London Offshore Consultants Pte. Ltd. 6 Shenton Way OUE Downtown 2 #19-09 Singapore 068809 T (+65) 6224 9200 F (+65) 6224 2416 E
[email protected] REPORT ON THE PROPOSED WRECK REMOVAL TECHNIQUES MV “RENA”, WRECKED ON ASTROLABE REEF AS CONTAINED IN THE OWNER’S RMA APPLICATION Date: 18 August 2014 Our Ref: 5750/LOCS/NEH/R006 An LOC Group Company. Reg. No. 004141987-W LOC Management System certified by DNV to ISO 9001:2008 Certificate no: 54838-2009-AQ-SGP-UKAS Our ref: 5750/LOCS/NEH/R006 M.V. “RENA” – REPORT ON THE PROPOSED WRECK REMOVAL TECHNIQUES TABLE OF CONTENTS Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 1. INTRODUCTION 3 1.1 Instructions Received 3 1.2 Background 5 1.3 Scope of Report 7 1.4 Disclaimer 8 2. GENERAL PARTICULARS 9 2.1 The Vessel “RENA” 9 2.2 Astrolabe Reef 10 3. CONSIDERATIONS 11 3.1 Executive Summary of the Assessment 11 3.2 BECA Report, Part A, Background 15 3.3 BECA Report, Part B, Consideration of Alternatives 29 3.4 Base Alternative 32 3.5 Partial Wreck Removal 34 3.6 Full Wreck Removal 39 3.7 Comparison of Alternatives 47 4. COMMENTS 50 4.1 A General Assessment of the Proposed Removal Techniques 50 4.2 Are There Other Techniques, Or Other Types of Techniques, That Could Be Used? 59 5. CONCLUSIONS 71 APPENDICES Appendix A BECA Draft Report “Volume Three-Background and Consideration of Alternatives” Appendix B MNZ Weekly SITREP, Dated 25 April 2014. Appendix C TMC Report “M.V.