muaiii. W N"l'Kli--U- "i ll MewlllK machine cheat.. o 0 work will walcea ir.;i:i.l. IIAKF.HV county, Mexico, up to i HXi'HANC.IJ f..i l'"v .1 PIONFFIl New IN stenographer or nqtllle X .iolllUlll o C, 0 "clock in the afternoon of Saturday, ami Kive ,leUrooin Tree to lllll SALIO ilioiile pony, alao limine .Oil o COAL A.VD WOOD GFO. SCIIFFR, FntXITritK 0 WAN t... Hooil young fresh eow. t KverythinK In the baking line that November of a am one els- - Apply !:',, South fourth. T!'l harness, loai'lv new; heap. Phone 71'., o 0 14, 1914, for driving .1. on Mil n ii Al'iuu.uerfl,ue. SI 6 B. Street, "Odd Fel- Is Kood, everything" g'Hnl that hie to care 4'JO W. Lead ave. o - Eeond and 0 double line of piling on the west bank W A X T I". D Respects wolnafl Lime, kindling; smithing- coal. de- - ,Fi'i:ntk"iT and liuli.ler ira llotson. 4 hoitsi-ntu- t and building-.- " Superb Is In bak Ins; line. Prompt one-ha- lf SAI.K FuMilture of room o lows' Welter's the 0 'f the for fumllv iienerui inii"B'"n H-- I'ull Itio Grande about Phone Siilvnlloii Army. ; o pleased our o One. care .Journal. lions,- for rout nil sanitary; ie. Lsrse atoek of beat fuel carried at mediu- liveries and customers mile above the Alameda bridge. Said cooklnir. Address o fitoves and Rnnites. The best 07 0 e girls dressmaklns VA.VTKIi--Slior- l huiid sludenls. Pittman sick. 412 W. Lead. slogan. H. N. Hailing. Prop. work to 50 (25 piles WAXTKK ai o all times. Prompt dellverlea. phon, m-priced a consist of idles SI slem Call Mix Sail If, 127H W. - Hi rang.- line. 5 lortjtl parlors. We do ae Minllon and Full SAI.K- 0 Soulh First street. feet Ions und 25 piles 30 foot o.-- 4 and S. 8. Heaven. i f -- do llollie ;'l fill Hit IiIkii hoy lilt J. in Inn. all widths. N. seveiun. WAXTf.D W.isllina lo o niaklm; H breakwater 200 feet a ili.ii H?.l S 4tr Iw ay. Cheap 7 '7 West Cent, n o leinjth. be inspected and ...i, Said piles to VTI.'ll PhhII ion. f ' . K! A N N 11 fornltiirM and SAI.I0 Hue oliis for room accommo- o accept-,- surveyor Folt ! hv the county repairlna W. A. Ooff. phone dations at Hie dates hotel, f.oa Angelas o its e.... iv ' f S ION A L It F.PAIKIXO THIS NEWS THAT'S FIT Mint county all work to ne nnti"wA.TKii position .. Oat. The Hales hotel la one of o Fit ALL and liush.-in- .'1 ,lS.W aller. WANTHII V Inin sewing du at Inane. and lo the sat-- i hoard t .f and the newest and best In Log Angelea, and o Light TO PRINT under the suoervision .. i IIOCI (f.ipreler ai'enoe Phone I4S7.I Tin end sheet metal works. 1,1i ortj of Flgueroa o Trj th Isfaction paid county surveyor. The VV N'1'K1--- (oni"'i ' located corner Sixth end of "."'"' WANTEU-- W, buy old gold and silver Morning o repairing; of all kinds. said work I ure ma... Six streets Address Journal. and heavy In the plans and specifications for fur. anywhere.'P'"''--Addles lewelrv. Bennett a. Fourth and Oold. o may be seen at the office of the coun- I references. Will B') full SAI.K Kind, mi. lie ll library of ale-l.- o JOCKNAL WANT COLUMNS HaliMfactiou Ki'araiiteed. Plioue H .liMtriiiil. - W'ANTKl Laundry wink. cents and 'ill ty C. ia- foltv volumes furnltiii'e iinil eoni o Cop- MORMMJ JOURNAL surveyor. a donen. Ill'l) West 943. T, F. Kfced, 316 Vi Went re- enl a Work guaranteed. pl.oe kitnlel yai leu for o The hoard reserves the right to Silcer i hiltlren. Sold In Hie piece or In unv o For Heal ItnuulU. per avenue. 0 cents the month ject any or all bids. - 11". A . dui-In- Willy's s. I ' use w.iii o. "- i WAN saddle limw for ll. k. i quantity at Mts room. o tly of cottni.i open ft stiv.-t- . Miss . 1 oi order of the board i.nsr i Heivurill Hie winter, phone fiTij. or address :'17 South fourth I'll hi k. i I ween .rid Ht Bin! mill. rfimnilssioneea Sec. I BU-nu- ffrtnnopoorinnnnnftnnooaoaQOOQflQOOOOOOQOaaaaaiMOaOOO W. Mirhlc S utU Fouitri, ukcr lit'. A. E. .WALKEK, Clerk, .'for reiurn v 711


