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Agnesi, Maria Gaetana, 275 and Lady Ranelagh, 163, 219 Alsted, Johann Heinrich, 149 Boyle, Richard (Great Earl of Cork), 145, 147, 173 alternative writing systems, 183–7 Boyle, Robert, 14, 159–62, 259 ciphers, 184, 199 and , 245 shorthand, 184, 185–7, 199 and Bathsua Makin. See Makin, Bathsua Anglo-Dutch relations, 110–11 and Invisible College, 160–1 Anglo-Irish exiles, 123, 144, 154, 158–60, and Lady Ranelagh, 162, 164, 221 162, 165 Boyle, Roger, Earl of Orrery, 213 Anglo-Saxon, 180, 268–9 and Lady Ranelagh, 164, 218, 219–20 anonymous publication, 234–5 Brereton, Sir William, 190 Astell, Mary, 205, 272–3 Brett, Arthur, 222, 229 A Serious Proposal to the Ladies, 19, 273, 281 Bruye`re, Jean de la, 2–3 astrology, 75–6 Buchelius, Arnold, 94–5, 115 Burlington, Earl of. See Boyle, Richard Bacon, Sir Francis Burnet, Gilbert (Bishop of Salisbury), 218–19, 221 Great Instauration, 149, 154 Burney, Frances, 272 Baillet, Adrien, 39–40 Butler, James (First Duke of Ormond), 219–20 Ballard, George, 269–70, 272, 277–8 Barclay, Robert, 259, 263, 264 Castlehaven, Earl of, 201 Barksdale, Clement Cats, Jacob, 59, 61 A Letter Touching a Colledge of Maids, 226–7 Cavendish circle, 189–90 The Learned Maid, 200 Cavendish, Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle, 4 Barlaeus, Caspar, 59, 63–4, 115 Cavendish, Sir Charles, 189–90 Basnage, Jacques, 70, 234 Cavendish, William (Duke of Newcastle), 189 Bassi, Laura, 274 Cereta, Laura, 278–9 Bayle, Pierre, 98, 102, 115, 207–8, 234 Chamberlayne, Edward, 227–8 Beverwijck, Johan van, 60, 64 Chapone, Hester, 272 and Anna Maria van Schurman, 116–20, 251 Chapone, Sarah, 272 and Dorothy Moore, 119 Chappuzeau, Samuel, 264 Epistolicae questiones cum doctorum responsis, Charles I, 173–5, 248–9 251 Charles II, 232 On the Excellence of the Female Sex, 116–19 Charles Louis, Elector Palatine. See Karl Ludwig Bluestocking circle, 272 Chateau Develstein, 47, 59, 60 Boate brothers (Gerard and Arnold), 123–4, 159, Christina, Queen of Sweden, 49, 250 165 and , 271 Boate, Gerard ciphers. See alternative writing systems and Lady Ranelagh, 165 Clarendon, Earl of. See Hyde, Edward Boccaccio, Giovanni, 2, 229 Clark, Samuel, 203 Bourignon, Antoinette, 245–6 Collins, John, 189, 214 and Anna Maria van Schurman, 246 Colvius, Andreas Boyle, Richard (First Earl of Burlington) and Anna Maria van Schurman, 60, 251


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and Princess Elisabeth, 47–9, 258 Elisabeth of Bohemia, Princess Palatine 22–51 Comenius, Jan Amos, 4, 129, 148–50, 179, 185, Abbess of Herford, 254–5, 261 222–3, 225, 249–50 and Anna Maria van Schurman, 13–14, 23, 52, and Antoinette Bourignon, 246 72–7, 246–8, 250–1, 260–2 and , 245 and Anne Conway, 167, 262–3 pansophia, 149–50, 153 and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. See Leibniz, communal living. See intellectual communities Gottfried Wilhelm Conrart, Valentin, 102–4, 234 and John Dury, 248–50, 257, 260 Conway, Anne, 262–3 and John Pell. See Pell, John and Princess Elisabeth. See Elisabeth of and Labadist community, 246–7, 260–2 Bohemia and Nicolas