Huesca GLIDE number: N/A Activation ID: EMSR397 Aragon Girona

Int. Charter call ID: N/A Product N.: 07LESPLUGADEFRANCOLI, v2 Legend Crisis Information Faciliÿ ties Flooded area Consequences within the AOI Lleida L'Espluga de Francoli - (25/10/2019 10:38) ÿ Dam Unit of measurement Affected Total in AOI Barcelona Flooded area ha 4.6 re C g a Flood trace Construction for mining or extraction e Flood trace ha 15.5 S 01 rd Flood - Situation as of 25/10/2019 (25/10/2019 10:38) o n Estimated population Number of inhabitants 0 59840 Bay of Beiscay Transportation r, France General Information Settlements Residential ha 894.2 Cataluna L Delineation - Overview map 01 0.0 lo b Highway ha 0.0 432.4 r Area of Interest Industrial building and warehouse 07 e g Transportation Airfield runway No. 0 2 Portugal a Primary Road Madridt Administrative boundaries Helipad No. 0 3 Balearic km 0.0 ^ Sea Province Secondary Road Highway 110.0 Cartographic Information Primary Road km 0.0 105.8 Spain Placenames Local Road Secondary Road km 0.0 77.9 Mediterranean Sea ! Local Road km 0.0 512.6 06 1:75000 Full color A1, 200 dpi resolution Placename NORTH Alboran Long-distance railway Long-distance railway km 0.0 172.5 ATLANTIC Sea Algeria Hydrography Facilities Dam No. 0 4 OCEAN Morocco 0 2.5 5 Airfield runway Construction for mining or extraction ha 0.5 53.4 Balearic Sea River km Land use Arable land ha 5.1 8062.1 Helipad ha Stream Permanent crops 5.4 21107.3 Grid: WGS 1984 UTM Zone 31N map coordinate system Pastures ha 4.4 302.8 Land Use - Land Cover 10 ha Tick marks: WGS 84 geographical coordinate system Lake Heterogeneous agricultural areas 3.5 8417.9 km ± Features available in the vector package Ebro Forests ha 0.1 8374.3 Reservoir Shrub and/or herbaceous vegetation association ha 0.3 3990.5 Open spaces with little or no vegetation ha 0.0 43.3 Other ha 1.4 2017.5 320000 330000 340000 350000 360000 0°50'0"E 0°55'0"E 1°0'0"E 1°5'0"E 1°10'0"E 1°15'0"E


! Fulleda

! Solivella 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9

5 Sarral 5 ! 4 4

! Blancafort Lleida

! ! Ollers ! Vinaixa

N ! "

0 l'Albi ' ! 5 2

° Tarrés 1 4 R Pira iu

e N t " 0 G d ' el Barberà 5

o s 2 r ° gs 1 de la Conca 4 ! la Guàrdia ! l'Espluga de dels Prats Vimbodí Francolí ! ! R iu de M ilans el Francolí

! el Vilosell ! Prenafeta Montblanc ! ! d 'A R n i g u u ! e ra 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 5 5 4 4

! Lilla ! N " 0 '

0 ! 2 ° 1 4 ! N " 0 ! ' Fontscaldes 0 2 ° 1 4


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4 ! N "

el Milà 0 ! ' 5 1

! ° 1 4

Vallmoll !

la Masó !


la Selva ! del Camp ! !

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! ! ! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 N 5 5 " ! 0 4 4 ' les 0 1

° ! 1

4 Borges

del Camp N " 0 ' 0 1 ° 1 4 Ri l er es a V de olt es ! !

Botarell ! !


R ! ie r Montbrió a Vinyols i ! ! d ' els Arcs del Camp A ! l fo r ja ! ! l' Arbocet N " 0 0 0 ' 5 0 0

° ! 0 0 1 4 0 0 5 5

5 Mont-roig del 5 4 4 N " 0 Camp ' 5 ° 1 4 !



0°55'0"E 1°0'0"E 1°5'0"E 1°10'0"E 1°15'0"E 1°20'0"E 320000 330000 340000 350000 360000 Map Information Data sources Disclaimer Relevant date records (UTC)

The current episode of heavy rainfall will possibly produce floods of extraordinary character in large Pre-event image: Sentinel-2A/B (2019) (acquired on 03/09/2019 at 10:50 UTC, GSD 10 m, approx. 0% Products elaborated in this Copernicus EMS Rapid Mapping activity are realized to the best of our Event 22/10/2019 11:00 Situation as of 25/10/2019 10:38 sectors of the Segre river sub-basin, with possible effects on population centres, communication, cloud coverage in AoI), provided under COPERNICUS by the European Union and ESA. ability, within a very short time frame, optimising the available data and information. All geographic Activation 22/10/2019 12:25 Map production 28/10/2019 infrastructure and other. Post-event image: SPOT6/7 © Airbus DS (2019), (acquired on 25/10/2019 at 10:38 UTC, GSD 1.5 m, information has limitations due to scale, resolution, date and interpretation of the original sources. No approx. 0% cloud coverage in AoI, 30° off-nadir angle), provided under COPERNICUS by the liability concerning the contents or the use thereof is assumed by the producer and by the European The present map shows the flood delineation in the area of L'Espluga De Francoli (Spain). The European Union and ESA, all rights reserved. Union. thematic layer has been derived from post-event satellite image by means of visual interpretation. The estimated geometric accuracy (RMSE) is 6.5 m or better, from native positional accuracy of the Base vector layers: OpenStreetMap © OpenStreetMap contributors, GeoNames 2015, Corine Land Delivery formats are Layered Geospatial PDF, GeoJPEG and vector (ESRI shapefiles, Google Earth background satellite image. Cover (CLC) 2012, Global Administrative Areas (2012), refined by the producer. KML, GeoJSON). Inset maps: JRC 2013, EuroBoundaryMap 2017 © EuroGeographics, Natural Earth 2012, CCM River DB © EUJRC2007, GeoNames 2013. Map produced by SERTIT released by e-GEOS (ODO).

Population data: GHS Population Grid © European Commission, 2015 For the latest version of this map and related products visit ghsl-ghs_pop_gpw4_globe_r2015a. Digital Elevation Model: EU-DEM (25 m) [email protected] © European Union For full Copyright notice visit mapping-portal