Talk with Alexander about Insurance.

bhe ~~rntIU U jewnrat. T'E "woErEID 18 OVER•E-rD TOO M ITCr

\t(· )JL[ ~_ ALEXANDRIA LA., WEDNESDAY,___~~_ JULY 15. 1896. ~~_ I NO 28. 111I..l.. Louisianaouisiana0 Ieni~cratP1'eniocrat WHAT WE CAN SEE IN MEXICO. jDR AN EWS' REPL. WALL STREET H i ree con-;a'tLe Al tt S YLOCKS. I.';:,Is'ED EVERY wr)N lScU.tY A Depreciating Standard ilas Donea nch to Lower Wages gnd It is inpirg to lisel to thela.. DRY GOODS BY MAIL. is - AT- Inecrease the Proverty and Hisery of the Massei. mniae. Blands a'td olhier go it aloner U UUU U A I•XANDI> RIA. . .. _ when they declar our monetary nude. WHO THEY AfRE-ENOUGH OF THEM g pendenes of all other countries unoaour TO DEFEAT ALL CHEAP I1i:i- lJouIrnanl ftlheCity of Alexandria I ability to matk anything at any MONEY SCHEMES. eoffeir ladIle lilving ll the CeDllutrf every in- ratio we may please with any other duceiment to shop by mail. Every department 0l.lrlal Journal of the SchooSl Hoard. thing. Not all, however, ofthe"'friends R in our great store is complete, ani you goet to y l or without ballast of common Cet Sor .. O n caylonfa-lus every style and worth for the very least money. MTOBLEY & Cd. - IPropr's. w aense. Dr. R. Benjamin Andrews, pros- Dolma s of ea.irs eldn li suacr•flneJ- ident of Brown university, is and ham, tl'"Bi>etso'"a Anr--Thul. - " SAMPLES FREE It. U. MOBLEY, - Editor. n h always ben a *warn friend of silver. e bton whe On Our uahicd" lni .eknowas etter, however, than to at, cir°uai".. - of anything you ask for. Our magnificent line TERMS OF NUiSCRIPTION: tempt whatsiclearly impossible Not Oneaof thIe delosioun Oleo Year ...... $1 Di iany back of of Summer dress goods-Organdies, Dimities, only that, but he pictures the dangers thimfre einiage sophistry is that there St -[otltls...... t ...... ncent i Silks, Swisses, Lawns, etc.-are unsurpassed of Independent free coinage as vividly ro a few wealthycriitorsandmillinns f i a h e Write for les. PAYA.BLE . ADVANOC. shavoanyoftheooalled"goldhgi," of ptr debtor* in this cou .D lWriteorsmple for quality and heapess. Here s bhis reply, published some time this assumpilin it is argued that cheap ARE PROMPT. ADVE RT SISNG RATIES, ago in the Chicago Record, to the ques- moniilay will make it asy for the A PROMPT tion, "Shall the United States attempt of debtors tolearltheirfsrms and homes the free coinage of silver alone?" fnu. moitguge.n held by thie Shyltook of We give your letter our attention the minute I I i " *h1iii'I l_ "ill,.int9 .:1 il hi4 i1r (I;@ ii I. .0*lOion,_s1 ioi "If we take up the metal alone, and Wa stilrl, l t as sot now who are we got it, and if We haven't what yonu want, thatcourseresulta.sIshonldanticipate, lthem Shyloch and whonrcheercditors ve will procure it for you if it is to be gotten , ' n 7, IaI 01 1 ill0 t • i0 in the expulsion of , we shall have of this count.y. *e m shop y in the first place a financialerisi worse Ev e who sa depsitin a in Now Orleans. You can shop here by S. IIil 'II j , oll W than any ever sauffored in the contry, ings or o(thr btmk, every iolder of a mail as satisfactorily es if you cameo yourselfi this because we canoot in a long time, life inlsuruico policy, evei y pClnonlmr. even by workhing our mints day aud every member of a bnilding anld night, silver enough to take the unewialion, every msnwbr of aid anid B. P ELL AL N plane which would be vacted by gold. ijneflt assorlations, every ow'ir of a Prices would surely falL Immense government bond, every one wlhose sal- 727 Canal Street. New Orleans, La. numbers o0 failures would ocur. La- aT rwagesanr maidonlyaflers!rvie t borers would bo thrown out of work. or labor is performed-thire ar omeo Altogether a dreadful paroysm in our of tIhe crditor cMles. Thl ame thel Ie 'rria;' fernat 1)n t ryi-nL ,0 I-tDm e'. The fact that a republic adjoins tho United States which hba the free aid buhncas would be precipitated. Slowly lhylock,who have a morteg oCathis _ uuelinmited coinage of silver makes it easy to observe the practical workings the gap left by gold would be filled by ceuntr, and who arn to be done out of pi r tinn. of a policy which we are told would make us exceedingly prosperous. Sthe mining andcoinageofailver. Prices bal of their savig, by the lick Ito l Mnrria i ,lituiirvme-n,1 int1roaD H, t asm Some of our silverites are