mu wiiiimwiiI'" Crescent Hardware Co. G. 0. P. FACTIONS flovin, !!;.. IImio IWnMiliig JihmK til T.K Inm I'lpc, Valve Mini I 'lllhis. riiimbliiX, IliUllnS, Hn '"! 'I'mt Work. I SIS. DECLARE PEACE; tlS IV. ( IMItl AH- - TI U Broadway Star Feature Show Hunt'sHawaiian Pineapple SELECT TICKET Supreme and Staple Brands LAST TIME Your Grovt r Has Just lUvvkcd the Xcw Pack jMudcsto Oitiz, Jud"o M.mii ! and Nestor Montoya Will ' vmii hi innfr r f i i ; i i'l. X'M Li (Milium 1 Strong brothers be Uinuiaatcs; Wilson in I Undertakera S.mcl ez Rcsi'.'.n, rMHimiimim CRYSTA (Knurr kiium r rnoiic lh Hiinu m.A., lunm ti I Im t ,,f th. i ,.,ni,l;. n n p Day lll M(I)H, I In Hi-- h i li In v.-- i.- i . n. I l.lllv ,Xt.,,y llll. III. .,.11, M Ml'...' f ,i ,'nf III.' .Ill, H OII L SUM iff I' hi Hi' .'mi ' r -- Hr mil mill r It. .iiii-i- ,'iinl flu- . i ii rn ' km. Mu iint'l lit t turn- ' . ) OFFICIAL WIFE" i Parts i mjii "MY 5 fi ml mi iiml ( ti-- V iir T E 111- Urn w ii i miiiiiiiM. iii.iIi.i . I t . ;m; WYxi - In it..- pmly hi ii i u ii r k I I ll ! HI I (til I Mill Mil lll ill ' II. 1. il rillll", III ) .. k I. 111". I "SHADOWS OF THE PAST" 3 Parts -- In- linxix i i n In- i I nil, l 'i i liltllll.' i'l nl mi lit Til- p. it l , In ail. I l.v In i .. ml y f'. II ,1. Ill . Mil' I" l- '- III S 0T PEFUSES TO - - lllf . .limn ii iir iiml ihi' Itiuiirii. i. ii. hi, Matinee at 2:30 p.m. Admission 25c ll (Mil IlllVi" II I 0 .', - llll li'tl' .ill.ll''. lii i Iiuh ll Mill - - - Mr Iiml ..11111111.111' him In -- Niqhtsat 9:15 p. m. Children 15c 'i Li 7 and 'I II " in i Mill iiml Iii-- i win nl. 'Vii. who win ''"'''llji Ei lllllHi Willi W,.K y.ll ivf H Im In I "II "II. il. on Mill ll" ' llll llll' Ill ST" - !'v- VT'Ffa-- ' xT! Itf-l' W.'i ...i ; tWF.i.lii'l 'I'M.' I v. Ill I., m i'l" In' n In liii). i'l up nf .hull;.' I'.. A, .M ii ti it. .M.iil.M.i '' ... .i i ... i .j . ..i.i liiu..- - tn U I'm' iwn or tliti" Imur.s nml . h.'..i n,.-- ' llcniy (Iiollotl, B.t'k Fiom i. ' :.n m.i-- i ' fi i ;. in i,ti hmiii- In iluini r. II Iillij Jitllti lln Hi, STAAB FAMILY i.'iit ; l.i'tn'il us In li t' im nliil r.iinli-li.-l- i CrystalThcalrcTcday nl (.oiKiL'iiiiiwi,,,., , ,,. ,,. VAHD'S STORE i,v ,.., ,,... nl' Alii'iilnn Sliiiili. Mr. Kiiniiv Now Ih it cm. nl Iiim. tn h.tvn llu- - liiiliy'.i ilinliitti .i i!i iiihiIc. Sit Situlli Slri'tl. M N:iiu:MiWho round Giuund ;;l,;vr""K"i',"",s v'" .ii nl lliiii- v.i it ilifi'iii'l iliiiiii' SIS Marl.l.i Avr. I'lionm 2IH-2- I Sliiuli ti.w.itilx Hi.- l.iltir iiili nf ! U ' '' "'r'" I .1 ii - - Suit Him. lili'. nml "' mull I I I loo Haul CI ES his f ttr Hit' I. it Inn- t'H- T,i II. ttAlll), Mr. I , 'l lti' t . Ii. t iili.'.nlv lil.'il nilli r.i'iii' u!m ili ln't iiiiv i I'm ." Acknl ' t. it nl iV'i':iilu:iy M.n IV I'l. 'Ill WllllliM. llllll "I tl 14 ll'' llll' i.illlt lilitlll, iil,..Hull tthrlhrr, In Walton ... I I t "f MII. Whim nml Mmilm Ii il.ivx, Mi. Slim1' W.ih I'll lll'l's Hi.- Mutt nf m.n ,,li, ml ix tlrt'liiiiiit; fi-- t litiiirnntii-i- i t .it , i Ih i ' i .I.-- I ' l"' 'I'h il' tt'ilm-.