Hindawi International Journal of Antennas and Propagation Volume 2017, Article ID 2164038, 10 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/2164038

Research Article Experimental Results of Network-Assisted Interference Suppression Scheme Using Adaptive Beam-Tilt Switching

Tomoki Murakami,1 Riichi Kudo,1 Koichi Ishihara,1 Masato Mizoguchi,1 and Naoki Honma2 1 NTT Access Network Service Systems Laboratories, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, Yokosuka, Japan 2Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University, Morioka, Japan

Correspondence should be addressed to Tomoki Murakami; [email protected]

Received 4 October 2016; Accepted 18 April 2017; Published 14 May 2017

Academic Editor: Ahmed Toaha Mobashsher

Copyright © 2017 Tomoki Murakami et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

This paper introduces a network-assisted interference suppression scheme using beam-tilt switching per frame for local area network systems and its effectiveness in an actual indoor environment. In the proposed scheme, two access points simultaneously transmit to their own desired station by adjusting angle of beam-tilt including transmit power assisted from network server for the improvement of system throughput. In the conventional researches, it is widely known that beam-tilt is effective for ICI suppression in the outdoor scenario. However, the indoor effectiveness of beam-tilt for ICI suppression has not yet been indicated from the experimental evaluation. Thus, this paper indicates the effectiveness of the proposed scheme by analyzing multiple-input multiple- output channel matrices from experimental measurements in an office environment. The experimental results clearly show that the proposed scheme offers higher system throughput than the conventional scheme using just transmit power control.

1. Introduction have been investigated [13–16]. They cooperatively suppress ICI without significantly degrading the received power at To handle the massive mobile traffic from smartphones each STA except for cases in which the correlation of prop- and tablet devices, data-offloading to small cells such as agation channels between AP and desired/nondesired STAs wireless local area network (WLAN) systems is progressing is high. Moreover, techniques including TPC in addition to the evolution of cellular systems [1–3]. For have been proposed and its effectiveness is clarified in [17]. the efficient operation of the above networks, heterogeneous Beamforming technologies on orthogonal frequency network (HetNet) with large macrocells in combination with division multiplexing (OFDM) are classified into two cat- small cells has been researched [4–6]. Small cell technologies egories: digital beamforming, which controlled amplitude intheHetNethavehigherpotentialoftheimprovementof and phase per subcarrier by digital signal processing, and spectrum efficiency by taking advantage of dense reuse of analog beamforming, which controlled them in common frequency channel [7–9]. However, as excess installations of for all subcarriers by using phase shifters connected to each small cell cause intercell interference (ICI), it is difficult to . Digital beamforming offers higher capacity and obtain the maximum effect of frequency channel reuse [10]. greater flexibility because of its precise control per subcarrier To suppress ICI between small cells, network-assisted [13, 14]. However, it demands precise frequency/time syn- transmit power control (TPC) technologies, which cooper- chronizations and large computational load for transmission atively suppress ICI by adjusting each transmit power at weight calculation. On the other hand, analog beamforming multiple APs and improve system throughput, have been is done by using phase shifters [15, 16]. While it dispenses with investigated [11, 12]; unfortunately, they also degrade the digital signal processing units, its throughput performance is received power at each station (STA) because of TPC. More less than that of digital beamforming because beamforming recently, network-assisted beamforming technologies also is common to all subcarriers. More recently, techniques that 2 International Journal of Antennas and Propagation


Z ...... Z ...... M . Tx Tx M . . . Tx 1 . . .. G2 . Tx 1 . G1 . . . H1 H2 .. . N N ...... d Phase shifter N N Antenna Rx Rx Rx 1 Rx 1 AP-1 AP-2