Malebranche. See Malebranche, Conway, Edward (1st Earl of Conway), 192 Nicolas Conway, Edward (2nd Viscount Conway), 122 and Quakers, 254, 259–60, 262–4 Culpeper, Sir Cheney and Rene´ Descartes, 37–48, 73, 140, 185, 226, and Lady Ranelagh, 162, 168–9 253, 256–60 and Samuel Hartlib, 161, 171, 172 and Samuel Hartlib, 22, 152, 255–7 and Theodore Haak. See Haak, Theodore Dacier, Anne, 241, 270–1, 273, 275 Calvinism, 50–1 and Queen Christina of Sweden, 271 early years, 37–9 education, 270–1 education, 38–40 Davies, Eleanor, 201 final years, 264–5 Descartes, Rene´, 4, 6, 11, 13–14, 27, 32, 34, 63, 65, in Germany, 252–3 148, 171, 210 marriage negotiations, 49–50, 152 and Anna Maria van Schurman. mathematics, 45–7, 257–9 See Schurman, Anna Maria van reputation of, 36–7, 264 and John Dury, 22–3 science, 47–9, 260 and Princess Elisabeth. See Elisabeth, Princess Stoicism, 43, 75–6 Palatine Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 77, 111, quarrels, 45–6, 47, See also Stampioen; Voe¨tius 200 D’Ewes, Sir Simonds, 36, 183–4, 189 Elizabeth of Bohemia (Winter Queen), 33–8, and Anna Maria van Schurman, 193–5, 197 49–51, 125–6, 142–3, 146, 189, 215, 252, and Bathsua Makin, 180, 187 255, 262–3, See also Hague, The Drayton, Michael, 182 and Dorothy Moore, 142–3, 248–9 Dury, Doro-Katherina, 212 and Lady Ranelagh, 174–5 children, 214–16 and Marie du Moulin, 233 marriage to Henry Oldenburg, 214–15 Elizabeth Stuart, Princess, 197–200 Dury, Dorothy. See Moore, Dorothy alternative writing, 198–9 Dury, John, 4, 22–3, 125–7, 198 Elstob, Elizabeth, 268–72 and Dorothy Moore, 124–5, 127, 131–3, 192 and Anna Maria van Schurman, 269 and Jean de Labadie, 239 Enlightenment, the, 207, 275, 280, 282–3 and John Pell, 189, 192, 214–16 See also Republic of Letters and Lady Ranelagh, 133, 216 exile court of the Queen of Bohemia. and Princess Elisabeth, 248–50, 257, 260 See Hague, The and Samuel Hartlib, 151–3 at exile court, 126, 130–1 Falkland, Lord (Lucius Cary) ecumenical mission, 125 and Lady Ranelagh, 146, 159, 169–70 final years, 212–16 Great Tew, 159 famille d’alliance, 20, 67, 89, 91–3, 101, 107–9, education, women’s, 39–40, 82–3, 85–90, 99, 210–11, 268, 272–4 120–1, 222–31, See also Schurman, fre`re et sœur Dissertatio; Astell, Mary: Serious Proposal; Justus Lipsius and Marie de Gournay, see also Makin, Bathsua: Essay; entries 91–3 under individual names me`re et fille and fathers, 53, 120–1, 183, 270–1 Marie de Gournay and Anna Maria van Eglisham, George, 187 Schurman, 96–7, 114, 210

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famille d’alliance (cont.) and Lady Ranelagh. See Ranelagh, Lady pe`re et fille and Princess Elisabeth. See Elisabeth of Andre´ Rivet and Anna Maria van Bohemia, Princess Palatine Schurman, 35, 66–8, 78–81, 86–90, 96–7, and Sir Cheney Culpeper. See Culpeper, 134–5, 137–8, 194–5 Sir Cheney Michel de Montaigne and Marie de educational reform, 152 Gournay, 83–6, 89–92, 108, 114, 210–11 Ephemerides, 24, 150, 163, 172, 186 sœurs final years, 212–13 Anna Maria van Schurman and Dorothy Hartlib papers, 144, 168, 190, 281 Moore, 134–5 intelligencer, 150–4, 172 Anna Maria van Schurman and