The Independent K~ Indkpbniucnt —As Usual, the Regulate the Bewrla Aud Kidneys Will Tiad N«»W Wlila the •Low-Revolviaa Year
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reBgssrxwF CLINTON INDEPENDENT, Fk.lI>AY, MARCH 13. 1896. Old People. I'OHuk'* Day on tawiiM Noll. rt*g to be hoisted on public buildings in Wash!melon better. a lavm hymn honor of 1 inland ‘x Saint and Ireland's Old people who require medicine to The Independent K~ Indkpbniucnt —As usual, the regulate the bewrla aud kidneys will tiad N«»w wlila the •low-revolviaa year. From Oar Regular >'om Irish are preparing to celebrate tit. Pat galamry. in behalf of this country, in A inti u the Fatal weereal: the free remedy is Elertric Ritters. This rick’s l>ay this year with all fiomp and the wars of her liberty. These extracts W*stUMorOM. D. C.. March 9. IMS. Which, ib IU mrMh Brat* inovea medicine dose not stimulate and <-outaiae NT. JOHN*. FRIDAY MARCH IS IMS. splendor available. ()n Thursday next of historical facts certainly deserve to The war now raging in tlie Republi Of forty daft otMBplote no whiakey nor other intoxitMf. Hot act* m a ionic and alterative. It acta mildly they will uufurl the lianuer oLKnn side be preserved, and flung in the face of can ranks in Cougrere over the Presi That Feat by Law tad Hropheu laushi. HIMKTAUJM. on tbe stomach and bowels, adding anv pm-lintisli bigot, who dares toques- ily Jeaua Chrtal rnalonsl ; by side with the American tiag. Gov. dential nomination of the party is much strength unit giving too; to the organs, Kor rns CUHTOI lWItKrsRIiSKT JeatM of acaaowa tod of t tinea John T. Rich and II. 8. Pingree will! Uo« l‘ie splendid loyalty of the Iriaii more real than any war that is likely to thereby aiding Nature iu the iierlormaace The Mather Bad the Lord I have read with much interest a let make speeches in Catliollc halls In hon people to tbe American Republic. It come because of the Cuban concurrent of tbe fnnctiooa. Electric Hitters is an ter from an esteemed correspondent m or of 8t. Patrick aud the Irish race. Offl enough for England to be resolution adopted by Congress. So Henceforth more a pert nr let ue be excellent appetiser and aida digestion your last issue on bimetallism. oers aud dignitaries of the state the driven out of America at tbe bayonet ’s bitter has this war now become that* the Of food, of words, of steep; Old People flutl it Just exactly wbat they In view of tbe fact that there is a Henceforth beneath a stricter gutid need. Price tiff? rents and 91 BO P* ! Country over will do the same In many l*>* nt * bul K wormwood to prediction is openly made tiiat it will The rovlar sen ses keep. battle at Plldew ft Millioau’e Drug Store wide difference of opinion among those cities the Irish flag will float from the . k,‘°" the army which did lake tlie St. Ijouis convention a week to St. Johns aud Fowler. 5 who advocate bimetallism, as to what towers of city halts instead of tbe star :th« <Irtving were Irishmen, animated by settle tlie contested seals from the South Anal let tit shun whatever thtare that really is, your correspondent gives s|NlllKlwri kammor I tbe concentrated hatred of (NJU years; Distract the oai*.*-aa heart; alone. According to tbe program as And let us shut our touts aealast his views as to what be believes Now 1 ask. is such an univereal glori H‘»d « K'*KJ a,ld <!»"» to face America outlined by both the McKinleyitea and The tyrant tempter s art: would be a genuine bimetallism. tlealion of the Irish race and its |*alrou “»»>» »“ »*•« U"d the anti ’s, there will be contesting dele Probably nineteen-twentieths of the And weep before tbe Jud«n* sod strive munt. St. Pathck. u.ienible or even 10!““ v ‘ri»« “u,i vigorous saever, and while gations from every Southern state. It His venoaiH-e to appease: voters of Michigan believe in bimetal be encouraged on our democratic ami ot Uw HmlHwy army was will be remembered that it was upon a Haylnr to III n with <-ontrlte voice lism in some form. Hut they differ as free soil ? A conservative answer to lri,i4»- seven eight* of our army plan somewiiat similar that the Harri Itpou otr (waited knees: to the conditions and regulation* under the above each and every one may iind tud *> would be of the same race. If son men got their man nominated at “Much bava* we sinned. O Gird ! anal Mill which bimetallism should exist. for himself in studying the American hngllshroen don ’t iielieve it. they may Miuiieapoiis. Under this *ort of a We sin each day we live: Each desires a bimetallism which history of the |»ast. The Irish claim cores and teat the truth. And therefore scheme it is tlie committee on Creden Yet look In pity from on high. shall correspond with his ll'iancial that of the rank and file of the revolu- American Irishman celebrate the tials. not the C^Miventiun. that nomi Aud of thy grace forgive ” —J. II. H. views, aud it is easy for him to suppose ltouary Hnn> one-haif were Irish, and '**? of th<* furious Ht. Patrick, and let nates. Tbe plan which nominated Mr. Reel Ratal.