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Charge-Remote Fragmentation and the Two-Step Elimination of Alkanols from Fast Atom Bombardment-Desorbed (M + HI+, (M + Cat)+, and (M - H)- Ions of Aromatic P-Hydroxyoximes

M. G. 0. Santana-Marques and A. J. V. Ferrer-Correia Department of Chemis-, University of Aveiro, Portugal

K. A. Caldwell and M. L. Gross Midwest Center for Mass Spectrometry, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA

Aromatic P-hydroxyoximes undergo unusual fragmentation reactions as protonated or cationized species, as radical cations, or as (M - H)- ions, As protonated species, they expel OH ’ from the oxime functionality in violation of the even electron rule. Parallel eliminations of radicals follow OH’ loss when the aromatic ring is substituted with an alkyl chain. Alkyl radical losses appear to be characteristic of radical cations that can isomerize to ions in which the alkyl chain bears a radical site and the charged site is the conjugate of a basic functionality (e.g., oxime or ). Evidence for the mechanisms was found in the ion chemistry of oxime and imine radical cations. The imine reference compounds were conve- niently generated by fast atom bombardment-induced reduction of oximes, removing the requirement for using conventional chemical synthesis. Protonated and the (M - HI- ions of oximes fragment extensively via charge-remote processes to eliminate the elements of . This chemistry is not shared by the protonated oximes. fJ Am Sot Mass Specfrom 1993, 4, 819-827)

ompounds containing the oxime functional as that corresponding to the protonated imine, group have wide application in the industrial [(M + H) - 01+, increases with time. The (M + H)* C [l], analytical [2], and pharmaceutical [3] fields. and [(M + H) - 01’ ions, in principle, can be mass Until now, mass spectrometric studies of oximes made analyzed and identified by their product ion spectra. use of electron ionization (EI) [4&6] and chemical ion- FAB with tandem mass spectrometry, therefore, is well ization (CI) [7, 81. Secondary ion mass spectrometry suited for the study of such mixtures. (SIMS) (without the use of a matrix) was also used to The present work was undertaken to study the investigate quaternary oximes [9]. To our fragmentation of the ions produced by FAB of com- knowledge, however, fast atom bombardment (FAB) pounds containing one oxime group. The oximes stud- has not been used to study oximes, except as reported ied are aromatic P_hydroxyoximes of the type used in in our previous study of FAB-induced reduction of hydrometallurgy as metal extractants [12]. The decom- oximes to imines [lo] and in a study of a few N- position ion chemistry of these compounds is reported hydroxyl compounds (benzohydroxamic acid, here because the decomposition reactions are unusual l-hydroxybenzotriazole and iV-hydroxysuccinimide) and because different classes of fragmentation can be [111. accessed by obtaining separately the product ion spec- Oximes are reduced to imines upon FAB [lo]. As tra of different FAB-desorbed ions. A comparison with oximes often occur in complex mixtures, this reduction data from electron ionization is also made to substanti- can be used to detect individual components by ate fragmentation mechanisms. obtaining mass spectra as a function of time. For each oxime, the mass peak corresponding to the pro- Results and Discussion tonated oxime, (M + HI+, decreases with time, where- Positive Ion FAB Mass Spectral Data Mass spectra. Upon FAB [or liquid SIMS (LSIMS)I the Address reprintrequests to Dr. Ferrer-Correia, Department of Chem- istry, University of Aveim, 3800 Aveiro, Portugal. p-hydroxyoximes with the general formula

0 1993 American Society for Mass Spectrometry Received December 14,1992 104&0305/93/$6.00 Revised June 18,1993 Accepted June l&l993 820 SANTANA-MARQUES ET AL. J Am .5x Mass Spectrom 1993,4,819-827

