Into the Wild: the Soybean Genome Meets Its Undomesticated Relative

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Into the Wild: the Soybean Genome Meets Its Undomesticated Relative COMMENTARY Into the wild: The soybean genome meets its undomesticated relative Robert M. Stupar1 Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108 oybean (Glycine max) is one of the most widely grown crop species S in the world. One of the major agricultural challenges of the 21st century will be to increase the yield of soybean and other major crop species to feed a growing population on a finite amount of farmland. Soybean breeding and improvement is hindered by a narrow domesticated germplasm relative to other crop species (1). Despite its importance, many outstanding questions remain Fig. 1. Nucleotide and structural variation identified between domesticated soybean (G. max)andwild regarding important aspects of soybean soybean (G. soja) in gene coding regions. The arrows indicate gene positions along a hypothetical chro- germplasm, including the extent of geno- mosomal region. The numbers of genes exhibiting variation between G. max and G. soja for each type of fl mic variation within the domesticated variation are shown in parentheses. Nucleotide variants that in uence protein function or structure, such as base substitutions and small frame-shift mutations, are shown on the left (red triangles represent sites germplasm and among domesticated and Glycine soja of nucleotide differences). Genomic structural variations, such as inversions, deletions, insertions, and wild relatives. is the closest translocations, are shown on the right. The number of genes that are found in G. soja and missing in extant wild relative of soybean and G. max is ambiguous because of sequence gaps in the reference sequence; however, several examples of is generally considered to be the G. soja-specific genes were validated. The methodology used in this study (3) was unable to resolve undomesticated progenitor of the domes- chromosomal translocations, so the number of genes in this category remains unknown. ticated soybean. G. max and G. soja are phenotypically disparate in many ways, but inversions. Deletions in the G. soja ge- Furthermore, the comparative sequence they readily cross with one another and nome ranging from 100 bp to 100 kb may data may be significant for understanding give rise to fertile hybrids, thus making explain much of this structural variation. the genetic mechanisms of soybean do- G. soja a promising source of novel genes In total, approximately 1,000 genes were mestication. The domestication syndrome and alleles for soybean breeding and identified within regions of structural that distinguishes G. max and G. soja is improvement. variation between G. max and G. soja. vast, including differences in plant archi- The genome sequence of domesticated Although it is difficult to estimate what tecture, flowering time, pod dehiscence, soybean was published earlier this year portion of these genes may in fact be seed size, and other characteristics. (2), bringing in a new era for soybean located within respective sequence gaps, Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) have been functional and comparative genomics. these results are corroborated by the genetically mapped for several soybean Comparative sequencing of soybean G. soja domesticates and wild relatives will sub- recent resequencing of another domestication traits (7), but only one gene stantially increase our understanding of accession (W05), which exhibited a similar associated with domestication has been number of gene content variants com- characterized to date (8). The G. soja se- the limitations of the domesticated germ- G. max plasm and the potential to use wild rela- pared with (4). quence will be an important resource for tives for crop breeding and improvement. The exact timeline of soybean domesti- identifying candidate domestication genes. The PNAS report by Kim et al. (3) focuses cation remains a matter of dispute. Most This type of analysis will be particularly on the resequencing of wild soybean estimates approximate that domestication powerful when combined with population- G. soja (accession no. IT182932) and the occurred somewhere between 3,100 and level comparative sequencing, allowing for fi subsequent comparative genomic analysis 9,000 y ago (5, 6). Kim et al. (3) used their the identi cation of regions of conserved with the reference G. max genome (2). comparative sequence data to estimate the divergence between the domesticated and G. max Kim et al. (3) cataloged a wide range of time of divergence between and wild accessions (4). G. soja nucleotide and structural variations the accession they sequenced. Perhaps the most important use of between wild and domesticated soybean. Surprisingly, they estimated that the split the G. soja sequence will be to identify A summary of the types and frequencies of occurred approximately 270,000 y ago, genes and alleles from the wild germplasm the different gene variation classes iden- substantially