"""Iiwiii vff pimi wmwv ' ' nnupjwnyif u jiwm j,'uwmw.v"p."1 ijuMmu'wtiKHinwiii n w ? "'f mv ilfw'l, jSwmjp1 ' nunin'imnuM)111" A SffKWWiMfa'r v. wl IF IT'S fW-l- F YOU WANTH Worth Reading THE HARTFORD HERALD. Superior : Job : Printing GIVE THE You'll Find it in Tho Horald. ' HERALD A TRIAL. I Come, the Herald of a Noisy World, the News of All Nations Lumbering at My Back. " VOL. XXI. HARTFORD, KY., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1895. NO. 47. woro only consideration and lovo. pooled off from tho inside of hor month tear voins wero dried; thcro ILLUSTRATED HUMOR. Another's Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report SHE WASJOILED ALIVE fnd throat. blank cavities whoro hor oyos had been, homo surroundings and family relation placo of natnro'a ships are not congenial or inspiring. TUB FlatlT FOIt LIFH. and drops of agony in DlfTorrnt i:yc. merciful tears. Is it surprising that ono man addresses AND TERRIBLY MANGLED IN A Tho hospital surgeons bolievcd that .SB, ' Hor martyrdom did not ond there, himself to his tasks with a zest and RAILROAD WRECK. death would end her agony during the -4 for vqry tboro developed an affec- nervo that mako work easy, while tbo j- Scrofula night hours. But in tho morning tboy soon othor finds drag' on found bor still alivo, olear-heado- tion of tho innor or middlo oars, which that things bis Mis Delia Slovens, Of floston. Mass, Saving of thrcatcnod her with loss of hearing, j bands, and that ho is soon worn out? writes: 1 hre always nffpml from The Miraculous a oouragoous, onduring with a vitality hereditary Kcroful. Tor which I tried possible For a timo she became deaf, and bor. Ono of tho secrets of many a man's suc- arloua remedlM. and rellshln and spirit that scarcely seomod Royally ra.nr Woman's Life After Pass- cess is tho background of a physlolana, but none relieved nio. After in so frail a woman. BuuoriDga jruin uur ears wbib juhiusu. happy sauna: snotties or At this time it bocamo impossible for homo life. And many a good man has am now weiu i I ing Through Numerous Thon began tho fight of ecionco for Absolutely pure 33 iam yery grateful her to taste food or drink; sho could failed; not becauso he lacked in ability to as 1 hor lifo. For days hor lifo hnngby a tou. feel oven' sho was or enorgy, bnt because tboso who stood that It eared mo 1 Horrible Tortures. feoblo thread. But tho pationoo of not swallow her saliva; detailed account of their 'farming from a life of nn- - nonrishod artificially. in tho most intimate relations to him told ajtony, and sss soienco was infinite. operations, or whether tbo Jbalanoo is BE CURED ahull take pleasure In cpcaklnz only 3 X WONDHRKUL THANM'OItMATION was surgi- Sho was thus boroft at onco of sight, wero too stupid or nncongenial to make 2!!!f woru 04 me mou- - Sho swathed in tho softest on tho right or wrong sido of the praiso lor 'rouucriui hearing, tasto and tonob, and hor reas his homo lifo winsome Of courso men Iclne, and In recommr tiding It to all. cal cotton; sho lay upon bags of ico; ledger. is needless to say that such the widely known special. Treatise on I It 1st, after years of J on was gono from her in tho deliriums have triumphed over tbis obstaclo just study, has ao perfected hla Illood and Hsln (New Yotk World abo was givon hypodormio injootions management would so wrcok any com- system of mslt trestment that he can now Disease mailed This is the story of tbo miraelo of constantly to keep up tho aotion of tho of fever. as they havo triumphed over others, assure the sick and suffering a permanent free to any ad- - mercial enterprise, and bonce tbo enre at their homes a aston-Hhlng- CURED finally caro and science did their but the forco thoy expended in over- at price that Is tlmu. medical scionco und cnilurunco by heart and to allay tho intense pain; hor Bat frequent complaint that "farming don't love. Thousands are availing them- boilod work, and sho began to mond. Her coming such drawbacks is just so mueb selves of this golden opportunity, and hun- gj 8WIPT 3PGCIPIC CO., Atlanta, Oa which a yunng woman, who wan, wounds wore drossod evory low hours play" is not surprising. Wo would dreds of testlmonlsls are on file showing the alivo, who eyes, eyelids, ecalp hearing was saved; sho bocamo able (o subtracted from tboir efficiency in the efficacy of the treatment. lost both in antiseptic dressing fluid, and sho suggest that you keep nn acenrato nt llMr and bauds, nod has safforcd more than was in tho dressiog fluid. oat