-- rcplii il: i x iii. il nl h 'i nil.. ii. ttlll.iliiuni. Mini, i.r itifiiiii'. tin' 'llnll. I 111 III COURT AIRED - - I' I .III- hi- - i.KIl ;i.m. I'l''."' I'l il il' I" " 'III- W.I.H full'.l'l III.'' Ml I i I l, II I " .lull lil.Hj W. HI I nl AC. ol I,,, ... l.v1'1"'1'. I"r " II"' ' Tiv fi il.i. ui'Miiitil t.i ml.! l'l."l" I'.ilnlri' Ti lls His SliH. I i I 1,1 t'.IUIIS. linn Kiinl iill ii:iu r.H til ril. i i r i i" '" i"'i''.v. LOCAL ITEMS i'l,, iii. ii, rn, t ii'tit '.'f l:. Ki lini'iiil. ;i pii inn nf I, Iii- - t : i s ...Un.'l mu i" nml. 'I iki i. itiiuii llllll vi s,' lint mv.ilil f. I'i-- v- hit, lit- I'm' .t, hiihl.i li.. il.. i OF iST&'KCSr ! I'liimny mi Hi sii Minus in r m li..iiMiii.r nf llii' 111 im.iniiiK h., in ,Ii.ii.i Be-vjn- ntioduc- - Alil'llllillll St, llll,. ,lf Clin! VIIIH'.sh ti' i k- Contestant 1 t ! ;i iiiri'liU-.l- ml - I: , I , li n i 'I'll.' urn nf lit.- i. Jiin'.h'. ,.. . . t I IiIm Anlci Mi Miii'l nil llriiii.ili. i n l i, uiii i ii.,:. K'ir..l inli'inl. vi. liLim I...'i,l'i in ,,l,t,iiiin -- ',!. I.. in fruit.' vn I I ii Iiim I'l.t-i- Mhii-i- i Jtr. Krhwi.lilki r tiii'iitli. I'h. "17. iikiI ilti.'.' iMiivit. of Evido.H to SI 0W .lllll'!,' JllllllH S.IX Hit . In- Ii iii-- l ! l in. In ii I.I..I A n Sinlnmr u;ix fi.i.hiii. M I I 2::l I"i r.inily tin. H, ;in' III fi'l i.kv I 'I'll'- llilil-- s lulil nf WALLACE HESSELDEN M i: AT . I'l-n- . I tun niiilMiills ni j m u ii !i-- t 'I'll'"' Minilit '. lii...! :iiimI .l., iil...iil lv.i :ii iisanity of Late tobatc ,,,,. ,i- lllilllll "rUll'' IIH'l.lhM'S lllll'! ,., :, i,y Crni-ra- l ( iiiilint 7:110 II: 15 .. Ii.ill, li- iiml, mi', link'!!'', moli'tiilit liiiA, nri. Mollis iH anil I liitlnu ilt't Ins - V. S. llllll. full nf M:. '. tin- - ..r iiH- llii'to nf Prill'ltv 'I1''' nr In luiuit FlEtires and wnrkninniihlp count. We lill.lC Mm i i tii fm iiim 'i'ii. i.ffi.'i-- in niii'iiiiiiin tn ilium- ..Hi.'. '. i m ' ' v' i i ukii uvum I iiK-ii- money 1. w r- - - ih in I'i- nit. tn piiinl (cunrann c iiniri- fur ynur thau A. Kmlih. h Im ii ii i flit mi n.i I r ' tin- S.hiI.i ihiii-'- i il ill I'l'l nf fmililv i'i. iiiinill : i' hiiimii limi lii.i llllli' I,, . any In Altm inn t hililii'ti l.'ir. . ,'iiiiiiimiliili' it h tn usiiiii.s olhiT rnntrartiiiij, tirm Ailnil i iiiii" 11 I'l-- 11 x - im mi Ulli'll I'll ll' mint in iii" itiiiii'i J,, (t(, i ( V ,,, llll ll. Ins lliilh 'IH it HlllllllN IHIVV ll. i.ii- ti. S,m,h ,.. s,,y h iiii.iilliK nKn, . 1' .' Iwn rn mi nil. nr.; llii- ,1 Mu- i.i-y- Ii'iivviil.'i'. i hiiii in. in; Miumi'l S.i'nui'i'. Willi In- k i ii ii ii : ' i si.-- tiny 1. In- linn. iiiiii m.iM- si. llM-i- M.1X 111 . . I llll- tnlnlH hi i v; ll- I flf Mik Jim An In mul .III w.i-- II, i. mi, ..Mr him. nitiH.h TlmmiiH IIhkIu'I nml "' ill t lull it ill nf I'Ni.limi in liilnllf i'f 1"? llll- W til'k, Imth in I lislnlix In- . I )il , s- - M.-yi- , Mt JlHlH. iiml nil Mlc n.i, nf li.ii in ll, K.i n mi' yj,. i, ,,, in i n ii wi nk, .Mi I.: ii ni tn liti A ti Sliiuli, l:n is i t m Mu- i'i, il It iifti-r- Ml- - h ttl m Ifi n ri'iiiiin is mul ilini! Mm. Alt Hisli Mt-vi- !i''i ki- It. I'mlK. tr ii'inii'l V.llltliH III" Hill hi- - III. ,M. .hi ''tliltiil Hiiin, nf nl hllitllll. . in li.i-- i'lmiiii-- Unit i.thi-- V. H. roWlilt, M.I I Mi.nlB I tlllllil.IMM, l,l!l I'l, f r , Shi-lil- l I,. l .1 ,1 1, I I - Kiln Nnilli llllll I. nil" .Iiiiii. t.i i 'Ii iIih.i li ,i Kiilinin iiN ;il.iMil " r li us M ,i i. in hi' ilisl rii sl'llllllll(- ..!.. . - Mini vt' In iist'il. Mii-i-l- . 1' n r.