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IF IT'S fW-l- F YOU WANTH Worth Reading THE HARTFORD HERALD. Superior : Job : Printing GIVE THE You'll Find it in Tho Horald. ' HERALD A TRIAL. I Come, the Herald of a Noisy World, the News of All Nations Lumbering at My Back. "


woro only consideration and lovo. pooled off from tho inside of hor month tear voins wero dried; thcro ILLUSTRATED HUMOR. Another's Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report SHE WASJOILED ALIVE fnd throat. blank cavities whoro hor oyos had been, homo surroundings and family relation placo of natnro'a ships are not congenial or inspiring. TUB FlatlT FOIt LIFH. and drops of agony in DlfTorrnt i:yc. merciful tears. Is it surprising that ono man addresses AND TERRIBLY MANGLED IN A Tho hospital surgeons bolievcd that .SB, ' Hor martyrdom did not ond there, himself to his tasks with a zest and RAILROAD WRECK. death would end her agony during the -4 for vqry tboro developed an affec- nervo that mako work easy, while tbo j- Scrofula night hours. But in tho morning tboy soon othor finds drag' on found bor still alivo, olear-heado- tion of tho innor or middlo oars, which that things bis Mis Delia Slovens, Of floston. Mass, Saving of thrcatcnod her with loss of hearing, j bands, and that ho is soon worn out? writes: 1 hre always nffpml from The Miraculous a oouragoous, onduring with a vitality hereditary Kcroful. Tor which I tried possible For a timo she became deaf, and bor. Ono of tho secrets of many a man's suc- arloua remedlM. and rellshln and spirit that scarcely seomod Royally ra.nr Woman's Life After Pass- cess is tho background of a physlolana, but none relieved nio. After in so frail a woman. BuuoriDga jruin uur ears wbib juhiusu. happy sauna: snotties or At this time it bocamo impossible for homo life. And many a good man has am now weiu i I ing Through Numerous Thon began tho fight of ecionco for Absolutely pure 33 iam yery grateful her to taste food or drink; sho could failed; not becauso he lacked in ability to as 1 hor lifo. For days hor lifo hnngby a tou. feel oven' sho was or enorgy, bnt because tboso who stood that It eared mo 1 Horrible Tortures. feoblo thread. But tho pationoo of not swallow her saliva; detailed account of their 'farming from a life of nn- - nonrishod artificially. in tho most intimate relations to him told ajtony, and sss soienco was infinite. operations, or whether tbo Jbalanoo is BE CURED ahull take pleasure In cpcaklnz only 3 X WONDHRKUL THANM'OItMATION was surgi- Sho was thus boroft at onco of sight, wero too stupid or nncongenial to make 2!!!f woru 04 me mou- - Sho swathed in tho softest on tho right or wrong sido of the praiso lor 'rouucriui hearing, tasto and tonob, and hor reas his homo lifo winsome Of courso men Iclne, and In recommr tiding It to all. cal cotton; sho lay upon bags of ico; ledger. is needless to say that such the widely known special. Treatise on I It 1st, after years of J on was gono from her in tho deliriums have triumphed over tbis obstaclo just study, has ao perfected hla Illood and Hsln (New Yotk World abo was givon hypodormio injootions management would so wrcok any com- system of mslt trestment that he can now Disease mailed This is the story of tbo miraelo of constantly to keep up tho aotion of tho of fever. as they havo triumphed over others, assure the sick and suffering a permanent free to any ad- - mercial enterprise, and bonce tbo enre at their homes a aston-Hhlng- CURED finally caro and science did their but the forco thoy expended in over- at price that Is tlmu. medical scionco und cnilurunco by heart and to allay tho intense pain; hor Bat frequent complaint that "farming don't love. Thousands are availing them- boilod work, and sho began to mond. Her coming such drawbacks is just so mueb selves of this golden opportunity, and hun- gj 8WIPT 3PGCIPIC CO., Atlanta, Oa which a yunng woman, who wan, wounds wore drossod evory low hours play" is not surprising. Wo would dreds of testlmonlsls are on file showing the alivo, who eyes, eyelids, ecalp hearing was saved; sho bocamo able (o subtracted from tboir efficiency in the efficacy of the treatment. lost both in antiseptic dressing fluid, and sho suggest that you keep nn acenrato nt llMr and bauds, nod has safforcd more than was in tho dressiog fluid. oat light gruels and broths; the grafta