Marie du Macaria, 153, See also Plattes, Gabriel (author Moulin, 15, 98–104, 108, 242 of Macaria) Frederick V, Elector Palatine (Winter King), Office of Public Address, 161, 171–3 33–4, 43 Hastings, Elizabeth (“Lady Betty”), 205, 272 Furly, Benjamin, 259 Hastings, Elizabeth (Langham). See Langham, Elizabeth Gellibrand, Henry, 191 Hastings, Lucy (Countess of Huntington), 201–4 Goldgar, Anne, 10, 17 and Percival Willughby, 204 Gonzague, Anne de, 50–1 and Peter du Moulin, 203–4 Gonzague, Marie de, 29, 51 Hastings, Selina, 274 Goring, George, 146, 190 Hebrew language study Gournay, Marie le Jars de, 14–15, 82–97, 119, 177, Anna Maria van Schurman, 78, 94–6, 113–14 200, 209–11 Dorothy Moore, 112, 119, 158 alchemical research, 84 Lady Ranelagh, 157–8 and Anna Maria van Schurman. Marie du Moulin, 99–100 See mentorship, by female scholars Hedwig-Sophia of Hesse-Cassel and Justus Lipsius, 91–4 and John Dury, 215 and Michel de Montaigne, 83–92 Heinsius, Daniel, 61–2 comparison with Anna Maria van Hobbes, Thomas, 4, 189–90 Schurman, 210 Honthorst, Gerard van, 71 early years, 82–3 Honywood, Elizabeth, 215 education, 83 Honywood, Sir Robert, 215 final years, 209–11 Hooke, Robert, 217–18 salon, 15, 85 Huet, Pierre-Daniel, 57, 241–2 The Equality of Men and Women, 14, 87, 113–14 Huguenots, 101, 111, 234 Greenhill, William, 199–200 Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, 1685, 107, Grey, Lady Jane, 77, 88, 111–12, 200 111, 231, 236, 271 Grotius, Hugo, 134 Huntington, Countess of. See Hastings, Lucy Huygens, Christiaan, 45 Haak, Theodore, 189 Huygens, Constantijn, 46, 63, 144, 151–2, 172 and Princess Elisabeth, 254, 258–9 and Anna Maria van Schurman, 34–5, 56, 60, Hague, The 64, 116, 152, 242–3 exile court of the Queen of Bohemia, 19, 22–6, and Marie du Moulin, 102, 233–4, 242 33–6, 52, 72, 80, 106–8, 125–6, 128, 130–1, Hyde, Edward (Earl of Clarendon), 146, 232 160, 173–5, 189, 215, 236–7, 249, 281 and Lady Ranelagh, 159, 169–70, 218–19 Hamilton, William Hyde, Henry (Earl of Rochester), 218–19 and Dorothy Moore, 167 illustre academies, 20, 32 and Lady Ranelagh, 170 Breda, 189, 190, 232 Hartlib network, 4, 148–54, 281 Hartlib, Samuel intellectual communities and Dorothy Moore. See Moore, Dorothy for female scholars, 19, 208, 238, 240–1, 244–5, and Invisible College, 160–2 268, 272–3, 278–9, 281 and John Dury. See Dury, John intellectual families. See famille d’alliance and John Pell. See Pell, John intelligencing networks, 144, 151–2, 172 and John Worthington. See Worthington, John See also Hartlib, Samuel; Huygens,

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Constantijn; Mersenne, Marin; works Oldenburg, Henry Essay to Revive the Antient Education of Invisible College, 160–2 Gentlewomen, 13, 178–9, 202, 224–31 Irish Uprising, 1641, 147, 153–4, 168, 213 Index Radiographica, 184, 186 Musa Virginea, 180, 182 James I, 180–1, 187, 189 Makin, Nan, 201 Joan of Arc, 103, 234 Makin, Richard, 187, 188, 194 Jones, Arthur, 146–7 Malebranche, Nicolas Jones, Catherine, 272 and Princess Elisabeth, 72, 264 Jones, Katherine. See Ranelagh, Lady marital choices for female scholars, 207–8, Jones, Richard, 