1St Church Pastors

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1St Church Pastors

1848 - 1849 J. M. DUDLEY 1855-1856 J. M. DUDLEY Rev. John McDugal Dudley was born April 8, 1818 (See 1848-1849) in Marion County, (West) Virginia. He was the son of a –––––––––– Revolutionary War soldier. He was converted and joined 1862-1863 V. SANFORD the Methodist Episcopal Church at age fifteen. He spent his early years on the farm, in school and in teaching. He was licensed to preach in 1842. Rev. Vanlindon Sanford was born on April 2, 1823 in Cabell County, Virginia (now Lincoln County, On June 23, 1846 he married Jeniza E. Price. Two ). He was reared in Kanawha County. He sons, Homer P. Dudley and Wiley M. Dudley of the Des was married to Miss Caroline Strawn at Moundsville by Moines Conference and two daughters, one of which was Gordon Battelle in 1860. While in business in Charleston Mrs. Mary Griffith, survived. he was converted under the ministry of Dr. A. J. Lyda in He entered the Pittsburgh Conference of the 1850. He felt called to the ministry soon after he joined Methodist Episcopal Church in 1842. Appointments in the church. He did not hesitate, but proceeded to close up (West) Virginia included Kingwood (1843-44), Allegheny his business and entered the ministry as his life’s work. (1844-45), Lumberport (1845-46) and Kanawha (1846- His father and mother were Methodists and his 48). In 1848 he became a member of the Western Virginia brothers and sisters were all religious. At one time four of the Conference, ME. His appointments were Williamsport brothers were members of the West Virginia Conference - (1848-49) Williamstown, Fish Creek Mission (1849-50), Vanlindon, W.D., Henry Clay and James. Their brother Elizabeth & Wood Mission (1851-52), Little Kanawha Robert was an accepted local preacher. Mission (1852-53), Middlebourne (1853-55) and He was recommended for license to preach by the Williamsport (1855-56) Williamstown. In 1856 he located Forks of River Mission on April 2, 1853. In June of then joined the Upper Iowa Conference in 1857. He became the same year he was an assistant to Rev. D.H.K. Dix on the a member of the Des Moines Conference at division. In 1872 Logan circuit, Guyandotte District. He was received into he became superannuated after which he did supply work. the West Virginia Conference in June 1854 and appointed Rev. Dudley died July 20, 1897 in Des Moines, Iowa. to Fort Lick Charge. He was admitted into full connection in the West Virginia Conference in 1857 and ordained 1850-1852 A. DIXON elder in 1859. His appointments were Fort Lick (1854- 55), Coal River (1855-56), Sandy (1856-57), Fayette and Rev. Andrew Dixon was born in the year of our Lord Raleigh (1857-58), Malden (1858-59), South Wheeling 1805. He was converted and united with the Methodist (1859-60), Murraysville (1860-62), Williamstown Episcopal Church at eight years of age. Through all (1862-64), Harrisville (1865-66), Middlebourne (1867), the years that followed, he fully exemplified, to the superannuated (1867-1869), Wayne (1869-72) Nicholas church and to the world, the truth of his conversion (1872-73), although it seems that he did not fill this work), and the value of early piety. He was admitted on trial Coal River (1873-75) and Hamlin (1875-77). Rev. Sanford into the Ohio Conference in 1832, and was ordained died May 1, 1901. Deacon, and received into full connection in 1834; was ______ordained Elder in 1836. In addition to other pastorates, he served Williamsport (Williamstown). He assisted 1865-1867 W. P. L. HINDMAN in the organization of the West Virginia Conference in 1848, by division having fallen within its territorial limits. As a Rev. W. L. Hindman was admitted to the Western devoted and an acceptable minister of Christ, he spent years as Virginia Conference in 1849. Appointments were Logan an effective and efficient worker in the vineyard of the Master (1849-50) Summersville (1850-51), Wayne (1851-52), Pt. and many in the day of the Lord will acknowledge him as having been the instrument, in the hands of God, in bringing them to Pleasant (1852-53), Glenville (1853-55), Middlebourne Christ. (1855-57), Barbour (1857-59), Beverly (1859-61), For a number of years, on account of age and infirmity, Philippi (1861-62), Glenville (1862-63), Grantsville he had been on the superannuated list, leading a quiet and (1863-64), Williamstown (1865-67), Palatine (1867-70), somewhat retired life. February,­ 1886, in the full assurance of Pruntytown (1870-72), Marion (1872-74), Sistersville faith, he fell asleep, and entered upon the reward promised to (1874-1876) and Grave Creek (1876-77).Rev. Hindman the faithful minister of Christ. “Well done good and faithful died March 17, 1877 in Moundsville, West Virginia in his servant, enter thou into the joys of thy Lord.” fifty-seventh year.

-1- 1872-1873 J. S. FREELAND Committee, Superintendent of the Boys School at Pruntytown, and member of the Board of Directors of the Asylum at Spencer, Rev. John S. Freeland was born August 23, 1845 in West Virginia. He was a strong, forceful and earnest preacher. Mapletown, Green County, Pennsylvania. He was converted at He died March 30, 1922. age eighteen and joined the Methodist Episcopal Church. On his nineteenth birthday he enlisted in Company D of the 159th –––––––––– Pennsylvania Infantry. He was in the battles of Hatcher’s Run and Five Forks and witnessed the surrender of General Lee. He 1881–1882 – O. J. MOORE was discharged in 1865. Upon returning home he entered college for a time. In 1869 he was licensed to preach and traveled with Rev. Okey Johnson Moore was born April 13, 1860 Rev. J.B. Blakeney, then presiding elder of the Morgantown in Sistersville, West Virginia. He attended West Virginia District. State Normal School (1877) and received a diploma He entered the West Virginia Methodist Episcopal from Drew University (1886). He married Ann Eliza Conference in 1871. His appointments were Brandonville Ruttencutter on April 4, 1882 who died in 1941. They had (1867-69), Boone & Logan (1869-70), Pt. Pleasant (1870- five children, three of whom survived their father, George 71), Clifton (1871-72), Williamstown (1872-73), Burning Lankton, Ruth Moore DeKalb and Susan Moore Rothrock. Springs (1873-76) and Ceredo (1876). In 1876 he transferred He entered the West Virginia Conference in 1880. to the Iowa Conference. Appointments included Ceredo (1880-81), Williamstown Rev. Freeland died January 2, 1885. (1881-82) and Milton (1882-1883).­ He transferred to the Colorado Conference in 1886 and to the North-East Ohio –––––––––– Conference in 1900. Rev. Moore died November 14, 1947. Funeral 1875 – T. R. FAULKNER services were held in Clearwater, Florida.