work of lifo, All Chronic Dis- bathed rHo (in lovo) Thcro sho goes with of, your doings, and you will eases Treated, tho agonies of death, has boon restored In a few days tho blackened and on hor mutilated thumb showed healthy not only her St Bernard, Beauty and tho beast Til Vote ftTrPlerue." bo wiser, but ero long, rioher CATAftitH, good looks. growth, so that she wonld not bo en- Dturnrii, ntovicmoiiAL cajidh. to comparative! health and swollen skin began to slough off, until over again. Ilopkinsvllle Kentucklan. in consequonco. In fact, resolve that BRONCHIAL AND tUNO. If Tho young woman is Mrs. Qortrndo tirely helpless in hor loss of hands tbo upjMsr layer wan gone, leaving tho Tho Other Ono Yes; isn't ho a The surly roply of Jno. G, Carlisle on you will know bow you stand at tho LIVIR ADO BOWd. was horri- when tho cure was completed. The rpucpsr, lialdwln, of Yonkora. Sho surface raw and blooding; putrefaction, beauty? Life. the day ho registered, to a question as-t- oloso of anothor year. DiacAita, ms. "Wilson, rlCRVOUS tXHAUBTieN, Jno. B. mem-ornbl- o fover died from the brain, and reason bly injured and mutilated iu tho and so; on January 1, tho operation how bo wonld vote, did perhaps KIN DISCABC, DHCU- - Early Crorr-cus- I Up. . MATItM AND - - Law railroad collision at IlastiDus, was performed without Mrs. camo baok to her. The moro any ono HttlRAlOIA. Attorney at them, than thing to disorganize A Narrow Escape. The beat and most r. 1801. No OK THE TOBTUBB BACK. .Ajad. N. Y on Ohrietmas Evo, Baldwin bearing tbo pain calmly, and tho party. His "I'll voto as I ploaso," (San Francisco Post. 5VX3KWMW4',l(ir I scientific treatment for Day by day sho gained in strength, BIY'S nil w u.t. n. . HARTTORD, KY. human being has over beforo been so conscious that it was bnt ono of a series coming on tbo evo of the election was "Whilo you're aro talking about nar Quick and permanent cure guaranteed. very slowly, each dressing of ULCHR3. given to collection! and horribly mutilated and lived. Fifty torturing which sho would yet for to row escapes from just j New treatment for PILE and OI'KCIAT, attention , of ordeals construed mean a repudiation of horrible deaths, Young all kinds Hurveylng-- msklnij abstracts, c. wounds was exquisite torture. Tho or old men Buffering from aioHtr, thousand dollars, tho largest sum over her mo toll well-- POIBON-IW- AlsoO for Ohio county. Office bo compelled to nndorgo. Hardin and and an invita- let mino," remarked a ! BIADDCR, URINARV DISCASIS, BIOOD WCAKNCB OR EXHAUSTION - public squate. paid by American railroad company doctor watched hor with many nights lick-spittl- actually north tide of an Hor left band was amputated just tion to his to bolt tho tick-o- t. known capitalist. "I had about as atored to vigor, health and happiness. for injuries to a siuglo porsou, was paid abovo tho wrist, in tbo hope of saving of agony, administering - hypodormio What Olevoland did for tho rest of tough an experionco right in this city Dr. Appleman ha associated wlh hlma full injeotions to keep hor alivo un- staff ot expert specialists, who carefully con- LYTLE, to her in settlement for her injuries by as mnch of bor arm as was possible; sho tho country in 1804, Carlislo has done as o man over bad, but I got out sider each case and prepare the proper rem-edl- r. J. W. der this terriblo rack of pain, One Consultation and opinion Flis br tho Now York Contral Railroad. know that a second amputation would for poor old Kentucky in 1805. Ho has all right, and few people over heard mall. Treatment furnished at the low rate of - dressing of bor wonnds sometimes re- At tho time of tho oolllson Mrs. probablo by necessary. carried ont the mandates of his master of it. TO PER MONTH. LAWYER- quired three hours, so sensitive was she $2 $3 IJaldwin was SO years old, a gracofal Tho injuries to her head gave hor and prevented a man from boing "Ono day I was up on a roof of a Write uj freely and fully and enclose strrap O WENSnOUO. KY. addi- and lovoly woman, blue-tye- auburn-hatre- d, to each touoh, so terrified at each building own on Pino street, just for sytaptom blsnk. No. t Catarrh, No. j.Tor PRACTICK his profession In Daviess groat agony; the snrgoons feared that elected Governor. But in pulling I Men, Ho, 1'or Women. AirHX Special atten tional pang, so piteous in her supplica- 3 A'Utesi