20130401-NEWS--1-NAT-CCI-CL_-- 3/29/2013 4:01 PM Page 1 Vol. 34, No. 13 $2.00/APRIL 1 - 7, 2013 SPECIAL REPORT NE Ohio opens up to world Business leaders taking fresh approaches to make region more appealing to immigrants By JAY MILLER
[email protected] Not waiting for Washington politicians to tell them where federal immigration policy is going on big-pic- ture immigration subjects like border integrity citizen- ship issues, the business and civic leaders of Northeast Ohio are stepping up their efforts to make the region more attractive to immigrants and other newcomers. Among the initiatives: ■ This Tuesday, April 2, the Greater Cleveland Part- nership will host a forum titled “U.S. Immigration Policy and the Midwest Economy.” Carol Caruso, senior vice JASON MILLER president for government advocacy at the regional The $465 million convention center and medical mart project is nearing its completion. chamber of commerce, said about 80 business leaders are expected to discuss a report that analyzes the role of ■ Anticipation builds immigration in growing the Midwest economy, as well THE IMPACT OF THE GLOBAL as the importance of federal immigration policy reform. ■ Center as a selling point See UNITING Page 29 CENTER FOR HEALTH INNOVATION ■ Local impact ■ Maps and photos AND CONVENTION CENTER ■ Full coverage: Branches can’t www.crainscleveland.com/medmart PAGES S-1 to S-14 bank on future As many brick-and-mortar Housing market constructs hope here locations close, new ways of struction and the rising doing business are a must Area manufacturers benefit from a rebound in sales of existing homes nationwide.