Rev. T. R. Faulkner was born January 9, 1844 in Greenup, –––––––––– . His father died before he was born. He attended school in Ironton, Ohio then Mt. Union College. He served 1882-1883 – R. B. WARD four years in the Union army during the Civil War. Follow- ing the war he studied for the ministry. Rev. Richard Brooks Ward was born May 6, 1860 in West Mil- He was received into the Methodist Episcopal Church, ford, (West) Virginia. He was the son of Grafton and Sarah West Viginia Conference in 1871 and served the following charges: Brandonville, Morgantown Circuit, Rowlesburg, (Brooks) Ward. He was one of three brothers who followed in Williamstown, St. Mary’s, Hatford City, New Martinsville, his grandfather’s footsteps. His grandfather was Rev. Richard Letart, Nicholas Circuit Medaryville (Indiana), Albright, Brooks who was one of the first members of the West Virginia Grantsville, Bruceton and Freemansburg. Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He graduated On April 29, 1875, he married Martha V. Bishop. Three from Scio, now Mt. Union College in Ohio. In September children blessed the home. Rev. Falkner died August 30, 1883, he married Miss Katherine Metcalf at Williamstown, 1923 in Albright, West Virginia. West Virginia. They had one son, LeMarck Ward, who ______was born in 1896. He entered the West Virginia Conference at the age of 20 and served Williamstown, Point Pleasant, 1879–1881 – D. S. HAMMOND West Union, Mannington, Cameron, Oakland (Maryland) (also served Williamstown 1891-1893 and was superintendent of the Oakland District. In 1917, he transferred to the Pittsburgh Conference and served: Ros- Rev. Dr. David S. Hammond was born at Fairview near coe, Mount Morris and Chester (West Virginia) from 1922 to Moundsville on October 10, 1850. He was converted early 1925. He retired in 1925. During his ministry, he was elect- in life and felt the call to preach. He attended Mt. Union ed to the General Conference three times. He died July 13, College in Alliance, Ohio which later conferred a D.D. 1938 in Covington, Kentucky at the home of his son. degree on him. He was appointed to Williamstown and other congregations during his ministry. He had an active leadership role in the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was presiding elder of the Charleston District, member of the General Conference in 1896, member of the Book

-2- 1883-1884 – W. W. KING 1887-1889 – W. J. HARKNESS

Rev. William Wirt King was born in West Virginia about 1863. –––––––––– He was the son of Rev. F. H. J. King of the West Virginia Con- ference and Rufina E. Wilson King. He was educated at Ohio 1889-1890 – W. ANDERSON Wesleyan College, Scio College and Illinois Wesleyan Univer- sity (M.A. and Ph.D.). He began his ministry in the West Vir- Rev. William Anderson was born April 29, 1864 in ginia Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1882. Northumberlandshire, England. His parents were John and Among his appointments were at Quinnimont and Hinton Margaret Anderson. On his mother’s side, his ancestry went (1882-83); Williamstown (1883-84); Benwood (1886-88); and back to Bishop Ridley, an English martyr. At the age of 14 Huntington (1888-91). In 1898, he moved to St. Louis and in he came under the ministry of Gypsy Smith, Methodism’s 1900 then to Wilmington, Delaware where he stayed ten years. greatest evangelist in England and was converted. Later He then returned to the St. Louis Conference. In 1924 he was feeling called to preach, he entered East Keseick College, appointed President of Ozark Wesleyan College in Carthage, Yorkshire, England. In 1889 he came to the United States Missouri and retired there in 1930. He died in September 1957 and made his home in Parkersburg, W. Va. He married Miss in Walloon Lake, Michigan. His only son William Wirt Jr. died Mary E. Cotton of Parsons in 1892; and to this union two in 1947. His wife, Alta King, died December 24, 1958. sons and a daughter were born. He was admitted into the West Virginia Conference and served the following charges: –––––––––– Williamstown, Cairo, Sistersville, New Martinsville, Wheeling (Chapline St.), Clarksburg, Mannington, Point 1884-1885 – C. E. CLARK Pleasant, Spencer, Richwood, and District Superintendent of the Buckhannon District. He believed in a well-equipped –––––––––– ministry. Besides his studies in England he also studied at Drew University Theological School where he received his Ph.D. Rev. Anderson died March 22, 1937. 1885-1887 – J. L. CLARK

Rev. James L. Clark, D.D. was born in 1813. He was an –––––––––– original member of the West Virginia Conference, having been part of the Pittsburgh Conference. Appointments in- 1890-1891 – G. BLEAKLEY cluded: Kingwood (1848-50); Palatine (1850-51); Monon- galia (1851-53); Charleston Station (1853-55); Charleston Rev. Gregory Bleakley was born November 2, District Presiding Elder (1855-59); Chapline Street Wheel- 1859 in K i 1 1 e y e a, County of Armaugh, Ireland, ing (1859-61); North Street Wheeling (1861-63); Triadel- the son of William and Eleanor Bleakley, and passed phia (1863-65); Wheeling District Presiding Elder (1865- away at his home in Mt. Lake Park, Maryland, on 69); Grafton and Fetterman (1869-71); Grafton (1871-72); Sunday, March 9, 1941, at the age of 81 years. Funeral Oakland (1872-73); Clarksburg Station (1873-76); Cameron services were held March 12th. at the Methodist (1876-77); Parkersburg District Presiding Elder (1877-80); church in Mt: Lake Park, a church formerly served by Fairmont (1881-82); Lubeck (1882-83); Parkersburg Mis- Mr. Bleakley. Immediate members of his surviving sion (1883-85); Williamstown (1885-87); and Parkersburg family were his wife, Blanche Gillespie Bleakley, Mission (1887-88). He served nine years as secretary of the and one son, Gregory. Conference and one term in the General Conference. He At the age of fifteen years Mr. Bleakley received helped to organize the first West Virginia Conference His- the call of God to enter the Christian Ministry. After torical Society and was the first Secretary for that organiza- completing his public school work in Ireland, he tion. He was in the Conference for over 52 years. He died attended East Keswick College near Leeds, Eng­ October 2, 1903 at Wheeling in his 90th year. He was buried land. The Methodist Church licensed him to preach in Terrentum, Pennsylvania. during the great revival that swept England at that time. Somewhat later he answered­ the call to come to the United States. He became a member of the –––––––––– West Virginia Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, being admitted to the Conference on trial and ordained in the fall of 1888 under the local preachers’