light gruels and broths; the grafta work of lifo, All Chronic Dis- bathed rHo (in lovo) Thcro sho goes with of, your doings, and you will eases Treated, tho agonies of death, has boon restored In a few days tho blackened and on hor mutilated thumb showed healthy not only her St Bernard, Beauty and tho beast Til Vote ftTrPlerue." bo wiser, but ero long, rioher CATAftitH, good looks. growth, so that she wonld not bo en- Dturnrii, ntovicmoiiAL cajidh. to comparative! health and swollen skin began to slough off, until over again. Ilopkinsvllle Kentucklan. in consequonco. In fact, resolve that BRONCHIAL AND tUNO. If Tho young woman is Mrs. Qortrndo tirely helpless in hor loss of hands tbo upjMsr layer wan gone, leaving tho Tho Other Ono Yes; isn't ho a The surly roply of Jno. G, Carlisle on you will know bow you stand at tho LIVIR ADO BOWd. was horri- when tho cure was completed. The rpucpsr, lialdwln, of Yonkora. Sho surface raw and blooding; putrefaction, beauty? Life. the day ho registered, to a question as-t- oloso of anothor year. DiacAita, ms. "Wilson, rlCRVOUS tXHAUBTieN, Jno. B. mem-ornbl- o fover died from the brain, and reason bly injured and mutilated iu tho and so; on January 1, tho operation how bo wonld vote, did perhaps KIN DISCABC, DHCU- - Early Crorr-cus- I Up. MATItM AND - - Law railroad collision at IlastiDus, was performed without Mrs. camo baok to her. The moro any ono HttlRAlOIA. Attorney at them, than thing to disorganize A Narrow Escape. The beat and most r. 1801. No OK THE TOBTUBB BACK. .Ajad. N. Y on Ohrietmas Evo, Baldwin bearing tbo pain calmly, and tho party. His "I'll voto as I ploaso," (San Francisco Post. 5VX3KWMW4',l(ir I scientific treatment for Day by day sho gained in strength, BIY'S nil w u.t. n. HARTTORD, KY. human being has over beforo been so conscious that it was bnt ono of a series coming on tbo evo of the election was "Whilo you're aro talking about nar Quick and permanent cure guaranteed. very slowly, each dressing of ULCHR3. given to collection! and horribly mutilated and lived. Fifty torturing which sho would yet for to row escapes from just j New treatment for PILE and OI'KCIAT, attention , of ordeals construed mean a repudiation of horrible deaths, Young all kinds Hurveylng-- msklnij abstracts, c. wounds was exquisite torture. Tho or old men Buffering from aioHtr, thousand dollars, tho largest sum over her mo toll well-- POIBON-IW- AlsoO Notary public for Ohio county. Office bo compelled to nndorgo. Hardin and bimetallism and an invita- let mino," remarked a ! BIADDCR, URINARV DISCASIS, BIOOD WCAKNCB OR EXHAUSTION - public squate. paid by American railroad company doctor watched hor with many nights lick-spittl- actually north tide of an Hor left band was amputated just tion to his to bolt tho tick-o- t. known capitalist. "I had about as atored to vigor, health and happiness. for injuries to a siuglo porsou, was paid abovo tho wrist, in tbo hope of saving of agony, administering - hypodormio What Olevoland did for tho rest of tough an experionco right in this city Dr. Appleman ha associated wlh hlma full injeotions to keep hor alivo un- staff ot expert specialists, who carefully con- LYTLE, to her in settlement for her injuries by as mnch of bor arm as was possible; sho tho country in 1804, Carlislo has done as o man over bad, but I got out sider each case and prepare the proper rem-edl- r. J. W. der this terriblo rack of pain, One Consultation and opinion Flis br tho Now York Contral Railroad. know that a second amputation would for poor old Kentucky in 1805. Ho has all right, and few people over heard mall. Treatment furnished at the low rate of - dressing of bor wonnds sometimes re- At tho time of tho oolllson Mrs. probablo by necessary. carried ont the mandates of his master of it. TO PER MONTH. LAWYER- quired three hours, so sensitive was she $2 $3 IJaldwin was SO years old, a gracofal Tho injuries to her head gave hor and prevented a silver man from boing "Ono day I was up on a roof of a Write uj freely and fully and enclose strrap O WENSnOUO. KY. addi- and lovoly woman, blue-tye- auburn-hatre- d, to each touoh, so terrified at each building own on Pino street, just for sytaptom blsnk. No. t Catarrh, No. j.Tor PRACTICK his profession In Daviess groat agony; the snrgoons feared that elected Governor. But in pulling I Men, Ho, 1'or Women. AirHX Special atten tional pang, so piteous in her supplica- 3 A'Utesi YY and adjoining countlc.
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