Leicestershire and Rl1:Tland T1.'Iiades Ni1--Ec-Tory
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Leicestershire and Rl1:tland T1.'IIades ni1--ec-tory. 857 Draper George, IJong Whatton, Lough Green F. & Son, 2 Pelham street, I--Iensnu1ll Chas. Preston, U ppinghanl borough V'I elford road, Leicester Hensman J o11n T. High st. U ppnglllll Draper Mrs Mary Ann, Long Whatton, Green Isaac, Asfordby, Melton Herbert Wnl. Castle street, Hinckley Lough boroug h Mowbray Hickling Willianl, 3 W oodgate, Edwards Robt. Queen st. Bottesford, Green J oseph, Hugglescote, Ashby-de Loughborough Nottingham la-Zouch Rickman Henry, ,Yalthnm, Melton EUiott Alfred, Burrow st. Oastle Don- * Green William Richard, 73 ThIarket Mowbray ington, Derby plnce, Leicester I-lill ,Yilliam, 32 Ereehold street, Elton 'Vm. 283 Belgraye gt. Leicester Gregory J ph. Congerstone, Atherstone Loughborough Ensor John, 39 Southgate st. Leicestl' Griffin John, 20 Swan st. Loughbro' Hirons Matthew, Sheepy }IagnH" Evans Luke, 14 Wood st. Ashby-de- Griffin ]\tIre:; Mary Ann, 177 Belgrave Atherstone l::t-Zouch gate, Leicester Hoden Ogdell, Dunton Basr:;ett, Ewin ThOll1as, Sewstern, Granthall1 Grocut -, I{ing st. Sileby, Leicester Lutterworth Farquhar JalllPs, 21t Halforcl street, Grunc1y l\frs Enlma, 35 Liverpool st. Hodden John, 11 Bedford ~qual'e, Leicester Leicester Loughborough Farren Thomas, Market Bosworth, Grnndy Thomas, 13 Ohurch street, Holland Wm. 'Vitherley, Atherstone Hincklev Ash by-(le-Ia- Zon ch Holt J ames, Upper Castle st. Hinckley Fau1kes Thomas, 4 Halforcl st. Leicstr Gruncly""\Vrn. 13 ,Vooclgnte, Loughbro' Holwell John, Leicester 1'<1. Hinckley * Fielding William, A. 10 Gran1)y st. Hackett Daniel T. ,5:3 Charles street, Holyoak J. Houghto]l-on-the-Hill Leicester Leicester Leicester ' Fletcher Ohas. I{ihworth Beauchamp, Hackett Miss Rhoc1a A. Barlcstone, Holyoak & Son, 45 Humberstone gate, Leicester Leicester Leicester Foston Charles, Forest In. Sheepshed, Hackett WaIt.er, 7 Humherstone gate, Holyoake 'YiIliam, Oaclby, Leicester Loughborough Leicester Hopkins W. & B. High st. Uppinghm Foster J oseph, Breedon-on·the-Hill, Hackett ,VIno 'V. Barlestone, Leicestr Horspool Thos. 198 Systou st. Leicstr Ashby-de-la-Zouc1l Hague Gpo. Croxton Kerrial, Grnthm Hourd Thos. Barkestone, Bottesford Foster Thomas, Branstone, Granthanl Hales William, Leamington terrace, Howett William, 28 Fleet st. Leicestr Foster Thos. King st. Melton Mowbray Uppingham Hoyte 'Vil1iam, 76 Stanley st. Leicstr Fowler Wm. St. Mary's I'd. lYlarket Hall George, 3 8 Charles Ht. Leices ter Huggins Robert, 15 Castle st. Leicstr Harborough Hall George, Market place, Hinckley Hughes Richard, Station I'd. Wigston Fox E(hvard, Bridge st. Sheepshed, Hall Henry, 21 Heanor st. Leicester lYlagna, Leicester Lough borough * Hallam J oseph, 14-16 Haymarket, Humber J esse, 4 Fennel st. Leicester Fox Geo. High st. Kegwol't h, Derby L~icester HUluphreys Daniel W. 7 Graham st. Fox John, Queniborougb, Syston Hallam Thol11as, Market place, Keg Leicestel' Frisby Edwd. 