STA-1 STA-2 Figure 1: System model. attempt to offer the features of both digital and analog steptowardpracticaluse,weevaluatetheproposedschemeby beamforming have been investigated [18–20]. Considering using measured MIMO channel matrices in an indoor office the future wireless system, it is necessary to reevaluate each environment. The experimental results clearly show that the technology of both analog and digital beamforming. This proposed scheme offers higher system throughput than the paper focuses on beam-tilt technologies as analog beamform- conventional power control. ing for ICI suppression. This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces In the conventional researches, it is widely known that the system model. Section 3 describes our proposed inter- beam-tilt is effective for ICI suppression in the outdoor ference suppression scheme. Section 4 details a performance scenario such as macrocells. In the outdoor scenario, since analysis that uses the measured MIMO channel matrices. We theinfluenceofdirectwavepathisrelativelystrong,ICI conclude with a summary of key points in Section 5. is expected to be greatly suppressed by avoiding direct Notations. Vectors and matrices are in boldface. Superscript wave path [15]. Also in the indoor scenario, although the 𝐻 −1 effectofICIsuppressionbecomessmallerthanthatinthe A denotes the Hermitian transpose operator of A, A denotes the inverse of A, ‖A‖𝐹 denotes the Frobenius norm outdoor scenario because of multipath environment, there 𝑁×𝑀 are reports which indicate the effectiveness of beam-tilt of A, I𝑁 is an identity matrix of size (𝑁×𝑁), C denotes using the frequency band of WLAN systems. For example, the set of complex matrix of size (𝑁×𝑀), det(A) is the [21] presents the multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) determinant of A,and𝜀{A} is expectation of A. antenna design including beam-tilt and its effectiveness for indoor base stations but does not mention the effect of ICI 2. System Model suppression from experimental evaluations. In this paper, we introduce a network-assisted interfer- Figure 1 shows the system model in this paper; two APs ence suppression scheme using adaptive beam-tilt switching simultaneously transmit to their own desired STA on down- including TPC for WLAN systems. In the proposed scheme, link MIMO-OFDM transmission. APs and STAs utilize the two APs simultaneously transmit to their own desired STA same frequency channel and bandwidth. It is also assumed by adjusting angle of beam-tilt and transmit power per that each AP has an array of 𝑀×𝑍antenna elements frame according to STA locations for the improvement of (𝑀: the number of horizontal rows, 𝑍:thenumberof system throughput. As an additional technique, the proposed vertical columns) for communication with its own desired scheme uses a simple setting approach, which calculates STA equipped with 𝑁 antennas (𝑀≥𝑁). 𝑍 antenna angle of beam-tilt from channel state information (CSI) elements control angle of beam-tilt via analog beamforming between the selected horizontal row of AP antenna elements by using phase shifters connected to each antenna element. and STA, given that there are fewer frequency (RF) On the other hand, 𝑀 antenna elements perform MIMO front ends than antenna elements. In order to clarify the transmission via digital beamforming. It is assumed that effectiveness of our adaptive beam-tilt switching in an indoor transmit time and center frequency are synchronized at both environment, we have evaluated the proposed scheme by APs. Figure 2 shows the conceptual design of beam-tilt when computer simulations based on raytracing [22]. For the next 𝑍 antenna elements are spaced by 𝑑𝑧. When angle of beam-tilt International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 3 is 𝜃,phasedifference𝜙 between antenna elements is ex- dz sin 𝜃 pressed by #1

2𝜋𝑑𝑧 sin 𝜃 dz 𝜃 𝜙= , (1) Angle of beam-tilt 𝜆 #2 𝜆 1→1(𝜙 ) 2→2(𝜙 )∈C𝑁×𝑀 where is wavelength. H𝑘 1 , H𝑘 2 denote #3 MIMO channel matrices of the 𝑘th (𝑘=1,...,𝐾) subcarrier . between AP-1 and STA-1, AP-2, and STA-2 after adjusting . angle of beam-tilt and are expressed by #Z 1→1 H𝑘 (𝜙1) Antenna element 𝑍 𝑗𝜙1(𝑧−1) 𝑍 𝑗𝜙1(𝑧−1) 𝑒 󸀠 𝑒 󸀠 Beam direction =[∑ h1,1,𝑧,𝑘 ⋅⋅⋅ ∑ h1,𝑀,𝑧,𝑘], 𝑧=1 √𝑍 𝑧=1 √𝑍 (2) Figure 2: Conceptual design of beam-tilt. 2→2 H𝑘 (𝜙2)