RC,H,OHC(R’) = NOH give prominent molecular Table 1. /z%Hydroxyoximes of the general formula (M + H)+ and [(M + H) - 01’ ions; their relative abundances vary, decreasing and increasing, respec- tively, with time [lo]. Formation of the molecular radical cation and the radical cation arising by hy- 04 NOH droxyl loss from (M + H>’ is significant for some of hOH the Phydroxybenzaldoximes (R’ = H). For the p?ny- R R’ @hydroxyoxima M. ‘Al. droxyoximes with larger, branched R substituent H H 2.hydroxybenzaldoxime 137 groups, losses of the elements of the alkanols occur kalicylaldoxime) from the (M + H)+ ions. The abundances and the H CH, 2-hydroxyacetophenone 151 mass-to-charge ratio values of the most important frag- oxime ments of the fl-hydroxyoximes of Table 1 are shown in H CsH5 2-hydroxybenzophenone 213 Table 2. oxime CH, H 2-hydroxy-5-methyl 151 benzaldoxime (M + H)+ and f(M + I-I) - 01’ ions. The metastable CHa CHs 2-hydroxy-5-methyl 165 ion spectra of the (M + H)* ions of the phydroxy- acetophenone oxime oximes l-6 show exclusively ions formed by OH’ and CH, C,H5 2-hydroxy-5-methyl 227 H,O losses. Although the loss of a hydroxyl radical benzophenone oxime from closed-shell (M + H)+ ions is unusual and vio- %H,, H 2-hydroxy&octyl 249 lates the even electron rule, it is not unprecedented. benzaidoxime H (The even electron rule states that even electron ions C,H,,(CH,),C 2-hydroxy-5. 263 (1 ‘.l ‘dimethylheptyl) prefer to fragment to give even electron products.) It benzaldoxime was reported before for aromatic nitro compounds 9 C,H,,(CH,),C CH3 2.hydroxy-5. 277 under CI 113, 141 and FAB [15] conditions and was (1 I.1 ‘dimethylheptyl) shown to be consistent with the formation of ions acetophenone oxime protonated at the nitro group [ - N(OH)Ol+ 113, 141. 10 C,H,,(CH,),C CaH, 2-hydroxy-5- 339 Interesting reactions pertain to the metastable ion (1 ‘,I ‘dimethylheptyl) benzophenone oxime and collision-activated decompositions (CAD) of &hy- droxyoximes with sizeable alkyl (R) substituents. For hH, p-hydroxyoxime 7, which contains a straight-chain alkyl substituent, the nearly exclusively metastable ion ‘CH, decomposition is loss of OH’ (see Figure la), Small losses of H20, C,H,,, C,H,,, and the elements of R C,H,,OH also occur. Upon collisional activation (CA), the loss of C,H,,OH dominates, possibly depleting the product ion formed by loss of OH; which is approxi- A mately of equal abundance as those ions formed by losses of H,O and C,H,, (Figure lb). The latter ion is able. The former undergoes loss of OH; which is likely to be a result of charge-remote fragmentation apparently followed by radical loss, whereas the latter [16, 171. undergoes charge-remote fragmentation to expel the To assess the importance of the OH’ group of the elements of the alkanes. Clearly the OH’ loss from the oxime functionality on the fragmentation chemistry, oxime (M + H)+ must involve the oximic OH and advantage is taken of the FAB-induced chemical re- not the phenolic OH: For compounds of this nature, duction of the oxime to give an imine [lo] (see Scheme the analyst has the opportunity to choose the fragmen- I>. tation chemistry by taking advantage of the FAB- The CAD spectrum of the [(M + H) - O]+ ion of induced reduction to form a differently fragmenting oxime 7 shows that the fragmentation is almost en- imine. tirely dominated by charge-remote processes (i.e., losses of C,H,,, 2), exceptions being weak losses of H,O and HCN (see Figure 1~). The largest lost abundantly (C,H,,) contains one less than the total in the side chain. The product ion of m/z 135 formed by loss of the C,H,, alkyl group may be regarded as formed from a homolytic charge-remote cleavage of the benzylic bond to give the radical cation, A. Radical loss appears to be facile only when a prod- uct ion such as A is stable. The contrast between the decomposition reactions (M+H)+ [(M+H)-0)’ of the (M -t H)+ and [(M + H) - O]+ ions is remark- Scheme I

822 SANTANA-MARQUES ET AL. J Am See Mass Spectrom 1993,4,819-827

whereas it has a strong influence on the fragmenta- tions of the (M + H)+ ions, a fact that will be now

60 addressed in a proposed mechanism.