either no ignorant or so reekles that they point would thou gradually rise. At last they scheme In trnth them Shylopkes n;nt ferling tnolines, will I.e pumlilsld ree; to Mexico as an illustration of free silver prosperity. The intelligent people would become higher than now, more only own tli conuutry, but they Ihve illn', will Jn c harge a exir.eling t,'ll of the United States, however, know the truth about Mexico. They know and more approaching the Mexican and votes enongh to compel the "poor" RATES reiit ir ral •. that the dollar is worth just half what our silver dollar is worth Japawese level debtors to pay in honest money. Let nu -IN_- I Pnliro l ltell, i aiolt irii+nr r elli. either here or in Mexico thongh the former containe more silver bunion "But a consequence far worse than tnumnertesonieot then')lwhoard their any of thes would be that our pammage wealth in A. ihinrea lt- ciiiu[ i .llmiit ii, ir I than the latter. They know that wages even in itsdepreciated are banks and loan it out at JUNE and JULY, United States and that the necessaries of to a silver basis woulderectagainst for- "uurious" rates of inlteret, and see much lower in Mexico than in the -VIA- rnmul ir spienht eliil to rl t isa nst ' t life are much higher there. eign exchange between Europe and the how much they would los under free The late Dr. James E. Reeve said: United States justsucha barrier as now coinage nud With 50 cent dollurs: - "I never thought it possible to put shocking sqnalor and gilded plutocraey STYTJTSES'T ROUTTE- eo close together as I saw themn in the City of Mexico. The masses, Indians, would annihilate all fi•d par between hatr. ! t. teoi are till virtually slaves, except here and there a man amsong them, like Jun- New York and London, repeatinr the omI6alh-k. 4.rts..ii tl.sw teatwl in. Dias sad others, whose native force puts them up. I dined with a dig. terrible inconvenience in o E .r etsNrotean lk. 1,VIA(X) I'.2 .s. un an nitary off gold plates. After the dinner I went for a stroll, but the beggary exchnage~ which we suffered in war rpiwut'" jI.atC {1,'I. f - :Ul Froln all Coupon Stations onl th System at Rate of One / and hideous poverty on the streete sickened me and drove me indoors. The timasewhen wewerouponapaper bnai& . L. as. la for the Round country has progressed unider Diaz, of course; but, Lord, Lord, it is far and Fare Trip. Totais.. ,11.2Amt C,,1,l.iRfliaOTeS awaybehind the most backward region of the United States in all particulara" *Sel r .Mi.neO.h.rS. ss.Ho W 10,000000 shyloo-a s it mflon*] idaI•S moustahis i-l IitColl ins Everyof odollar rea Anna ill these I m^'n wkilmy0nr paper uirSill in saedu The silverites had better beware of allusions to Mexico. Every dollar of our reent silver idly by and their dollar decline to llinnl aDntw, ntgeainoea te Carnma e 50 cents when they can, by depositing To S :it Friinisico, C.l.-Arcount meeting of the Amtrrioan Society of orlte, w"atihmt uto l F ntify u ati on J tne 15th, 1ith, 23d, 24th, at $68.00 from New Or- I GOLD AND SILVER. Honlet armer Jamen's Tiew,. ntrlsicaly only 40 cents, yet they are l ofoaper in a little bo, prevent Civil igimeelr, bloam the Pust M.stler, to ils-. --- There are many reasons for thinking maintained at a parity withgold by the any decline whatever? But therae a leans, $i,1A00 from HoIston, and at correponudigly low ratre from oth- Free coin•e Wosld Driveo old Out that free silver is losing ground in Ka-. govermment treating them the name othersaho will help them. There a* eI poin ts, good to return witlhin sixty (60) days tom the date of sale. This country as now gold and matking thom rceivablefor all 7,54 plsioera on cur government To Chicugo, Ill.-Alcotulit National Demoaratiu Convention, July Tlb. oFt d\hire a coply fi yiom- over ,0, as, Nbraaks and other parts of the I a...ime 000,000 in metallic money in nearly dues public and private. It is this that and 750,l of them cvoters If paid limited to July 14th for returnu. est where s.if or a frine. .o will aIlke it has been strongest and equal amounts of gold and eilver. The where the peple have devoted most keeps or preent silver coinargainoir- a on ll ono.halmof the $140 59,861 To Stll Antoni.