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The Rose Thorn Archive Student Newspaper

Winter 2-6-2017

Volume 52 - Issue 16 - Monday, February 6, 2016

Rose Thorn Staff Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, [email protected]

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This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspaper at Rose-Hulman Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rose Thorn Archive by an authorized administrator of Rose-Hulman Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ROSE-HULMAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY • THEROSETHORN.COM • MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2016 • VOLUME 52 • ISSUE 16

Marc Schmitt systems are compromised by a malicious source code and then compare those bina- actor. ries to assure that they are in fact legiti- Editor-in-Chief The real shift in thinking required, ac- mate. However, this idea is difficult to im- cording to Barnes, is developing systems plement given the complexity of the binary The Computer Science and Software En- that spread risk out over multiple systems. generation process. All of the dissimilari- gineering department hosted a software se- This means compromises must be made in ties between two computers are carried over curity talk by Richard Barnes on Monday, the business sense where control and trust to their respective binaries. While there are January 30. As the Head of Security for are distributed to multiple actors. A diffi- some software projects out there that have Mozilla’s Firefox web browser, Barnes cult mindset must be adopted, that software had some success in implementing repro- talked about the needs and challenges of vendors should not trust themselves. ducible builds, the goal is far from being protecting users from malware. In discussing open source software, the accomplished for the vast majority of soft- The talk three areas in which solutions primary benefit, according to Barnes, is the ware. and techniques can be applied to minimize ability for everyone to conduct analysis on a Another idea put forth is called binary risk to users while increasing the quality of piece of software’s source code. If you can transparency, where all updates are pub- the software. Barnes started off by discuss- see what is in a piece of software, then you lished in a public log. In this system there ing the benefits of open source software, can spot the malicious code before running are multiple authorities that sign a software reminding those in attendance of Firefox’s it. update, that is to say they are verifying its freely accessible source code. There are caveats to this approach, spe- authenticity, and a quorum of authorities In moving to a broader scope, Barnes cifically dealing with the size of the soft- are required to release an update. Cross- asserted that a guiding principal in building ware as well as the process in producing the verification of software updates can further secure software is to best defend the user runnable program from that source code, improve the security of updates by spread- from the software developers. A user should called a binary. ing trust among multiple actors, reducing be protected in the case that a developer’s Firstly, when a piece of software is small the risk to users in the case that one actor it is relatively easy to see all of the code is compromised or acts in a malicious man- that goes into the program, but this process ner. Problems exist with this system as quickly breaks down when you get to mod- well, such as vulnerabilities in the public ern day programs. To put it in perspective, log, but they can again be mitigated by spe- Microsoft’s Windows operating system has cific policies and transparency throughout over 40 million lines of code. On top of systems. that, the automated tools to analyze code Unfortunately, all the solutions dis- are only so good at detecting malicious code cussed above take time and effort to design or bugs that can be exploited. Controlling and implement, which are even more bur- code additions is a recognized weakness in densome when the software already exists. both open source and closed source soft- Firefox, for example, is only in the prelimi- ware. nary stages of implementing binary repro- The chain of steps required when pro- ducibility. Barnes argued that continued ducing the binary represents another liabil- scrutiny and a focus at the beginning of ity with open source software. The chal- software projects should be given to securi- lenge here is how to assure the correct ty. This is a required shift in thinking for source code was used to generate a given CSSE students but also for other students binary, which threatens to negate the bene- that deal with sensitive information. fit of open source software. That the binary The Computer Science and Software En- generation process is spread over many sys- gineering department will be hosting a talk tems only serves to increase the complexity on deep learning in computer vision on Richard Barnes is the head of security for of the challenge. Tuesday, February 7 during 10th hour in Barnes offered two techniques to com- the GM Room. The talk will be given by Da- Mozilla’s Firefox web browser. bat this problem. One is the idea of repro- vid Crandall, an associate professor at the ducible builds, where multiple actors can School of Informatics and computing at In- Photo from produce the same binary from the same diana University.

Page 4: Musical medley: Jazz Age Z and contemporary Sing The Rose Thorn Page 5: Diary of an assassin: Part 2 Page 6: Keep your out of my ! Meet Tuesdays Page 7: RHIT Sports and Golden State’s Domination O259 5:15pm