rule,. During his active ministry Brother Bleakley -3- served fourteen charges including Williamstown, 1896-1898 – G. W. KEPLER was Conference Statistician for a number of years, and served on several committees. He retired in Rev. George W. Kepler was born May 18, 1851 in Madison, 1932 and moved into his home at Mt. Lake Park, Indiana. His early years were spent around Cincinnati, Ohio. Maryland, keeping up his work by serving­ as supply His father died when he was young. On November 8, 1870, he pastor at nearby Wesley Chapel, and contributing in married Jennie Lambert of Romney. Their children were Nettie many ways to the life of his community. (Mrs. Arthur Sharp of Sistersville), Anna (Mrs. Alfred Earhart) Mr. Bleakley was a great lover of God’s work and and a child who died when he was three months old. In 1883, loved to preach it. He committed much of it to memory he was admitted to the West Virginia Conference and sent to San- and could use “proof texts” most appropriately for dyville then Clifton and Mason; Newburg; Oakland, Maryland; all its great truth in his preaching. He was a hard Davis; Cameron; Williamstown; St. Andrews; Point Pleasant; worker and gladly gave all his time to the work of West Union; Middlebourne; Wallace; Thomas; West Huntington; the ministry. His life was an epitome of living for the and then Field Secretary of the West Virginia Conference Perma- Kingdom of God. His prayers were frequent, and his nent Fund. Rev. Kepler died April 29, 1916 in Sistersville, West devotion to all that pertained to the building of the Virginia. The cause of death was acute indigestion. Burial was in Kingdom was well-known by the various churches he the Knights of Pythias Cemetery in Williamstown. served. –––––––––– –––––––––– 1898-1899 – C. W. UPTON 1891-1893 – D. S. HAMMOND (also 1879-1881) Rev. Caleb Wilson Upton was born April 22, 1840. In 1862 he married Anna Eliza Gainer of Barbour County. She pre- –––––––––– ceded him in death. For over thirty years of active ministry he never missed a roll call at the annual Conference. Inluded 1893-1895 – W. HUNTER in his appointments were Williamstown, Cameron, where he built a church, and Philippi after it became a station. Rev. Up- Rev. William Hunter had 35 years as an active minister. ton died September 14, 1916 in Philippi. Funeral services were Charges included Randolph Mission (1881-82); Elk River held in Philippi. Burial was in Fraternity Cemetery in Philippi. (1882-84); Mountain Cove (1884-87); Raleigh (1887-88); Nicholas (1888-1891); Centreville (1891-93); Williamstown –––––––––– (1893-95); South Parkersburg (1895-96); Ellenboro (1896- 98); Belleville (1898-1900) and Shiloh and Hebron (1900- 1899-1901 – G. S. BOGGETT 01). He spent 22 years in retirement in Parkerburg. His wife died about 1920 and Rev. Hunter died in 1940. –––––––––– 1901-1902 – D. W. RUBLE –––––––––– Rev. David W Ruble was born July 31, 1860 near Parkers- 1895-1896 – P. C. MAYS burg, West Virginia. On April 15, 1881, he was united in marriage to Emma L. Drain, who survived him with three Rev. Perry C. Mayes was born October 21, 1856 in Upshur children. He was converted at Alikanna, Ohio on February County. He was converted in boyhood, entered the ministry 18, 1883 at a meeting held by Rev. J. C. Smith. In 1887 he in his early manhood and was admitted­ into the West Vir- was licensed to preach. He was admitted to the West Virginia ginia Conference in 1880. He was ordained deacon in 1882 Conference in 1890 and served Belleville (1890-92), New- and elder in 1886. He served the following charges: Troy, ark (1892-94), Sistersville (1894-95), Smithville (1895-96), Randolph, Boone, Mercer, Pleasant Retreat, Spencer, Guy- Moundsville Circuit (1896-1901) and Williamstown (1901- andotte, Middlebourne, Williamstown, Belington, Holly 02). He was chaplain of the State Prison at Moundsville for Grove and Camden, making twenty-two years in the minis- one year (1902-03) and was serving his third year as pastor try. Rev. Mays died July 3, 1902 near Buckhannon. of Zane Street Church in Wheeling (1903-06), when he died. He possessed great personal magnetism and many were –––––––––– brought out of darkness into light as the result. Rev. Ruble died May 23, 1906 at his summer cottage on the Mounds- ville campground. -4- Clay (1900-01), Shinnston (1901-03), Moundsville (East) 1902 – C. G. FARR Calvary (1903-05), Sutton (1905-06), Williamstown (1906- 08), Mt. Clare (1908-11), Beckley (1911-14), Charleston –––––––––– Lawrence (1914-15) and Charleston Sixth Street (1915-16). He transferred to Northeast Ohio Conference, ME, in 1918. He 1902-1904 – W. L. BARZE retired in 1942. He was identified with Temperance. “When the tabernacle movement was at its height before the First –––––––––– World War, he was active in that work. In the later part of his life, he was in demand as a speaker at Bible conferences, 1904-1906 – C. B. MEREDITH and as a preacher, and was known for his publication of many small books.” Rev. Shadduck died March 2, 1950 in Rev. Clinton Buckner Meredith was born September 6, 1850 Ashtabula, Ohio. at Fairmont, West Virginia. He was united in marriage to Marion Maxwell, of Harrison County. They had twelve chil- –––––––––– dren. He joined the Conference at Huntington in 1880, and for forty-four years he traveled through the valleys and over 1908-1909 – C. E. LEATHERLY the hills and mountains of this state, giving his whole time, strength and energy to the winning of souls and building up Rev. C. E. Leatherly was born March 6, 1864 in London, Eng- the Master’s kingdom. He was a strong and vigorous man, land. In his youth, he served an apprenticeship in the British and his zeal for the Church knew no bounds. His field of Navy and later joined the British Merchant Marine. He came labor extended from Williamstown in the Ohio Valley to the to America to live in 1880. He was converted­ in 1881 in Bal- top of the Alleghenies. And when he was stricken down he timore, Maryland. Feeling his call to the ministry, he attended was on his way to a former charge to preach the funeral of Pennington Seminary, Wright’s University and Centenary Bib- an old friend. Rev. Meredith died January 14, 1925, at his lical Institute. He married Miss Carrie Rulong of Moundsville home in Morgantown, West Virginia. Funeral services were on February 7, 1894. He began his ministry in the Baltimore held in the First Church, Morgantown, his body was borne Conference serving as junior preacher on the Bently Springs to its last resting place in Woodlawn Cemetery, Fairmont. Circuit. In the fall of 1888, he joined the West Virginia Confer- Surviving were his wife and children: A.W., C.C., Mrs. C.L. ence and served until 1926. Among the charges served were Corder; Mrs. H.B. Squires; Mrs. F.P. Albright; W.A.; S.S., Fulton­Greggs, Moundsville Circuit, Frenchton, Newburg, Ra- M.B., C.E., Mrs. S.H. White, Kate and Cora. He was also venswood, Dallas, Wesley Memorial, Davis, Williamstown, survived by four brothers and one sister; Judge W.S. Mere- Glendale, Wadestown and Farmington. Rev. Leatherby died dith and the Reverend T.G. Meredith, Wait Meredith, Melvin June 26, 1935. Surviving were his wife; two daughters, Mrs. C. Meredith, and Mrs. Frances M. Davis. Elizabeth Barder and Miss Mabel V. Leatherby; a son William H. Leatherby; two grandchildren, Charles E. and John Walter 1906-1908 – B. H. SHADDUCK Barder. A son, A. Foster, preceded him in death in 1924. –––––––––– Rev. Burt Henry Shadduck was born April 15, 1869. He married Emelie Sheldon of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. They were 1909-1910 – M. R. EASTLACK the parents of Agnes and Selma (Goodrich) and Sylvia (McConkey). Other children raised in his home were Carolyn Rev. Milton R. Eastlack was born April 2, 1870 and served pas- and Roberta Shadduck. His wife died February 28, 1937. In torates at Shinnston, Williamstown, Harrisville and Beckley 1938, he married Alma Gahm in 1938, an accepted supply after coming to West Virginia. He died November 8, 1958 in pastor and former missionary in Southern Rhodesia.He Harrisville, West Virginia after a lengthy illness. He had been prepared for the teaching profession, intending to take up the reduced to partial sight by the ravages of the disease which de- practice of law. At the age of eighteen, he attended an old- stroyed his body. Burial took place in the Harrisville Cemetery. fashioned revival service conducted by Clark Wilson and was He was survived by two sons. converted. Eighteen months later he changed his plans for his life’s work and joined the Salvation Army where he was given a job training officers. He joined the West Virginia Conference, –––––––––– ME, in 1900, being admitted on trial. Two years later he was admitted into full membership. He obtained his doctorate from Presbyterian College at Grove City, PA in 1912. He served -5- 1910-1911 – P. D. FISHER Rev. Perry Davis Fisher was born May 20, 1861 near Ripley entennial oments in Jackson County, West Virginia. He was a son of Perry C M A. and Camilla A. Fisher. On January 17, 1886, he mar- were shared with ried Analliza Casto. They had four children: J. S. Fisher of the Williamstown Congregation Byesville, Ohio; L. W. Fisher of Toronto, Ohio; Mrs. C. E. Milam of Hollidays Cove, West Virginia; and Mrs. Georgia during worship services in 2012 Brown of Charleston. On August 30, 1900, his wife died. On November 17, 1904, he married Cora Estelle Staats of Rip- by Jean Pickering, Church Historian, ley. He joined the West Virginia Conference of the Methodist and others who presented information Episcopal Church in 1891. His appointments included: Cass- ville; Hamlin; Gold Town; Mount Union; Clifton and Mason; concerning the life of the congregation Ripley; Clendenin; Williamstown; Wallace; Kincaid; Wesley since dedication of the Church in Charleston and Dunbar. He retired in 1917, but continued to serve, on a retired basis, churches at Kincaid, St. present church building Albans and Elkview. He retired to Charleston where his wife on August 4, 1912. christened their house “Done Moving.” Fisher died August 22, 1946 in Charleston. Burial was in the Staats family cem- etery at Evans in Jackson County. Information about individuals who have –––––––––– served as pastor of First Church 1911-1913 – W. E. CRAIG was researched by Rev. William E. Craig was born October 14, 1876 in Chester, Ohio. He was the son of Edward William and Elizabeth Cole- Ginnie Lowther, Chair of the West Virginia man Craig. He was converted in 1894. He graduated from the Conference Seminary (now West Virginia Wesleyan) in 1898 Annual Conference Commission on Archives and Ohio Wesleyan (A.B. in 1902). In 1918, he was awarded the degree of doctor of divinity from Davis and Elkins College. and History and Dewayne Lowther, He was received into the West Virginia Conference in 1902 and sent to Hartford for two years. He then entered Boston School Little Kanawha District representative of Theology and graduated in 1907. Returning to West Virginia, he was appointed to Central City (later Jefferson Avenue) in on that Commission. Huntington (5 years), Williamstown, Middlebourne, Elkins (1914-20), Thomson Church in Wheeling (1920-29) and First Church in Clarksburg (1929-31). While a student in Boston, he met Miss Flora Virginia Shimer, then a student at the New Reference sources included England Conservatory of Music in Boston. They were married February 27, 1907. They had four children, all of whom sur- Annual Conference Journals vived him: William Edward, Jean, Ina and John Robert. He was also survived by three brothers.Elmer of Huntington; Marion and books published of Wheeling and Eustace of Columbus, Ohio; and one sis- by the Commission, ter, Mrs. Alice Woodard of Point Pleasant. Rev. Craig died March 30, 1931. Burial was in the Odd Fellows cemetery in Melting Times and Clarksburg. Travelers on the Long Road.