-. that his particular variety is certainly teatimjny. taken by the English u» *U «»c«ur»K** him in his demonstia- Harrison was so bad that it made his tieo. II. IluHolt sn«l wife to Jackson P. Bris ganuine and tint all other kinds ace not government sustains their claim. bon* of loyalty to tlie sute and govern- defeat certain and resulted in a propos tol. isnd on section 39. Victor, lit*. Leo. Ilsharsh to Clara M. Caateriinc. acres, bimetallism at ail. # No country 011 earth has ever so de- «n*nt for which he so gallantly fought ition from tlie more respectable element sec, B, Essex. MTO The correct meaning of words is con- cisivelv defeated, and so thoroughly !iUU* hied. ___ ___ .1.11. 11. among the republicans to reduce the Prank Pnoiey sod wife in Catherine L. Shep ard. t*i seres, see. M. Ovid. Haw. ceded to be that sense in which they are | humiliated Kngiand as America, and Kirm. ti.™ \v ..Tui i-„ii*.w. representation of the .southern states in United Mtates to Michael Hayes.40 acres, sec. used by the great uiiijority of the lead- therefore |ter hatred of these United The fact tiiat the Senate and the tlieir national conventions. But the M, Westphalia. <*M mg apeakei* and writers of the world. stllle* tl** ***.„ and will be inveterate House have adopted resolutions favor- present plan is lot* worse, and if car l.'nlted stales to Margaret Hayes. 4« scree, tec. 30. Westphalia, tui. in this country Webster s International aml ujoying. Time, which alleviates ing the recognition of the belligerency ried out in it* entirely will disgust the Mtatc of Michigan to Michael Hayes. 10 acres, dictionary is recognized as a standard all iiassions. has had no such effect on of Cuba, and the interest of the nation friends of all of the candidate* who get sec. SB. W esiphaila. 96» authority. Referring to that work we Helena Manniug lo James Hayes. 97 acres, Kugiaud's malignant heart. She can as to what the president will do in this turned down to an extent that will tie sec on. Westphalia. |Wu. <j. e. read on page Htf as follows—“ Bimetal not forget, that a handful of unwarlike regard, lias set Americans to asking. worth thousands of votes U> the demo Margaret Hayes lo Helena Manning ot at. lism/’ “The legalized use of two met- IO> acres, sec SB. Westphalia, mou. <j c. Saves many a dollar. It will wear oolouists. called hastely from the plow, “What are belligerent rightsand under cratic ticket. ala (as gold and silver) in the currency Mary Haysetal to James Hayes, undivided the anvil and the workshop, witiiout what circumstances may they be con McKinley's republican enemies are interest acres, sec. M Westphalia, gl.uilo. six times as long as a linen col •f a country, at a fixed relative value. ” commissary. ordnance or medical stores, ferred upon revolutionists. ’ When an growiug more active every day. and if Mary Hayes et at to Catharine Trlerweiler. lar and never lias to be launder If this definition is accepted as cor undivided Interest, US acres sec M. Weet- badly armed, clothed aud fed, led by insurgent becomes a belligerent body, lie should get nominated, they will have phalia, (I.UJO. ed lor it’s waterproof. Saves rect. then it apitears that bimetallism is officers whose zeal and patriotism far which has opposed itself to the existing to spend the greater part of the cam- ' Mary Hayes ot a) to Helena Manning, un- annoyance and discomfort, also. not con lined to any particular system INtign in explaining stories they are I divided interesi, M‘» acres, sec. 9>, West excelled their education and experience, government, and detnauded and fought phalia. f l,i*o. • It never gets limp, never chafes of coinage, but Mutt it results from the waged a victorious seven years' war for an independent government, passes now circulating against him. One of Helena Manning to John Woilaobetd. gf, fact of the legalized use of two metal 1 acres, tec. 38. Westphalia. f7uu the neck, and when soiled is with England's bravest veterans, disci from a band of men of no stand mg to tlie latest of these stories charges Mc as money.