'V. Hallaton, Uppil1ghm worth, Derby Hunt Hy. Sproxton, Melton Mowbray Frost Edwin 'V. 27 Morlidge street., Halliclay John, 27 Mill st. Loughbro' Hunt Isaac, 8 Gra.nby st. Leicester Leicester Hammonds Thonlas, Walton-on-the- Hunt John Thomas, 50 Birstall street, F l'ost Thomas~ Barlestone, Leicester W olds, Loughborough Leicester Fryer John, 26 Dover st. Leicester Hanlson Charles, Hoby, Leicester Hlltchinson J ames, 42 Upper Charles Furley & Hassan, The pal'acle, High Hancock J obn, Walton, Lutter"worth street, JGeicester street, Oakhanl Hardy Geo. Stathern, Melton Mowbry * H:y:am La"wrence, 32 Granby street, Gamble Henry .T. 107 Church gate, Hardy William, Ab-Kettle by, IHelton Leicester, and London Leicester lYlowbray Ingram J cLInes, 138 Upper Conduit Gardner Ohas. H. 13 Wharf st. Leicstr Hardy William, Bradfol'd house, T,vy- street, ~eicester Gardner John T. Ki b"worth Harcourt, Iord, Melton Mowbray Ingram J oseph, Burton overy, G1en Leicester Hardy ,Villiam, Sonlerby, Oakham Magna Garlick Henry, Lubenham, Market Harris Charles, Whitwick, Leicester Isitt }'rederick, Belton, U ppingham Harborough * Harl'is William, 26 lVIarket place, Jackson William, Appleby, Atherstne Garlick John, Mowsley, Rugby Loughborough Jackson ,VilliaIll, Charnwood street Garratt John G. KihworthBeauchamp, Harrjs ,Vnl. South l{ilworth, Rughy Lei cestel' ' Leicester Harrison Moses, Higham·on-the-Hill, Jackson 'Villi am, Orange street) Up * Geary Walter 18 Upper Conduit st. Hinckley pingham Leicester Harrison William, 4 Albert terrace, J acques George, Occupation In. Moira, Gibson John, Belton, Loughborough Humberstone road, Leicester Burton-on-Tren t Gilbert "\Vm. The Olays, WY111es,volc1, IIarrold & Co. 19 Gallowtree gate, J acques ThOlnas, Sharnforcl, Hinckley Loughborough Leicester J obLett George, Nether Seal, Ashby- Glazier John, Ryhall, Stamford IInrt Mark, Leanlington st. Leicps~or de-Ia-Zouch Glenn William T. Deans In. Oakham * Harvey ,V m. 44 Belgrave gt. Leicstr Jeeson Edwd. Hose, Melton Mowhray GOHdby J oseph, lVln,rket Bosworth, Ratton John, Ibstock, Ashby-de-la- Jenkin James, 38 Dun's In. Lejcester Hincklpy Zouch J esson Jas. Slawston, Market IIarbro' Goddarcl J Oh11, Carlton, Hinckley IIawley Peter, 165 Hunlberstone road, J esson ,Villiam, North l{ilworth, Good John, Lubenhnm, Market Har Leicestpr Rllgby borough IIaywood George, Ibstock, Ashby-de J ohnson ThonuLs, Clapgun st. Castle Goodacre John, Market place, Melton la-Zouch Donington, Derby Mowbray ~ IIaywood John H. 12 Oarley streAt, J ohnson \Villianl, Clapgun st. Castle Goode Samuel, 56 Baxtergate, Lough- Leicester DOllington, Derby borough Haywood J onathan, Church street, J ohnson 'Villi am , High st. Syston, Goodier Joshua, 51 Mill st. Loughbro' Sheepshecl, Lougb borough Leicester Goodman John, Gilnlorton, Luttrwrth * Headley Bros. & Wyatt, 75 Market Jordan George, Ratby, Leicestel' Goodson Robert; Croxton Kerrial, place, Leicester J owett Oharles, Ran moor lane, Grantham Healey J oseph, High street, Market h-;Loughborough Gough ,;Vllliam, Belgrave rcl. Leicestr Harborough J ulian Thomas, Thorpe Satchville, Gray William, Houghton·on-the Hea1ey William, 12 Halforcl st. Leicstr Melton Mowbray Hill, Leicester Ream Henry, 45 Russell st. Leicester Kilby Thomas, 1 Clarence st. Leicstr .