Lauren Wiseman students’ spirits. comments. She spent many son from her segment on Part one of the night is the years trying to garner the ap- Laughs on FOX, which she News Editor standup routine of Jose Bar- preciation she deserved. now hosts. Tomlinson also has Winter quarter is nearly rientos. Barrientos took being Tomlinson used to self - a featured role on Adam over, but there are still a cou- a class clown to a whole new deprecating wit to make her a Devine’s House Party. ple of grueling weeks ahead level, spending four whole staple at clubs, campuses, The event kicks off Febru- for Rose-Hulman students. To months of his college career and, according to her website, ary 10 at 8 p.m. in the Kahn combat the winter blues while with a “typical Hispanic immi- “other suspicious, rented Room. So take a night off and the season looms large over grant accent, ” according to spaces across the country. ” have a laugh —Rose’s student campus, the Month of a Mil- his website. The spur-of-the- Some may recognize Tomlin- body has earned it. lion Laughs continues with a moment act grew and was doc- pair of comedians sure to lift umented in series of youtube videos. In the series, Barrien- tos added comically large sombreros and a backstory that cast him as a piñata mak- er with an insatiable love for David Hasselhoff. There is a twist, because his website goes on to say the prank evolved into something more, a bit of a “social experi- ment.” Barrientos and the prank went viral, quickly drawing the attention of na- tional news program 20/20. Since the prank, Barrientos has been travelling the coun- try sharing his comedy through the eyes of an immi- grant. Taylor Tomlinson will also be taking the stage in the Taylor Tomlinson be on cam- Khan Room. Her stand -up ca- Jose Barrientos demonstrating his faux-heritage as a piñata maker. reer beings at just sixteen - pus on Friday, February 10. years -old. For years, Tomlin- This clip was apart of his viral prank that launched his standup career. son would offer up sarcastic Photo from Facebook Photos Courtesy of The Daily Mail Ads 2

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ISSUES of The Rose Thorn are published on the second through ninth Our Mission Statement: Mondays of each academic quarter We are Rose-Hulman’s independent student newspaper. WEEKLY MEETINGS occur at 5:15 p.m. on the first through ninth Tuesdays of each academic quarter. All members of the Rose-Hulman We keep the Rose-Hulman community informed by community are welcome to attend. providing an accurate and dependable source for news SUBMISSION of articles, photographs, art, and letters to the editor is and information. encouraged. Submission may be made by email to thorn@rose- or in person to Percopo room 031. The submission dead- line is 5:00 p.m. Friday. Marc Schmitt • Editor-in-Chief Blake Powell • Sports Editor THE RIGHTS to accept submissions or changes made after the dead- Karlee Koetje • Business Manager Lauren Santichen • Flipside Editor line, to edit submissions in so far as the original intent of the submis- Nolan Hughes • Business Manager Emma Oswood • Copy Editor sion remains unaltered, and to reject submissions deemed inappropri- ate for print are reserved by the editors. Lauren Wiseman • News Editor Dr. Thomas Adams • Faculty Advisor LETTERS TO THE EDITOR should be no longer than 600 words in Curtis Humm • Entertainment Editor Derek Hufferd • Staff Writer length and must contain the writer’s (electronic) signature. Seun Ladipo • Lifestyle Editor Mason Diebold • Staff Writer THE VIEWS EXPRESSED herein are those of their respective authors Thaddeus Hughes • Opinions Editor Joseph Lee • Staff Writer and with the exception of the Staff View do not necessarily represent the views of the staff or the Rose-Hulman community. John Chilton • Sports Editor Evelyne Maquelin • Staff Writer News 3 Rose Diversity Connect