- tin- H ll in 1 iliKi-asi-- Sti-r- .ii' mi ni'i r Klllinv t him iis n,iiiif nf ;,i,nrt nf this i , lln- In .1 trout nil i iiiiihli' nffice iillt-- lln- A In ii - Mr. I.. I'., Himlll nf ,,,, , ity i will I I H .) Shnilly funtiitl nf jjuihliiiK. lii.", nml 3J5. FOR SALE llllll Ml" iii H hill. ii,. It. fiilllltl (,, hut f iil.iml I'lilnil I'liiiihiillii'. Th''V imi ti inh hr innilii im n p.i v nf u,l;(.' rimnes ,1 iillt-- r , I Ii il xnitl tht- wilni'xx. mul .Mlniiii,'l'iii', ill Ii.iM' .',l, fm iniitiii ,..,,h uiiiili-i'l- t n in, nml hii il. Hit liny nf hi- iih'iiiIiitx i Ii SIiihI, nl ihi. iiltif nf llm ixi'iul mil nl' hum Shiiih. ..-- y . m ki-- - xy llm iminliiiK nf KiirIiiihI n.liiln. ulit'ii' lln ill UM nl,, it litlnri- .'itr. 'i .illt.t nt 111,. Hi. riiiivi' Hi nml- lUix Will Ih,iii In i.tims'. lilt' iiililimil nvir i.iiiui sadiii.i: and hkivim; ihi- M ll,-,- t ill..- i iiiilnliitilillf Iiml ht'fii Mrtllftl. hi' fiiriitlK fur in tin, 'i I,,- r my n ,.vs,y ixn miintl Ihi' llOI'.si:, W i l li KIT.BI fr fur .ii. , In- I I'i' iml tin1 linn1"' Thin mm. mill h ni.tilt- tin imiiii-x- I hit ttisiil iminlii r: hip. ',(,,,,,, il,,. ,l,,v ,. ,,,,, nnlii IlK.tiY AM) IIAK- - Mi I ., I,. M. Mniii- him n'limit tin- wnrk nil In'. In. ill ,, ,,hi x, Im m-ii- Mm sin i iff Viiiiii s i ii in i it i t rii- nf iiml lint nri'X, kiltfl' m:ss, t in: vi'. m:e luiik lii't.lHl. ulni x.u.l hf ,,, I. ill.-- liltiHU llif "I lulil him," xnitl thf llm- Will' fnlllnl lln' 'I'lir mux nil-- .1. I'. Iml it v.iis .i pint tin frnin Ihi' IH'li'1 nf - . l i rn- n-- r Iiml i n xtiiit-.- ih i u. A nx m. n - witiirxs, "Iiml lh" m.ttli "TELMO" nntiitm "tiii'i. it,,, Him mien A () K.iiiihii- - imix th, t il in iur- Learnard-Lindeman- x.itn (,,H v,,, :,,miii lln iititxl .ixkitl Ihi' I n . , Im ilt't liil 'ril Hint iv lull .4 niKiit ,,r in, nun in ;,.,, nii. r l.iinti xim 1,'tl In i.. i....i.-.- I , k , ...... ii xi'lllfil, ft Im Uitlk.'tl with ii limit lit- th.- in-- ,i,i. Mt. riulliitt x:ilil. Ti. lil.'il in'',,..' ',,,',.,r l ii,.,,, i'.,,,i,,. n.,. , ',,., ,,,. i,u i,.ii.h"'l riiini'il tin- imii'liiiif ayil that BUY THIS 15KAXI) i'f CAXXED i lili- it I in nl Hrli n. I i i i il y ilini - j " ',s -- M"' fi,r',K Company run nl mi,, Inn,, tiiiitli ti inniii lr,.,;1M. d, ,, Kn, Auto- ,.Vi-i'- .'. My m - "'"K ""' r.(M)IS YOU UAYETIIK x',.,,,.,!,,,!,, San him, hfiirliiK tin rt'timl. - Al , - (in- J I r.,'X, My Itn- Mi II. t i v A ml. nl- 'lilliii.ihn.t 'I'ht-- . nutn inm Mr. mul n.'i liny w,rf lilnn In I il'i ' a I'i' in . l. l!l'irltis; I lit- m t .IihIki- Slllillt'.i Kiilin h nit ion nl l BEST rh-t- I , Ih'i-i- Hint hi- Im run- In.' t I. 'li u, i Im; fm I - nl u.tx tht limn l.ninx xlmt ;i!ir Inn ''l.liitli:!' .1, ihn In run i:nr. ?u, Urimx- A it'illiil nf llm n ti llm it ;i'X lirixxitiii M .I HJli .N'ml't tn vixlt Mix Hyiinx. t,, ,,K Ut,lr uinvrx. 'ft-hl- A I 'nl 'inn it, Alliii.iiri iiH'. h 'I mi- n "n i , I '' s"nii nim,. Kik'hlh Hitil mi lin n r (Initl.i. Santa Il.i luirn I'nrlnx ,,f i h,. I iniilv ,iii,it, ,t n purl nf . i Ti . vu,.,,. m. a Hill'.-.1- .,,., , Stilly Is ii. Annum... BROADWAY FEATURES i:,l,,,x l. Tllni'tis' I'l.ilnm.i ,i. ,.f .1 . . . n n . . , P I I . lx il i tm Hit' H.nit.i Aiiinnl,.: .. tt'i.-,..,,- . I " tk i.tlU.i. I" Sttn W. Mnvitr '. M'EtiAI. S. I I .. , ,,, ,..,.., MAKE TREMENROUS HIT AI-- J'r T..,.. mu nni.i i' lii.HlrlU.1. t'hnil.x .' ..k. .,,,.,',,, tif. nilMB: .,Ml, ; atiirtlay IA . I'MOK Al'lll It ...'! W I, I 1. I '. I''., Sl y '''"." Lllii- W All innlty l.niltit. .m nl THEATER j",""",i,":a - a,',,,,.,,,,;; t ,,n ( ii.'.imiut ( iiraiiii ls, Ih. r.iitriilluio ork of KlniN. AT CRYSTAL ;;r" I'liii-lil- n. i.Ilii it t Im k mm: ii,iil-li.w- . Aiiialiiir Ihtx im. in i.f III., rnlil.-xliiiir..