predating soybean domesti- that may have potential applications for tified in the Kim et al. analysis (3) are cation. The authors concede that this may use in soybean cultivar improvement. shown in Fig. 1. Nucleotide variants, such be an overestimate, as human selection Several major crop species, including to- as base substitutions and small insertions may have increased the frequency of vari- mato, barley, and wheat, have made and deletions, occurred at a frequency of ation in seemingly neutral genes. How- substantial use of their wild relatives to 0.31% across the G. max and G. soja ever, the discrepancy between the timing expand their gene pools and incorporate genomes. These types of alterations may of the G. max/G. soja split and the timing novel traits, particularly pest and disease affect the function and/or protein struc- of domestication suggests that the ture of more than 10,000 putative protein- domestication process may have been encoding genes. Furthermore, many more complicated than has been thought, Author contributions: R.M.S. wrote the paper. structural genomic differences were also perhaps occurring in a lineage that split The author declares no conflict of interest. apparent between G. max and G. soja, long ago from the G. soja accession See companion article on page 22032. such as large insertions, deletions, and sequenced by Kim et al. (3). 1E-mail: [email protected]. PNAS Early Edition | 1of2 Downloaded by guest on September 28, 2021 resistance (9–11). Soybean breeding has introgressions on soybean phenotypes; in identification of structural variants may had less success at incorporating wild fact, the soybean breeding community also be useful for understanding why cer- introgressions into elite cultivars for a va- has identified several QTLs for which the tain regions of the G. soja genome may be riety of reasons (5). However, the in- G. soja locus is more favorable than the recalcitrant to stable introgression. fluence of wild introgressions on the G. max locus for specific qualitative and At present, it is clear that a revolution in soybean germplasm may be under- quantitative traits of interest (13–18). the comparative sequencing of major crop estimated, as recent studies indicated that Linking the molecular sequence variation species, like maize (19), rice (20), and G. soja introgressions are found in some to the phenotypic variation between soybean (3, 4), is well under way. The soybean accessions and breeding lines G. max and G. soja is clearly the next number of sequenced accessions available (4, 12). challenge. From a practical standpoint, the to the public will continue to grow rapidly, The allelic diversity in G. soja is greater G. max/G. soja nucleotide and structural offering new opportunities and challenges than that of soybean (4). The sequence diversity revealed by Kim et al. (3) will be for breeders, population geneticists, and comparisons by Kim et al. (3) and Lam useful as a reference for the genetic molecular biologists. It is easy to recognize et al. (4) have identified a subset of genes mapping of G. soja introgressions in soy- the potential of these resources from and alleles in G. soja that are not found bean populations and the identification of a research standpoint, but the real chal- in the soybean reference sequence. Efforts novel candidate genes and alleles in the lenge may be in translating this new have been and are being made to assess G. soja sequence that may underlie QTLs knowledge into advances in crop pro- the impact of wild G. soja genetic conferring superior phenotypes. The ductivity and stability. 1. Hyten DL, et al. (2006) Impacts of genetic bottlenecks 8. Tian Z, et al. (2010) Artificial selection for determinate bean seed yield and other agronomic traits. Crop Sci on soybean genome diversity. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA growth habit in soybean. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107: 46:622–629. 103:16666–16671. 8563–8568. 15. Sebolt AM, Shoemaker RC, Diers BW (2000) Analysis of 2. Schmutz J, et al. (2010) Genome sequence of the palae- 9. Friebe B, Jiang J, Raupp WJ, McIntosh RA, Gill BS (1996) a quantitative trait locus allele from wild soybean that opolyploid soybean. Nature 463:178–183. Characterization of wheat-alien translocations confer- increases seed protein concentration in soybean. Crop – 3. Kim MY, et al. (2010) Whole-genome sequencing and ring resistance to diseases and pests: Current status. Sci 40:1438 1444. intensive analysis of the undomesticated soybean (Gly- Euphytica 91:59–87. 16. Nichols DM, Glover KD, Carlson SR, Specht JE, Diers BW cine soja Sieb. and Zucc.) genome. Proc Natl Acad Sci 10. Bai Y, Lindhout P (2007) Domestication and breeding (2006) Fine mapping of a seed protein QTL on soybean linkage group I and its correlated effects on agronomic USA 107:22032–22037. of tomatoes: What have we gained and what can we traits. Crop Sci 46:834–839. 4. Lam HM, et al. (2010) Resequencing of 31 wild and gain in the future? Ann Bot (Lond) 100:1085–1094.
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