December 16, 1932

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December 16, 1932 ,. I. l' oo1et .. \,aterman St . -ro~id,nca. R. I. THE --JEWISH HOME NEWSPAPER OF RHODE ISLAND E!n1 r.rcd u Stcond-Oau Manu. Nov, 7, 1929, 11 tin Pose, Of. PROVIDENCE, R. I., FRIDAY DECEMBER 16 1932 Vol. IV. No. 12 6 cc at Providence. R. I.. Undu th A_,:t of M~rdl ) . 1679 5 Cents the Copy BETH-EL GROUP WILL BE HONORED I u. s. METHODS WILL HEAR BAY HELP TO BETTER Jewish Youth Gather STATE LEADERS p ALESTI E LA 1D To Plead For Support ~ r our of Water T onig~t at Emanu-EI In Struggle Over d b An-1 ri an Religion Slump tv1 Drilling For Annual Concl ve Movement ls National Rt"claims Arid reas Hundred to Hear Ad­ Part of the nation-wide mov mcnt w York, De 1 (JTA)- Ho s 22-}' ar-Old Jewish now in progress Lo arouse inter s l of . of tummg ltu--g ar' · of land in Pol­ dre~ of Hart£ ord American Jews in behalf of national . tin , n w and, into ar bl c age .religious institutions, two Massachu - ui bl £or orang growing and truck -ulptor Au·arded S miuary H ad setts leaders are schedul d to speak (armmg, is n as a r uH o! th ronigbt at a meeting of m mbers of d' cry there of n w sour ( wtl- Spinoza Prize Continue Next Week Temple Beth-EL r supply by lh applk tion o{ Th speakers ar Rabbi Israel Har­ Am ricnn m t.hods according t.o a co­ N w York. D c. J - (JTA)­ Bringing t.ogelher hundreds of young burg of Lynn and J acob Ash r of bl gram r c iv cl by th Pal tin Gubriel C h n, 22-y ar-old J w­ peopl r pr senling practically every Worcester. They will be inlroducecl Economic Corpornllon. Th cab) - Wi sculptor of Br oklyn. won J ewish organization in Rhode Island, by Rabbi William G. Braud . Th gram n:-v als that Am ·rican c.,ngmecrs lh · ward m o mp u.tton for a including studenls at local and nearby Union of American He brew Congre­ hav · ucc ssfull y bor •d a W<'ll m th b l of B ruch Spinoza in which coll g, s, lhe seventh annual Jewish gations is sponsoring the movem nt lo Yavni I region wh re pr v1ous at­ thirty-two sculptor throu J( houl Youth Conf r nee opens tonight in combat the religious depression, tempts, ut_ilizin~ antiquated m thods, th country took part. T mple Emanu -El. Rabbi Harburg and Mr. Asher re had nly r suit d in an inadcquat Th award wa m th amount The conference will be held on members of a group of 250 distin­ wal r supply. of $200. Th judg s w r How­ su ccessive Friday nights, adjourning guishe d r abbinical and lay leaders PAUL J. ROBIN "Th w 11. which has been ucc ss­ ard Giles, D an of th Art the initial session this evening who are covering the entire country tale enator- lect lo be Tendered tully drilled m Yavni J, off rs gr at Department, Institut ; un ti] on w k from tonight for the during the pext few weeks in what Te timonial Dinn r unday hope of tu.ming arid lands into George Gray Barnard, J ames final meeting. Youth and social order is known as the Union Tour. They flourishing colorues," Bernard Fl x­ Frazi r, Faust.a Vittoria Men­ will be the discussion feature. En­ will seek support for the Hebrew n r, cbrunnan of the board. declared. garine and Pietro Montana. Co­ tering the seventh year since it orig­ Union College, the department of ''This site was chosen because w Us h n studied al Cooper Union and inated, the conference has come to be synagogue and school extension and Dinner Planned which had been driv n there by an­ is al present at the Beaux Arts one of the outstanding events in other national religious institutions tiquated m thod.s_ had resulted in a institute of Design. R cently he J ewish community life, especially for sponsored by the Union. Sunday Evening poor supply of water . The water won second place in the Paris the young people. The problem in Palestine has Jong been Union Tour first was inaugu­ Prize Competition of the Beaux Dr. Barstow to Speak rated in 1927 by David A. Brown of recognized as a serious one, particu­ -Arts Institute. New York. It has become an an­ For Paul Robin larly in the hill lands. The soils of The principal speaker for tonight, nual feature, regarded with increas­ this region are suitable for vineyards, Rabbi Israel M. Goldman has an­ ing importance from year to year. Senator-elect to be Given Testi­ olive groves and grain fields and with nounced, will be Dr. Robbins W. Bar­ stow, President of Hartford Seminary ---□--- monial by Friends at