-6- –––––––––– 1913-1915 – D. L. ASH

The Rev. Dr. David L. Ash was born 1915-1918 – C. E. HAMRICK in Harrison county, near Clarksburg, W. Va., October 21, 1855, and departed this Rev. Charles Elliott Hamrick was born July 3, 1875. His life at Huntington, February 9, 1925. He seemed to be coming to a beautiful and parents, William G. and Elizabeth Hamrick, were of Scotch- healthy old age, when a fatal disease took Irish descent and gave to their children an inheritance of him and carried him away. He leaves frugality, steady purpose and earnest desire to serve their to mourn his loss, his wife, who was fellow men. Having obtained his early education in the public formerly Miss Dora B. Hammond of Moundsville; a daughter, schools of Webster County, West Virginia, he answered the Mrs. M. P. Wiswell of Huntington; two sisters, Mrs. Louisa Swiger call to the gospel ministry and entered the West Virginia and Mrs. Martha Allen, of Clarksburg, and a brother, P. W. Ash, of Conference Seminary (now West Virginia Wesleyan) in the Penn Run, Pa. spring of 1899, became a member of the Benjamin F. Martin Doctor Ash united with the Church quite early in his life, and in 1878, at the age of twenty-three, began his work as a preacher Class and was graduated in 1903. In the same year he was in the Methodist Episcopal Church, where he served for more received into the West Virginia Conference. than forty years. During these years he was the pastor of some of On October 19, 1904, he was united in marriage to the important churches of the West Virginia Conference, among Miss Iva B. Bender, daughter of Andrew and Elizabeth which were: First Church Moundsville; First Church Huntington; Bender, of Chapel, W. Va. Three children came to bless New Martinsville and Williamstown. He also served Wilsonburg, their home - Hayward, Randall, and Ruth. Marshall, Fulton, Bridgeport, Grantsville, Pruntytown,­ Weston, He served the following charges: East Buckhannon Circuit, Wesley Church, ViTheeling and Sistersville. He served two terms as district superintendent-on Morgantown and Clarksburg districts. Buckhannon Circuit, Adamston, Fairview, Williamstown, He took high rank in the councils of the Church. He served on North Street, Wheeling and Andrews - Grafton. He was sent important committees and commissions and was a delegate to one to Grafton following the Conference in 1920, and though he session of the General Conference. He graced the Board of Trustees served this church but 127 days, he had captured the hearts of Allegheny College for a period or years, and the Board of our own of the people. In the midst of successful revival services he Wesleyan College for twenty-five years, which place he held at the was stricken with double pneumonia, and after an illness of time of his death. In 1898-1899 he was secretary of the Conference. but ten days, “was not for God took him.” Doctor Ash retired from the active ministry about five years ago and came to Huntington to make his home. He Rev. Hamrick died March 15, 1921. Funeral services were became a member of the quarterly conference of First Church, held at the church. Burial was in the Bluemont Cemetery, which he had served as pastor in the other day. His relation to Grafton. the church was most beautiful­ and helpful. He rendered. the ______pastor a most helpful service. The membership of the church loved him. He was ready at all times to serve as teacher in the 1918-1919 –J. L. MARQUESS Sunday School or the (leader ofprayer meeting. The last sermon preached by him was on the occasion of the Home-Coming event Rev. J. Lawrence Marquess set sail for the “Land of First Church, last November. of Pure Delight” and the “City That Lieth Foursquare” Doctor Ash never seemed to grow old. His outlook upon November 9th, 1946, just thirty-seven days after he life was that of a young man. As he went in and out among had taken up his residence in the parsonage at Valley us he impressed us all with the genuineness of his Christian Head, West Virginia. experience and as he lay upon his couch with the crossing of Rev. Marquess was born in Taylor County West the river just a few hours away, he expressed a clear hope of Virginia March 10th, 1881. He was educated in the the immortal life with God. public schools of his native state and at West Virginia Funeral services were conducted in the First Methodist Wesleyan College. Episcopal Church, Huntington, by the pastor, who was assisted He entered the Ministry of the Methodist Episcopal by several Meth.odist­ ministers of the city and some visiting Church in 1908 and gave many years of valiant and brethren of the Conference.­ faithful service to the Kingdom of his Lord. He served fourteen charges during his Ministry - St. George ; -7- Horton ; Aurora ; Mt. Lake Park, Md. ; Pine Grove; (1945-49). He also served as a trustee of West Virginia Masontown; Williamstown; Thomas; Covington, Va, Wesleyan College. Following his retirement in 1949, he First Church Parsons; Crumpler; Evansville; Beverly, served as visitation and supply minister in the Glen Dale and Valley Head. United Methodist Church. Rev. Trevey died February 2, 1976. The funeral The last thirteen years of his life was a continual services were held in Glen Dale. Burial was at the Greenwood battle with illness, but in spite of it he remained active, Cemetery in Wheeling. He was survived by a brother, Otis cheerful and courageous. At the time of his ,death he Trevey, a sister, Miss Olive Trevey, a nephew, Howard W. was serving an eight-point mountain circuit. Trevey, and two nieces, Helen E. Trevey and Edith T. Davis. On April 14th 1909 he was married to Miss Iva Dale Talkington who became the mother of his –––––––––– four children: Marjorie. (deceased), Eleanor (Mrs. 1921-1922 – O. DALE. KING Eleanor Lanham, Parsons, W. Va., Eugenia (Mrs. Eugenia Cullen, Covington, Va.) and E. Lawrence, –––––––––– Buckhannon, W. Va., and who labored faithfully with her husband in the promotion­ of the Kingdom, until 1922-1923 – C. A. SNIDER her death. On June 15th, 1932 Rev. Marquess was married Rev. Charles A. Snider was born November 26, 1876 near to Miss Nellie W. Marshall of Covington Va., who Grafton, West Virginia. His parents were Joseph and Elizabeth became not only a devoted wife but an associate Morae Snider. He graduated from Taylor County schools, West minister, and shared the preaching ministry through Virginia Wesleyan Seminary in 1900, did graduate work at Ohio the years, and carried on the work of the charge after Northern University, received his master’s degree from Sould her husband’s death. College and received his doctorate from Oaskaloose College. Rev. Marquess was one of God’s “good and On July 2, 1910, he married Miss Ards Sinsel. They were the faithful servants who never found a task too difficult, parents of one son, Charles 0. Snider, and three daughters, Mrs. nor an appointment too, hard. Toiling, sorrowing, Franklin (Olive) (Baxa) Reese, Mrs. Erwin B. Sitter, and Mrs. rejoicing onward through life he went, compelled­ by Texel Knapp. He joined the West Virginia Conference of the his devotion to Christ and his love for humanity. Methodist Church in 1901 and completed the Conference Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Stoneking Course of Study. He was ordained an elder in 1905. He Groves and Rev. A. F. Shomo at the Pleasant Valley served forty-one consecutive years in the following churches: Church in Taylor County. Edgewood, Wheeling, Sistersville, Williamstown, West Main and St. Paul’s Grafton, West Union, St. Mary’s, Richwood, –––––––––– and Shinnston. He retired in 1942. Dr. Snider served on the Conference Board of Ministerial Training, Church Location and the Hospital Board of Trustees. He was a charter member 1919-1921 – B. T. TREVY of the Wesleyan College Emeritis Club and was a Mason and Odd Fellow. He was also quite active in philanthropic Dr. Bascom Taylor Trevy was born October 4, 1884 in endeavors. At the time of his death, he was a columnist for Smithville, West Virginia. He was the son of Rev. William The Buckhannon Record, writing a weekly sermon. In 1967, Blair and Mary Isabel (Taylor) Trevey. He attended the a book of his sermons and his memoirs was published. Rev. Buckhannon Academy, received his A.B. degree from West Snider died May 2, 1968 at the St. Joseph’s Hospital where he Virginia Wesleyan in 1913, his B.D. degree from Drew had been a patient about one week. He was buried in Heavner Theological Seminary in 1916 and his D.D. from West Cemetery. Surviving were his wife and children, one sister, Virginia Wesleyan in 1936. He married Rose Christine Mrs. C.M. Garrett, one brother, Martin Luther Snider, thirteen Whittmayer on January 1, 1918, who preceded him in death grandchildren and twenty-nine great-grandchildren. Three on December 15, 1960. He was licensed to preach in 1910, brothers and two sisters preceded him in death. entered the West Virginia Conference in 1991, became a deacon in 1915 and an elder in 1917. He served Burnsville –––––––––– (1911-12); Junior (1912-13); Horton (1915-16); Harrisville (1916-19); Williamstown (1919-21); Salem (1921-23); 1923-1925 – G. D. SAMPSON McMechen (1923-24); Elm Grove (1924-27); Terra Alta (1927-28); Oakland (1928-30); New Martinsville (1930-35); Weston (1935-37); Weston, First (1938); Buckhannon, First ______(1938-40); Asbury (1940-43);­ Central (1943-45); Lauckport -8- 1925-1926 – H. M. RIDDLE 1929-1930 – R. D. HALL