Joseph Lee Lauren Wiseman (NSBE), Unity, Women of Like Fields Passionate About Computing (Wolfpac), Staff Writer News Editor and Rose Building Undergraduate Di- Air Pollution Possible Cause of Dementia, Study versity (Rose -BUD) had a chance to earn Finds Seventh week brought companies money for their clubs. Each member of a diversity organization earned points for from around the nation to Rose - their organization for every event in When one thinks about air pollution, the connection is Hulman’s campus for the winter Career which they participated, and the club generally made to smog, acid rain, and lung cancer. How- Fair. For eight companies in particular, that garnered the most participation ever, new research seems to provide some evidence of the they came a day early for the inaugural points would win $5000 for their club. harmful effects of pollution on the brain itself. In other Rose Diversity Connect event. The com- Beyond the student competition, words, all the tobacco smoke, vehicle emissions, wood panies came to interact with diverse there were events designed to prepare burning, etc., may be a cause of concern for must than just Rose-Hulman students through three and connect. Three companies led Lead- healthy lungs. events over the course of a day. Through ership Simulations. Cummins, Inc., Ber- Researchers viewed 3,600 women with no cases of student competitions, leadership simu- ry Plastics, and Allison Transmission dementia at the start of the study, female lab mice, and lations, and a lunch bistro, students had focused on “teaching, or reinforcing, brain tissue in petri dishes. The results point towards that a chance to show off the intellect they critical leadership concepts students air pollution exceeding U.S. federal safety standards may hone every day in classes. would need to be successful in the work- rise the risk of declining in cognitive abilities by 81 percent “The objective of Rose Diversity place.” The learning was paired with ac- and a 92 percent increase in the possibility in the develop- Connect was to connect our diverse stu- tivities to make sure the material stuck ment of dementia. dents with corporations,” explained with students. Furthermore, the researchers claim that 21 percent of Center for Diversity Director Janice The remaining five companies hosted all dementia cases might be correlated with air pollution. Fenn. While academics is a huge priori- lunch bistros set up in the balcony of While such may cause alarm and concern, the researchers ty for students of all years, many stu- the SRC, with each company inviting 14 - do say the study does not provide definite evidence of a dents would consider the job hunt a fo- 16 students. Each company was encour- causal relationship between air pollution and the risk of cus for seniors. Fenn wants to change aged to order food from restaurants dementia. this perception through events like Rose around town. This event provided a In addition to this, any evidence seen in the mice may Diversity Connect: “What I’m impress- chance for students to “sit down and not correlate with humans. However, such data from the ing upon [students] is you need to start have a great meal in an informal set- research alone just might be enough evidence alone to put building that relationship [with compa- ting,” Fenn said. For students, this was down the cigarette. nies] as soon as you get on campus.” an invaluable experience, as their inter- Students had the opportunity to con- actions with company representatives U.S. Promises South Korean Protection nect and build relationships with corpo- are limited at the career fair. Sitting rate representatives the day before the around a table enjoying lunch breaks While President Trump is currently in the news for his winter career fair. Rose Diversity Con- down the barriers and creates a more immigration policies, the U.S. Defense Secretary James nect was a collaboration between the comfortable environ- Mattis reassured South Korea of protection from North ment for engagement. Korea. The statement was made after North Korea’s con- Companies love Rose - tinual missile and nuclear testing, as well as aggressive “It doesn’t matter who gets Hulman and want to statements towards South Korea and the U.S. see more of the di- So far, North Korea has conducted its fifth nuclear de- verse students that vice test and acquired a new ballistic missile. Furthermore, [students] the attention come here. Events of the country is claiming to have the power to have these this nature can pro- weapons reach U.S. soil, though experts are skeptical of vide great exposure such declaration. they need or gets them to for students. Through On the other side of things, the U.S. already has a sig- another event de- nificant military presence in South Korea with numbers of signed to provide ex- about 28,500 U.S. troops. Furthermore, Secretary Mattis the right company, the goal posure for diverse stu- has confirmed plans of deploying a U.S. missile defense dents, The Diversity system sometime this year. Accelerator (a speed - While such systems may mean more protection, Chi- dating formatted din- na, Russia, and some of South Korea’s citizens fear the is to get them there.” ner), Eli Lilly met a missiles would be too provocative and could be potential student during the targets and endanger nearby life. While Secretary Mattis Center for Diversity, Career Services, evening who will intern with them this assures only North Korea should be concerned, China re- and Corporate Relations. Career Ser- summer. The students and the compa- mains opposed to the idea. vices helped find companies with diver- nies appreciated the event so much that

sity initiatives, and Corporate Relations it is scheduled to take place again this New Zika Vaccine Candidate had the necessary connections to com- year. However, Fenn added, “It’s not

