Fernand Jetté, OMI (A Wise Leader at a Critical Time) – Studia 1
1 Oblatio Studia 1 Yvon Beaudoin Fernand Jetté, OMI A Wise Leader at a Critical Time Missionarii OMI 2 « Lord, I offer you the Congregation. May it be truly yours and the instrument of your love and of your kingdom in the world! Through the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin, your Mother and ours, grant to all Oblates perseverance and joy in their vocation, an enlightened zeal and confidence in their ministry, a true and pure love for all people whom you have redeemed by your blood. » (F. Jetté, Spiritual notes, July 9, 1978) 3 CHRONOLOGY Birth: December 13, 1921 in Sainte-Rose de Laval First Communion: May 30, 1929 Confirmation: May 10, 1930 Took the habit: August 1, 1940 in Ville LaSalle First vows: August 2, 1941 Final vows: September 8, 1944 Priestly ordination: December 20, 1947 in Ottawa cathedral First Mass: December 21, 1947 in Sainte-Rose de Laval Superior of Saint Joseph scholasticate, Ottawa: May 1, 1965 Vicar Provincial, Saint-Joseph Province: June 15, 1967 Vicar General: May 12, 1972 Superior General: November 26, 1974 Return to Ottawa: October 15, 1986 Died in Ottawa: November 6, 2000 Funeral in Ottawa cathedral: November15, 2000 Burial in the Oblate cemetery, Richelieu: November 21, 2000 4 ABBREVIATIONS AD: Archives Deschâtelets, Ottawa. AG: General Archives O.M.I, Rome. AP: Provincial Archives O.M.I., Montreal. PRINCIPAL MANUSCRIPT SOURCES: Correspondence. AD: HB 2671 J58L-M Diary. AD: HB 2672 J58B, 03-11. Diary of travels. AD: HB 2672 J58C, 08-56. Various Notes (Chapters, Council meetings, etc). AD: HB 2572 J58C, 2, 4, 27, 28, 38, 39, 41, 42.
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