𝑍 𝑗𝜙 (𝑧−1) 𝑍 𝑗𝜙 (𝑧−1) 𝑒 2 𝑒 2 =[∑ 󸀠 ⋅⋅⋅ ∑ 󸀠 ], √ h2,1,𝑧,𝑘 √ h2,𝑀,𝑧,𝑘 𝑧=1 𝑍 𝑧=1 𝑍 3. Proposed Scheme 󸀠 󸀠 𝑁×1 where h1,𝑀,𝑧,𝑘, h2,𝑀,𝑧,𝑘 ∈ C denote channel vectors This section explains the network-assisted interference sup- of the 𝑘th subcarrier between (𝑚th (𝑚 = 1,...,𝑀), 𝑧th pression scheme using adaptive beam-tilt switching including (𝑧 = 1,...,𝑍)) antenna element of AP-1 and STA-1 and TPC. In the proposed scheme, two APs simultaneously (𝑚th, 𝑧th) antenna element of AP-2 and STA-2, respectively. transmit to their own desired STA on MIMO-OFDM trans- Also, 𝜙1, 𝜙2 are parameters of beam-tilt of AP-1 and AP-2, mission while adjusting parameters (angle of beam-tilt and 1→2 2→1 𝑁×𝑀 respectively. G𝑘 (𝜙1), G𝑘 (𝜙2)∈C denote MIMO transmit power) calculated to suit STA locations. Moreover, channel matrices between AP-1 and STA-2 and AP-2 and theproposedschemecanbeappliedtoenvironmentswith STA-1 after adjusting angle of beam-tilt and are expressed by many APs and STAs by generating AP pairs with STAs. The proposed scheme uses two setting approaches to adjust 1→2 (𝜙 ) G𝑘 1 those parameters by using CSI. First approach (optimal) 𝑍 𝑗𝜙 (𝑧−1) 𝑍 𝑗𝜙 (𝑧−1) uses all CSI for the maximization of system throughput 𝑒 1 𝑒 1 󸀠 󸀠 and another approach (simple) uses only partial CSI for =[∑ g1,1,𝑧,𝑘 ⋅⋅⋅ ∑ g1,𝑀,𝑧,𝑘], 𝑧=1 √𝑍 𝑧=1 √𝑍 theoverheadreductioninCSIacquisition.Intheoptimal (3) 2→1 approach, although maximum overhead for CSI acquisition G𝑘 (𝜙2) (training signal (TS) transmission, CSI feedback, and so on) is required, its transmission capacity except for overhead 𝑍 𝑗𝜙2(𝑧−1) 𝑍 𝑗𝜙2(𝑧−1) 𝑒 󸀠 𝑒 󸀠 isexpectedtobegreatlyhigh.Ontheotherhand,the =[∑ g2,1,𝑧,𝑘 ⋅⋅⋅ ∑ g2,𝑀,𝑧,𝑘], 𝑧=1 √𝑍 𝑧=1 √𝑍 simple approach reduces the overhead for CSI acquisition by calculating parameters from partial CSI by focusing on the 󸀠 󸀠 𝑁×1 where g1,𝑀,𝑧,𝑘, g2,𝑀,𝑧,𝑘 ∈ C denote channel vectors of the selected horizontal row of antenna elements. Figure 3 shows 𝑘th subcarrier between (𝑚th, 𝑧th) antenna element of AP-1 an example frame sequence (trigger frame, CSI acquisition, and STA-2 and (𝑚th, 𝑧th) antenna element of AP-2 and STA- parameter notice, and data transmission) in order to realize 1, respectively. The received signals of the 𝑘th subcarrier, y1,𝑘, the proposed scheme. Figure 4 shows the process of TS trans- 𝑀×1 𝑖 𝑖 = 1,...,𝐼 y2,𝑘 ∈ C at STA-1 and STA-2, are expressed by transmit mission ( ( ) is the number of TS transmissions) 𝑁×1 signals of the 𝑘th subcarrier, x1,𝑘, x2,𝑘 ∈ C at AP-1, AP-2, when there are fewer RF front ends than antenna elements. In the first step, network server informs the start of cooperation 𝑝1 1→1 𝑝2 2→1 to APs via a trigger frame including information of target y1,𝑘 = √ H (𝜙1) x1,𝑘 + √ G (𝜙2) x2,𝑘 𝑁 𝑘 𝑁 𝑘 APs and STAs. In the second step, AP-1 transmits TSs to STA-1 and STA-2 while changing the antenna element to + , n1,𝑘 RF front end connection as shown in Figure 4. Each STA (4) 𝑝 𝑝 estimates CSI from TSs and then feedbacks CSI to AP-1 via = √ 2 2→2 (𝜙 ) + √ 1 1→2 (𝜙 ) CSI feedback (CSI-FB) frame. AP-2 also acquires CSI by using y2,𝑘 𝑁 H𝑘 2 x2,𝑘 𝑁 G𝑘 1 x1,𝑘 the same process. In the next step, after AP-1 and AP-2 pass