Rev. Harry M. Riddle was born August 3, 1886 near Harrisville, Rev. Richard D. Hall was born January 18, 1872 in Coalton, West Virginia. After high school he attended West Virginia Boyd County Kentucky. On March 22, 1898, he married Wesleyan College. After teaching for several years he decided Miss Effie Leah Bayes of Glenwood, Kentucky. Early in life to enter the Ministry of the Methodist Church. He was accepted he taught school. He entered the West Virginia Conference in by the West Virginia Conference of the M.E. Church in 1910. He 1902 and graduated from the Conference Course of Study. His was a Methodist minister for more than forty years. He served appointments included Earl Circuit, Summersville, Ronceverte, Smithton (1910-13), at school (1913-14), Clifton & Mason (1914- Wadestown, Fairview, Stealey Heights in Clarksburg, 17), Huntington Guyandotte (1917-19), Wheeling Elm Grove Williamstown, Spencer and Huntington. He was pastor at two (1919-24), Wheeling Wesley (1914-25), Williamstown (1925-26), different Huntington churches: Jefferson Avenue from 1925 to Grafton St. Pauls (1926-28), Clarksburg Stealey Heights (1928- 1929 and Alexander from 1933 until his death. Rev. Hall died 34), Charleston Sixth Street (1934-35), Wheeling Warwood (1936- November 18, 1934 in Ashland, Kentucky. Burial was in Rose 39) and Terra Alta. After retirement he and Mrs. Riddle resided Hill Cemetery in Ashland, Kentucky. in Clarksburg where they attended the Stealey Heights Church. Rev. Riddle died August 6, 1963 in Clarksburg. Funeral services ––––––– were held in Clarksburg. Burial was in the Benedum Cemetery at Bridgeport, West Virginia. He was survived by his wife, the former Laura E. Hess, whom he married on March 11, 1905. He 1930-1934 – W. KNOX was also survived by two children: Alta (Mrs. Fred Scanes), and a son, Charles. Rev. William Knox was born June 1, 1888 in Tanfield, England. –––––––––– He attended­ Teacher Training Course and a Conference Course 1926-1929 – B. F. NEWMAN of study. He married Mae Raven on June 12, 1918. They were the parents of two sons, Kenneth and William. He began Rev. Benjamin F. Newman was born November 4, 1881 to preaching as a supply in 1905 in England. He was admitted into Rev. Burwell and Lucy Ann Newman. The early settlers of the West Virginia Conference in 1927 and was ordained elder Wayne County were a proud people. They and God made in 1929. He served the following charges: Waverly Circuit a majority. That pride of a name and fireside was inherited (1926-27); Lauckport Circuit (1927-29); West Union (1929- and nurtured in the life of Rev. Benjamin F. Newman. When 30); Williamstown (1930-34); Grafton, Andrews (1934-39); Rev. Benjamin Newman brought his new bride, Miss Mae Huntington, Seventh Avenue (1939-45); Parkersburg District Garrett, to the family, two old families were joined. In 1912, Superintendent (1945-49); Wheeling, Fourth Street (1949-53); when the young couple decided to serve the people called Huntington District Superintendent (1953-55) and Central in Methodists, it was a time of rejoicing. They served well at Buckhannon (1955). He retired in 1955. Hamlin (1912-13), Wayne (1913-16), Crumpler (1916-17), Dr. Knox died January 23, 1969. Funeral services were Hartford (1917-18), Dallas (1918-21), Clarksburg Broad held in Buckhannon. Burial was in Buckhannon. Oaks (1921-24), Huntington Norway Avenue (1924-26), Williamstown (1926-29), Huntington, Jefferson Avenue (1929-31), Clendenin (1931-38), Wheeling Chapline Street 1934-1937 – F. S. BISHOP (1938). When retirement approached in 1946, the love of Rev. Fred S. Bishop, son of Aaron and Sarah Bishop, their native hills beckoned and they returned to the old home was born in Belmont County, Ohio, July 2nd: 1882 in Lavalette. But they were not alone. They had sons Burl, and passed to his eternal home April 5th. 1947 after Buford and Dennis and daughters Mrs. Lucille Snyder of failing health had forced his early retirement. He Clendenin, Mrs. Helen Hendricks of St. Albans and Louise was married to Miss Mayme Hunt who preceded him of San Francisco and eleven grandchildren. Rev. Newman in death. To this union five children were born. On died April 27, 1961. October 23rd, 1928 he was married to Mrs. Ethel Hilleary by whom he had one daughter, Janet Lee. At an early age, Mr. Bishop gave himself to the service of Christ and His Church, and prepared for the –––––––––– work of the ministry. He was elected to membership of the West Virginia Methodist Episcopal Conference -9- in 1910 and served the following charges: Meadville, fall of 1918. Belleville, Alma, Triadelphia, North St. Wheeling, Reverend Cummings died December 8, 1978. Grafton Andrews, Kingwood, Clendennin, Central in Services were conducted at First United Methodist Huntington, Williamstown, Cameron,­ and Wayside in Vienna. Church, Huntington, with The Reverend Garrett Evans A faithful minister of Jesus Christ, a fearless officiating. Burial was in the Woodmere Memorial preacher of the Word, a loyal Churchman and Park. although the vastness and granduer of the Fathers He is survived by two sons, Dr. M. H. Cummings, House always claimed his reverent attention, it was in Jr., and Dr. J. Hugh Cummings. One brother, two sisters, the hearts and homes of his parishioners that brother 13 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren.­ Bishop truly lived. He made goodness attractive and clothed his deepest religious experience in the robes of simplicity. –––––––––– Funeral services were conducted in First Methodist Church, Williamstown, by Dr. William Knox, District 1942-1946 – J. P. HUTCHINSON Super­intendent, assisted by Dr. Roy McCuskey and Rev. J. W. Dawson. Interment followed in the Rev. James Parr Hutchinson was born in Wise, Virginia. Williamstown cemetery. His parents were E. Grant and Sarah J. (Greer) Hutchinson. –––––––––– He was a graduate of West Virginia Wesleyan College and attended Garrett Theological Seminary, Evanston, Ill. He 1937-1939 – J. R. BRIGHT served as a student pastor at Wesley Foundation of the Methodist Church at Morgantown, WV and also served churches at Ravenswood, Williamstown and Philippi. He –––––––––– retired as a minister because of ill health and then taught elementary school in Preston County, WV. He attended St. Paul’s United Methodist Church and belonged to Oakland 1939-1942 – M. H. CUMMINGS Lodge 92, AF & AM and Camp 11, Woodmen of the World. Rev. Hutchinson died December 23, 1976 at the age of sixty- Melville Homer Cummings was born August 23, eight. Surviving were his wife, Janice (Graham) Hutchinson; 1880, in Pickaway, WV, to the late Hugh and Nannie and six nieces and nephews. Burial was in the Oakland Talbott Cummings. He