156 See also under individual names Mary Stuart, Princess, 105, 130, 235 Karl Ludwig, Elector Palatine, 38, 50, 143, medical recipes, 163, 191–2 248–9, 253 mentorship King, Dorothy. See Moore, Dorothy by female scholars, 26, 68, 120 Anna Maria van Schurman and Marie du Labadie, Jean de, 238–47 Moulin, 98–101 and Anna Maria van Schurman, 239–40, 247 Anna Maria van Schurman and Princess and Henri du Moulin, 240 Elisabeth, 73–7, 265 and Jan Amos Comenius, 245 Marie de Gournay and Anna Maria van and Johann Godschalk van Schurman, 239 Schurman, 90, 93–4, 95–7 and John Dury, 239 of female scholars, 19–20, 32, 41–3, 61–2, 65, and John Milton, 239, 240 78, 80–1, 85–90, 91–2, 133–7 and Princess Elisabeth. See Elisabeth of Mersenne, Marin, 115, 144, 148, 150, 151–2, 161, Bohemia, Princess Palatine 171, 172, 190, 256 Langham, Elizabeth (ne´e Hastings), 201–2 Milton, John learned lady, 2–3 and Jean de Labadie, 239, 240 Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm and Lady Ranelagh, 156 and Princess Elisabeth, 72, 260, 264 Lycidas, 120 and Sophie-Charlotte, 274 Of Education, 129 Lewis, Mark, 222 modestia (female modesty), 8, 64 and Bathsua Makin, 229–31 Montagu, Elizabeth, 272 Lipsius, Justus, 76 Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, 273, 275–6 and Marie de Gournay, 84, 91–4, and Anna Maria van Schurman, 266–8 See also Gournay, Marie le Jars de Montaigne, Michel de Lowden, Margaret, 215 and Marie de Gournay. See Gournay, Marie le Jars de Makin, Bathsua, 177–205 Essais, 14, 83, 85, 86, 92, 93, 94 and Anna Maria van Schurman, 13, 179, 194–7 Moore, Arthur, 122 and Hartlib network, 186, 190, 191, 229 Moore, Charles, 123 and John Pell, 191, 192–3 Moore, Dorothy, 110–41 and Mark Lewis, 229–31 and Andre´ Rivet, 135–41 and Robert Boyle, 206 and Anna Maria van Schurman, 112–13, 120, and Sir Simonds D’Ewes. See D’Ewes, Sir 134–5 Simonds and Arthur Moore, 121–2 as tutor and Benjamin Worsley, 166–7 to Elizabeth Langham, 201–2 and John Dury, 124–5, 127, 131–3, 192 to Lucy Hastings, Countess of Huntington, and Lady Ranelagh, 122, 127–8, 143, 215 201–3 and Samuel Hartlib, 121, 123–33, 142–3, 166–7, to Princess Elizabeth Stuart, 196–200 211–13 early years, 180–3 and the Queen of Bohemia, 142–3, 248–9 education, 183 at exile court, 130 final years, 222–31 chemical activities, 166–7 medical activities, 166, 191–2 Doro-Katherina (daughter). See Dury, pedagogical methods, 179, 191, 222–3 Doro-Katherina

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Moore, Dorothy (cont.) Ogle, Utricia (Utricia Swann-Ogle), 34, 60, 130, early years, 120–1 233, 242–3, 254–5 education, 120–1 Oldenburg, Henry, 21, 57, 144, 151, 215, 282 final years, 211–16 and Lady Ranelagh, 156–7 grandchildren. See Dury, Doro-Katherina children. See Dury, Doro-Katherina pedagogy, 128–9 marriage to Doro-Katherina Dury, 214–15 preaching ambitions, 127–8, 132, 135–41 Ormond, Duke of. See Butler, James Moore, John, 123, 215 Orrery, Earl of. See Boyle, Roger Morata, Olympia Fulvia, 200 More, Hannah, 272 Pasquier, Etienne, 210–11 More, Henry, 120, 165, 167, 171, 255–6, 259, 262 Pell, John, 171, 189–91, 222 Moulin, Henri du and