YY and adjoining countlc. ond the brido of a year. Tho tbo inner plate of tbo skull might have down the pillars of his party ho has des- looking it over to seo that it was all THE tlon flren to collections, Office In Dank of tions to escapo the necessary treat- APPIXMAN MEDICIflC CO. Commerce building. accident wrought n terriblo transfor- boon injured, and that the gathering troyed himself, strong man as ho is, right. I climbed up and looked into r73 E. 434 ST.. - - CHICAQU. III- - whiob mado every mation. Hho was crushed by heavy pus, in that ovont, would causo con- ment, hor writhe in in tho general wreck. Tho scone has one of tho big water tanks in the IMT. fcoling. O. tBarnett, timbers and tcaldcd by steam from tho gestion, which would have been fatal. nervo of changed the drama of 'SO. Tbo exit building, and seeing a dead sparrow Law, engine. The skin and llesb of tho head It was found necessary to, amputate As her strength was able to bear of Jno. G. Carlislo as a Presidential floating on the surface of tbo water, Attorney them, othor g operations (notary rtnuc)at was boiled off; over tho parietal bones hor left hand wbon all the flesh had quantity marks thoadvont ofWm. O. bent over to tako it ont. -- I lost my HARTFORD. KY. thcro was a placo bbout tho sizo of tho boon sloughed from the fingers, leaving wore mado, and with marvelous sno-ces- s. Bradloy as a possibility for second balance and fell in. The water in tbo pieces skin sis- III profession In all the hand entirely bared to tho white skull, the bones bt.ro. Tiny of from her placo. But Carlisle is not entitled to tank camo right up to my chin whon WILL of Ohio and adjoining counties ter's body took rtfot on the mutilated Truth. Send your watch by registered mall or express, attention will be KUen to alt business whero tho young womau had been liter- Tbo nso of anaesthetics wonld have all of tho credit for splitting the Demo- I stood on my feet, and the top of the Carerul Mrs. mmprepaid, and wo will examine It, tell you what a speclslty scalp, faco, neck and thumb of .entrusted to his care Collection ally scalped; tho oyclids were boiled been dangerous in her feoblo condition. cratic party.and delivering-it- s leaders tank was throe feot abovo- - my head. Office with the County Attorney careful antiseptic Tojrether. it need and what It will jcrt to firJt. off, and bo was tho skin of hor faco Tho skull was white and chalky whoro Baldwin, and with bound and gagged into tho hands of Tbo water was running all tho timo, ar.BarDesABro.,S2tW.Harket,tcu!iTiUelKy. dressing a new snrfaoo of ekin devel- down to tho noso; tho cartilaginous exposed. Tho mental shock of tbo tho Philistines. The Courier-Journa- l, and I could seo that it usually stood oped thorn. (Cbunty AUorfity) parts of both cars were gone, only night of horror, combined with her from once the organ of stalwart Demooraoy, about a foot higher than where it was. - email remaining on sido physical agony, wero finally too much Wbon Mrs.- Baldwin brought suit done a to me got out stums oithor has double part in the great It occurred that unless I REPAIREDU rtHajU.-rlMU- 'ri lhi,1j.n.l against iho New York Central Railroad TMtfirm UaauL Attorney at Law, of her mntilatvd head; the flesh of hor for hor wondorful nervo, and for a timo work of wiping out a majority of 40,000 protty quick, or turned off the water, IIARTrORD. KY. neok ond loft shoulder blado was boil- hor brain was seriously affected; sho it was necessary that sho, aa tho com- in tbo Stato. Tbo party in the greatest I would be drowned. and rkACTICH InlheconrUofOhlo pro-trude- plainant, should sign the complaint. . counties, attention glr. ed off, and tho left shoulder blado d; had hallucinations, and thcro was a crisis of its oxistence, in the fight of its "I Boon found that getting out with n IinaYY adjoining bpeclal Bat Mrs. Baldwin has no hands and eu to collection.. Office in courthouse. sho bad fallon at tho timo of probability of permanent insanity. lifo, has bad ndState organ. If wo ox-cc- pt out help was noxt to impossible, so I will writo So doc- , tho collision with her arms over hor Within 0 few weeks had wasted nover again. on the tho half support got out my pocket knifo-an-d wont to q ICSXjXjE-ST- buo hearted of the wm tM a w.mj L-- ument bor husband wrote her name, "Work low i B. head, and tho arms were boiled ontircly from 115 pounds in weight to 00. At Times, every daily paper in Louisville cutting a hole in tho tank as B m i rtw s..ail : : from the forearms to tbo points of tbo ono timo bor pnlso bad fallon from 180 and nndor it, as it went on file, wero has supported tho Republican ticket down as I could work and keep my Attorney At Law, iwo straggling marks. Mrs. Baldwin - HARTFORD. KY. fingers; it was necessary that both eyes to 82, and hor respiration to 11, and openly or secretly. The Democratic head above water. Cutting through' W COPYRIGHTS.