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Political Reviews 0LFURQHVLDLQ5HYLHZ,VVXHVDQG(YHQWV-XO\ WR-XQH david w kupferman, kelly g marsh, donald r shuster, tyrone j taitano 3RO\QHVLDLQ5HYLHZ,VVXHVDQG(YHQWV-XO\ WR-XQH lorenz gonschor, hapakuke pierre leleivai, margaret mutu, forrest wade young 7KH&RQWHPSRUDU\3DFL²F9ROXPH1XPEHU¥ E\8QLYHUVLW\RI+DZDL©L3UHVV 127 political reviews polynesia 165 of Information Facebook page http://www Philip, Danny. 2011. Statement by .facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid Honourable Danny Philip, Prime Minister =409078999125041&id [Solomon Islands], Before the General =207532522613024 [accessed Debate of the 66th Session of the United 16 May 2012] Nations General Assembly, 24th Septem- ber, New York. http://gadebate.un.org/ Fiji Sun. Daily. Suva. sites/default/files/gastatements/66/SB http://www.fijisun.com.fj _en.pdf [accessed 25 Sept 2011] Government of Fiji. 2011. Engaging pir, Pacific Islands Report. Daily Internet with the Pacific Leaders Meeting. Nadi news. Honolulu. http://pidp.eastwestcenter Communiqué, 1–2 September. Posted on .org/pireport Fiji Government website. http://www.fiji .gov.fj/ [accessed 6 Sept 2011] Regnault, Jean-Marc. 2006. La France à l’opposé d’elle-même: Essais d’Histoire Government of France. Validité du traité politique de l’Océanie. Volume 1: “Il y a d’amitié, de commerce et de navigation, un monde du Pacifique” disait de Gaulle. entre la France et le roi des Îles Hawaii Moorea: Les Editions de Tahiti. signé le 29 octobre 1857. 13ème législa- ture. Question écrite n° 20195 de M. Rich- ———. 2011. L’anosognosie, maladie ard Tuheiava (Polynésie française–soc) universellement répandue chez les poli- tiques. Tahiti Pacifique Magazine 245 publiée dans le JO Sénat du 29/09/2011, (October): 28–29. page 2474. Posted on French Senate website http://www.senat.fr/basile/visio rnzi, Radio New Zealand International. .do?id=qSEQ110920195 [accessed Daily radio and Internet news. 25 Sept 2011] http://www.rnzi.com Kilman Lituvanu, Meltek Sato. 2011. ti, Tahiti Infos. Daily Internet news. Statement by The Right Honourable Tahiti. http://www.tahiti-infos.com Meltek Sato Kilman Lituvanu, Prime tntv, Tahiti Nui Télévison. Minister of the Republic of Vanuatu, http://www.tntv.pf Before the Sixty-sixth Session of the United Nations General Assembly, United Nations tp, Tahitipresse. Daily Internet news. Headquarters, New York, Saturday, Tahiti. http://www.tahitipresse.pf 24 September. http://gadebate.un.org/sites/ TPM, Tahiti Pacifique Magazine. Monthly. default/files/gastatements/66/VU_en.pdf Tahiti. http://www.tahiti-pacifique.com [accessed 25 Aug 2012] Massau, Serge. 2011. Paroles d’un autoch- tone: Entretiens avec le sénateur Richard Tuheiava. Papeete: Éditions Haere Po No 0ëRUL,VVXHV Tahiti. In a year when tensions between NT, Les Nouvelles de Tahiti. Daily. Tahiti. 0ëRULDQGWKHJRYHUQPHQWZHUH http://lesnouvelles.pf increasing, hosting the Rugby World Cup was a welcome albeit temporary Pacific Islands Forum. 2011. Forty-second Pacific Islands Forum, Auckland, New GLVWUDFWLRQ'HVSLWHDVWURQJ0ëRUL Zealand, 7–8 September, Forum Com- presence at the opening and on the muniqué. http://www.forumsec.org/pages New Zealand All Blacks team, dis- .cfm/documents/forum-communiques/ plays of racism marred the event on [accessed 27 Nov 2011] more than one occasion. This very 166 the contemporary pacific 25:1 (2013) destructive characteristic of New RQWKH:DLWHPDWë+DUERXULQ$XFN- Zealand society is becoming more ODQG0ëRULDSSUHFLDWHGWKHFKDLUPDQ SURQRXQFHGDV0ëRULVXFFHVVLVEHLQJ of the International Rugby Board, perceived by some as a threat to the Frenchman Bernard Lapasset, speak- white supremacy that has thrived in LQJ0ëRULDVKHRSHQHGWKHWRXUQD- New Zealand for over a century and ment, even if it did highlight the fact a half. It surfaced on several occa- that Prime Minister John Key chose sions during the year, most notably WRLJQRUHWKH0ëRULIRXQGDWLRQRIWKH LQ3ëNHKë (XURSHDQ PHGLDLQVRPH nation when he spoke. The country court decisions, in industrial disputes, was euphoric when the All Blacks in Treaty of Waitangi “settlements,” in eventually won the World Cup, nar- government policy, and in the actions rowly beating the French in a nail- of several government agencies. In the ELWLQJILQDO7KHUHZHUHHLJKW0ëRUL November general election, the most on the thirty-man team. Piri Weepu WHOOLQJUHVXOWZDVWKHYHU\ORZ0ëRUL was named Man of the Match in the voter turnout of 49 percent (New quarterfinals against Argentina, and Zealand Parliament 2011 7KH0ëRUL Israel Dagg was named one of the five Party lost a member of Parliament, players of the tournament. reducing its numbers to three, but It was therefore disappointing that once again they joined the National the racist underbelly of New Zea- Party–led coalition