married Mary Louise Kachmar Cemetery. in 1918, who preceded him in death. –––––––––– Reverend Cummings attended Monroe County Schools; Trevecca College 1906-09; University of Chattanooga 1909-10. He was licensed to preach in 1946-1949 – P. H. McKAIN 1910, was received in Full Connection and ordained Deacon in 1914 and was ordained Elder in 1917. Rev. Paul Hamilton McKain was born April 23, 1897 in He served the following appointments: Boomer, Dunbar, PA. His parents were William F. and Florence 1910-12; Clay, 1912-13; Ripley, 1913-15; Proctor, 1915-16; Wheeling Fulton 1916-18; Glen White, Seckman McKain. He received his high school education at 1919-23; Ceredo, 1923-27; Fayetteville, 1927- Center Township, Rogersville, PA (1915). He graduated from 39; Williamstown 1939-42; Ravenswood 1942-45; West Virginia Wesleyan College (A.B. in Bible and Philosophy, Coalwood 1945-47; Glasgow 1947-59; and retired in 1920) and received a B. D. degree from Garrett Biblical Institute 1959. in 1922. He married Gladys Chlorine Patton on August 8, 1923 He was the author of more than 1,000 poems and sacred and their son Franklin was born in 1927. He was licensed songs including My Lord and King, There is a Gladness, to preach and received probationary membership in 1916. What Will You Do With Jesus, Come Where the Blessings Fall, The Gospel According to You, and Jesus Is The One He was ordained deacon in 1922 and ordained elder in 1924. He You Need. Many other songs appeared in “Echos From served the following appointments: Stotesbury (1922-23); Mt. Beulah” published in Ripley, West Virginia. He also wrote a Hope (1924-27); Guyandotte (1927-30); Pine Grove (1930-31); secular song, You Are My Sweet Heart that was well received Gassaway (1932-33); Rainelle (1933-39); Sistersville (1939- by the music public. He served in World War I, summer and -10- 43); Andrews Grafton; (1943-1946) Williamstown (1946-1949; 1953-1958 – J. H. CUMMINGS Grafton Andrews (1949); Athens (1949-51); St. Marys (1952- 56); Broad Oaks (1956-58); Alderson (1958-63); and War Rev. John Hugh Cummings was born in 1923 at (1963-66). He retired in 1966. Rev. McKain died June 5, 1979. Glen White, W.Va. He attended Marietta College, Westminster Seminary (now Wesley Seminary) Services were held at the First United Methodist Church in and Iliff School of Theology. Married Maude W. Beckley. Burial was in Sunset Memorial Park. He was survived Schoenmaker. Children: John Hugh II and Margaret by his wife; son, Franklin; and three grandchildren. Ann. Admitted on Trial in September, 1944 and received into Full Annual Conference Membership in September, –––––––––– 1946. Ordained Deacon in September, 1943 and Elder on September 22, 1946. Began preaching as Supply 1949-1953 – R. D. LOWTHER Pastor in 1942. Served: Ravenswood Circuit 1942-43; Attended School 1943. Johnson Memorial Huntington Rev. Russell Dewayne Lowther as Assistant from 1945 to 1947; Community Methodist was born January 25, 1912 at Church in Colorado 1947-48; Ken 1948-50; Gassaway: Proctor, Wetzel County, West Birch St. 1950-53; Williamstown 1953-58; St. Andrews Virginia. He was the son of Ira Parkersburg 1958-60; Central in Charleston 1960-61; Haymond and Alma Rymer and became a professor at West Virginia Wesleyan Lowther. He was a graduate of college in 1961. Weston High School in 1933, the West Virginia Conference –––––––––– Course of Study in 1937, West Virginia Wesleyan College with A.B. degree in 1941 and Garrett Biblical Institute with 1958-1960 – J. P. BYRD a B.D. degree in 1944. He married Catherine Cecilia Bush on September 16, 1931 who preceded him in death in 1982. Rev Joseph Price Byrd was They were parents of two sons, Rev. Dewayne Rymer and Paul born in 1907. Attended: Haymond. Kingsport, Tennessee H.S.; He was ordained elder in 1939 at the Annual Conference Hiwassee Junior College; uniting the Methodist Episcopal Church, The Methodist Emory and Henry College, Episcopal Church, South, and the Methodist Protestant Church. A.B. Degree 1929; Candler He served nine churches on the Earl Charge in Nicholas County School of Theology 1931-33. (1933-37), four churches on the Adrian Charge while attending Licensed to preach May West Virginia Wesleyan College (1937-41), (Cherry Valley in 23, 1929; admitted into the Rock River Illinois Conference while attending Garrett Conference on October 7, Seminary (1941-44). After graduating from Garrett, he served 1929; into Full Connection and Ordained Deacon, Westmoreland (1944-49), Williamstown (1949-53), Glendale October 8, 1933; Ordained Elder, October 11,1936. (1953-57), Grace-Bluefield (1962-67), First-Sistersville (1967- Appointments served in the Holston Conference: 70), Trinity-New Cumberland (1970-73) and Edgelawn- Pocahontas, Virginia 1929; Springton, Bluefield­ Parkersburg (1973-74). He lived in Williamstown following District, 1929-31; Princeton 1933-36; Kimball, retirement in 1973. He was the author of Laughter and Tears Bluefield District 1936-41; Gary 1941-46; Man in the Mountains in which he shared information about serving 1946-48; South Side, Huntington 1948-58; churches in Nicholas County during the Depression. Rev. Williamstown 1958-60; Ronceverte 1960. Russell Lowther died April 3, 1989 and is buried at Woodmere He was active in Lion’s Club; Odd Fellows Cemetery, Huntington, West Virginia. Surviving family as Lodge; Rotary; Masons; Kappa Phi Kappa. He was of June, 2012 are his son, Dewayne, daughter-in-law, Mary an Intercollegiate Debater; Played varsity football, Virginia Settle Lowther; granddaughters Paula Vantia McGrew, baseball, tennis; served as counselor, director and Sarah Virginia Hensley, Mary Catherine Perkins and seven teacher in youth camps; was District Secretary of great grandchildren: Stephen Russell McGrew, Amy LaVantia Evangelism and a member of Conference Board of Powell, Catherine Brittany Perkins, Kelsey Michelle Perkins, Evangelism; taught in training schools. Led efforts Aaron Lander Perkins, Christian Dewayne Perkins, and Samuel to secure a new parsonage at Kee Street Church Timothy Hensley. –––––––––– -11- in Princeton. Was pastor at South Side Church in Huntington when new three story education 1968-1969 – R. A. CHANDLER building was constructed and paid for. His hobbies were golf and hunting. Dr. Robert A. Chandler was He married Ruth Chesley Trundle in Knoxville, born April 5, 1916 in Eda, Caddo Tennessee and they had two children: Cecil Parish, LA. He was the son of Kenneth & Leo Wesley. Dennis B. and Gladys Rebecca –––––––––– Allison Chandler. He married June Lyons on September 22, 1960-1968 – J. R. WOODDELL 1941. Their children were Mary Ann (11/25/1942), Betty June Rev. James Ray Wooddell was (11/1/1946) and