+ n2,𝑘, acquired CSI to network server via a CSI notification (CSI- N) frame, network server calculates angles of beam-tilt and where n1,𝑘, n2,𝑘 areadditivewhiteGaussiannoisevectors transmit powers of AP-1 and AP-2 that improve the system 2 of the 𝑘th subcarrier with variance 𝜎 . 𝑝1, 𝑝2 are transmit throughput and then passes calculated parameters to AP-1 powers at AP-1 and AP-2 (𝑝0 ≥𝑝1, 𝑝2), respectively. 𝑝0 is and AP-2 via an angle and power notification (AP-N) frame. the maximum transmit power. In the final step, APs simultaneously transmit data packets 4 International Journal of Antennas and Propagation

CSI acquisition Parameter notice Data transmission

Feedback Feedback 󳰀 CSI 󳰀 CSI h1,M,z,k g2,M,z,k -FB -FB Data STA-1 Notice Time 󳰀 󳰀 h1,M,z,k, g1,M,z,k

TS TS ···TS CSI #1 #2 #I -N AP-1 Time Notice p2,𝜙2,p2,𝜙2 Trigger AP Network frame -N sever Time

TS TS ···TS CSI I -N Data AP-2 #1 #2 # Time Notice 󳰀 󳰀 h2,M,z,k, g2,M,z,k Feedback Feedback 󳰀 󳰀 g1,M,z,k CSI CSI h2,M,z,k -FB -FB STA-2 Time TS: training signal, CSI-FB: CSI feedback, CSI-N: CSI notice, AP-N: angle and power notice Figure 3: Frame sequence.

TS #1 TS #i TS #I 𝑝1, 𝑝2 and angles of beam-tilt are 𝜙1, 𝜙2 at AP-1 and AP-2, 𝐶 ··· ··· respectively. The system throughput, ,byadjustingangleof . . beam-tilt and transmit power is given by . . . . M ...... 𝐾 Z d . . d 𝐶=∑ (𝐶 (𝜙 ,𝜙 ,𝑝 ,𝑝 )+𝐶 (𝜙 ,𝜙 ,𝑝 ,𝑝 )) , d 1,𝑘 1 2 1 2 2,𝑘 1 2 1 2 𝑘=1 ...... 𝐾 ··· ··· ··· (𝜙1,𝜙2,𝑝1,𝑝2)=arg max (∑ (𝐶1,𝑘 (𝜙1,𝜙2,𝑝1,𝑝2) (5) 𝜙 ,𝜙 ,𝑝 ,𝑝 M 1 2 1 2 𝑘=1

