PATRICK’S ORATORY DEDICATED TO OUR LADY OF FATIMA CHURCH & R ECTORY ADDRESS 211 N. Maple Ave. Green Bay, WI 54303 Phone (920) 437-9660 Fax (920) 437-5154
[email protected] ORATORY CLERGY The Very Reverend Msgr. R. Michael Schmitz Vicar General The Reverend Canon Matthew Talarico Provincial Superior The Reverend Canon Antoine Boucheron R e c t o r The Reverend Canon Glenn Gardner Priest in Residence SO MUCH MORE You probably noticed that the name of the couple being married at Cana is not mentioned. Pretty strange, isn’t it? It means that the event that took place at this wedding was much more important than the banquet itself, that it was something beyond this particular couple. No names are used except the names of Mary and Jesus because this particular marriage sets the stage for what happens between the Son of God and all humanity. The Son of God, of course, is Jesus. Humanity is represented first by the Blessed Virgin Mary, who is the first of all mankind to be saved by Jesus through her Immaculate Conception. The rest of humanity is represented by the others who receive Mary’s instruction at the wedding: “Do whatever He tells you.” In Cana, God wants to join Himself permanently to humanity in love so this can symbolically be called a marriage. And since His greatest sacrificial love is expressed on Calvary, Calvary can be considered the height of the marital commitment. So what is happening at this wedding is much, much bigger than the marriage of one couple.