- and ad held tho pen. between hor teeth as it of easy job. I CAW OBTAIN A PATKltT For "liriM. practice his profcMlon In Ohio should bo removed, and that tho left the doctors believed her dying, but she party has been btjset by foes in front tbrco inches pine was no prompt answerI and an honest opinion,t write to VY Joining countlc. bpeclal attention Riven hand should bo amputated and all but nover snob. wasplaood and the nnrse moved hor and traitors own rankiC has Tbo water was slowly rising, and bo-- M U N H 6i CO., who have had nearly arty yeara to collection. Office with County Attorney. rallied. Thcro had .been in its It experience In tha patent holiness. Oommtuilca-Me- ns tho of tho right hood to make "hor mark." gono fore got holo tho sidn of strictly oonOdentlal. Allandbaskotln-Tormsilo- u thumb band. marvelous vitality in a woman, tho doc panta- down in defeat, and Kontucky, I a through concerning bow ob- ac- Pat Will ycr carry a pair av Patents and to Yet y tbis woman is a present-abl- o Now, over three years after tho tho will Repub- tbo tank was standing tip-to- o with' tain them tent fro. Also a catalogue of mac run, W. H. BARNES, tors said. loons fer mo to the next town in yer last to succumb, have a I leal and Klentiao books sant rraa. prrton, with vestiges of her form- As as hor mado pos- cident, sbo is in comparatively good lican for tbo first timo just my noso out of the water and , 1'atants taken through Munn Co. receive soon condition it wagon, Mr. Bilks? Governor in its special notice In tho MclentlAo AmerlrMn.t and Attorney Law, er beauty. Sho lives tho lifo of tho or- sible she was removed from tho hospit health. 1 Bilks Certainly, But whero history. For years it has stood as every blado broken out of my knife, j thus aro bnmsht widely before tha publlowltk- - HARTFORD,atKY. Pat the dinary woman of wealth; sho attends al to tho Getty Houeo, In Yonkers. Dr. will I deliver them? only one of all tbo States that had nover "I mado a holo big enough so that practice hit profession In all the The Weekly Edition. I ' AriLl. counties and social gatherings and receptions, and Scbopon, who beon chief i Pat Oh That's all roight Oi'U bo its allegiance to princi- tho water ran right down to its level. wrnrM Aft flftnif.lA rrnlaa ssnt frM. YY courts of Ohio and adjoining Emil had in rcwt.J faltered in the Building n monthly, year. BUiatt) Appeals. Special attention given to (Louisville inside Clothier and Fur- Edition, tu$a Court of entertains in her pretty homo on High- attondance on bar in the hospital, took av,them. ples --of Jefferson,-but-t- ha And the next thing whs to get out. It enp1es,J3 cents. Every number eontarnj beau- 'I collections. Office nest door to Ked Front. The Evening "World, of New Tork, nisher. "r" lastsontinol tiful plates, tn colors, and pbotocrapb ot new land avenue. Sho wears diamonds, the entiro chargo of hor. Ho gavo np a of the unterrifled Democracy has betfn was impossible to climb out without as- bouses, with plans, enablttw bulldars to show tax makes tho following annonncement of latest deslans and secure contracts. Address handsomely A curly sistance, couldn't cut my way out A w B. ROGERS, and dresses largo sharo of his practice to dovote his an important journalistic change: Something- Qnenrlons. struck down, not by the enomy in and I JiUtiti Voux. Sell Beoadw.it. JO. brown wig covers tho sculpless head and with a broken penknife knew iimotohor. It was not a case for tho "Tho New York Snn weakly edition front, bnt by deserters in the rear. I I tho places where tbo wero; bluo gen- must attract somo one's attention. C. BARNES & BRO. Attorney at Law, eats brilliant coup d'etat of a surgical suspended publication yesterday. Peo- But tho Democratic party is not dead. I P. HARTFORD, KY. glaiscs hido tbo