Antenna element connected to RF front-end +𝐶 (𝜙 ,𝜙 ,𝑝 ,𝑝 ))) , Antenna element 2,𝑘 1 2 1 2 Figure 4: TS transmission process. where 𝐶1,𝑘(𝜙1,𝜙2,𝑝1,𝑝2), 𝐶2,𝑘(𝜙1,𝜙2,𝑝1,𝑝2) denote trans- mission rates of STA-1, STA-2 on the 𝑘th subcarrier calculated by to their own desired STA after each AP sets angle of beam- 𝑝 𝐶 (𝜙 ,𝜙 ,𝑝 ,𝑝 )= ( + 1 1→1 (𝜙 ) tilt and transmit power by using configuration as shown in 1,𝑘 1 2 1 2 log2 det I𝑁 𝑁 H𝑘 1 Figure 1. −1 1→1 𝐻 𝑝2 2→1 2→1 𝐻 ⋅ H𝑘 (𝜙1) (I𝑁 + G𝑘 (𝜙2) G𝑘 (𝜙2) ) ) 3.1. Definition of System Throughput in the Optimal Approach. 𝑁 The optimal approach calculates the system throughput by 𝑝 (6) 𝐶 (𝜙 ,𝜙 ,𝑝 ,𝑝 )= ( + 2 2→2 (𝜙 ) the exhaustive search with parameters (angle and transmit 2,𝑘 1 2 1 2 log2 det I𝑁 𝑁 H𝑘 2 power) from (5) and CSI in the actual environment. There- 𝑝 −1 fore, the system throughput is maximized for the experi- ⋅ 2→2 (𝜙 )𝐻 ( + 1 1→2 (𝜙 ) 1→2 (𝜙 )𝐻) ). mental environment. It is assumed that transmit powers are H𝑘 2 I𝑁 𝑁 G𝑘 1 G𝑘 1 International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 5

26 m AP-2 AP-1

40 m Height = 3m

Location of STAs connected to AP-1

Location of STAs connected to AP-2 Figure 5: Measurement environment.

3.2. Definition of System Throughput in the Simple Approach. AP-1 and AP-2 set at opposite sides of our office as shown As shown in Figure 4, the simple approach calculates the in Figure 5 for the purpose of evaluation and comparing suboptimal angle of beam-tilt from partial CSI between AP large interference environments. Additionally, the existing antenna elements on a randomly selected horizontal row and office’s APs are placed in the same positions. We measured STA.Therefore,overheadforCSIacquisitionandrequired MIMO-OFDM channel matrices at many STA locations, number of RF front ends are greatly decreased. Using AP which allow evaluation of a variety of interference states; see antenna element on the 𝑚th row, values of (𝜙1,𝜙2,𝑝1,𝑝2)that Figure 5. Note that the measured channel matrices include improves the system throughput are given by the effect of reflection from the concreate walls and metal 𝐾 lockers in our office. The configuration and parameters ̂ of our MIMO-OFDM testbed are shown in Figure 6 and (𝜙1,𝜙2,𝑝1,𝑝2)=arg max (∑ 𝐶1,𝑘 (𝜙1,𝜙2,𝑝1,𝑝2) 𝜙1,𝜙2,𝑝1,𝑝2 𝑘=1 Table 1. The transmits training signals including (7) short and long preambles and the receiver estimates CSI + 𝐶̂ (𝜙 ,𝜙 ,𝑝 ,𝑝 )) , from training signals. The measurements were centered at 2,𝑘 1 2 1 2 4.85 GHz (matches our experimental wireless license). The bandwidth and the number of subcarriers are 20 MHz and ̂ ̂ where 𝐶1,𝑘(𝜙1,𝜙2,𝑝1,𝑝2), 𝐶2,𝑘(𝜙1,𝜙2,𝑝1,𝑝2) denote trans- 52, respectively. AP has two horizontal rows and eight mission rates of STA-1, STA-2 on the 𝑘th subcarrier and the vertical columns of patch antennas with vertical element 𝑚th row of AP antenna element. spacing of 0.5 wavelengths. STA has two dipole antennas with horizontal element spacing of 0.5 wavelengths. The heights 4. Experimental Analysis of AP and STA are 3 and 1 m, respectively. Figures 7(a)–7(f) show photographs at AP and STA antenna configurations 4.1. Experimental Environment. To clarify the effectiveness of and radiation patterns at 4.85 GHz, respectively. The total the proposed scheme in the indoor static line-of-sight (LOS) transmit power of each AP is 13 dBm. environment, which demonstrates little network latency, we previously measured MIMO-OFDM channel matrices in 4.2. Analysis of Beam-Tilt Switching. In this subsection, we ouroffice(showninFigure5)byusingourMIMO-OFDM indicate the effectiveness of beam-tilt switching and rele- testbed [23] based on IEEE802.11n standard. The height, vance of the experimental environment from the comparison width, and depth of our office are 3, 40, and 26 m, respectively. between simulation and experimental results. 6 International Journal of Antennas and Propagation