pany representatives. “We had a great any one single event.” It takes repeated After months of trying to create a virus to combat the partnership,” Fenn went on to say. The exposure to foster the connections be- Zika virus, scientists think they may have a successful vac- collaboration between the offices re- tween students and companies. cine. Zika virus while causing flu like symptoms and is not veals the common goal: “It doesn’t mat- This collaboration between the Cen- a huge concern for adults, the dangers are found with ter who gets [students] the attention ter for Diversity, Career Services, and pregnant women. they need or gets them to the right com- Corporate Relations provided Rose - The virus can cause severe birth defects in newborns. pany, the goal is to get them there.” Hulman’s diverse students with unprec- A common defect is microcephaly, or an abnormal small So how did Rose Diversity Connect edented opportunities to not only gain size of the head and brain. The virus infection also corre- accomplish this? There were three exposure to top companies, but to show- lates with vision, hearing, and nervous system damage of events, the first of which was the stu- case their talents and skills, demon- the newborns. dent competition. Twenty -two student strating why Rose -Hulman is at the top With the recent outbreaks in Latin America and cer- teams tackled tain portions of the United States, scientists have been challenges scrambling for a vaccine. While several candidates have set forth by “It takes repeated exposure to been made and tested in animals previously, this one is the the by the first to show a resilient and durable protection. The mice D i v e r s i t y treated with the vaccine showed resiliency against the vi- Council, and rus after two weeks and five months since the vaccination. finalized by foster the connections between Moreover, macaque monkeys showed resiliency after five A s s o c i a t e weeks since the injection. Professor of With such successes, the researchers are hoping Electrical students and companies.” to start clinical trials in 12 to 18 months. However, and Comput- the worry now is that humans will not respond simi- er Engineering, Dr. Carlotta Berry. of so many companies’ recruiting lists. larly to the mice. These challenges focused on real -world However, “You must strive to make the problems, including finding a way to event better each time, and you can’t Researchers Investigate Misophonia Disorder disable drones in the path of airplanes, get better unless you know what people or designing a solution to sanitizing really think,” Fenn said. Currently, the Odds are, everyone knows someone who is suf- bathroom exits. The latter was the fering misophonia. In spite of the ominous name, it Center for Diversity is soliciting feed- choice for 70 percent of the student back from the participating companies is not a super bacteria. Misophonia is an extreme groups. Company representatives and dislike to certain noises. Noises that may include in order to plan its next Rose Diversity faculty judges evaluated the solutions, Connect the day before the fall career nails being scraped down a blackboard and chewing. and chose winning teams. The winning Researchers have recently scanned the brains of fair. teams received a $250 Visa gift card for With this year’s Rose Diversity Con- 20 misophonic brains and 22 misophonic-free each member. brains with an MRI while playing one of three nect “connected”, Fenn and the Center The gift cards were not the only priz- for Diversity are back to the grindstone. sounds: neutral sounds like rain, generally unpleas- es up for grabs during the event. “We ant sounds like screaming, and potentially trigger- The Center for Diversity has many more asked the companies to provide funding events coming up this spring, one of ing sounds like chewing. The results revealed a hy- for the Center for Diversity for their peractive anterior insular cortex, the region that which is the SPARK competition. participation,” Fenn explained. While SPARK is a robotics challenge where we joins senses with emotion. some of the money went towards prizes Furthermore, the reaction when triggered is pair diverse high school students with and awards for the student competi- Rose-Hulman students to create 4 - mostly anger. While there are mild cases, some cas- tions, diverse student organizations also es may cause individuals to be unable to have a job. person competition teams. The Center had a chance to earn money for their for Diversity office is lending its sup- Therefore, researchers are also hoping further un- clubs. “We created a point system to in- derstanding may lead to new treatments. One idea is port to this challenge by reaching out to centivize participation.” So organiza- high schools in the Midwest to generate to have low levels of electricity to pass through the tions like the Society of Women Engi- skull. interest in SPARK. There is a bonus for neers (SWE), Society of Asian Scientists this outreach, as it turns out to be a For those who do have it, however, it is advised and Engineers (SASE), Society of His- they avoid caffeine and alcohol as these substances wonderful opportunity to expose high panic Professional Engineers (SHPE), school students interested in STEM to can make the condition worse while the substances National Society of Black Engineers are in the body. Rose-Hulman. Entertainment 4

Lauren Wiseman who refuses to sit pretty, and establishing and the insecurities come to the surface. Scott (David Hoflin) as a man with his eye on When the jazz music has a chance to carry News Editor greatness and his head in the clouds. That over the montages, the show moves quicker. F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald embodied could have taken a single episode, instead of In spite of the quicker pacing, there are mo- the spirit and life of the Roaring Twenties. three and a half. A bright patch in the Mont- ments that feel more like a sitcom, even with His novels helped define a generation and her gomery episodes, though, was David the show (supposedly) having factual basis: look created a way of life, but theirs was a tu- Strathairn playing Zelda’s father. After spend- Zelda feels slighted when Scott sends Zelda multuous existence. Amazon Prime continues ing a lot of time as the stern judge, the stereo- out for clothes befitting a New Yorker, Scott is with their original series with Z: The Begin- typical hard edge, he displayed moments of jealous of Zelda having a successful screen ning of Everything. genuine heart that portrayed him as more hu- test for a film, Scott’s speaking engagement at Season one opens in Montgomery, Ala- man and conveyed a much deeper character Princeton does not go according to plan, the bama, during World War I and ends in New than viewers were led to believe. list goes on. York City during the Jazz Age. The Montgom- When the show moves to New York, While the writing can be lacking in places, ery scenes are good, but as a result, the show though, things really took off. The parties, the and some transitions have music that does not has a rather slow opening. It does the neces- conflict, and the jealousy begins to accumu- fit the mood, Hoflin and Ricci are stunning sary grind work of establishing Zelda late. Suddenly, Zelda realizes New York is not together, and that makes up for a lot. Hoflin (Christina Ricci) as a girl against the grain Alabama, Scott cannot finish a second novel, portrays F. Scott with a heartbreaking, crip- pling insecurity, eliciting sympathy and, at times, fury from viewers. He is a dead ringer for the writer. Ricci is right at home as Zelda, with just a certain something that makes her absolutely perfect for the role. Maybe it is in her smile or the confidence with which she delivers her lines and conducts herself—she does a tremendous job. No, she does not real- ly look like Zelda. Allison Pill’s portrayal in Midnight in Paris was more like Zelda than Ricci. That is neither here nor there, really, because the heart and soul is there. Of the ten first episodes, the best episode is episode seven. The last ten minutes are so well acted, and it shows the first irreparable cracks in their lives. Should Amazon make and release a season two, it should be better than the first season, as viewers know the characters and their problems, the writing can hit the ground running and get right to the point. For five hours of commitment, it was worth a watch. I know for myself, I want to see the animosity between Zelda and Ernest Hemingway on screen. (Word to the wise: If full frontal nudity is off-putting, be aware there is a moment in episode four that displays a character com- pletely naked.) Christina Ricci’s portrayal of Zelda Fitzgerald truly captures the soul of the character. Photo courtesy of

