Terror, Holocaust, Persecution the Jewish Community Under the Rule of the German and Soviet Totalitarianism in Polish Territories During 1939–1945

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Terror, Holocaust, Persecution the Jewish Community Under the Rule of the German and Soviet Totalitarianism in Polish Territories During 1939–1945 The InstituTe of naTIonal RemembRance TERROR, HOLOCAUST, PERSECUTION THE JEWISH COMMUNITY UNDER THE RULE OF THE GERMAN AND SOVIET TOTALITARIANISM IN POLISH TERRITORIES DURING 1939–1945 PUBLICATIONS CATALOGUE 2000–2020 WARSAW 2021 concept and coverage Natalia Cichocka; translated by Wojciech Matusiak; proofreading Piotr Chojnacki; graphic design and cover Marcin Koc, Karolina Sękowska vel Sęk; ISBN 978-83-8229-100-1 (print); ISBN 978-83-8229-102-5 (pdf online); Copyright by Instytut Pamięci Narodowej Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu, 2021 Contents | From the publisher ______________________________________________ 5 | Monographs ___________________________________________________ 6 | Studies and materials ___________________________________________ 17 | Dictionaries, lexicons, reference books _____________________________ 26 | Biographies and biographical studies ______________________________ 29 | Documents ____________________________________________________ 31 | Testimonies and memoirs ________________________________________ 35 | Albums _______________________________________________________ 41 | Scientific periodicals ____________________________________________ 43 | Popular science periodicals _______________________________________ 44 | Educational and popularising materials ____________________________ 46 | Educational portfolios ______________________________________ 47 | Heroes of the Independent Poland ____________________________ 49 | „Patrons of our streets” _____________________________________ 50 | Exhibition catalogues ______________________________________ 52 | Forthcoming publications ________________________________________ 57 | Index of authors ________________________________________________ 58 | Index of titles __________________________________________________ 60 | Information • Bookshops and points of sale ________________________ 64 | Information • Mail ordering _____________________________________ 66 From the publisher The issue of the German and Soviet terror and the situation of the Jewish community during the Second World War are constantly topical in the historical discourse. This has resulted in scientific works, popular books and educational exhibitions. The period of the Second World War has been a special and tragic ex- perience for the Polish citizens, especially of Jewish origin. The totalitar- ian states: German and the Soviet Union, used Polish lands as the place where they implemented the ideological concepts of the national social- ism or the communism. This resulted in the introduction of a universal terror system, performing criminal operations aimed at killing or de- porting millions of people. The Holocaust, extermination of intelligence, mass executions of soldiers and civilians, construction and expansion of the system of concentration camps and extermination camps, deliberate generation of inhuman living conditions, all this constituted milestones of the ‘achievements’ of the states rules by Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. Various aspects of these problems have been subject of research con- ducted by the Institute of National Remembrance. This has translated into a number of publications, both scientific and popular-science. This catalogue presents those, first of all, that discuss the German policy to- wards the Jews, and particularly the Holocaust, and those that describe the relations between the Poles and the Jews. The IPN Publishing Team From the publisher | 5 Monographs Books about the history of Poland in the 20th century, the history of the Polish state and people and the fates of Polish citizens from various ethnic groups in 1917–1989. Roman Gieroń Twilight. Criminal trials concerning occupation-period crimes commit- ted by peasants against Jews in the Cracow Province [Półmrok. Procesy karne w sprawie prze- stępstw okupacyjnych popełnionych przez chłopów wobec Żydów w województwie krakowskim] Cracow 2020, 376 pp. The book presents the criminal trials held extent the preserved files of proceedings eral court jurisdiction and the penalties during 1945–1950 concerning crimes under the ‘August’ decree provide a reli- adjudged were analysed, while character- committed under the Nazi German oc- able and valuable source for research on ising the defendants tried for the of occu- cupation by peasants against Jews in the Polish-Jewish relations in the countryside pation-period crimes. Cracow Province. The topic of the disser- in the Cracow Province under the Nazi ISBN: 978-83-8098-938-2, price: 40 zł tation boils down to the question: to what German occupation. In addition, the gen- 6 | Monographs Martyna