cavities; cosmetics Men may go, pulled off my shirt, toro It into strings, 62tW. Market eral. It was a case for the patienoo ple had stopped taking it. is under- come and mon may but TRACTICK his profession In courts of mako her faco sigbtly whero the skin It prinoiples aro eternal and cannot die. tied my lead pencil to my knile and WIM. and adjoining counties. Careful at- and eternal vigilance of scionco. stood that arrangements have been tention given to all business entrusted to him. grafts havo grown. Her pretty mouth Tho Democratio prinoiples ot home both to tho too of one of my shoes, and ATGHS IIEIt SOAir. completed, whereby the daily edition "lice In Republican bnllding, and chin nro uninjured. On tho thumb, rule, untrammeled trade, honest bimet- then patting my undorshirt on the will con tinuo to appear," Ouf catalogue sent to any addrcav. Illus- Thon began tbo series of many 01 aolld M. L. 11KAVR1N. B1IKLUVTAM-UX- . which is all that remains of her right allism and liberty of consoienco will pencil, waved it slowly and laboriously trate and price patterns fold, which havo made Mrs. Baldwin The Evening Post has before com- solid allver.Kold filled , and nickel watcho. suit- hand, sho wears a fine solitaire ring, and survivo defeat and from oat of it all over tho top of tho tank. I waved for misses, and boy. HEAVRIN fir. TAYLOR. person. mented on the decay and tho gradual able for ladles, gentlemen, tbo stump of her left arm is bidden be- again a presentable From will como a bettor and a stronger party hours, and still nobody came. baok of tho hoad in disappoaranoo of the weekly edition of neath tbo loco of her slcove. She goes over tho oyos to the Life. to redeem Kentucky. "Thenjt ocourred to me to dlvo Attorneys Law places snrfaoo thedaily nowspaper. Somo editors at to church. Sho is seen out driving on somo tbero was raw to down and stop up the pipo loading ATCHEtS HARTFORD. KY. havo tried to postpone tho day of doom Look for I pleasant days. Sho has onoo been to bo covered with now skin. Portions of A Proper Precaution. the Central Hotel from tho tank to attract attention. It LOUISVILLE, KY. practice profession In all the somi-weekl- y their by substituting the and tho - Wbon you get off tbo train Horse U Ilar(funl Uerald. sov-or- thoTiealthy tissue of Mrs. Baldwin's at people ThUflm TtHaUe.lUiihm WH,l of Ohio and adjoining counties and New York since her accident on a al ""( wasn't half an hour till came Special attention given to Moore, wero trans- ly editions for the old onoe-- a BranohtinstoDDOsitdenot and connect Court of Appeals. days' vihit. sister, Miss Eleanor by platform. up to seo why tbo water wonld not collections. Office J17 Market street, neat door week, bat it is simply a postponement; ed All trains met to Bank of Hartford. planted to tbo wounded head. nromntlv dav and nicht. Itatea 91.00 run, and I was helped out after I had i Tire nASTiNos nonnon. skin-graftin- isr Tho first g operation it Is not salvation. per day. S. D. Morgan, Proprietor. standing cold over KI1UINO. been in tho water a. qlkmk. B. X. family m jambs J. Mrs. Baldwin was oco of a took plaoo over a month after the The Weekly San was six or eight mm six hours." TABLER'SDH GLENN & WEDDING, party, oonslating of hor husband, Ten small pieces of skin from years ago perhaps tho loading Demo Begardlets of Expenses. P Horner lialdwin, his mothor and his cratic weekly of country. de-- This is a story about a man over in BUCKEYE (ho arms of Miss Mooro wero grafted tho Its Nature's Beverage in Kentucky. rillll! feiBtor, Lillian, and a friend, Thomas on tho forehead of tho injured woman. clinoisduoto two causes; first to its' Alexandria, t1io baa a great deal of A weary teetotaler riding along a LAWYERS AV. Now , to which is deeply Policy, who took pauago from Of theso flvo retained their vitality, chango of position toward tho Demo- be attached. dusty whito hot turnpike In Kentuoky OINTMENT HARTFORD, KY. 1801, on tho Wag-- . Ho is in fact so to ho York Christmas Evo, and tbo formation of a healthy mem-bran- o cratic party, bat secondly and chiefly attached it that came to a farm house with a wellawecp "ITriU. PRACTICK their profession In all the car Gibraltar, tbo last eonoh on hates to bo separated from a dollar (CURES NDTHINS BUT VY courts of Ohio and adjoining counties nor bogan. - to tho fact that tho country at