Region - District

41°0'E 41°30'E 42°0'E 42°30'E LEGEND SAAKOW !% Regional capital BAARDHEERE (!! District capital Uel Merer (T32-001) ! ! Settlement Bu'aale !% p Airstrip Major road Warqiao (V04-001) ! Secondary road Bulogalool (W11-001) BU'AALE ! Coastline Lebi (W29-001) Uar Gallo (W15-001) ! ! ! Xasanbaraki (W28-001) River Warqiam (X04-001) ! Streams

Cadi (Y10-001) ! International boundary Welharey (Z24-001) Ghelghel Bur Foli (Z12-001) ! ! Regional boundary Buale-B Gadud (Z12-001)

N ! N ' '

0 Korohirey (A23-001) 0 District boundary ° ! Egahore (A02-001) ° 1 ! 1 Dif (A13-001) ! Uar Corah Irai (B23-001) ! Weel Mereed (B14-001) ! Uar Dalado (B15-001) ! Xagar Geel (C01-001) 120222_Lower_Juba_Afmadow ! Map Reference: Fal Raxmo (C32-001) !Golel (C33-002) 22/02/2012 ! ! Creation Date: Ishawarta (C33-001) Uruai (D13-002) ! ! Projection/Datum: Geographic/WGS 84 Gura Arba (D16-001) Xagar (D33-002) ! B Dabader Hagar (D33-001) Web Resources: ! Culume Dagaga (E24-001) Culume Allango (E25-001) Uel Gori (E30-001) ! Kuko (E09-001) [email protected] ! ! ! H!agar Uagio (E33-002) ! E-mail: Meschetti (E17-001)! Mada Uarsisa (E20-001) Midey (E33-001) 1:700,000 ! Qalawiley (E03-001) Aniuma (E14-001) Nominal Scale at A3 paper size: ! ! Fafdo (F14-001) ! Girma (F21-001) El Fangal (F31-001) ! ! Barako (G14-001) ! 0 10 20 30 40 kms Araroba (G23-002) Qalley (G01-001) Cuca (G10-001) ! ! ! Qale (G02-001) ! Godaya (G23-001) ! ! Tarri (H25-001) Urungu (H29-001) ! Xaliima Caddey (H28-001) Anzubsito (H30-001) ! ! !! Aboli (Q26-001) Magar (J30-001) Fur Fursa (H32-001) Anateel Afmado (J02-001) ! Settlement name Settlement P-Code Giara El (K20-001) Garase (K08-001) ! AFMADOW ! Qaba (K01-001) Dibi (L14-001) Iach Monis (L22-001) ! Welmaro (L09-001) ! ! ! Place Code abbreviated as P-Code, provides a unique Caw (L21-001) Sencar Aveggio (L25-001) reference code to locations in . For this map the last ! ! ! Dile (M11-002) 6 unique characters are used for labelling the settlements. Dicu (M17-001) Bogi Bacadle (M21-001) Sencor Melbe (L24-001) ! Hagar Daba Taag (M11-001) ! ! ! ! Omanspara (M11-001) ! ! Cangiara (M26-001) Afmadow (M02-001) The full list of Somalia P-Codes can be accessed on OCHA N N ' Sencor Gherbic (M22-001) Jilabdo (M31-001) !! ' Somalia's website ( 0 Dilduch (N15-001) 0 ! (! ! 3 3

° Didimess (N32-001) Dabader (N13-001) ! ° ! Afmadow ! ! 0 ( Jilib 0 Kudkudaale (P03-001) Marere (P16-006) Xayo (P29-001) ! ! ! Map data source(s): Dhobley (Q12-001) All Admin layers: UNDP Somalia (1998) ! Aboli (Q26-001) ! Hararoba (Q28-001) Settlements: UNDP Somalia (1998) ! Roads Network: FAO SWALIM Streams Network: FAO SWALIM

Girma Diacatti (S26-001) ! Riqala (S15-001) ! Magado (S29-001) Miido (S04-001) ! Gheldezza (S18-001) Diriye (S22-001) ! Disclaimers: ! ! ! Tabta (S21-001) Bilis Qooqaani (T27-001) The designations employed and the presentation of Hawindha (T17-001) ! Diriye (T04-002) Lafa Geri (T07-001) ! ! ! ! Harbole (T04-001) material on this map do not imply the expression of any Cuis Dera (U21-002) ! opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the Gale Bussi (U21-001) ! United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Abugal (V25-001) ! Bibi (V06-001) Rama Guda (V11-001) Camora Bali (V19-001) ! ! ! ! ! Baddana (V21-001) Danis Sipi (W21-001) Galgaso (V25-002) ! Solola (X23-002) ! Galabuala (X31-001) Urungo (X23-001) ! Gul Cali (X07-001) JAMAAME ! Beled Sa Iuba (Y04-001) ! Elalan (Y18-001) Abu Gala (Y20-001) ! Saato (Y08-001) Booka (Y10-005) Jamaame ! ! ! ! Qulcaaley (Y09-002) ! Kurkurmaysa (Y09-001) ! ! (!p Sooyaac (Y07-001) !Han Daraaf (Z08-001) ! Jabataa (Y10-004) ! ! !Lababaar (Z10-003) ! ! B!arquuqe (Z1!0-004)

' Jana Cabdalle (Z07-001) Ruqruqa (Z1!0-002) Tinguduud (Z12-002) ' 0 ! 0 ° Hilashiid (Z10-001) ° 0 Oonley (Z12-001) 0 Maro Daltu (A18-001) ! Uel Mur (B18-001) Guba Geeriya (B20-001) ! !

Mola Gersey (D19-001) !



41°0'E 41°30'E 42°0'E 42°30'E