Lauren Santichen Flipside Editor Released in the last two weeks of 2016, Sing is an animated movie created by Illumi- nation Entertainment, a smaller company than Disney-Pixar and DreamWorks, but no less impressive. Having given rise to the Des- picable Me movies and Horton Hears a Who, Illumination has brought us another light- hearted animated movie with some pretty se- rious themes. It wouldn’t be right to talk about the plot of Sing, because there are many plots all tied together. Buster Moon the koala wants to save his theater that’s on the verge of bankruptcy. Rosita the pig wants a break from her monot- onous life as a stay-at-home mom. Johnny the gorilla struggles between following his Truly an ensemble number. dreams and following the footsteps of his criminal father. Photo courtesy of Meena the elephant just wants to sing. This play on many characters is unusual feels, just wanting to keep hold of a childhood stage on glass aquariums filled with neon-lit for a children’s film as children nowadays dream. squid which moved and lit up to various musi- have smaller attention spans. Whether this I think the play on characters and individ- cal beats. Immediately after a confrontation works or not, I’m not sure, but I am certain of ual stories works well with the overall goal of with a mafia-like trio, the stage cracks and one thing: having more characters equals hav- saving the theater and ties in nicely with the unleashes hundreds of gallons of water in a ing more connections. Maybe I don’t connect end of the singing competition. As with most flurry of motion and chaos. Having taken with Ash -a rock-star porcupine whose boy- kids movies, the finale wraps up with all the Computer Graphics here at Rose, I can appre- friend cheats on her. I can’t understand how participants getting their wish or due punish- ciate the time and effort it took to get the she feels, but I know how Meena feels, just ment and having a moment alone in the spot- scenes compiled and as realistic looking as wanting to sing and be heard. I can’t under- light. possible for an animated kids film. stand how Rosita feels, being a mother of 24 As far as animation goes, scenes fit to- Overall, this turns out to be a heartfelt piglets, but I can understand how Buster gether flawlessly. The most intensive scene story about dreams and trying, even if it was one seen in the trailer. The theater built a means you might fail. It’s a good lesson for any age, no matter the media that is used to transmit it. There were some places that I got “Overall, this turns out to be a heartfelt a little confused or that didn’t quite fit with the characters presented, but overall the sto- ry, characters, and animation meshed well story about dreams and trying, even if with each other. it means you might fail.” Lifestyle 5 The Evolution of Avenged Sound

