35 CFR Ch. I (7–1–98 Edition)
§ 109.5 35 CFR Ch. I (7±1±98 Edition) (b) The number of Canal deckhands not less than 100 square inches (645 to be placed on board a transiting ves- square centimeters) in areaÐpreferred sel to assist her crew in handling tow- dimensions are 12 x 9 inches (305 x 229 ing wires in the locks. millimeters)Ðand shall be capable of withstanding a strain of 100,000 pounds § 109.5 Ship's gear to be ready during (43,331 kilograms) on a towing wire transit; test. from any direction. Before beginning transit of the (e) Chocks designated as double Canal, a vessel shall have hawsers, chocks shall have a throat opening of lines and fenders ready for passing not less than 140 square inches (903 through the locks, for warping, towing, square centimeters) in areaÐpreferred or mooring as the case may be; and dimensions are 14 x 10 inches (356 x 254 shall have both anchors ready for let- millimeters)Ðand shall be capable of ting go. The Master shall assure him- withstanding a strain of 140,000 pounds self, by actual test, of the readiness of (64,000 kilograms) on the towing wires his vessel's main engines, steering from any direction. gear, engine room telegraphs, whistle, (f) Use of roller chocks is permissible rudder-angle and engine-revolution in- provided they are not less than 14.94 dicators, and anchors. During the tran- meters (49 feet) above the waterline at sit, at all times while a vessel is under- the vessel's maximum Panama Canal way or moored against the lock walls, draft and provided they are in good her deck winches, capstans, and other condition, meet all of the requirements power equipment for handling lines, as for solid chocks as specified in para- well as her mooring bitts, chocks, graphs (a), (b), (c), and (d) of this sec- cleats, hawse pipes, etc., shall be ready tion, as the case may be, and are so for handling the vessel, to the exclu- fitted that transition from the rollers sion of all other work.
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