16 2 receivers Air Offline processing Up conv. Down conv. AGC IFFT D/A LNA AFC FFT #1 #1 A/D

Up conv. IFFT D/A #2

. . . . Preamble generator Preamble Symbol timing detection timing Symbol Up conv. Channel matrix estimator IFFT D/A #15

AGC Up conv. LNA Down conv. AFC FFT IFFT D/A #16 #2 A/D

Figure 6: Configuration of MIMO-OFDM testbed.

Table 1: Measurement parameters. value as shown in Table 1. From this figure, we found that SNRdistributionisgreatlychangedbythevalueofbeam-tilt- Parameter Value angle. In other words, interference power from other AP is Carrier frequency 4.85 GHz also greatly changed. Bandwidth (subcarrier number) 20 MHz (52) On the other hand, Figure 9 shows SNR between AP-1, Transmit power per AP 13 dBm AP-2, and their own desired STA at the limited area as shown AP in Figure 5 versus angle of beam-tilt in the indoor experimen- Antenna Patch tal environment. SNR in this evaluation is the average value Gain 9 dBi of SNR at each STA. From this result, it is found that SNR is Antenna element number per row 2 maximized when angles of beam-tilt are set about 30 degrees Antenna element number per column 8 in this environment. In addition, SNR is improved when the number of antenna elements increases. Concretely, SNR with Antenna element spacing 0.5 𝜆 beam-tilt is 1 (𝑍=2), 5 (𝑍=4), and 7 (𝑍=8)dBhigherthan Antenna height 3 m that without beam-tilt. Next, Figure 10 shows interference STA signal to power ratio (INR) between AP-1, AP-2, and Antenna Dipole nondesired STA versus angle of beam-tilt. Similar to Figure 8, Gain 2 dBi INR is average value of INR at each STA. From this result, Antenna element number per row 2 it is found that beam-tilt performs SNR improvement and Antenna element number per column 1 ICI suppression even if in indoor environment. Figure 11 Antenna element spacing 0.5 𝜆 shows the SNR between AP-1 and all of STAs when beam-tilt Antenna height 1 m angles were set to 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 degrees. Similar Beam-tilt-angle 0–50 deg. toresultsofFigures9and10,beam-tiltchangestheSNR Transmit power attenuation 0–50 dB performance. Moreover, we recognized that the tendency of the experimental result (Figure 8) and the simulation result (Figure 11) is close. Therefore, we consider that it is possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme by using the experimental evaluations in the limited area. First of all, Figures 8(a)–8(f) plot the signal to noise power ratio (SNR) distributions when AP-1 uses the beam- tilt-angles of 0∼50 degrees in the indoor simulation model 4.3. Analysis of the Proposed Scheme. Figure 12 shows the via ray-trace. In this figure, we assume that dimensions are cumulative distribution function (CDF) of system through- 40 m (long), 20 m (wide), and 3 m (high). Also the ceiling put performances of adaptive beam-tilt switching, TPC, and andsidewallsaremadeof15cmthickconcrete.STAareset both (proposal) with optimal and simple approaches. The 2 in a lattice pattern per m in this area. The complex relative plots cover the system throughputs for all STA locations. The permittivity of concrete is 6 − 𝑗0.2 and in all simulation CDF of the maximum power transmission at APs is also the reflection number is 4 times. The noise power at STA is plotted as the conventional scheme. In this evaluation, we −90 dBm. Other parameters are the same as the experimental assume that AP has eight antenna elements (𝑍=8)andvaries International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 7