largo is in the front yard and a man sitting in PltES. and In Court of Appeals. Special attention glv. tho Niagara express. Tlioy wero Bui tbo most terrible ordeal of all outgrowing the political weekly. of it tbo shade by the gate. "Good day," en to criminal practice and collections. Also Ho has a silk hat, too, a well preserv- A SURe and CERTAIN CURK Notary Public for Ohio county. bound to Niagara Palls to epond tbo was yot to como. Dr. Sohopon had Within ton years tbo local press sainted the traveler; "can I be accom- knn nhrlH vnaraa.th. holidays. Tho train crime to a suddon told her, threo weeks oftor thoaccidont, throughout tho West and South, tho ed silk hat of great ago and undoubted modated with a drink hero? I am very BEST REMEDY for FILES. --fiu. stop through the rospeotability. Ho is fond of his hat, Tas. Sxaaltli, at Hastings, and that sho would havo to loso her oyos in journals called the rural press, have thirsty." "Certainly," was the hospit- DKDOOISTS, tbo and bo'd liko to wear every day, but I BOLD rfy AM. blunder of a brakeman of Niagara order to savo hor lifo. The oyolids had greatly improved in all rospeots. These it able response. "What would you like v. firwredrvaeSAMBOHlf--D Cfc,I. JWTO. Attorney Law, Mabel (to hor young man) But you silk hats, you know, are expensive, so at train who failed to display tbo signal newspapers givo in a condensed form --have?" beverage, of IVIssSdVNH HARTFORD', KY. beon boiled off, and as there was no papa to "Nature's M in tbo roar after tho train stopped, news mora most ask for his concent ho has been wearing his for tboso many TRACTICK his profession In Ohio and way of supplying nature's protection the of tho world promptly Young Man (very shy) Oh, certain- course," replied the teetotaler, some- adjoining counties. Special attention giv- tho Oinoinnati and St. Loais express political weoSly. years just on Sunday. On week days and lubrication to the eyeballs, tbo than the The local I Your1 papa has I hope a what shooked. "All right," said tho en to collections. Office north aide public, square. speed. ly ho wears a shocking bod hat, whioh crashed into tho Gibraltar at full oyos bad become terribly swollon and newspapers are occupying tho local telephone at his office? Shofflold native, taking a bottle of corn juico does not concern tbis story. Tbo n. d. oorrv. B. D. BINOO, Mr.Baldwlnhad gone into tho smoker inflamed. Tbo tortures of pain sbo field moro completely than ever before. Week. last from his pocket and handing it over, & .wan m timo visited rtTTWPV A TcTTTfin to light a cigar, and was not injured. suffered from thorn sapped her feoblo the storks the Alexandria "Tb ore's about a pint in tbero and Conditionally Willing. man's honso they wero generous. Mr. Policy was tho first takon ont; ho strength, and her ohanoo for life was in Whenever a druggist tells yon he has They plentymore in tbo house. Help your- The modern stand- something just as good for coughs, -- O brought twins, o boy and a girl. The Attorneys Law, died tho next day, Mr. Baldwin's having both oyos eat out. Day by day . - ir self." at grip, oto., as Dr. Bell's Pine Tar Hon- father was sitting in tho parlor wbon ard Family Medi- HARTFORD, KYV mother was next rescued, but she imme- tho sight faded from them, and finally ey, don't you believe it, for wo guaran- Ohio to In all the Courts of diately died. Miss Baldwin, when im- tee that ft is not truo. Wo. make the somebody entered bring tho nows. Hore is a problem takon from an ex- WIU? Court of Appeals and Superior-Court- she bocamo totally blind. It was cine : Cures the " takon walked across tho railroad gonnine and authorize all druggists to "Well, yofi'ro a father now," said tho Office 31a t street. ont, possible to delay tbo oporotion longer, change that our mathematical friends guarantee The E. E. SuniEiiTiAXD somebody, y track end dropped dead. Mrs. Bald- for tbore was gravo danger of blood it may try to solve: ""Three negroes common every-da- Medicine Co., Paducah, Ky. "Boy or girl?" asked tho Alexandria T. Edwin. Row, win had been thrown on her baok at poisoning or erysipelas, snob was tbo For sale by Z. Wayno Griffin &Bro., stole a sack of apples and hid them in humanity. man--. ills of akd at law the first nhock, and heavy timbers lay inflammation. Yet tho eyo specialist, Hartford, Ky. tf a barn. After tbey had retired, one of w "Both; twins." 