“IN the BEGINNING...” Fectiveness of Our Christian Efforts

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“IN the BEGINNING...” Fectiveness of Our Christian Efforts the survey The Quarterly REVIEW President Kennedy, in his State of the Union message said, "I speak today in an hour of na­ THIRD QUARTER tional peril and national emergency. Before 1961 my term shall end we shall have to test anew whether a nation, governed and organized such Volume 21 Number 3 as ours, can endure. The outcome is by no means certain.” Editor Today is a day of national peril, but, as a J. P. EDMUNDS denomination, Southern Baptists need not ques­ tion whether a denomination, ’’governed and Associate Editor MARTIN B. BRADLtff organized such as ours” can endure. Rather, the question we face should be, ’’Are we faith­ Department Editors fully executing the mandates of the Great DAVIS C. WOOLLEY Commission?” To the extent that we are, faith­ E. ODELL CROWE RICHARD E. KORNMEYER fully, there need be no doubt about the ef­ “IN THE BEGINNING...” fectiveness of our Christian efforts. God You’ll welcome this scholarly The following Additional mem­ guarantees that. study on the book of beginnings. bers of the Research and Sta­ tistics Department staff con­ The progress of Southern Baptists during the THE MESSAGE OF GENESIS tributed to this special issue*. 195O-’6O decade, just closed, declares the ef­ Jesse Williams, Ras B. Robin­ by Ralph H. Elliott—Professor of Old Testament son, chart editors; Mary Alice fectiveness of our program and methods. Church at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wright, Mrs. Margaret Ander­ membership increased 2,651,702, an average son, Mrs. Shirley Cannon, Kansas City, Missouri. annual net gain of more than 26 5,000. Sunday Evelyn Hoppers, Mrs. Elizabeth “A blueprint for theology” is Dr. Elliott's definition Hoyle, Mrs. Anne Crutcher, school enrolment increased 2,3 57,997; and of the first book of the Bible. Presenting Genesis and Mrs. Virginia Hall. Training Union enrolment increased 1,223,83 5. as the theological foundation on which the balance During this same period, Southern Baptist of the Old Testament rests, he rejects the approach mission gifts increased 145 per cent; and, the Ths Quartbilt Review is pub­ that considers only historical setting and literary lished quarterly by The Sunday number of missionaries sent out from our School Board of the Southern Bap­ structure. The book of Genesis is divided into three tist Convention, 127 Ninth Avenue, Foreign Mission Board increased from 803 to North, Nashville 3, Tennessee: major sections. Part I deals with the purpose, date, James L. Sullivan, Executive Sec­ 1,450. and authorship. Part II. "The Need of Man,” is an retary-Treasurer: Clifton J. Allen, This issue of the annual Southern Baptist Editorial Secretary; W. L. Howse, exposition of the first eleven chapters. Part III, Director, Education Division; Her­ Handbook presents a graphic study of the man F. Bums. Art Director. "God's Answer to Man’s Needs,” is a commentary Printed in the U.S.A. growth of Southern Baptists during the past on chapters 12-50. The Message of Genesis is a year and decade. For this progress we should careful, balanced combination of biblical scholarship be grateful. However, a closer study will re­ Annual individual subscription and the Christian conviction that the Bible is God’s 12.25; quarterly, 50 cents veal that there are presently 42 million un­ inspired Word. Publication date. July 12. (2Gb) churched people in our nation, and the pros­ $4.50 pects of another 30 million being added to bur The Quarterly Review, copy­ Order this significant new book today from righted 1961 by The Sunday School population by 1970. Such a challenge forbids Board of the Southern Baptist Con­ your BAPTIST BOOK STORE. vention, is fully protected by this complacency on the part of any Christian. copyright, and nothin? that appears in it may be reprinted, either wholly To those who had a part in compiling this or in part, without special permis­ volume—church clerks, associational clerks, sion from the copyright owner. state statisticians, our department staff, and many others—we are grateful. Second-class postage paid Nashville, Tennessee. The Editor Churches, Summary of Southern Baptist, by States 9 CONTENTS Colleges and Schools, Southern Baptist 46-49 Section I—The Baptist Population Cooperative Program Contributions Received............................. 