government. The land society was in evidence against new Mana Party has only one member 0ëRULDQGRXU3DFLILFFRXVLQVGXU- in the House, with the remaining three ing the tournament. Members of one 0ëRULVHDWVJRLQJWRWKH/DERXU3DUW\ of the waka crews, including young (Electoral Commission 2011). Dur- women, were physically and verbally ing the year, the government pushed attacked when they came ashore on through “settlements” of five iwi the overcrowded Auckland waterfront (tribal groupings), which legally extin- during the opening ceremony; several guished their treaty claims. A further required hospital treatment. Mean- four have had similar “settlement” while the Tongan, Samoan, and Fijian legislation pending in Parliament (ots teams felt particularly disadvantaged 2012). As a result of the Crown’s with a draw that treated them unfairly relentless drive to extinguish all histor- by having only short times between ical claims, the Waitangi Tribunal has their games while the opposition had been inundated with claims opposing a week. Then there were the Inter- the so-called settlements, to the point national Rugby Board rules, which that it has had to put other work on prevented a number of outstanding hold (Waitangi Tribunal 2012). Tongan, Samoan, and Fijian players The Rugby World Cup riveted the from playing for their own countries nation for two months. The opening (Taonui 2011). Biased refereeing ceremony was dominated in spec- against these Pacific Island teams is WDFXODUIDVKLRQE\WKH0ëRULIDFHRI common, and when the Samoan center the country, and twenty traditional angrily pointed out the racism of a waka (war canoes)—one for each Welsh referee and refused to back nation represented—were out in force down, he was suspended. political reviews polynesia 167 Nowhere is racism more clearly This reporting contrasted sharply with HYLGHQFHGWKDQLQ3ëNHKëFRQWUROOHG the more balanced and factually based media. Totally unacceptable socioeco- UHSRUWLQJE\0ëRULPHGLDLQZKLFK QRPLFVWDWLVWLFVIRU0ëRUL 0F,QWRVK commentary focused on the need for and Mulholland 2012) are often the country to recognize and address quoted with no analysis or history of the damage that racism causes (Mutu the causes provided. Yet the successes 2012a). Similarly, the Taranaki Daily RIDQLQFUHDVLQJQXPEHURI0ëRUL NewsPLVTXRWHG0ëRULODQJXDJH DQG0ëRULRUJDQL]DWLRQVLQDUHDV lecturer Keri Opai, who referred to the that were traditionally the preserve of DWURFLWLHVVXIIHUHGE\7DUDQDNL0ëRUL 3ëNHKëDUHUDUHO\PHQWLRQHG3RVL- as a holocaust (Radio New Zealand WLYHUHSRUWVDERXW0ëRULULVLQJWRWKH 2011 7KH3ëNHKëPHGLDYLOLILHGKLP WRSRISURIHVVLRQVDQGDERXW0ëRUL but he was in good company; the organizations established to look after Waitangi Tribunal had made the same WKHHFRQRPLFZHOOEHLQJRIWKHLUKDSą reference in 1996 (Waitangi Tribunal (group of extended families) and iwi 1996) and had been similarly vilified. JURXSRIKDSą PDNLQJVXEVWDQWLDO Yet when the Weekend Herald, the JDLQVDUHIXOO\FRYHUHGE\0ëRULQHZV sister publication to the country’s larg- PHGLD<HWLI3ëNHKëPHGLDFRYHU est daily newspaper, the New Zealand these stories at all, there is usually no Herald, published a vitriolic diatribe acknowledgment that the person or DJDLQVW0ëRULZULWWHQE\DSURPLQHQW JURXSLV0ëRUL:KDWLVQHZVZRUWK\ 3ëNHKëEURDGFDVWHULWZDV0ëRULZKR IRU3ëNHKëLVWKHFKDQFHWRYLOLI\RU had to take action to have the damage GHPRQL]H0ëRULZKRVXFFHHGRIWHQ repaired. Paul Holmes’s opinion piece GHOLEHUDWHO\PLVUHSRUWLQJWKHP0ëRUL (Holmes 2012), while initially aimed academics have long been subject to at protestors who were following a VXFKWUHDWPHQWDVDUH0ëRULMXGJHV long Waitangi Day tradition of high- and lawyers. Such reports invariably OLJKWLQJLQMXVWLFHVDJDLQVW0ëRULZHQW EULQJRXWWKHZRUVWLQ3ëNHKëZKRIHHO RQWRDWWDFNDOO0ëRUL7DLWRNHUDXmp WKUHDWHQHGE\0ëRULVXFFHVV +ýQH+DUDZLUDªVUHVSRQVHSXE- In September, immediately before lished four days later, described the the Rugby World Cup, the Sunday Holmes piece as “mean and nasty,” Star Times,D3ëNHKëZHHNO\QHZV- “deliberately offensive and uncaring,” paper, misreported what I, as the and certain to “hurt a lot of people” 3URIHVVRURI0ëRUL6WXGLHVDWWKH (Harawira 2012). In the New Zea- country’s largest university, had told land Press Council decision uphold- their reporter when I commented in ing seven complaints filed against the an interview on the fact that white article and the newspaper, Holmes’s immigration had done far more dam- statements of “hopeless failure of DJHWR0ëRULWKDQ$VLDQLPPLJUD- Maori to educate their children and tion (Hill 2011). The attacks in the stop them bashing their babies” and 3ëNHKëPHGLDDQGYLDHPDLOVWDUWHG “raid a bit more kai moana [seafood] immediately, and when I corrected the than they need for the big, and feed misreporting, they became even more themselves silly, speak of the injus- strident (Abel and Mutu 2011,