Andrew Henderson 1,500,000 copies in the United States, 2,500,000 total worldwide, and Guest Writer has been debated as one of best in of all time. Both the bands and critics have pointed to the style change from to more me- is a metal and hardcore rock band that, late last lodic music as the cause of the band’s instant success with “City of October released its latest “The stage” to critical acclaim and Evil”. This album was also the longest song Sevenfold had produced un- immense popularity, hitting number 4 on US top 200. However, “The til “The Stage” with a 72 minute and 39 seconds run time. Stage” was a large change in sound for the band, with a move to an In October 2007 the band released their fourth album, self-titled even more ballad form of lyrics, a more progressive metal and experi- “Avenged Sevenfold”, it would continue to be a heavy metal and hard mental guitar riffs, and was one of Sevenfold’s longest album totaling rock album, but took far more experimental sound that moves away 73 minutes with 35 minutes of those minutes being actual music. These from the metal characteristics used in earlier albums. This was espe- changes to Avenged Sevenfold’s music are not that uncommon for the cially true for the “A Little Piece of Heaven” which was an avant-garde band, as since their debut album “Sounding the Seventh Trumpet” from metal song inspired by broadways show tunes and used a brass and 2001 was incredibly different from the rest of their later albums. string section. A controversial album and song, the band would not rate “Sounding of the Seventh Trumpet” which references the trumpet that as high by most critics as they were critical of the overdubs and over brings the end of the world (the first of many biblical allusions Avenged polishing by edits, still the album would go gold and then later plati- Sevenfold would use), was unlike most of their later albums. With very num and “A Little Piece of Heaven” would win the fan favorite in an hard guitar riffs, heavy leading vocals and slow but intense musical Avenged Sevenfold held poll. After the release of a live version of many passages, the album was well received by critics, however only 300 cop- of Avenged Sevenfold son in the album “Live in the LBC & Diamonds in ies were sold in its first week. The album was well made, but showcased the Rough” in 2008 the band would release the Album “Nightmare” in Sevenfold’s young age (still in high school at this point) through how 2010, however their long time drummer The Rex would die from an much of the bands influences from early 90’s metalcore bands appeared overdose before release and be replaced by . The album in their music. Later in 2001, Avenged sevenfold would release an ex- was critically enjoyed and continued the heave metal and hard rock tended play of their debut with a new single and a remake of “To End sound of city evil, acting as a form of a sendoff and thank you to The The Rapture” which was more heavy metal rather than they're earlier Rev. metalcore style, which blends metal and hardcore punk. The band’s next release would occur in 2013 with “Hail to the King”, The band would take the lesson’s learned from their first album and an album that left behind the hardcore rock elements of their music. create far greater success with their second album “Walking the Fallen”. The album was far heavier than their earlier works with a greater con- The album while still having the metalcore sound from their debut al- centration on guitar riffs and less melody singing. Closer to the classi- bum, showcased far cleaner and easier to understand singing, a major cal metal the band seemed to want to be in their debut album, the al- problem listeners had with the first album. “Walking the Fallen” would bum displayed how much the band had matured. The “Hail to the King” become Avenged Sevenfold’s first truly successful release, gathering was heavily based in the religious themes Avenged Sevenfold has been critical acclaim and getting the rising band compared to big name working off since their debut and would be the last album before their bands like Iron Maiden and Metallica. The album would also sell ex- newest release “The Stage”. As stated before, “The Stage” is likely the tremely well, selling 3,000 copies in the first week and having sold al- largest change in style Avenged Sevenfold has had since “The City of most 700,000 copies since 2014 (comparable to only 300,000 for the Evil”, displaying more aggressive vocal styles, melodies and thrash met- debut to today). This album is when Avenged Sevenfold started to gath- al riffs than ever before. The album was also Avenged displaying a wish er a following and their fan base would continue to grow with the 2005 to tell stories through the music, creating an album based around hu- release of “City of Evil”. man and natural history, artificial intelligence, science driven ideas like “City of Evil” was a move to far more traditional heavy metal and space exploration and the future of society. The Band's highest rated hard rock sounds for Avenged Sevenfold, moving away from their album since “City of Evil”, the album is doing so well (even with the metalcore roots and was notably absent of any screaming vocals as the surprise release that wasn’t promoted) that some expect it to outpace lead singer M. Shadows worked for months with vocal coach Ron An- “City of Evil” to become their most successful album yet. Avenged sev- derson to build his new sound. He wanted this new album to have “grit enfold has been an always evolving band that exploded into the metal while still having the tone” and this change was incredibly successful. mainstream in the early 2000’s and to this day is still experimenting “City of Evil” contains some of Avenged Sevenfold’s most popular and with their style with each album. And with the success of their newest famous songs, with their arguably most successful single “Bat Coun- album, which even those the most critical of them have given high rat- try” being in the Album with other large sellers like “Beast and the ing, their future seems well set to continue to make music. Harlot” and “Seize the Day”. “City of Evil” by this date has sold

The members of Avenged Sevenfold posing for a picture. Photo Courtesy of Diary of An Assassin-Part 2 You need to chill. Seun Ladipo Lifestyle Editor

As Monday came around and the clock stuck 12:00 midnight I knew that had survived another week. By now, there were less than half of the people in the game than had begun. The tension in the hallways had cooled off, as there were less and less people alive to compete for the final prize. As for my killer, she had not pursued me for some time now, at least to my own knowledge. Word on the street was that she had giv- en up because she knew I was on to her although I had the exact oppo- site from others as well. The only fact of the matter was that we were both still alive and I had to continue my pursuit to stay this way. Fast forward to Thursday. I was at the bi monthly Sophomore Advi- sor meeting in the Union and the meeting was nearing its end. We were nearing the end of sharing stories about our resident’s when one of the other SA’s had informed the group that one of her freshman had been locked in a closet adjacent to the room we were meeting. I laughed to myself wondering why they were they there in the first place. She then proceeded to tell us that they were there to kill me. My laughter had stopped immediately while everyone else had burst out laughing in my anguish once again. I knew I had gotten much too comfortable. As soon as the meeting was over I ran back to my room to safety. As I am writing this once Nowhere is safe. again I still am alive although if I will survive even this weekend I do not know. Photo Courtesy of Opinions 6

...shocked by how an executive order could jeapordize so many families.

Protests at ATL Airport Photo by Allison Guillory / WAB

We cannot sacrifice morality at the altar of economic gain, even if it is ‘for the greater good’.

