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MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERES Vol. 11: 71-78, 1983 - Published February 10 Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. l Effects of ambient noise on the metabolic level of Crangon crangon (Decapoda, Natantia) Michele Regnault and Jean-Paul Lagardere Laboratoire CNRS,Station Biologique, F-29211 Roscoff, France Station Marine dwEndourne,Antenne de la Rochelle, C.R.E.O., F-17000La Rochelle, France ABSTRACT: Preliminary observations indicated that the shrimp Crangon crangon (L.) appeared to be affected by the level of the ambient noise expressed as sound pressure. The significance of ~ts metabolic response was studied by comparing its ammonia excretion rate under usual laboratory conditions E (= +25 dB pbar-l) to its rate under sound-proof conditions C (= -4 dB pbar-l). The relationship between these 2 measured excretion rates was expressed by the equation: E = 1.225 C - 0.01329 (r = 0.81). Thus a mean 3OdB-increased sound pressure led to a 22 % increase of the ammonia excretion rate; simultaneously, a 15 % increase of the 0, consumption rate was noticed. The metabolic response to a high ambient noise level was fully expressed within a few hours and there was no evidence for any adaptative reduction of metabolic rates over the period of observation (5 d). Shrimp- size and/or -age as much as the noise spectrum should be taken into account when metabolic responses of C. crangon to its acoustic environment are considered. INTRODUCTION very low threshold. This organ, which is probably found in many Natantia (Foxton, 1969),is supposed to In decapod crustaceans, body and appendage sur- detect moving objects such as approaching predators, faces are provided extensively with sensory hairs of prey or congeners. According to these peculiar sense various shapes and sizes. The hairs occur isolated, in organs and to their known physiological properties in groups or in complex structures. Their function is not decapods, it is to be expected that the shrimp Crangon always known (Debaisieux, 1949). Some of these sen- crangon (L.) can sense variations in environmental sory units, the mechanoreceptors, respond to vibrations sound pressure at low frequencies (below 1000 Hz). transmitted in the environment - whether air, sub- At sea, when the weather is calm and at shallow stratum (Cohen and Dijkgraaf, 1961; Horch, 1971; Sal- depths, the sound pressure at frequencies between 20 mon et al., 1977) or water (Laverack, 1962 a, b; Tazaki and 1000 Hz is generally low. According to Wenz and Ohnishi, 1974; Vedel and Clarac, 1976; Tazaki, (1962), Chapman and Hawkins (1973), Buerkle (1977), 1977; Chichibu, 1978 a, b; Tautz and Sandeman, 1980; the level of ambient noise lies in the range -50 to -5 Tautz et al., 1981). They allow the animal to collect dB ybar-' Hz-l. In the Seudre estuary, where Crangon precise information on the characteristics of an acous- crangon live, the ambient sound pressure recorded tic stimulation in a near field: frequency, particle dis- near the sediment at 1 m water depth and at a sea-state placement, velocity, direction . (Tazaki, 1977). Elec- zero ranged from -49 to - 14 dB pbar-' Hz-' between trophysiological studies have shown that these recep- 20 and 1000 Hz (Lagardere, 1982).Obviously, the noise tors respond only to a narrow frequency band (10 to 70 level in the sea - being subject to meteorological, tidal, Hz) and, depending on the species, their sensitivity is and human effects, particularly in industrialized or at a maximum from 40 to 70 Hz (Vedel and Clarac, touristic estuarine areas - is rather variable. In con- 1976; Tazaki, 1977; Tautz et al., 1981). Besides these trast, the ambient sound pressure under laboratory mechanoreceptive units, Tautz et al. (1981) found in conditions is usually much higher (from -28 to +5 dB crayfish a more complex structure: the flagellum- ybar-' Hz-' in the 20 to 1000 Hz frequency range). feathered hair system that allows the analysis of a Much of the noise comes from machinery, pumps and wider frequency range (40 to 150 Hz at least) with a compressors associated with the aquarium, footfalls, O Inter-Research/Printed in F. R. Germany Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 11: 71-78, 1983 doors opening and closing etc.. (Hawkins and the culture room; none of the 2 groups received any Anthony, 1981). This increased sound level, perma- food. At the beginning of the experiment, each group nently imposed on the animals, stimulates their was checked, exuviae of the previous night were mechanoreceptors liable to induce a stress-state. Pre- removed and numbered, and the shrimp were carefully liminary studies in this field have shown that high rinsed with filtered seawater. Each group was then sound level causes in C. crangon some modifications in transferred into a 6-1 jar, previously rinsed with diluted behaviour (increased cannibalism) and a growth