- .i,,- llll.l . ' whl.h -' GRIMSHAW'S Si, hull. Will- in tin. xii'iiinl lit- I l.i'i- - ix im mlttrsliip nf llm ,,,m,i.i v 113 ti Hi tst't tinil St. the tnlnl I,.,,.,,,, t',;,t it,,n mul nl '''.. - . ,, th.-.,.- hi- ,.,.. I .. r ImU w,l imsx :,x pu, ,r,,,,K a t rn I I All m, x f I n TI..- xl... at Hm ', yxlal tll(7 ,., r,t, Wi'iiintl mul rn J'liniH' lili K',' ,,.,.. ,,. f ,jH (Ml(,.s . ,.1 n l.j A hi- -- - iiiuhl, hi. It ill I... Ihix tn "Siinlmtliiii Our hMclal nit nitmil In pii. iiil, iiIiiib mini- r.'..'al.'.l ,, ,,,, Xi( ,v. i ,. Mm R, tilai .lin y Mr. s in,,,.,,.,,,. . I N. ,,, i Ul I In 1 v . li . 11 ...i i.iiiilIiI mint, imi- i. hi ill, nm Miry mnit'tiniiy iumi i iri.'Kii, ,1, I '. Al'imlii. tnnk I hi- - xln ml. 'J t I ll Ii ll xt t ,x. m i'il h nx mmimilly tnl'l. Mf mlmittfil hnimix Ti nn lln. n tin ii ki'l iimxi pi inn .imi i ti'i I, Iii-- I'ri-- i iiii't Nn.' --'. I'i'l IH' I'l tiiiipm ir. Mint - hi" .Iinli"!' vv.m Kltf'.1!', (! ilk. 'II In Mills- ,, IllliVltl; in.- tinli In Allin- ' thnt iln! nut think Staah ilVi'l't ill pill nllliii (inrihi. im- m 1 1 i 1:1: jAnnlJii, Marhiii.t pritrl iiftl iniiln in llm tnpital lily u lit put in nxy- - PKix i: sai i: h 'I'illl t I i'iikv fin .ii In all (r itn LET US SEND A MAN hnln l.txt IllKht hl.f ill.', I'n-i'ln- t lil.i.llt, inn t Nn .'I. Aliinii'il.'i "Iim ' " l iH i I, IVMI III 'lillll a "" Inm Ax In vOmllmr hf was rn-i'la- iitmnl, ami lnl Aki m lh. ill ill'.- Mar i rn-h''.'ii- Ttiimix i inn.. Ins. " r,",ul'v'"' To lEi'iiliuc Unit ICrokrn Wlmlow if'"- '" Um" , . V liiiii-i'liii- lil i in- i I , t i .'tliti l'"i''i;' n day ,,f hi ,.nvfrxi,ln,n ilh (ji'iii'inl Mm" of II. Tlmninx nl Haul. "M (ilfit'inl W'llf" pr.-- i ( 1: il." Allin- - llii' In. Nn. I, hi. lh fiiinily nl Ahi'.ihiitii Slanh. II" . .., , , i ,. t.lass '1 I Mt xl ix n .r 111" l Hit- ii "SliinhiM i.f tin- .i .'" 'I'hi' fn ijiiiiiI s.'l-l- T.C.MBEK 'Imnlin hiix nl "'hi it" nixm-att- Hiilills lis m il. f ull ALItl Ql'I lttl i: iiifi,ii, ,mi .ilini ..i.iiiiii.,,, ll lf, ill ill.- it, im tn t ll U 1 ,1 . .... 1I..H, Ml, inn Millil, "J ill V..1X xnltt'l'. jml i il m i nl i.ii ...... I...... III" lit llt'llmnhtl ( t'OMl'AXY hnriii nil fin in ntf rn. A I'liilin m Si. tali mux Kiif ff riiij I'i mil Irniii 2 to ."), HIS Wi'sl i" An', m-ii- I fimili" it mil." oiii 421 X, t. V .is nx l.nlfi' rimnn 423 I'lrst ny tit I'i !ly lln haul llinry .Nii,tKi ami nun' (.,.,.,. .( ,, f,, nilil'nxiii -- . mil ;i,r,;ix xix Mini !. in x p. nn , , , , 4im ami" , Akl,,l Mikn K. ,l.iy i,ih- hit' I'lni.t 'iV!.lt,,(,r, i I l.lMf hit Kiippin,i nf Kiixxlnn 'itr.lov s. hi I.. Mm .( ihiith Mi. mmli.'i . . v i" limrillliK f it' hiiinllti In iltti Inl llll" Is iliil .ill V. iiiiii;, till- xl.ll' nf till' pll li, l.nx (,n nv,hinK.. 'in.'slinn.: Nil. I'.lll' ' "'! uns insnim, .hi ., ,. .. i,- hi- , - 'ofnct ' !"' 'I"'" 'Innh. ,,r 1, i . p! inn iiml t ... II in, Min n l.v lh. im.-- Ma., it. v, i Iii lii lii r .nlx.iii- 'j,,,-),,- ,, tifi'it M.iriiiii. In w Mi - ntixrx huh hf vith-nii- ' ii .it iii until I'l Intiiiil nl nf lln- St html of l,iKi. Ill, iii iii "My I'l'l'ltliil Wilf." Tlif T, I iii ciiiirt - ifii.tiix ,n,.nrt Nn. Sail Aiilnn nn n r, lulil nf Ihf nii'iital iiinilil inn nf' n j'"" s,ove (I.Hl Hit lll-- I., llllll xlll - pilll-ll- I III" 11 II litm .., . if hit k this imiinini;. .HAHMCOALCO5ul",p Mllltx III illllli hi,i;l.; ( ,ju V(y, ,,i a .liiilsm . il'aiil Stiinh, liinlhi nf Si.i.ih. t'rrrlllus I.timp CrPrlllnH Slnve ilini tninKlit Sim will In I in" xm-- l U im x.ili- .1 IIXli'- - I'JIOM' 91 luiiiii nnil iilliiKt'lliir