They wouldn’t be out here if politics didn’t overlap with religion. Photo by Alex Brandon / AP Sports 7 National Basketball Association RHIT SPORTS BOX SCORES Blake Powell row while making it LeBron's 7th straight RHIT Men’s Basketball Sports Editor Finals appearance. Although it seems as if most fans would Blake Powell The previous two seasons have resulted love to see the rematch of Golden State ver- Sports Editor in a Finals game featuring the Cleveland sus Cleveland, it is still any teams’ game to Cavaliers and the Golden State Warriors win as there is enough season left for any The Men’s basketball team put up a great fight against and everyone is expecting to see a third Fi- team to come together and make a run for Mt. St. Joseph by taking the game into overtime against the nals appearance from each team this sea- the Finals. There are four teams in the 1st ranked team in the HCAC. The conference tournament is son. Golden State is dominating the league Eastern Conference that only have four or approaching so this is a good sign to see that our team can again with a 43-8 record while trying to less wins than the Cleveland Cavaliers; the play with any team out there but they just need to take their surpass last season’s record of 73-9, which Boston Celtics (32-18), Washington Wiz- game to the next level in order to make a run in the tourna- went down as the best regular season rec- ards (30-20), Atlanta Hawks (30-21) and ment. The men take on Earlham at home on Wednesday. ord of all time. the Toronto Raptors (30-21). Golden State 1 2 OT FINAL Golden State currently is standing at looks to have the Western Conference MEN’S BASKETBALL first in the Western Conference while also wrapped up; however, the San Antonio having the best record in the league. Cleve- Spurs stand at second in the Western Con- ROSE-HULMAN 31 29 8 68 land is leading the Eastern Conference with ference with a record of 39-11 while the MT. ST. JOSEPH 30 30 16 76 a 34-15 record. Cleveland has been strug- Houston Rockets stand at third with a rec- gling recently as they have faced a lot of ad- ord of 37-17. versity such as one of their star players, JR It sure is exciting to see what will hap- Standout Performers Smith, sitting out, along with many other pen with this season because there are so Charlie Aimone-15 points, 6 rebounds, 2 assists adjustments to their roster. many teams playing at a tremendous level. Collin Wojcik-14 points, 2 rebounds, 2 assists It is tough for a team to play well to- Can any team in the Eastern Conference Nick McGrail-12 points, 4 rebounds gether when the roster is consistently beat LeBron James and the Cleveland Cav- If I had to pick the water boy or David, I’d say they’re the same person changing because of their desperation to aliers? Can any team in the Western Con- play at such a high level. Cleveland has lost ference take down the super team of Curry, four of their last eight games which isn’t Green, Thompson and Durant? We still RHIT Women’s Basketball what is expected from a reigning Champi- have about four months until we find out Blake Powell onship team so hopefully Cleveland can who will be competing to be the NBA Sports Editor pull it together and make a run at the Fi- Champions, which will begin on June 1st. nals again for a third straight season in a Our Women’s team beat Mt. St. Joseph to increase their winning streak to 8 while extending their home court winning streak to 21. Every game counts for the RHIT Diving Fightin’ Engineers as they are playing to keep first place in the HCAC with their impressive 18-3 record Blake Powell and 13-1 in HCAC play. The Women return to play on Sports Editor Wednesday for a home game against Earlham for an- other game of conference play. The Men’s diving team stands at second and the Women’s diving team stands at 1 2 3 4 FINAL third out of the six teams competing at the WOMEN’S BASKETBALL College Conference of Illinois and Wiscon- ROSE-HULMAN 15 15 12 12 54 sin Swimming and Diving Championships Burning rubber on the SRC track. which were held Friday and Saturday at Il- Photo by Rose-Hulman Athletics linois Wesleyan University. MT. ST. JOSEPH 14 9 10 9 42 The Women’s team was carried by two freshmen; Michelle Reese earned an all- league recognition with second-place in one RHIT Track Standout Performers -meter diving while Michaela Kivett took Ally Bromenschenkel-18 points, 8 rebounds, 1 block Blake Powell third place in one-meter diving. The Men’s Josie Schmidt-14 points, 4 rebounds, 3 steals team was lead by Ben Strate, Joshua Sports Editor Schnipke and Zsolt Truckai. Abby Bromenschenkel-6 points, 5 rebounds, 4 steals The College Conference of Illinois and Our Men’s and Women’s teams are Alyzia Dilworth-2 points, 7 rebounds, 5 assists Wisconsin Swimming and Diving Champi- heading into the region strong as the Men onships will resume with the swimming currently stand at 3rd and the Women portion on Thursday through Saturday at stand at 10th in the Great Lakes Region. Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin. The Men’s team has won all three of their dual meets this season and the Women placed third at the Engineer Invitational meet. National rankers include Jaclyn Setina with 7th in the women’s high jump, Nick Palmer with 14th in the men’s pole vault, Josh Himes with 23rd in shot put and 26th in the weight throw and Debie Gedeon with 30th in the 60-meter hur- dles. Rose-Hulman will be back in action as they compete in the DePauw Invitational on February 11th and then the FIghtin’ Engineers will host the Heartland Colle- giate Athletic Conference Championships Ally Bromenschenkel taking it to the hole against Mt. St. Joseph. Diving teams were successful this weekend. on February 18th at the Sports and Recre- Photo by Rose-Hulman Athletics ation Center. Photo by Rose-Hulman Athletics Intramural Standings Basketball Volleyball STAND- TEAM NAME W L T GP STREAK ING