Nancy Lynn born in Charleston, West Virginia in (7/17/1956). He graduated from 1929. Education: Charleston High Ida High School, Louisiana Polytechnic Institute (B.S. in School, 1947; B.A. Fairmont in Mech. Engineering, 1937), Candler (B.D., 1953), Emory 1951; M.Div. Boston in 1954. Annual (M.A. in Philosophy in 1955) and D. D. degree from West Conference Relationship: Licensed Virginia Wesleyan in 1978. He served as a US Air Force to Preach,1946; Approved as pilot from 1942 to 1946 and attained the rank of major. Rev. Supply Pastor,1947; Deacon’s Chandler was received on probation in 1951. His Conference Ordination 1953; Elder’s service included Triadelphia-Fulton (1956); Assistant at Ordination 1954; Full Annual Charleston Christ (1956-59); Bascom Rupert (1959-61); Conference Membership,1954. Pastoral appointments:West Elizabeth Memorial (1961-68); Williamstown First (1968- Farmington, 1948-1951; Rockland, Mass., 1951-1954; 69); and Weston St. Matthew (1969-81). He retired in 1981. Cross Lanes, 1954-1960; Williamstown, 1960-1968; Rev. Chandler died January 3, 1997. Fourth Street Wheeling, 1968-1971; Wade Chapel –––––––––– and Upton Creek, 1973-1974; Tornado, 1974-1975; Belington, 1977: Asbury Charleston, 1981; Rainelle, 1969-1972 – V. H. Ware 1984; Transferred to Virginia Confernce in 1990. –––––––––– The Rev. Dr. Virgil H. Ware, 81, died at his Kanawha City home on 1961-1962 – T. M. ZUMBRUNNEN March 9, 2004. He is survived by his wife of 60 years, Martha Jane Linn Rev. Thomas Michale Zumbrunnen was born in Monroe Ware, whom he married on July 24, County, Ohio. When he was a boy, his parents moved to 1943.Virgil was born July 20, 1922, Marshall County, West Virginia. He married Elizabeth at Marmet, to the late Reverend H.W. Conaway on Jun 19, 1919. After graduation from West Ware and Ada Riggleman Ware. He Virginia Wesleyan College in 1917 he entered Drew was a veteran of World War II, serving with the 29th Infantry Division in the Seminary. After a year and a half, he served in the army for European Theater, and was a prisoner a short time but was discharged because of a heart murmur. of war. He described his war experiences, as well as his ministry After serving at Pennsboro, he returned to Drew Seminary and family, in his book, Letters to Our Grandchildren. He had where he graduated in 1924. He entered the West Virginia a life long interest in his family and his hobby of woodworking. Conference in 1914. Appointments included Century (1914- Virgil earned a B.A. degree from Morris Harvey College 1915), Pruntytown (1915-17), Pennsboro (1918-1920), Grafton in 1947 and the M. Div. from Vanderbilt University in 1950. He St. Paul’s (1920-23) and Charleston Lawrence (1924). Until received an honorary Doctorate of Divinity from West Virginia Wesleyan College. He was ordained a Deacon in 1949 and an 1959, he served churches as pastor and district superintendent Elder in 1950. He was a third generation Methodist minister with including Huntington District, St. Andrews Parkersburg, and over 50 years of service, serving churches in Lebanon, Tennessee, Buckhannon District. After retirement in 1959, he served two and in Summersville, Huntington, Charleston, Clarksburg, and years as supply pastor including two years at Williamstown. Williamstown in West Virginia. Virgil served the conference in many Until a few months before his passing, he was alert and active, capacities, including Conference Secretary from 1962-1972. He was regular in attendance at the services of the Church, daily visiting Conference Treasurer and Executive Secretary of Pension Funds, among the sick and aged always bringing a bit of cheer to drab Inc., from 1972 until his retirement in 1988. He continued to serve as an agent for the Conference Trustees until 1999. He attended and paths of life. Funeral services were held in the First Methodist Church at Buckhannon on December 16, 1962. -12- occasionally assisted with services at Christ Church, Charleston. 1963. Conference relationship: Ordained Deacon and became In addition to his wife, he is survived by one son probationary member of what is now the Eastern Pennsylvania and his wife, David V. and Trudy Ware; three daughters and Conference of the United Methodist Church. Elder and full their husbands, Janice and Ray Sundstrom, Joyce and Steve conference membership in 1965. In addition to First Church Brown, and Gayle and Peter Jayne; grandchildren, John Williamstown, Rev. Faley’s appoinments included Kedron Warder, Sam Ware, Tim Harsha, Debbie Harsha Birckhead, Pennsylvania, Associate Pastor at Covenant in Pennsylvania, Kristen Peck Eakle, Katie Peck, Rebecca Jayne, and Brian and Johnson Memorial in Alderson. Jayne; great-granddaughter Georgia Warder; and one sister. He was preceded in death by his brother, Edgar G. Ware. –––––––––– A memorial service was held at Christ Church, Charleston, on Friday, March 12, 2004, with Bishop William 1988-1994 – D. K. CLARKE Boyd Grove, Dr. Keith Clarke, the Rev. Reggie Rowell and the Rev. Bill Deel officiating. Burial was in Claremont Reverend Dr. David Keith Clarke. Cemetery, Boothsville. Memorials were made to the United Education: B.A. University of Methodist Foundation. Charleston 1960; M.Div. Candler 1963; Appointments: Associate St. –––––––––– Andrew’s, St. Albans 1963; First, Ravenswood 1968; Fairmont District 1972-1980 – J. L. WILSON Superintendent 1976; Bland Street, Bluefield 1982; Fourth St.- Simpson, Reverend James L. Wilson died on Wheeling 1984; First, Williamstown June 13, 2011. His service was held 1988; Christ Church Charleston at the Wayside Church in Vienna 1994; Retired 2004. under the direction of Bishop William ______Boyd Grove, Rev. Dr. Patrick Kerr 1994-2000 - L. C. Farley & Rev. Dr. Kenneth Krimmel. [also served Williamstown 1980-1988] Burial was in the Clover Cemetery in Roane County. Education: B.A. 2000-2004 – J. M. SHREVE from Glenville in 1955; M.Div from Pittsburgh Xenia Seminary in 1958. He was appointed to serve the following The Rev. Dr. Joseph M. Shreve. churches: Freemansburg Circuit 1952; Koppel Pennsylvania Education: B.S. West Virginia Wesleyan 1955; Brackenridge Pennsylvania 1958; Paden City 1961; 1974; M.Div. Duke 1978; D.Min. St. Westmoreland 1969; First Church Williamstown 1972; St. Marys 1989. Appointments:Woodford- Paul’s Parkersburg 1980; Wheeling District Superintendent Rowan 1978; Kee Street Princeton 1983; Parkersburg District 1986; Wayside Vienna, 1989. He 1985; St. Matthew, Weston 1992; First, retired in 1997 Williamstown 2000; Johnson Memorial, Huntington 2004; Chapel Hill 2008 –––––––––– -. ––––––––––– 1980-1988 – L. C. FARLEY [also served Williamstown 1994-2000] 2004-2004 – J. E. SHEPHERD II