40 The loss of an entire series of alkanols, which is a

20 signature not only of (M + H)+ ions of the oxime 8 but also the oximes 9 and 10, occurs at least in part by a 0 two-step process. First, loss of OH; a characteristic LOO%-x65.00 * Bi_l reaction of most oximes, takes place to give an ion that 80 b (1M.H) corresponds to the imine radical cation. The loss of 4XSW,3OH 60 OH’ dominates the metastable ion decompositions of CA -CgHi8 40 l oxime 7 (see Figure la) and is apparently followed by ! subsequent and facile losses of alkyl groups for oximes 20 4 8, 9, and 10 (see Figure Za). Collision-activated decom- position spectra are misleading because the [(M + H) - OH]+’ ion is not abundant and is easily overlooked, The low abundance is due to rapid subsequent frag- mentations, not slow rates of production. The metastable ion spectra, however, offer better perspec- tive on OH. loss. Support for this overal picture comes from the metastable ion and CAD spectra of the [(M + H) -

100~x35.00 .- OH]+’ radical cations (see Figure 3a and b). Both spectra are surprisingly similar and show that the [(M + H) - OH]+’ ions fragment to expel a series of alkyl radicals. Thus, the [(M + H) - OH]*’ ion is es- tablished as an important precursor for the alkyl radi- cal loss products. Although the release of C,H,, is expected, being triggered by the aromatic ring and the two methyl branches, the other alkyl losses that also Figure 2. Product ion spectra of: (a) (M + H)+ of oxime 8 occur for the [(M + H) - OH]+’ ion of oximes 9 and (metastable ion decomaositions). cb) (M + H)+ of oxime 8 (CAD. 10 are unexpected. 30% beam reduction),‘(c) [(M < H) - 01’ of oxime 8 (m&a& ble ion decompositions), (d) [(M + H) - Ol+ of mime 8 (CAD, We propose that the loss of OH’ gives rise to the 30% beam red&ion). The mass scale is the same width for all of radical cation of the imine. This radical cation readily the spectra so the precursor ions in spectra c and d do not appear isomerizes by abstracting H. from various positions at the far right. A indicates alkane loss; n indicates loss; along the alkyl chain (in Scheme II is shown abstrac- * indicates alkanol loss; v indicates alkyl loss. tion from the fourth alkyl from the aromatic ring) analogous to the scorpion mechanism reported by others [ 18,191. Abstraction is rapidly followed by a [(M + H) - O]+ ion appears to be a general means of phenyl shift (shown to be 1,4 in Scheme II) to give the obtaining charge-remote fragmentations from the par- tertiary radical product, an ion that cannot form read- ent oxime and is superior to one in which CA of the ily for straight-chain analogs because the product oxime (M + H)+ ion is used. As expected for the would have a more unstable primary radical site. A dimethyl branched oxime, there is an uninterrupted 1,4- atom shift followed by free radical- series of alkane losses up to the branch point, after triggered C-C bond cleavage leads to competitive which the pattern of the losses is interrupted; the elimination of butyl and ethyl groups from the chain. largest alkane lost abundantly (C,H,,) contains three Similar abstraction/rearrangement reactions pro- less than the total carbons in the side chain. Of course, duce species with radical sites at different positions on the metastable losses of the alkyl radicals are still the chain from which C,H, and CsH,, losses can observed and may be increased upon CA. occur. In that way, a series of alkyl losses follows In summary, the oximes, both straight-chain and rapidly the expulsion of the OH group. The final branched, lose OH’ and expel aIky1 groups (to give products are the stable closed-shell conjugate of overall the loss the alkanols), whereas the imines show the imines. charge-remote fragmentation to eliminate the elements If the mechanism is correct, then aromatic systems of alkanes. The striking similarity in the CA spectra of of this general nature will exhibit losses of the ele- the straight-chain (Figure lc) and branched-chain imine ments of the alkanols. A test is readily designed by [(M + H) - 0]+ ions, except for the differences pro- examining the me&stable ion and CAD spectra of the duced by the branching, demonstrates that the oxime-0 radical cations of the starting oximes. These radical removed upon reduction to the imine has, as expected, cation or M+‘ species can also be produced by FAB by little effect on the charge-remote fragmentation, using matrices such as 3-nitrobenzyl . The radi- J Am Sot Mass Spectrom 1993, 4, 819-827 FRAGMENTATION OF&HYDROXYOXIMES UNDER FAB 823