delay HCI, and completely filled with seawater filtered (Lagardere and Sperandio, 1981). Furthermore, notice- through 0,45 pm mesh Millipore filter. The jars were able physiological changes were observed in oxygen sealed with laboratory film (Parafilm: American Com- consumption and ammonia release (LagardBre and pany) avoiding any air bubbles. Five jars were Regnault, 1980). returned to the soundproof box (C) and 5 others placed These first results encouraged us to study the in a temperature regulated tank (E). Two control jars metabolic response of Crangon crangon to ambient without shrimp were exposed to the same conditions. noise level in order to verify and test our previous The jars were incubated at 18 'C under controlled light observations. The ammonia excretion and oxygen con- conditions for 8 h (from 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m, every sumption rates of C. crangon were used to study its experimental day). At the end of this period the jars response to either the usual laboratory sound pressure were gently shaken to homogenize the water; a water or a reduced sound pressure in a soundproofed box. In sample was taken from each jar for subsequent mea- C. crangon, ammonia accounts for 94 to 98 % of the surement of 0, concentration, and the ammonia con- total nitrogen excreted and its release through the giii tent of the remainder was immediately determined epithelium is continuous (Regnault, 1981b).Therefore, using a Technicon autoanalyser. At the end of the ammonia excretion rate is a good indicator of the experiment each group of shrimp was blotted on paper nitrogen metabolism level and was selected as towels and weighed in a sealed box (double weighing response criterion. In addition, continuous observa- to the nearest mg). For experiments lasting several tions were run for 4 to 5 d in order to detect a possible days, weight was measured a day before the actual adaptative process in the shrimp to the laboratory experiment and on the last day of observation in order background noise level. During the second part of this to minimize the stress. The duration of the incubation study, ammonia excretion and oxygen consumption period was determined from preliminary experiments rates were measured simultaneously. in which the excretion rate was checked every hour; this duration took into account water volume, shrimp fresh weight, temperature and adverse effects of MATERIALS AND METHODS excretory build-up. Ammonia production and oxygen consumption were calculated taking into account the Shrimp between 20 and 25 mm total length and of 90 difference in concentration between experimental and to 110 mg fresh weight were collected in the Roscoff control jars. Aber (N-Brittany). They were maintained in the laboratory for 1 or 2 wk prior to metabolism measure- ments. During this acclimation period the shrimp were held in 12-1 plastic buckets (25 ind, bucket-') indi- */*---.-* vidually supplied with running seawater from an open culture room\ 'Q, , *' system. Salinity (35 %O S) and temperature (18 'C)were relatively constant over the test period. There was no sand on the bucket bottom in order to acclimate the therrnorspulated ', shrimp to subsequent experimental conditions; ab- tank (El'',* sence of sand suppresses its die1 activity rhythm (Hagerman, 1970). The shrimp were fed daily with crushed pieces of fresh Carcinus maenas. Metabolism measurements 5 8 Ib 12.5' Ik 20 2: 31.6' !O 50' 6: 1k115 IkO 2040 36' 4h0 50' 640 800 Id00 The shrimp were separated 12 h before starting the ' experiment into 10 groups of 20, and each group was Frequency (Hertz) Fig. 1 Crangon crangon. Spectra of ambient noise recorded placed in a 6-1 jar filled with seawater; 5 of these were in experimental sound proof box (C),temperature-controlled placed into a soundproof box, the others maintained in tank (E) and culture room Regnault and Lagardere: Effects of ambient noise on shrlmp metabolism 73 Ammonia was determined by the colorimetric ambient noise spectrum (Fig. 1) exhibited a relative indophenol method (Solorzano, 1969) using a Techni- uniformity of the sound pressures going from 5 to 100 con Autoanalyser 11; the probe of the Technicon sam- Hz (from - 27 to - 20 dB pbar-' Hz-l). Beyond 100 Hz, pler was inserted directly into each jar. Standard solu- the sound pressure decreased gradually (-5 dB pbar-' tions of (NH,),SO, were prepared each day with the Hz-' at 1000 Hz). seawater used to fill the jars, giving the daily reference In the temperature-regulated tank (E) curve. Results were expressed as pg-atom NH,-N g wet located in the measurement room, light conditions weight-' h-'. were similar to those in the soundproof box; a constant Oxygen was determined by titration according to temperature of 18 "C was set using a cryosystem and a Winkler's method using a Methrom Multidosimat thermomix. In E, the mean noise level was +25 dB E415. When the 0, content of seawater in a jar was ybar-l.