Rev. Leo C. Farley served Rev. James Emorey Shepherd II. First Church Williamstown Education: B.A. West Liberty 1967; from 1980 until appointed to M.Div. Methodist Theological School Bishop Grove’s Cabinet as in Ohio 1972; Pastoral appointments: Superintendent of the Charleston Castleman’s Run-Kadesh Chapel District in 1988. Following 1964; Associate, Thomson 1966; his service there, he was again Laurel Point 1967; Friendly 1968; appointed to serve Williamstown To Attend School 1969; Rolling from 1994 until his retirement Hills Parish (OH) 1969; Hundred-Rush Run 1972; Fort in 2000. Following retirement Ashby 1983; Steele Memorial 1991; Associate Pea Ridge he served the Fairview church from 2000 until 2001. 1995; Oak Hill 1996; Oak Hill-Harvey Chapel 1999; First, Education: B.A. Concord 1960; M.Div. Crozer Seminary Williamstown 2004; Retired 2005.

-13- 2005 INTERIM A. A. TUCKER 2005 S. GEDON

Rev. Dr. Andrew Arthur Rev. Dr. Steve Gedon was appointed Tucker was appointed to to serve First Church Williamstown serve as interim pastor of in 2005. He received a B.S. degree First Church Williamstown during the 2005 Conference from Penn State University in year. Education: B.A. 1985, a Ph.D degree from Duke West Virginia University University in 1990 and a M.Div. 1965; M.Div. United 1969; Degree from Asbury Theological S.T.M., United 1970; D.Min. United 1991; Pastoral Seminary in 2010. He was received appointments: Kingwood Circuit 1961; Hillsboro (OH) 1965; First, Hillsboro (OH) 1968; Fairview (OH) as a Provisional Member of the 1969; Sistersville 1970; St. John, Vienna 1974; St. West Virginia Annual Conference of Johns, Spencer 1978; Associate Director Conference The United Methodist Church at the Council on Ministries 1982; Elm Grove 1991; Midland 2010 Annual Conference Session by North District Superintendent 1996; Wesleyan District Superintendent, 1997; Retired 2001. Bishop Ernest S. Lyght.


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