Grądzka-Rejak, Jan Olaszek Holocaust, Memory, Duplicator. The extermination of Jews and the Polish-Jewish relations under the Nazi German occupation in the underground publications of the communist-controlled Poland [Holokaust, pamięć, powielacz. Zagłada Żydów i okupacyjne stosunki polsko-żydow- skie w publikacjach drugiego obiegu w PRL] Instytut Pamięci Narodowej – Instytut Studiów Politycznych PAN – Towarzy- stwo „Więź”, Warsaw 2020, 284 pp. The authors analyse how the under- ground publications dealt with the sub- ject of Holocaust and the attitudes of the Poles towards this crime. Distribution: Instytut Studiów Politycznych PAN, Wydawnictwo „Więź” ISBN: 978-83-65424-68-6 Monographs | 7 Michał Kalisz, Elżbieta Rączy Jacek Romanek Sebastian Piątkowski The history of the Jewish community Collaboration with the Soviets in Radom during the war and the Ger- of the Gorlice County during the the Lublin Province in September man occupation (1939–1945) German occupation of 1939–1945 and October 1939 [Radom w latach wojny i okupacji niemiec- [Dzieje społeczności żydowskiej powiatu [Kolaboracja z Sowietami na terenie wo- kiej (1939–1945)] gorlickiego podczas okupacji niemieckiej jewództwa lubelskiego we wrześniu i paź- Lublin 2018, 776 pp. 1939–1945] dzierniku 1939 r.] The book presents, in all aspects that are Rzeszów–Warsaw 2020, 304 pp. + 96 pp. Lublin–Warsaw 2019, 184 pp. possible to study, the history of Radom phot. insert, 2nd supplemented edition The books presents collaboration (includ- during the war and German occupation. The first publication presenting in a syn- ing that of ethnic minorities) with the The author presents the process of exter- thetic way the problem of extermination of Red Army in the Lublin Province in Sep- mination of the Radom Jewish commu- Jews and the Polish-Jewish relations in the tember and October 1939. The scale of nity, starting from individual repression Gorlice region during 1939–1945. The first these activities and, above all, their effects by the Germans, through the functioning part presents the situation of Jews in the are undoubtedly one of the elements that of the ghetto and its liquidation, up to the Gorlice county under German occupation affect mutual relations throughout the history of local forced labour camps. and their extermination, as well as nega- wartime occupation. ISBN: 978-83-8098-390-8, price: 50 zł tive attitudes of Polish residents. The sec- ISBN: 978-83-8098-696-1, out of print ond part concerns the group of Poles from the Gorlice county who risked their lives to save Jews from death. ISBN: 978-83-8098-572-8, price: 40 zł 8 | Monographs Martyna Grądzka-Rejak Jewish woman in occupied Cracow (1939–1945) [Kobieta żydowska w okupowanym Krako- wie (1939–1945)] Adam Sitarek Instytut Pamięci Narodowej – Wydaw- „Wire Bound State”. Structure and nictwo „Wysoki Zamek”, Cracow 2016, Functions of the Jewish Administra- 488 pp. tion of the Łódź Ghetto The book is the first full monograph that Łódź–Warsaw 2017, 336 pp., translated The goal of the author of the book was presents the dynamic history of Jewish to English by Katarzyna Gucio to describe the structures and function- women’s lives during the Second World ISBN: 978-83-8098-253-6, out of print ing of the administrative system in the War within one city and in changing cir- Łódź Ghetto. By order of the German au- [„Otoczone drutem państwo”. Struktu- cumstances: from Cracow right after the thorities, more than 160,000 Jews from ra i funkcjonowanie administracji żydow- outbreak of the war through the limited, Łódź and nearby towns were cramped skiej getta] cramped space of the ghetto to the pres- on four square kilometres of the ghetto ence of women in the camp in Płaszów. Łódź 2015, 340 pp. (Biblioteka Oddzia- in the beginning of 1940. The publication łu Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej w Łodzi ISBN: 978-83-943785-8-5, out of print is also available in English. [Library of the Łódź IPN Branch] series, The book was awarded the Historical Prize of the vol. 37) ‘Polityka’ weekly in 2016, in the ‘Debut’ category. ISBN: 978-83-63695-16-3, price: 35 zł The publication is available in PDF format. Monographs | 9 Elżbieta Rączy Ewa Rogalewska Marta Cobel-Tokarska Extermination of the Jews in the Białystok Ghetto. Experience of Desert island, burrow, grave. War- Cracow District in 1939–1945 the Holocaust – literary and life time hideaways of Jews in occupied [Zagłada Żydów w dystrykcie krakowskim testimonies Poland w latach 1939–1945] [Getto białostockie. Doświadczenie Zagła- [Bezludna wyspa, nora, grób. Wojenne Instytut Pamięci Narodowej – Uniwersy- dy – świadectwa literatury i życia] kryjówki Żydów w okupowanej Polsce] tet Rzeszowski, Rzeszów 2014, 407 pp. Białystok 2013, 320 pp., 2nd edition, sup- Warsaw 2012, 304 pp. + 24 pp. illustr. plemented and revised (publication se- insert (Monografie [Monographs series], The book focuses on the extermination of ries of the
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