Journal of Coastal Conservation 2: 73-92, 1996 © EUCC; Opulus Press Uppsala. Printed in Sweden - Distribution and conservation status of littoral plant species along the European coasts - 73 Distribution and conservation status of littoral vascular plant species along the European coasts van der Maarel, Eddy & van der Maarel-Versluys, Marijke Department of Ecological Botany, Uppsala University, Villavägen 14, S 232 56 Uppsala, Sweden; Fax +46 18 553419; E-mail
[email protected] Abstract. A comprehensive list of 1068 typical littoral plant tion for a chapter on the world biogeography of coastal species and subspecies has been composed. They are consid- ecosystems (van der Maarel & van der Maarel-Versluys ered endemic in a wide sense and are subdivided into wide- in press) it occurred to us that this material was worth- spread, transregional, regional and local endemics, the latter while elaborating for the sake of coastal conservation in three categories being considered as endemics s.s. For each Europe. Thus, we decided to complete the list, and also taxon the distribution, habitat preference, endemic status and conservation status are given. The list, which is available upon include species from ‘wet coastal’ ecosystems, i.e. salt request, is summarized in a number of figures and tables, from marshes, tidal flats and saline waters (e.g. lagoons). which it appears that 61 % of all species are endemics s.s., that It should be clear from the beginning that many of ca. 30 % of all species are dune and beach species and another these typically coastal species do not have a prominent nearly 30 % are maritime rock species.