1 mm mm norosa hor pbest. She was nearest to Dr. Petor Oallan, and Dr. Scbopon them concluded he would got up and OWENSBOKO, KY. Numerous Births. I" tho engine, and as the steam ate its way probablo sho wonld "Great Scott oried tbo father, tako bis share. He counted tho apples 'ILI, practice hi profession In Daviess and agreed that Mrs. Langdon, living near -. -.- .-- bur flesh sho struggled wildly to John springing to his feet. "Give mo my thorn equally RU1UIUII1I nt.nv. w.".- Tl in not survivo tbo ordeal. and found be could divide enwto settlement of decedents' estate and col. Toledo, Ohio, gavo birth to flvo boys. ? e froo horsolf, not for a moment silk bat. I might as well wear it every throwing ono away, which ho did. lection. Prompt attention gtyeu to all nual-n- "I know that I shall never come ont by al to his losing consciousnota bus-ban- d , Mrs. Oharles Hart, of Oonshohocken, day now. What's the nso of trying to bo gono mmttaan entrusted cart. until her of tbis alivo," said the littlo woman, After he had anothor wont for the tint-bo- m Fa., presented hor husband with twins, economical, had chopped away the pitifully, "but I am willing to take anyway? same purpose. Ho throw ono away and making 12 ohildron In the family in 10 one-thir- d E. B, ANDERSON. that pinioned hor and dragged every possible ohanoe ,of living that is took of the remainder. Wnen hor ont in hiB arms. Then sho faintod. years married life, there having been Keep a"Record, of Work. he was gone the third man came, threw Subscribe for The Law, offered me." (farm, Field and Fireside Attorney sots twins. one-thir- threo of d at Sho was immediately takon to St. overy precau- away one and took of the OWENSDORO. KY. There was in readiness A terrible punishment has overtaken Every farmer is to a great extent and get the and John's Hospital, Yonkers. Whon hor should When they awoke in the Herald practice his profession lavDavles tionary means of reviving bor oonple eloped wbioh Old Bean Miss Flossie, bo mine. I a mannfaoturor, and ought to keep W1 adjoining counties, special attention wounds woro first drossod tho soalp ond a who to marry, morning noithor told tbo other what he latest news. Only pfflce soBH I'rtdrlca St. tho othor havo a suffocating effeot. A would give my lifo for you. a reoord of bis operations. Tbis is given to collections. all that wna left of tho hair peolod off should bo a warning to all who resort had done, but they throw ono away and poworful Farodio battery was at hand, Miss Flossio Wolh-yo- n may if it's the key to sucoesq in any business. . in tho dootors' bands; the oars and tho to that method to thwart the will of divided the remainder equally. How $1.25 per year. cr. Ea.;Bc:-srfBS- and a bag of oxygon gas with tubo ap- heavily insured. Brooklyn Lifp. But tho soil-till- should attend to flesh from hor hands dropped off parents. Mrs. Amanda Webster, of many apples woro in tho sack at tho be- paratus to insert in the windpipo to some other matters in oonneotion whon touohod. Great pjeecs of skin Indiana, who ran off and married, ginning?" Attorney Law, prodaoo artificial broathing. Plain to Illnj. with his accounts. A writer in an ex- OWlMiSBOKb, at has just horrified and paralyzed hor KENTUCKY. change suggests a of 1V"VifV OUT. that the 11,1, practice hUpWesalon In Daviess, BOTH EYES OUT husband by giving birth to three girls mP W counties and the Court ofAppeals. A "RUN DOWN" Ether was administered, and tho and boy. All aro alive kick- farm, with each field numbered, and Hpecial attention given to collection, omce "iuedup"-feoUn- a and and s is the. flnr. warn- eyes woro romoved by Dr. Oallan. Dr. its size, quality of soil, eta, epooiflcd, ing that your liver isn't dolnir its work--. ing. After the shook the good man EXPECTANT We Offer You a , Will a torpid liver and ths Imnura blood Sohopon then amputated tho four dead is make what will bo a great aid in keeping track! RliMEOV Which lBKaBBBaaMaaMBLiaBBiKiBBHll .