THE LONDON GAZETTE, 10 MAY, 1938 3035 Post Office: Male Telegraphist, London, Alfred Temporary Postman-Messengers, John John Runchman
THE LONDON GAZETTE, 10 MAY, 1938 3035 Post Office: Male Telegraphist, London, Alfred Temporary Postman-Messengers, John John Runchman. Sisterson Charlton, Alan John Cooke, Alan Male Sorting Clerks and Telegraphists, Doherty, Benjamin Francis Cavill Ford, Leslie Chester (Wrexham), Gordon Edward Ernest Edward Freeman, William Alexander Clayton (Ramsgate), Reginald George Luff Gellatly, Charles Laing, William O'Neill, (Petersfield), John Douglas Taylor (Maccles- Edwin Barnard Ryder. field). UNDER CLAUSE 3 OF THE GENERAL Male Sorting Clerk and Telegraphist (Postal), Doncaster, Stanley Martin. REGULATIONS. Post Office: Night Telephonist and Call Office Night Telephonists and Call Office Attend- Attendant, Birmingham, Neville Lloyd ants, London, Daniel George Byrne, Edmund Norton. Charles Du Feu, Sidney Dawson Gifford, Charles Ernest West. UNDER THE SECOND PROVISO OF CLAUSE 4 OF Night Telephonists and Call Office Attend- • THE GENERAL REGULATIONS. ants, Cecil Graeme Clarke (Nottingham), Henry Crowhurst (East Grinstead), Stanley Post Office: Night Telephonist and Call Office Thomas Alexander George (Chichester), Fred Attendant, Worthing, Reginald William George Cyril Kent (Horsham), Frederick Fenton. Lawrence Luxon (Exeter), Frederick William Postman, Cardiff, Hopkin John Morgan. Patrick (Leicester), John William Thompson (Sunderland), Arthur Ward (Leicester). UNDER THE SECOND PROVISO OF CLAUSE 4 OF Telephonist, London, Ena Margaret Spain. THE GENERAL REGULATIONS AND UNDER CLAUSE 8. OF THE GENERAL REGULATIONS. Telephonists, Audrey Parker (Newcastle- on-Tyne). Unemployment Assistance Board: Investigating Clerks, Ernest Halliwell Firth, Arthur Postmen or Mail Porters, London, Harold Robert Clarke, Robert Henry Draper, Alfred • Nicholl. Thomas Flynn, Sidney James Harris, War Office: Assistant III in the Department of Thomas John Hewett, Thomas Oliver, the War Department Chemist, Leslie Francis Frederick Rudd.
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