irrigation, also for vegetable grow­ ing. The first well drilled shows a Foundation. who cuts short a trip in Son-in-Law of Dr. Wis@ • Narragansett yield of 440 gallons per minute from Famous Rabbis the West in order to come here, for a decomposed basalt reservoir at a the conference. Dr. Barstow was one Succumbs at Age of 31 Senator-elect Paul J . Robin, who of the principal figures in the Sem­ next year will be the only Jewish depth of 170 feet. The successful re­ Support Golden New York, Dec. l~(JTA)-Dr. sult of the drilling at Yavniel demon­ inar of Catholics, Jews and Prot­ member of the State Legislature's estants, held last April at Brown Uni­ Leon Arthur Tulin, son-in-law of Dr. upper branch, is to be honored at a strates that an adequate water sup­ Stephen S. Wise, died at ply can be obtained at a lower cost Rule Week Plan versity and Providence College. To­ his residence testimonial dinner Sunday night in night's address will be his first to a here after an illness of four years at the Narragansett through improved methods. I believe Hotel Hundreds of that large Jewish congregation in this city, al­ the age of 31. friends and well wishers are expected tracts of land now unfit for Pool and Wise Issue Joint Ap­ crops due to the inadequacy of the though he has spoken before Tem­ Dr. Tulin, the son of Samuel Tulin, to attend the reception from 6 7 to water supply, may. as a result of the peal; Observance to ple audiences often in other com­ was born in Hartford, Conn. He was p. m. and dinner immediately after­ munities. a graduate of Yale Law School, application of the methods employed Start Sunday and wards. Dr. Barstow was admitted to the New York Bar at Yavniel, be transformed into arable will speak on "Youth Judge Maurice Robinson, himself New York, Dec. l~(JTA)-Rabbis and the Remaking 1925. 1926 he areas." of the Social Ill In was appointed a former Democratic member of the David de Sola Pool and Stephen S. Order." One assistant professor at Yale Law The American drilling unit was sent of the youngest college Senate, will be toastmaster. Mr. Robin into Palestine by the Palestine Eco­ Wise have issued a joint appeal to presidents in the country, he is par­ Schoo). He held the latter position was elected from the First Senaoorial for two nomic Corporation working in con­ the Jewish Community w observe ticularly promihent as a liberal and years until his appointment District on the Democratic ticket in Golden Rule Week to the junction with the Palestine Jewish "'{hich begins on a leader of youth. professorship of criminal law a normally Republican section. He Sunday and continues to next week, in in Colwnbia University, which posi­ Colonization Association, after a sur­ The theme of the conference will swept into office by a margin of 666 vey of conditions by F. Julius Fohs, the interests of the Golden Rule come in for discussion next Friday tion he held till his death. votes. F·oundation. Dr. Tulin is survived by a widow, noted geologist, in that country, and night. From the pulpit, a number A long list of persons, Jewish and of m ethods used in California. had in­ The appeal points out that the Jew­ of the city's outstanding young peo­ the former J osei;1.hine Waterman Wise, non-Jewish, prominent in national daughter of Rabbi dicated that the latter could be suc­ ish Community has in the past given ple will address the audience. Speak­ Stephen S. Wise, and state political and educational cir­ generous and a son, aged 4. cessfully applied in Palestine. support to the Golden Rule ers will include Fred W. P obirs, H. cles has been invited to attend the The engineers and machinery will Foundation and that organizations A. Rosenberg and Miss Marie Roit­ ---□--- function. The group expected to take such as the NEW PUBLICATIONS be kept in the Holy Land, Mr. Flex­ Hadassah School Lunch­ man. Daniel Jacobs will act as chair­ part in the testimonial includes ner said, to carry out other projects eon Fund in Palestine have been man. Tonight a youth forum will Berlin, Dec. l~(JTA)-Two new Governor-elect Theodore Francis of the two organizations and will be Nazi publications will make their ap­ Green, Lieutenant Governor-elect available for the use of existing colo­ [Continued on Page 8] [ Continued on P age 8] pearance in Berlin after the first &f Robert E.
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