Nn. k. l.nx (imu whit hf xiihl xnf fftftl fur ravi-llt- A. :t ml liflli-- lin- - In I I i el Jmii M,,. tii.ihlnw ivtl fii lilnilH lilt i , i ii i'i;ni in lilt i.t i ,.. SPECIAL SHOWING .. ,,m ATIIItA( ITE. AM SIZI.S, STEAM t'OAI, Mix. J.iiHr. i,, it inl l. tin- It ,l u ii p h nipnn I ,i x,, ii ii,,!,, ,t'S il,- Aliixt'ti , ,...... i.. - i IH" ill lln- NEW COATS WimmI, Factory W.xxl, Cnnl Woml, hi -- Native Klnillliig, i.ilh xllniii! lx lltf Snlvmhii', ...... i,..., ,.,,.. ,,f ,,,,, i.',. OF Coke, Mill l.lmo il i.nll, wlih h nntiil'lx tin- pini Nn, lit, ,srniiii, BOILER EXPLOSION Iini'iti I'rt.einri all. lull "iliii t"tl tht" ptirpiix. ART SHOP I ni'l fnr AT THE P. -- hi, ill" llm ' nn t ,,,, jiix r,i lulf lh'' Ahli'i'i'If. nf xhiiwim; Imxini-x- luinxni-- ; .1 tilt, tin THREATENED AT HOTEL i in Willi llm tlfiilh nf; i Nn Will MjmijimMJ ynijNuwnwuiniPm jlMJiUBfJIi' nlmimil II, I'.llnlit't itltinx - ys lii. h ii if nf JihIui- Stanli mis I n, I.... In- nihilist thf pliismn ( i., V...... illt WMiWfl fm irniii is " hi ,ii". I, ., ii imi, llllll IS AVERTED BY CHIEF Hi-t.- tn-- 'X ti inl n, In, - lint x. it'll tn hf N'n. A l.ili',lt'li in an Inbuilt lint" "f i nntx iiml nllf il mn Th, I iix.x-i'x- n ii il liii t mn nl fi I, ) l.nuix .1. making a .spfrinl xlinwiiiH nl' tlnni 'riminnx, Mr. hy Spifss wax it u ... '" . . ' t ., ,i i ... h'fliind Atlnrni'V A nl llm (ll. I. ..I.,., ll,..' ll 11 ft. ..II.. '..I - w Sluip. It is an ptinniil lliirnt. tn 1'inli r In ' ' ' " ' ' I lh" Art " '" " nn, Ihc wax inatlf fff - I ."- ''""; J..- Mm il i l ' t i . latlifx nf AlhiiitnT- llitil 'mill x v ft v. nl. puis iiiv tn lit hit nil tin I'M I, M I' I IK Hi a ll u ',' ll .iii li s fnr ! tj.iy nml iiiiii". t'tiiit Kifin, ft IP' III - . In lln- xittim i it xt Mitt M,.,nimhlin, .Inhn amn l:ni;, Si v. Think of Your Taxes 't Jnilm- SI. i, th. wax xpniixililf I'm nut f i.x lim I'ti! ii. p,u Int. til. A lili" "nx ni V Mlllimi Mi'l," hi' h 1, niiHli hi, Al I'lilfinnn. lilif w.'ll xfh'ilftl nml pifi' wis iiii I III' ll'li-mil- - lllll'K.-l- l In llll S 1' nr- llllH til-.- ifiixnllahl-"- Nt) xllnlllll IK" il nn!. tin I, iiiu r nl th.- In .ilinu ii- - si t ii ,i iln- I' n xlmli I 'ii--f inrt Nn. Mi. 'hl Alhiniim riii"-- tilllf liiin'i ( iiii-fi- in iii-- i t imix .'.iinii', It . - M iniitiii lii.- -i II t. - him n i r il Itn I I in i wax mi nun. il is mi nl urinal ii " li III a Willi K mi Nl'Xtiil' M hi ".'- in xifiim llnxf rn.tix. l. iwlili'h Mr lit I. nnl tfxtil'ifil. niiin-lici- " to 111 Hint-'pf- l you go your vote on it lit !' v ill l It" Inn!. 'lln- ,s".. nl in lh. If, nl, nml ix SprlnKi'l'. When cast the third clay nf ml i inhn ml in mi - t i N pnpfix ih'ii" Kf ,i w.i- ,ilh il .iml ihifi Mi 1,, In, I, I II,,. .ill, ul,, .ii ,.r nil vvlm s. il I'lfi'lnt't Nn II. Sun mum.. Lecture. In i iiiim i tiiiii wllh Hm It sti-- ! of November, think of your taxes. hi,;- ,,, l.nlh-- 'I In imllli xs nf w il 'ilfin'f Ihi lli.lli pi, lini ill hf xt i n al m i minx llfl ri't'ii. 1.., ., fi ninny nf (lux t n m.xx. t IlllXllllll -l t'ifiiff Snr Il'i) in .inn,-It... - u '.i li in, , K in I i i x t Nn. Vi, l'.,n h,iin .it iii iiiil t'li" iml mi lil in Im in. iiii at lln I'ln lin S.nilii , mi Iii-i- - li. niiln-in- n nf Ti'ii(tnr. iiifitiii-- N. M.. :i li in in n Iff- i llll- Lin It ilk, i.f llll (ll upl I' lilt ,llll IS t'lv-l- nl I. ..lay, h, x- liixpur .ni'i' ill. Remember that the heavy you lln mil in,.' ilimim - ' m t" hill Sii.'iiff l.v Yil'isll burden are now .1"-'- ,' Th,- nil Christ I t rvaminniimi nf fhnrhs Kitxm. .l.! i. III-- !,ui. ,l