(a) AP antenna (b) STA antenna 0 0 340 350 10 20 340 350 10 20 330 10 30 330 10 30 320 40 320 40 310 0 50 310 0 50 300 60 300 60 290 −10 70 290 −10 70 280 80 280 80 270 −20 90 270 −20 90 260 100 260 100 250 110 250 110 240 120 240 120 230 130 230 130 220 140 220 140 210 150 210 150 200 160 200 160 190 180 170 190 180 170 (c) of AP antenna (E-plane) (d) Radiation pattern of AP antenna (H-plane) 350 0 10 350 0 10 340 10 20 340 10 20 330 30 330 30 320 40 320 40 310 0 50 310 0 50 300 60 300 60 290 −10 70 290 −10 70 280 80 280 80 270 −20 90 270 −20 90 260 100 260 100 250 110 250 110 240 120 240 120 230 130 230 130 220 140 220 140 210 150 210 150 200 160 200 160 190 180 170 190 180 170 (e) Radiation pattern of STA antenna (E-plane) (f) Radiation pattern of STA antenna (H-plane)

Figure 7: Photographs and radiation patterns of AP and STA antennas.

angle of beam-tilt from 0 to 50 degrees in 5-degree steps, with power transmission, respectively. Since the distance between transmission power attenuation from 0 to 50 dB in 5 dB steps. APs is short in this environment (in other words, when ICI is From the results, improvements of system throughput (50% large), the effectiveness of beam-tilt control is less than that CDF value) by using beam-tilt, power, and both controls are of TPC. However, combining beam-tilt switching and TPC 2.8, 2.0, and 3.78 times higher than that of the maximum offers higher system throughput than just TPC. 8 International Journal of Antennas and Propagation

20 m 50 dB AP-1

(a) 𝜃=0deg. 40 m (b) 𝜃=10deg. (c) 𝜃=20deg.

26 dB (d) 𝜃=30deg. (e) 𝜃=40deg. (f) 𝜃=50deg. Figure 8: SNR distribution when 𝜃 of AP-1 is set from 0 to 50 degrees.

44 42

Z 40 Z 42 = 8 = 8 38 40 36 Z = 4 Z = 4 38 34 INR (dB) SNR (dB) SNR 32 36 Z Z = 2 30 = 2 34 28

32 26 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 Angle of beam-tilt (deg.) Angle of beam-tilt (deg.) Figure 9: SNR versus angle of beam-tilt. Figure 10: INR versus angle of beam-tilt.

50 dB Figure 13 shows system throughput performances of the 𝜃=0(deg) proposed scheme based on adaptive beam-tilt with TPC (10 and 50% CDF values) versus the column number of 𝜃=10(deg) AP antenna elements. This result shows that the system 𝜃=20(deg) throughputs on both optimal and simple approaches achieve 𝜃=30(deg) increase with the column number of AP antenna elements. 𝜃=40(deg) ThisisbecauseSNRatthedesiredSTAimprovesasthe increases. Then, system throughput with the simple 𝜃=50(deg) 26 ≈ dB approach is less than that with optimal approach because 0 (AP-1) 30 (AP-2) only one array column is selected from all rows at random. Distance from AP-1 (m) However, the system throughput penalty (50% value at CDF) by using the simple approach is so small. If this penalty is Figure 11: SNR distribution per angle of beam-tilt (𝑍=8). acceptable, the proposed scheme with the simple approach offers a significant reduction in CSI feedback overhead, the number of RF front ends, and calculation loads. proposed scheme has optimal and simple setting approaches 5. Conclusions for adaptive beam-tilt switching. Moreover, we introduced theframesequenceandCSIestimationmethodforimple- In this paper, we experimentally evaluated the network-assi- mentation of the proposed scheme in WLAN systems. In sted interference suppression scheme using adaptive beam- order to clarify the effectiveness of the proposed scheme, tilt switching including TPC for WLAN systems. Also the we evaluated the proposed scheme by using MIMO channel International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 9

Conflicts of Interest The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.


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