THE DON... FLOWS QUIETLY Synergetic Novel
М. V. Golitsyna THE DON... FLOWS QUIETLY Synergetic novel 1 Dedicated to my father, Vasiliy Ivanovich Golitsyn, and all defenders of the Fatherland 2 «...The land, with which you were starving together - you can’t ever forget! » All Right! V. Mayakovsky "We are marching through a storm of bullets, making sure that at death we’ll be reincarnated as steamboats, written lines, and other things that never fade." To comrade Nette, a steamboat and a man. V. Mayakovsky 3 III level of consciousness (thoughts): It’s the Tikhiy Don fast sleeper train, and no wonder, there are no tickets… OK, what about other trains?! Well, Moscow... "is the nastiest little hole of all the towns of Russia. I was all but starved there, to say nothing of having a narrow escape of being..." and so on through the text.., bу and large, as my father liked to quote... II level of consciousness (feelings): My father... Won’t I fulfill his last request?! Or maybe I continue doing stupid things?! - But I have already learned... and now I know for sure that I'd rather regret the things I've done than regret the things I haven't done! III level of consciousness (thoughts): Most likely, I will be able to get the earth... But will I be able to return home? After all, the border may be closed any moment during the holidays... For them, 1 May is not a holiday, to say nothing about Victory Day, the holiday... of the "invaders"... And it was not only my father who used to tell..
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