I'll tin' ;: i m Nn. 3U. Ti.h'in ll nl nml Hit iiims hlii.wx al I'l'i'i'lllft ,. nf- - si. " Mlit-Ki- !lh firxi w,im- - I,, xtitnti 1i,";,li;ii";rt I i, :. J ,kf ihf bearing was placed upon you by the rotten repub- InlllillMlll".. f'tirlnx , nf nl i,,, - l.iitiii'fxhip Iho J - Ihi- n li wax ii , , i ' i . I'liflmt No. 2.!, Sin Alitniin. M.n- ;ii'i' imii in t, f iut ..i..ii.. llllll fnr a " li'ii- it Inifi'pii'ttr lican ring that for so many years New Mex- m li.mzalfx V h.p'l iiUn Ihn loi'l in .,,Htl,th .Muxsiithiixflls, l.fitnri. lo ruled deathsa7d Tunerals. TOOK FIRM'S MONEY ilil'ft i - liuppe Ihihv ii.inxl. ilinu iii four i. ih'liMTi'tl in Klkx i"i'.'i liotio, Sun-- f Bernalillo nl lniiKuiiip's' i 'i tnl'i-'- :Tith, nl nillO 1'. M. ico and county. I'li-- im t Nn. L'ti, AH, mini nim U ,.l.i. TO PAY BLACK HAND, ., 1, Mi s SI, I M Xlllll'.'Ws, . Mr kif-- ii ix In Srtliln: w I tn.-- Th, minx K llnnxiin ,tm, M - n ,M . , .'li t'.it x MAN TELLS POLICE' ;.... n. crai. r. a M..hi.,.u. j..i.r j .',.. anil w hn uns fnr iitiiny ytnix a GET WISE Remember that this ring is now trying its utmost ....I. .Ii.- -t ll I'l- I' . sl. I .1.1 lllli J I'.uii.itliiilf. J. V. Wils.nt, 1. II. Hunt ,.,.bi. pfixminl fn.'iiil nf Ahi'ahaiii j,.w,.,rv wnt(.h,.. ."to., ti .'It :. h- ,, I.,, ts ,11 S, ,111 h ris'hl, Charlfx I'hii.lw i, k. Miiiiii, w.ix inii,..iifftl lor thf pmpnxf ,.,...... i,....! Will flfim your I to regain control of the machinery of government. M ... hi timl, nm m ft nm i In- hi m . i h ,i n,, Ii Thai l'1'fl.'llU't Nn I'X. All'sni- - .1. 'I'. I Ll n? xhnwin;' .i hipf of nnininxiiy nn Wlll,.i, MninxpriiiMH Jl. AM w hn-- In- i i il t XI K ,11 I'i. tn u nx inplm In im Mi nun. y or ynur .1. .l I .1 In 111 III thf part nf i.iah tnw nnls his m k sli irtly KunrniHi'i'd I .Inxi' fill Remember the .. ' m. mix nf Ml. ii k II. ml si y u ...... that republican nominees for the ".I '. I".". '., ll) nx U ih hf I I A Milan, lit,- i im iiintif i iitii-u- i lit' thilf I'i i i im I Nn 'Inlhll nnxiiii'iii ' .Minnr ctinifxinni. i..v.f h II .1 ., . i nu- Mil, I St., IIH I? !ti 'I t tit- .1 i t,.l i ,1 was imit .sxinll mail." - ii..v.,,t,.v ri Kftlllltf. v Inli nil Ihf l! Ill U'l'I'I'I! 'Wlllll'XS X.lllt PIS I'nilM'l Sltlinn.- 'j legislature stand for high county I I M Inxt salaries and high i "I Ii, II. r l hi. in 'Im Mi illin mi.lii x HI, lh- . w or.- - ,rl. th. Nn Out mn - W. j - .1... sm ,h in ,1 w l rriHiimt ili;n,uii, i,,M,rl'iv!.TI.l Vi .. . l I, l Mn it nx I m till th nl li Thoalrr. ', . I,, ,,,ly - In hf In,:, If tilll, nwnl" r. Ant.. Mnti ui. 'Willi xnnif i' ! Urcw wiirils. At- - , taxes. They have never denied it. tinli-x- lp- -- .1 ,, l.j-- li- i iln- III k M.'iml iii xi lit i." h ... Mux ill ,i tli'i'i tunny Sph'xx, ... nntivi! of Sw itfrlaml, . .... ' S ,. "l i ' n ; ''Osteopathy" I'l, .' I,) I't"" in nn CrUfini Ufll I wanlf.i In h, sl ... nml rnllfil ilium x I. I t.ixuT - Remember that the I it- xv , democratic . ",l ,,('': hi "I I,- Mi;in ,l iviih nx tfl lulu. tni ilVlsJIII vviivi-h- Im,. i...,..,. ,, l,., lu u..l...,.. .a nni.i, ntiv itntl nominees are lh- t hii f th i mil Inhl tlif UKtlM innn. mm nx ,t t'tinltl, in llm nhyslnlnuy. Mo not itniluxp ll wiin pledged to honesty and economy in M MM I It Miit-n- wax In hi tiM-- Inm if WttK NtAI inllalat Inn. the administra- t.MMH hf s.ivr in w hh h il w nx In hi. nnsliraled Mipur luiths, Jli-- t nl nin.i,-1if.i- l. .! with lippf- inl, it .11 Mm Ifltt-I- xn h. 