Bathsua Makin. See Makin, Bathsua and Jean de Labadie, 240 and Hartlib network, 152, 186 Moulin, Louis du, 102, 107, 231–3 and John Dury, 189, 192, 213–16 Moulin, Marie du, 97–109 and Princess Elisabeth, 48, 254, 257–9 and Anna Maria van Schurman, 15, 98–103, Penn, William, 125, 254, 263–4 194, 242, See also mentorship by female Petty, William, 171, 190 scholars and Lady Ranelagh, 220–1 and , 102, 233–4, 242 Piscopia, Elena Cornaro, 275 and Madeleine de Scude´ry, 102–4 Pizan, Christine de and Princess Elisabeth, 234, 237 City of Ladies, 19, 279 and Princess Sophie (Electress of Hanover), Plattes, Gabriel, 159, 171 236–7 Macaria, 153 and Queen Elizabeth of Bohemia, 233 Pollot, Alphonse, 43–4 and religious controversy, 102 Poulain de la Barre, Franc¸ois, 226, 231 anonymous publication, 19, 101–2, 104–7, 234–5 early years, 97–8 querelle des femmes, 21, 90, 103, 119, 179, 279 education, 99 querelle d’, 47, 80–1 pedagogy, 105, 235 Quietism, 244 Socie´te´ des Dames franc¸aises de Harlem, 105, 235–7 Raleigh, Carew, 191–2 weak memory, 105–7, 235 Raleigh, Sir Walter, 191–2 works. See also anonymous publication Ranelagh, Lady (Katherine Jones, ne´e Boyle), De la premiere education d’un Prince, 104–7, 142–76 234, 235 and Arthur Jones, 146–7 Les dernie`res heures de Monsieur Rivet, 104 and Benjamin Worsley. See Worsley, Moulin, Peter du, 104, 231–2 Benjamin and Lucy Hastings, Countess of Huntington, and Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon. 203–4 See Hyde, Edward weak memory, 105–7 and Gerard Boate. See Boate, Gerard Moulin, Pierre du, 32, 69–70, 97–8, 108 and Henry Oldenburg. See Oldenburg, Henry Muiderkring, 34–5, 47, 58–9, 63. See also salons, and Invisible College, 162 Dutch and John Milton. See Milton, John and Office of Public Address. See Hartlib, Naude´, Gabriel, 210 Samuel Netherlands, The, 27–33 and Queen Elizabeth of Bohemia, 174–5 and Rene´ Descartes, 27, 32–3 and Richard Boyle. See Boyle, Richard, First illustre academies. See illustre academies Earl of Burlington publishing houses, 31 and Robert Boyle. See Boyle, Robert relgious toleration in, 28–30 and Robert Hooke, 217–18 University of Leiden, 30–1 and Roger Boyle. See Boyle, Roger Nice´ron, Jean-Pierre, 8, 56, 64–5, 277 and Samuel Hartlib, 144, 154–9, 168–9, 172–3, 175, 216, 218, 220 Ogier, Franc¸ois, 211 and Sir Cheney Culpeper. See Culpeper, Ogle, Sir John, 34, 60 Sir Cheney

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and William Petty, 220–1 and Antoinette Bourignon. See Bourignon, early years, 144–6 Antoinette education of, 145–6 and Bathsua Makin. See Makin, Bathsua educational reform, 155–7 and Constantijn Huygens. See Huygens, final years, 216–21 Constantijn intelligencing activities, 173–5 and Dorothy Moore, 112–13, 120, 134–5 legal activities, 169, 171, 218 and Jean de Labadie. See Labadie, Jean de medical activities, 163–8 and Marie de Gournay. See mentorship, by political activities, 168–73, 213, 218–21 female scholars Renaudot, The´ophraste, 157 and Marie du Moulin. See also mentorship by bureau d’adresse, 171 female scholars, Moulin, Marie du Republic of Letters, 10–13, 276–83 and Princess Elisabeth. See