- trying to tho, best of IN5UKBS Safety - follows (t, ... easy - - t J laVa) AU.f.J mA all mP -J that you're prev all bones that protruded from the right of tbo year's transaction, now many of Life to Mother vwt VCeatJIW ill Mi. iau "ar.L. ww4s wiiw m- sorb of alhnonU. Dr. Pierce's Golden ho can not help, and, being an ardent MOTHERS, lent business conducted for Med farmora havo a con- and Child. moocratc fata. ical Discovery euros every one of them, hand liko the fingers of a skeleton, and admiror of President Olevoland, says suob guide and OuorricciOfr-oiTeU,8.ATtMTOrrie- J. H.WHITE carefully patched tbo remaining thumb. venience? And bow many keep such isndwacansecur patenlia less time those; the girls will bo named Bath, Esther remote from Washington. away tbo ond flesh of a momoronda tho post year as will J.I. drswinir nr ehotOL. with dwserlp- - PIERCE t?r CURE. He ont dead bone and Marlon, and the boy Grover, and "MOTHERS' patenubla cr not, of 1 can say itlon. , We advise. If frt. truthtullr attempting ouablo to toll tbo expenco of charg-e- ouo --C?flSjg& I belleyeyour Oold-e- tbo loft arm, bat when to that he will ask tho Pretidont to act them uur lee n uii psicai u that n p.M.MLET." How toObtala Intents,"k.;".,with i yf 3BWwaSJwMtij!, Medical Discovery bono, from' tbo of each crop grown? And how about vl saved scrape tho dead tissue as godfathor. nJe o?Tiriili' the U. 8. and lorclxo. ctnaulas! m ror life. Wheat fesatt A ili4r bog-a- tho domestio animals? you keep r.sa ( your treatment exposed portions of the skull Mrs. Oculist Now, toll mo how many of If FRIEND" Y two years nro, I baa Cadiz, Ky., Jnno 18, 1893. cows, bavo tbey paid you , rfYTVY I boon elven up by the Baldwin was fonnd to bo sinking. So theso you can see. what per E. E. Sutherland Mod. Oo..Padaoab, Robs ContlMmeBl of lt Pita, ftorror tMtl Risk. 9 "tP PIS' n Doctor, and my friend strain her vitality was bead in the aggregate? And what C.A.SNOW&CO.fWA1HINQTOM. D. G. bad lost all hope of my all farther on Ky. Gents: Wo havo been selling your "lean soo noddings but tho dollar OPP. PATENT OfflCC. recovery. I bad suffered postponed. Tho operation bad taken goods for about one yearand find they mark at tho bottom. " Life. of sheep, swine, and even obickens? i years torpid MvwlfnusAd bo. for with. givefine i liver; I had ohromo half an hoar's time, and Mrs. Baldwin satisfaction. We sell them How much did eaoh oontrlbuto to fore birth of her first child, aha did not DENTIST pleurur and catarrh ona positive guarantee. Have wbioh suffer from CHIMPS or rURtr-v- rat Quickly la consciousness a few min- A Good Background. your incomo, and was the most ) relieved (ufferfatr , a very bad form. At- regained in give satisfac- at the critical hour but iwt t KAtitMlr MftUarf. Tto so far found they entire llttle-ahe-- hsd no palna HARTFORD, KYt tended with hemor- utes, and to the astonishment of her One groat differenoe between men of profitable? afterward and her i ,kLuuwwsMtW4k-aii- A SKfeSiairi- - rhages was confined to tion, .especially Dr. Bell's Pise Tar recovery was rapia. a, f, ftviBtUf la Ml who can answer these pertin- Cm Ala. .Mw. , tilM fts4 tfcB VRRPARKD to do all kind of dental work mr bod two months. In surgeons, seemed to feel po ill eOeots. Honey and Eagle Eyo Salve. Sells equal capacity and opportunity is to be Those f.. guasnvni cuisuia, Uf !.T J ihlCt,t4 tsrbk 1 Office over the days begin- Sent by Mall or Express, on receipt ot fctsUM, llM tM.,LM tf ISat mod rcaaonable price. nut. a few after - Tbo loss of her eyos Mrs. Baldwin better than any goods rot like charac- found in tbo background of their lives, ent questions must bo well advised I kill & fedtoreofI,W. PorJiCo. usroo. nln ir mkUolnS I Yours truly, arics, S1.0O pf beta. Book "To Moth- -' .KAFQ in p , UrUf, ftUll ttUftM, coma perceive a angbt ooacgt) ter. morn-in- n; . ers " mailed j iCTK ftiiJ cfcRTfl H wU4 for the better t felt keenly; shut in an eternity of Ono man goes to his work in tho in regard to tboir fluanolsl position, Free. W I in three months I felt almost Ilk nanr Geo. Tj. SaUTH.-Drufrgls- I &Vv IWaataM wUV a rifl nuitfl line fAa BBABrrCLD BKGCUTOB CO.. AUtala, 'Kw ftbr.Ji.vi 4UkMLM MftM. CIvMp. person. Yours very cratafullv, darkness, she could even weep. sale & from a . pleasant home, and from nn flflmnntiinn? wa 8, h4 MM.MAOGIKT.HHANHli'onD, not' For by Z. Wayae Griffin Bro., tOlB T AIL DaUGOMTt, tlt.rMt, tr riVsttM. CbMUr ft. . delightful- - many uttorly to givo ' Cfrfc JU. It, OrfttmlM O. Take The Heralii.1 rruilamaburv, W. Ya,, The windows of hor soul woro shnt, the Hartford.Ky. tf the atmosphere of mutual aro unable any W. P. HABH1MX t CO.

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