'mul nzoiif or pliM tiioliv, whii h ivt-r- n.vcr in nil. nf MONDAY AT CENTRAL i'wi, .LT. mpll.Ml Willi Ml." If- - . ,. ,,. . ... tion of the affairs of the ' ,,,. ', state and county, to ' - - I'.n. x .il 1. I'l n t". I., ,s i -- Inst lllv.ll! In Mil- ' still the f.. al' Hi,,. nl till iiiifst, nn.l Mi Kuppt'. a nativt' nf , ' i .1 .: I'V St'l. Inl lh' is w..nt.".l ; enactment of a salary bill It in-l- which piih lif x, hm. I. himlll tax Aiist fin. tr. i. .1 the liiriiinn nml u, jf. WIM.IAM9 will give county .1 h'L't Thf iulil llnpll'll In 'I'l llilil. nl f.finl.linM tn tf tut , - Mm l,n, i ,ln. mn, llfliri-- wnt - mm Knirlish nnil thin liinil-- t - wii..i- h inl nf al "li officials they ,.1 iln- I. in i what earn and no more, in.'i. h p.,i,f. 'llm - trmixlal.-t- l Mnin l!it Sinnixh. Rooma 1 3. HiilldlnK. and to lis-i- a Wt'i'k lii.m Mi.ii- ...,.iill and Whitln a KadillK Iml x. T iiiihlw limn , , i Jl.lil III ,'1 h. ifntmiiftl mil M Hm Ii.iiko, , t - lli-ti- nntl Gold. I'., I.....1 li ul l,l I'l'lMS!.'. Corner Secontl reduction of taxes. . ., v 111 " - ' .. Il.ill IMIII his H.t t.lil.l- i"'' . u- ., , PhollM No. 684...... , .I M,. i..-.- Im,I,:,, .Stlpi'l"., 111 .ilint" a li 'I' ill in ii ...... , t it It Snlll In II t 'nlnlntl.i Mipph 'tll. iltlf nil' lh" wax iliH,lt iisi'tl at Mm: i M- :Sliiiili ui.'.ulv , , . tmipa,-- l,.r liiih ht imk,,l , ills-- , Remembering these things i .mr--.' nf xtinlv tin- - w itili-- w .1! mn 1' in .1' A 11 r St aa h. Mis ill,, lln- i f Mn- k Thf xw n tulil hn n pai'Mv .mqmrU. SPRINGER Inixinisx s. spniii-- (ilfaxiirf, x.tnl ih, w iliif ss, arnso x(rui"lliiii in Violin, Viola nntl Ccllii. I, t II. iml II. v,!:tmllf, Mux. - y xn, h as an- lh.- la, ih.,! tlm stm hint not i - 111" si,,-,ii- .1 iniul hr.inthiK jfrom I'lioni- I. ' TRANSFER in. f M. M n wi i.-i- It s Vote ' ' t.iiif til in thf m inli" x, Inn.lx Si nth nl iiskf,! lux pm to marry nml; . '; the Straight Democratic Ticket! Ctlshnm (il I'l, nf III,- allfsl ' , v; who intiiiil tn fiiinll xlmiilil titri !y from tin- Im t that hf Iiml nial-- pr. II W. Hanna, ostropatUlc 'po- i.t- -l III Pack and Store Furniture i n iu . - , hnf int wiiti snp.-- inl'mlf nt Mihif. s.i In- no il a riiii nm ii,. xtiitfti. hnwfvvr, ciallst on jttomafh. iivi-r- kidnrra and il-a- bowpla For Congressman will know "hat I., nnk.' h." Ita.-- any f at Dr. S.'liwentker'a. Phon Harvey B. Fergusson. I 7 17" t'iiiiK.'int ntx (nr. of mi i hf pari nf Ahrnhaiii - For Corporation Commissioner Tin' 1 ..- ii II v has iwl fi i'i "ti st St. i. ih in" ii ils Mix. Arthur Staah. I"" Adolfo P. Hill. mi hii'ii illxiiiinliilt il In jour pi. iiiii-s- It on'l inxt any ,? 'OH SkOI'l I'K lime tl. Tim Xflfttimi will mmh' ttmi ,, th,. , ,,mi,lt y hntl fri i',if liMy I i I Ifil. ,f tlKI'IMIK AMI Hi II.DKH. o him tin' u it I kiii'l in. nh" In u iiiaxti r iMirkniiin. All Hliop 210 For Members of the Legislature innri' in VI rtilk. l.'ffl I'ftl I., lift- as "il lliif yolllli! Minis of Jul. M.irk. George C. - k I. , , , .. Wrxt Hllinrr Airntie. ( (HinbM- my mil nml "I'h gvl nn ijniiiiilril. Trlri.h,i Schecr, William r n hex! i Kieke and Rafael On to Pr. for tn 01 ihf ... ,:isii,iis wjii-i- Arthur , Garcia. i ( I '..iiii'-- i l.v Stiiillo) Mes- - ri i. l.rnv In oxtpnp.iMiv. nntllt'itt.'il vattor hath, stimh wnx x,,i,.oi ... , ...xmitin. Henry s Delivery and IntmliH oiip, mul .'U't irif. l'r. 11. I'.tnif Mi r fi.-- j -- Avi-nn- e atton-'dan- t. xaM K,fxv, Mm fath. Q1Q - 219 tVntrnl jV. Hanna, Hxsnchil.'d. . Ijuly nri1orc Phnno Kodak riiilxhliiB f IJf- ,tifnlly hf(,,int ixoitil; "atnl . Oi.iiyv.i vj. nviiv ssv. :' L'onsultntltin fie. I .IM