Elisabeth, Princess and memory, 276–9 Palatine definition of, 10–13 and Rene´ Descartes, 79–81, 115–16, 250 eighteenth-century Italy, 274–6 and Sir Simonds D’Ewes. See D’Ewes, Enlightenment, 267, 276 Sir Simonds peregrinatio academica, 18–19, 33, 89 celibacy, 55–6 scholarship on, 11 comparison with Marie de Gournay, 210 structure of, 11–13 early years, 52–3 Restoration, the, 107, 125, 160, 211–12, 222, 231–2 eating spiders, 3, 56 Reynolds (or Reginald), Bathsua. See Makin, education, 53, 114–15 Bathsua final years, 237–48 Reynolds, Edward, 73, 190 reputation, 54–5 Reynolds, Henry, 180, 183–4, 186, 188, 190, Works 191, 194 Dissertatio, 65, 67–8, 103, 135, 137–8, 193, Macrolexis, 184 197, 200, 210, 223, 226, 268 Reynolds, Ithamar (Ithamar Pell), 182, 189, Eukleria, 52, 54, 58, 71, 243, 245 192–3, 213 Opuscula, 69, 268–9 Reynolds, Mespira (Mespira Rogers), 182 Schurman, Johan Godshalk van, 53, 63, 239 Rheita, Anton Maria Schyrle von, 47–8 Scott, Joan, 9 Rivet, Andre´, 15, 21, 31–2, 35–6, 64, 126, 189, scribal publication, 19, 102, 150–1, 155, 175, 216, 193, 269 281, 282 and Anna Maria van Schurman, 66–73, 78–81, Scude´ry, Madeleine de, 15, 269 86–90, 96–9, 116, 194–5, 223–4, 276–7 and Marie du Moulin. See Moulin, Marie du and Dorothy Moore, 133–41 shorthand. See alternative writing systems and Marie du Moulin, 102–7 smallpox Rivet, Fre´de´ric, 104, 106, 133, 193 Elisabeth of Bohemia, 253–4 Rivet, Marie (ne´e du Moulin), 69–70 Lady Ranelagh, 147 Robertson, William Socie´te´ des Dames franc¸aises de Harlem. A Gate, or Door, to the Holy Tongue, 157–8 See Moulin, Marie du Roe, Sir Thomas Sophie, Electress of Hanover (Princess Palatine), and John Dury, 125–6 37–9, 235, 253, 255, 260–2, 265 and Queen Elizabeth of Bohemia, 49–50 Sophie-Charlotte, Electress of Brandenburg Rohan, Anne de, 66, 69 (later Queen of Prussia), 274 Roper, Margaret, 59, 88 Sorbie`re, Samuel, 32–3, 36, 41, 210 Royal Society, 280, 282 Spener, Philip Jacob, 244, 260 salons, 11, 16, 159, 161, See also Gournay, Marie le Stampioen, Jan, 45–6 Jars de Swann-Ogle, Utricia. See Ogle, Utricia Dutch salons, 34–5, See also Chateau Develstein, See also Muiderkring Tonge, Ezeral, 222 Torshell, Samuel Saumaise, Claude (Salmasius), 64, 95, 96, 102, The Womans Glorie, 199, 200 172 Schurman, Anna Maria van, 52–77 universal language systems, 185 and Andre´ Rivet. See Rivet, Andre´ University of Utrecht, 114–15

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Visscher, Anna Roemers, 58, 59 Wilkins, John, 185 Visscher, Maria “Tesselschade”, 59–60 Willughby, Percival, 204 Vives, Juan Luis, 138 Woolf, Virginia, 278 De Institutione Feminae Christianae, 77, 88 Worsley, Benjamin, 159, 162, 171, 217 Voe¨tius (Gisbert Voe¨t), 32, 124 and Dorothy Moore, 166–7 and Anna Maria van Schurman, 80, 115–16, 241 and Lady Ranelagh, 168 and Descartes, 47, 80–1 Worthington, John, 255–7 Voltaire, Franc¸ois Marie Arouet de, 46–7 and Samuel Hartlib, 154, 155 Wotton, William, 228 Waquet, Franc¸oise, 16 Weston, Elizabeth Jane (Virgo Angla), 92–3, 181 Yvon, Pierre, 54, 56, 64–5, Wheatley, Phyllis, 273–4 246, 250

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