The Organic Theater to present "The Sirens of Titan"

October 10, 1977

The Organic Theater, 's only repertory group, will present their original adaptation of 's space odyssey, "The Sirens of Titan," at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 18, in the Mandeville Auditorium at the University of , San Diego.

"Sirens" is an account of the galactic peregrinations of billionaire Earthling Malachi Constant. His epic journeys to Mercury, Mars, Titan and back to Earth again are echoed in a psychic transition. Constant becomes a radio- controlled recruit in the doomed Martian army, learns to be a loving husband and father and eventually travels to that final home, Paradise.

The production, designed by James Maronek and directed by the company's founder, Stuart Gordon, utilizes a simple set, a few pieces of furniture and a white backdrop curtain as a space-time warp to suggest the permeability of the dimensional limits of the story.

The Organic takes its name and philosophy from the theatrical doctrine of Konstantin Stanislavski, who believed that theater was an "organic process." The guiding principles of the company are that theater is for everyone and that theater must be fun.

Since 1969 the has presented 19 productions. It initiated its repertory in 1976 and is the only repertory in the United States that produces original works exclusively. Among these are 's "The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit," Roald Dahl's "Switch Bitch" and Mark Twain's "Huckleberry Finn."

Tickets for the UC San Diego production are $3 for students and $5 for the general public and may be purchased at the UCSD box office (452-4559). "The Sirens of Titan" is presented under the auspices of the University Events Office.

For information contact: Barbara Ann Firger

(October 10, 1977)