0” NH tP

Scheme II

radical site, however, occurs when the precursor ion itself is a radical cation such as that formed by OH loss L from a protonated oxime. For closed-shell ions such as Figure 3. Product ion spectra of: (a) (M + H - OH)+ of oxime the protonated imines discussed here, charge-remote 8 (metastable ion decompositions), (b) (M + H - OH)+ of oxime losses of the elements of alkanes do occur, whereas 8 (CAD, 30% beam reduction), (cl the radical cation, M+‘, of radical loss is not apparent. Thus, it is unlikely that oxime 8 (metastable ion decompositions), (d) the radical cation, radical production is the first step of a charge-remote M+; of oxime 8 (CAD, 30% beam reduction). The mass scale is the S?~W width for all of the spectra so the precursor ions in fragmentation. spectra a and b do not appear at the far right. v indicates alkyl loss. (M + Li)+ and fM + Nu) + ions. The unusual loss of OH from closed-shell ions is found also among the cal cation of the oxime should abstract H ; as readily as CAD of (M + Li)’ and (M + Na)+ ions of these ,f-hy- that of the imine, to initiate the sequence of rearrange- droxyoximes. Although the alkali-metal-cationized ments pictured in Scheme II. In fact, the metastable ion oximes also react to eliminate alkyl groups after OH is and CAD spectra (see Figure 3c and d) are remarkably expelled, they are more likely than the (M + H)+ ions the same and similar to the corresponding spectra of to undergo charge-remote fragmentations to eliminate the imine radical cations. The losses of nearly all alkyl the elements of the alkanes. The increased propensity radicals are once again observed. for charge-remote fragmentation is likely a sign of the Decompositions of this type are likely to be found more stable, more tightly localized charge site of the for aromatic or aliphatic radical cations that possess a metal-cationized species. basic site (such as oxime, imine, or ) and a long These cationized species also provide evidence in alkyl chain. Likely precedents for this chemistry are their CAD spectra that the loss of H,O from (M + H)* the interesting and structurally diagnostic alkyl radical ions also involves the oxime functionality. When H+ is losses from picolinyl [20, 211 and pyrrolidide replaced by Lif, for example, loss of water is no longer derivatives of fatty acids [22]. If the mechanism is facile because the expelled species would now become correct, we see an important analytical or structural LiOH. A most abundant fragmentation of the (M -I- application of this radical ion chemistry. Lil+ ion is the loss of OH. Radical-induced cleavages have been proposed as The (M + Na)+ ions also lose OH, but the product an alternative to the six-centered mechanism for is of lower abundance. This may be due to the larger charge-remote reactions along an alkyl chain [23]. The size of Na+ (with respect to Li+c), which in the (M + results of this work make clear that the existence of a Na)* ion case probably allows for binding of the metal free-radical site on an alkyl chain indeed can initiate ion at two different sites (oximic nitrogen and phenolic cleavage to expel an alkyl radical. The production of a , for example), with formation of an ionic com-

J Am Sx Mass Spectmm 1993, 4, 619-327 FRAGMENTATION OF P-HYDROXYOXIMES UNDER FAB 825