41 Section II—The World of Religion Cooperative Program Receipts, Distribution of 43 Section III—Facts of Interest D Section IV—Baptist Directories Digest, SBC Statistics, 1960 7 Divorces, 1950-1960 66 SUBJECT INDEX E A Education Commission, Directory 81 Additions by Letter, Southern Baptist Churches 21 Educational Attainment and Money Income in U.S.......................... 70 Employed Civilian, Per cent in Major Occupational Groups 70 Additions by Letter, Churches Reporting, by State and Location 12-13 Aged, Southern Baptist Homes for the 56 Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention, Directory 74 Alaska, General Facts 16 1 F American Baptist Seminary, Directory 81 Financial Reports from Religious Bodies 62 Annuity Board, Directory 77 Foreign Missions 39 Arrests, Increase in Number under 18 Years of Age 71 Foreign Mission Board, Directory 74-75 Assemblies, Baptist State 98 Foundation, Southern Baptist, Directory 90 Average American Spends Daily 72 G B Gifts, Mission, Number Churches Reporting, by States 12-13 Baptisms, Churches Reporting, by State and Location 12-13 Gifts, Mission, Southern Baptist Churches, by Location 38 Baptisms, Ratio to Membership 20-21 Gifts, Mission, Southern Baptist, by Years, 1846-1960 54-55 Baptisms, Southern Baptist Churches, by Location 21 Gifts, Per Capita, Mission, by Location, 38 Baptisms, Southern Baptist Churches, by Years, 1845-1959 54-55 Gifts, Per Capita, Total, Southern Baptist Convention by Baptist Joint Public Affairs Committee, Directory 90 States arid Location 36-37 Baptist Student Union, 1960 44 Gifts, Total, Number Churches Reporting by States 12-13 Baptist World Alliance, Directory 91 Gifts, Total, Southern Baptist Churches, by Location 36 Baptist World Statistics 57-59 Gifts, Total, Southern Baptist, by Years, 1845-1960 54-55 Births, United States, 1950-1960 66 Gifts, Total and Foreign Mission, Selected Denominations 63 Book Store, Directory ...................................... 79-80 Giving, What’s Happening to? ......... 35 Brotherhood Commission, Directory 81 H Brotherhood, Number Churches Reporting, by States 12-13 Hawaii, General Facts 16 Brotherhood Enrolment as Per cent of Church Membership 34 Highlights of Decade 8 Brotherhood Enrolment, Southern Baptist Churches, by Location 31 Historical Commission, Directory .■ - • 81 Brotherhood Enrolment, Southern Baptist by Years, 1942-1960 54-55 Home Mission Board, Directory 76 c Home Missions 39 Carver School of Missions and Social Work, Directory 91 Hospitals, Southern Baptist, Directory ! 90 Hospitals, Southern Baptist, Statistical Information 50-52 Children’s Homes, Southern Baptist Convention 53 Choir Enrolment, Southern Baptist Churches, by Location 33 I Choir, Number Churches Reporting, by State and Location 12-13 Income 69 Christian Groups in United States,Directory 64-65 Christian Life Commission 81 M Church Membership, Southern Baptist, byLocation 21 Marriages, United States, 1950-1960 66 Church Music, Survey 32-33 Membership, Church, Selected Denominations 63 Church Property Value, Number Churches Reporting, Membership, by Location, Southern Baptist Churches 19 by State and Location 12-13 Membership, Southern Baptist Churches, by Year 1845-1960 54-55 Church Property Value, SBC, by Location, 1960-1959 40 Membership Statistics of Larger Religious Bodies in the United States 61 Church Property Value, by Years, 1845-1960 54 Missions, Giving 39 Churches, SBC, by Location, Number of 14 P Churches, SBC, by Size of Membership, Number of 17 Papers and Periodicals, Convention-wide 92 Churches, SBC, by Number of Services 15 Papers, State Baptist 97 Churches, SBC, Number by Years, 1845-1960 54-55 Pastors, Churches Reporting, by State and Location 12-13 Churches, Change in Portion of Fulltime and Parttime, 1945-1960 15 Pastor’s Salary, Average, Full-time 27 Churches, Number by Size of Sunday School Enrolment 18 Joly. Aug art. September. 1961 Page 5 Page 4 Quorfer/y Review Churches, Summary of Southern Baptist, by States 9 CONTENTS Colleges and Schools, Southern Baptist 46-49 Section I—The Baptist Population Cooperative Program Contributions Received 41 Section II—The World of Religion Cooperative Program Receipts, Distribution of ...................... 43 Section III—Facts of Interest D Section IV—Baptist Directories Digest, SBC Statistics, 1960 7 Divorces, 1950-1960 66 SUBJECT INDEX E A Education Commission, Directory 81 Additions by Letter, Southern Baptist Churches 21 Educational Attainment and Money Income in U.S.......................... 70 Additions by Letter, Churches Reporting, by State and Location 12-13 Employed Civilian, Per cent in Major Occupational Groups 70 Aged, Southern Baptist Homes for the 56 Executive Committee of the Southern BaptistConvention, Directory 74 Alaska, General Facts 16 F American Baptist Seminary, Directory 81 Financial Reports from Religious Bodies 62 Annuity Board, Directory 77 Foreign Missions 39 Arrests, Increase in Number under 18 Years of Age 71 Foreign Mission Boanj, Directory 74-75 Assemblies, Baptist State ...................................................................................... 98 Foundation, Southern Baptist, Directory 90 Average American Spends Daily 72 G B Gifts, Mission, Number Churches Reporting, by States 12-13 Baptisms, Churches Reporting, by
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