Fiji B 5 0 0 5 W4 1st STAND- Cat Salads 4 1 0 5 L1 2nd TEAM NAME W L T GP STREAK ING Triangle B 3 2 0 5 L1 3rd

StayLow 7 0 0 7 W6 1st ResidenceB Greek B B Greek Pike Garnet 3 2 0 5 W2 3rd BSBlockParty 6 1 0 7 W5 2nd ATO B 2 3 0 5 W1 5th SigmaNu 2 3 0 5 W1 5th OurNameWasn’tAp- 5 2 0 7 W1 3rd

Delta Sig 1 4 0 5 L2 7th D-O For Harambe 4 3 0 7 L1 4th

Pike Gold 0 5 0 5 L5 8th West Sets 4 3 0 7 W4 4th STAND- ThatsWhatSheSet 4 3 0 7 W1 4th TEAM NAME W L T GP STREAK ING

Set to Kill 2 5 0 7 L4 7th GrandTheftRondo 7 0 0 7 W7 1st Pop A Volley 1 6 0 7 L4 8th BSBreak Yo Ankles 6 1 0 7 W1 2nd H,S, Mees and Toes 1 6 0 7 L4 8th HoopsDidItAgain 4 2 0 7 W1 3rd DadJeans 1 6 0 7 L1 8th

Monstars 3 3 0 7 L1 4th Residence B Residence BetaSigmaBeta 3 3 0 7 W1 4th Scharpenballers 2 4 0 7 L1 6th Deming2D 1 6 0 7 L4 7th TakeAShot4Haramb 0 7 0 7 L7 8th Flipside 8 The HORRORscopes

We only use the realest of real horrorscoping technology here on the SideFlip. We determine your future and past by throwing finals out the window and sobbing qui- etly into our pillows. We hope that you find our process to be accurate and scientific.

ARIES: The difference between “Girlfriend” and “Girl Friend” LIBRA: Never laugh at your girlfriend’s choices… you are one is that little space in between we call the “Friend Zone”. of them. TAURUS: Hospitality: making your guests feel like they’re at SCORPIO: Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at home, even if you wish they were. which one can die. GEMINI: A recent study has found that women who carry a SAGITARIUS: Life is all about perspective. The sinking of the little extra weight live longer than the men who mention it. Titanic was a miracle to the lobsters in the ship’s kitchen. CANCER: Intelligence is like underwear. It is important that CAPRICORN: You know that tingly little feeling you get when you have it, but not necessary that you show it off. you like someone? That’s your common sense leaving your LEO: Alcohol is a perfect solvent: it dissolves marriages, fami- body. lies and careers. Think before you drink. AQUARIUS: If you think nobody cares whether you’re alive, VIRGO: The 50-50-90 rule: anytime you have a 50-50 chance try missing a couple of payments. of getting something right, there’s a 90% probability you’ll get PISCES: Team work is important; it helps to put the blame on it wrong. someone else.

Fact of the Week

On January 1, 1907, Theodore Roosevelt shook the 1. Be a civil and literally burn a hands of 8,510 people, setting a world record he held bridge for over 70 years. 2. Send a life-sized Trump cutout saying “You’re Fired” WACKY PROF “There’s nothing wrong with a bit 3. Land a giant middle finger on of brandy for medicinal purpos- a SpaceX Barge QUOTES es…” -Dr. Grimaldi 4. Tell them your real GPA Nothing wrong at all!

5. Unfriend them on LinkedIn “Nope, Dr. Grimaldi is just hang- “Can we just cancel class and have 6. Ghost them on all social media ing in there. I got this great cough a sit down and talk about life for a 7. Send a 3D copy of yourself medicine at home, but you’re not while?” allowed to bring brandy on cam- -Dr. Jones 8. Text your recruiter, “Plz no pus...” 42, there talk’s done. Jaab” -Dr. Grimaldi “I love being sick, you don’t even 9. Tell them your mom said “no” know who you are anymore.” Darn shame that is. 10. Just Say No -Dr. Grimaldi “Your last three presidents, Or is it? 11. It’s not you, it’s me George Bush, Bill Clinton, and

12. Send a selfie of you at the oth- Barack Obama, were left-handed, er company like me. I should be the next presi- Did your prof say something hilar- dent.” ious or just great out of context? 13. Send the Communist Mani- -Dr. Song We want to here about it! Send festo and rant about the op- your quotes with who said it to pressed proletariat Song 2020! [email protected].

Lauren Santichen here with my last time as Flipside Editor! Emma Oswood will be starting as the editor with next week’s issue, so make sure to be good for her! Thank you all for sticking with me through the past 3 years. It was fun while it lasted. Anyway, if you have any comments or questions, feel free to send an email To: Thorn Flipside. I’m always looking for some new material, especially comic ideas and wacky prof quotes. This is Lauren Santichen, signing off for the last time. Bye!