Table 3. Fast atom bombardment negative ion mars spectra of hydroxyoties 7-10 (abundances as % of the base peak)

7 8 9 IO

m/z = 248 rnh = 262 mlz = 276 mh = 336

(100%) (100%) (100%) (100%)

IN-Hr [M-Hr [M-H]- [M-H]

mrz = 232 mlz = 246 mh = 260 mk = 322

(65%) (54%) (35%) (65%)

[(M - H) - O]- [(hi . H) 0) [(M H) - O]- ((M H) - O]-

m/z = 244 mfz = 244 m/z = 306

(56%) (20%) (60%)

[(M - H) - R’OH]- [(U - H) . R’OH] [(M - H) - R’OH] [(M H) - NO ]

ml2 = 162 m/z = 219 mh = 261 m/z = 266

(10%) (11%) (15%) (2%)

I(N - H) - C,jH, 41- ,(M - H) - 0 NO)- KM - H)- CH.$ [(M - H) R’OHI-

m/z = 146 mh = 172 m/z = 156 m/z = 156

(4%) (6%) (12%) (26%)

[(M - H) - 0 - CsH, 41. [(M , H) . 0 . Csll, & [(M - H) . WOH - CgH, 41 [(M-H)-R-OH-C6H, 4,‘

mh = 144 ml2 = 156 rnlz = 219 m/z = 236

(16%) (28%) ( 10%) (6%)

[(M . H) - R’OH - GH, J [(M - H) - KOH - C4H,4j- ,(M H) - R’CNOr ((M H) - 0 - CBH, 4]-

m/z = 130 ml2 = 160 rnh = 174

(23%) (15%) (6%)

((M H) R’OH t+H, d- [(M H) - 0 - C6H, 41‘ [(M - H) - 0 -C6H, 4]- n-l carbon atom in a linear alkyl chain with n carbons) synthesized from the corresponding p-alkylphenols by are seen just as they are in the CAD spectra. the Reimer-Tiemann synthesis [ 291. p_Hydroxyoximes For the P_hydroxyoximes with smaller R groups 8-10 were purified first by complexation with Cu [30] (compounds l-6) the molecular radical cation and the and further by high pressure liquid chromatography (M - OH)+ are abundant, and for the 2-hydroxy-5- [31]. 2-Hydroxybenzaldoxime and 2-hydroxybenzo- methylacetophenone oxime, an ion of m/z 146 (loss of were purchased from Aldrich (Milwaukee, WI). 19 u from M ’ ‘) is found, as was previously reported in FAB mass spectra were obtained with a Kratos the El mass spectrum of this compound [27]. MS-50 triple analyzer mass spectrometer, which was The metastable ion decomposition of the molecular described elsewhere [32]. A standard Kratos FAB radical cations follows closely the mass spectral pat- source equipped with an Ion Tech Gun was used. The tern; that is, alkyl losses are prominent. Alkyl losses samples were dissolved in glycerol and DT (dithio- upon ET for other compounds containing large chains threitol/dithioerythritol) when in the positive mode, were reported previously [19] and were rationalized as and in triethanolamine and glycerol when in the nega- specific radical-induced cleavages following random tive mode. Cationization was accomplished by using hydrogen abstraction from the alkyl chain, a mecha- lithium and chlorides. The cationized species, nism that is entirely consistent with the results re- however, are more difficult to desorb than the prote ported here. nated ones. Normal spectra were acquired at low reso- lution (- 3000). Metastable and CAD MIKE spectra Experimental were obtained by scanning the second electrostatic sector. Collision-activated decomposition spectra were Some of the P-hydroxyoximes were synthesized from obtained by using helium as collision gas (in the colli- their corresponding and by using sion cell located between the magnetic sector and the standard procedures [28]. Some of the aldehydes were second electrostatic sector) and sufficient helium was

J Am Sot Mass Spcctrom 1993, 4, 819-827 FRAGMENTATION OF &bHYDROXYOXIMES UNDEK FAB 827

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