-Flromn all statiodns in Texts, aecount BaptiOat' TEXAS AND PlA'IFIC free coinase advocates propose NI 5 Ae. rilnsm Ismiia if1. .ll. a min that the I cnlation alongsideof gold, cipled with wic meno e nuly. Free Young Peopit's Colielion, Juoe 23d, and State Sunday. olSt (Jonti - overnment should coin all the ilver time and thought to this question. h o ' sl. . I the furth•erther r fact thathathe thea'nount aou nt of ch•ingewhich they would now beOreacivoan easyannually, method nve of velitioU, June 25th, at rateo brought to the United Stas mints at X Earnest study haconvinced manyfarm- of one fare for round trip, with maixiimum of limit to retrni June 29lh. Tickets also on 4 t.,ie r !...... :1 .o ratio of 106to 1. As the comercial era that tle"crime t 1873" is a mythii oingei ndthe oteconaol cuting don our nsion account, but $5.00,; ual nsceived the approval of ou tfor side trips to Mexico aud other .points. IFas, " ------i- - n-s, p-senta, I ratio is over 30 to 1, the result of such that it does not pay to be dishonest; te governmenwill to ued t any time that will it meet with f ll'o ."I le,l n..1 meilo 1. which free coinage wonld b• to force out of that gold is better than silver; that bi- the governmentillb can maintain at all veterans? Iteans ot only a lo to To, Richmond, V.-Account Confederate Veter eunion, On f ircilationa all the gold now in ce. is impossible, and that there times on an equality with gold. them of $70000, Obt this atmount June 2 th and 27th, good to return within twenty (20) days from date IUhlIt(AIAB 'lE1ME- 'IABfLNl This always has been and always will is nothing bntwind backof the delusive But under free coiMna there would e yar, 000000 . o s ae, at rate IeSs than oe fare. be ti eoffect of laws maing aoheaper promisesefsilverites. Oneoftheseprac- bensche stfamt,p e'ver holderof urcoShylks who willvote tohaov To Buffalo, N. Y.-Account Nationial Teachers' Association, July money a for the ame tical everyday farmers, who both thinks of depoea. amount cf value as a better money, aud talks for himself, is Peter JuniSn 871tt•a.iof PUet sce Wouldh their $4,202,867,32.1 l policies paid in 3rd.lid u wilth limit to July 1lb, aild.privilge fare Thereo can no eIscape from the on- of Nebraska He is not the only onein and he it coined itnto a silver the same kind of moey as were their tlg with Joilt Agent for further extastion; at rate of one plls clusion that so long as the bullion in a his state, for he went to the St. Louis without charge. Thora would conse- poemiuma About 8,600,000 more Shy- $2 for admission. of silver dollar is worth less than that In conventonn as a delegate nt large. He qently be an unnterrupted flow of missokeine u opratv nd To Washitngton, D. C.-Account the Y. P. S. C. E., Conveotion July a gold dollar the dearer coin will not was put en the committee on resolu- bullion ite the govenment m tA from tothe ext (d les,I4C70,86. Nearly 3rd, 4th aid 5th at rale of one fare for the round trip, with privilege No. .t Arrives...... :14 A. im circalat. tions, and here is what he said when he every quarter the globe so long as it .000,000 mo Shyloks have , of extenion to July 31st for return by depositing with Joint Agent. SNo. 5:1 ...... t4:4 , i. The real question, therefore which announced bhi vote: wa porefltble to convert 71l grains 060,678 to theit erdit inthe nmerou To St. Liouis.-July 19th, 20th and 21st, aucount Populist and the American people are called upon to "God hates cowards, and every hon- of pTra siver bullion to a silver do industrial compnries oftbis contry. American Silver ConDveCntionu, limited to July 27th for return. answer is whether they wish to continue est man does the same, and, therefore, r. The owners of slver would reap a In truth not only Wall street, but the Full particulars will be furuilhed on applioation to Loc•l Agents Of the present systea, bywhlohovero00o, on behalf of the Republicans of the rich harvest by being enabled to change woods aid the prairies are full of these of 8a set 000,000 of silver money is kept at a great state of Nebwaka I shall vote for l ,tmte. LJ. PARKS, 0 cents' worth of silver bullion into money shark If the moetof them vote A istant Geeral Passenger ind Ticket Agent Houston, parity with gold. or to adopt a 16 to i Texaa. 1at A .exandri...... 15 ' l the reolution which declares for the 100oige the govlarnme dero d he as they are likely to do. infavor of hon- lNewOlltl us yl-|eihr of abnt' tlill|i free coinage law which will give as sil. gold atandard and says just what it 8S F. B. MOOBSE, No. 2 Departs ...... H.1:15p. lii General Passenger and Ticket Agent, New Orleans, La. .rfa AIta idl, is forced on the publio by lawe which carried,, cdabot ratiobetweenfthe th btorsadi AndFleet of8 lBarge, capacity 500 Will stop at all way landinge a far as .raniit, Nalthitoehles, Avoyel}. Sainiti, make it legal tender. This is clearly creditors of th contry. He will have bals ofcotton each. Brbi elow andMontgomery above. St. Laidri, in tth Snit iu ICon rt of tri to learn it by eCperience-Byn W. Boats leavo 1ew Orleans Wednesdays Freight rates very low, Addrems J. W. shown in the operation of the Sherman Bemore Stewafls Mind Wtndered. H~lL_and Stirulsysamid leeedr amn Aleo&jdrik, or call o the Blut'. and it thiFiDernal Cunrts. Holt. and Olli.e up tailos over A. AiLeUl'A store silver pirchaso law, under which legal Senator Stewart was once as rational a lunrdaysn d leave Alor ndria agat A. Jeanaa, for infor. in . tender notes representing silver bullion on the money question as are most other Millfh--it K] •.H .Theuew stosionet W. T. Scovell, Unilt miatt were issued. The effect of that law on men. On Feb. 20, 1814, he was, as he is In 18 2 it was nip and tuck Veween expressly for this trade, will make week- mmaoy cu. '-EO. 0. WWATTS, the kind of used in paying yet, a senator from but his theDemocrats and RepublicinouinMich. ly trips between Alesaudris anud Blreve- ROBT. P. HUNTER, tomr duties at the principal port of en- mind bad not begun towander on silver igan. In 1894 the Democrats put a die- port duriag the coising sees A ll HV A T, A W ....-. C -'- .A~'kA-~AZ ~Y AT.4 - L-I-& W* try in the United States is stated as fol- and the "crime of 1878." He then said: -, ~- : tinguiahed and popular manup forgo-o tEW0-Ah ID o-nt.lnsi lows by ex-Secretary of the Treasmy "By this process we shall come to a Quack Dr. Bland to farmer e. eror on a straight 16 to 1 platform, WANTED-AN IDEAr im ALEXANDRIA, LA. - and - 1 Charles Faster in a recently published specie basis, and when the laboring swallow this pill and you'll have 19 making that the isme, and the majority WaWT"a•to h n7Thirdtret "he reoeives a dollar it will have the aPd Lero REAL ESTATE BROKER, letter. She mau law alarmed the man *buhelsof wheat to each one you soW. against him was 106,30S1 In less than BtEf CO., Patent Attorn Wat noto ts flnanoial crnters a to the dispsiti of purchasing power of a doller, and be your potatoes will grow 16 to 1 hilL Bixmonthstherehappenedtoboeanother ~C..ftorittspreeoat. s ALEX.ANDRIA, LA. the government to maintain gold pay- will not be called upon to do what is Yor ens will lay 16 eggsa day, and gte elction, and the Deorat still AFOR impossible for bain or the producing SALE. menl4t your corn will have 16 ears on each anag to 16 to 1. and in a midyear con- -- "Then, in the financial centers, the claes todo-flgure upon theexchanges. stal." . test, as it was, the majority aginst quality of our money was critically coi- figure upon the fluctuations, figure upon them amounted to 80,407. That was Desirable Town Property Advan- TWO FO ONE. sidered. While gold, silver and treasury the gambling in New York. But he why impoemaents Mast Waet, enough for them. This year they tie tgeoIusly Located notes area legal tender, yet the fact is, will know what his money is worth. A Marion county (Misis•Wppi) cofe- themselves to sound money. silver is the least vlable, and treasury Gold is the universal standard of the apondent writes: "That Columbia will notes not so valuable as gold. world- Everybody knows what a dollar .nme day be connected with Hattianburg eowto Tell oed Msoley. T.N THE IltUINESS PORTION OF Send for free anilde and jadgo ! Ali iii, lri mouing of tw BID CK S'Under theboalarming conditions re- in gold isworth. " by railroad i not an imposibility. It i Heri Cemsehi is an eminent polit- tlhereby law was put to STORESla 1 Fronti atreet, Mne2Sx'li S,4 ferred to he Gresham said by those whose relations give them ical economist and am able advooate of I, Me an•eIn. thsI tbar 20x70 fevt. Oun TWO-.ToitY a test under the severest possible condi- the right to speakwltth authority that internationml . He is often fBRICK HOUSE 6fl Johnston Itr

will increase his credit at the y. ~~_~~~I_~_

.ly` ' - C