Tom Mcginnis Welding a Powdered Metal Canister Under the Press

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Tom Mcginnis Welding a Powdered Metal Canister Under the Press January February 2007 Tom McGinnis Welding a Powdered Metal Canister under the press Contents Editorial 5 From the Editor Minutes from 1/27/07 meeting OZARK 6 President Kirk (Raoul) Sullens El Presidente 7 Pat McCarty's annual hammer-in New Year 8 By Bob Stormer Shop Tip Pg.22 Information in BAM's confer- Sedalia in May 10 ence May 4-6 Scholarship policy and appli- Scholarship 12 cation form Tom McGinnis powdered Powdered Metal 14 metal damascus demonstration ABANA has nothing to say this Tom McGinnis horse shoe Rasp Hawk 18 rasp Hawk demonstration time. BAM's Mobile Training Sta- MTS anyone? 20tion explained Joe Wilkinson's self centering Shop Tip 22 center punch Conference at Victoria, B.C., CanIRON VI 23 Canada International Conference at BABA 23 Ironbridge Coalbrookdale UK COAL Map pg 26 Ads - Personal / Business Classified Ads 24 Upcoming Events Scheduling 27 New Members Membership 27 Meeting Map pg 28 2 NEWSLETTER of the BLACKSMITHS ASSOCIATION OF MISSOURI Newsletter of the Membership Application Blacksmiths Name:______________________________________ Address: ___________________________________ Association City: _________________________ State: _______ of Missouri Phone: ( ) ___________________ Zip: ________ Volume 24 No. 1 E-mail: _____________________________________ JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2007 o New Member o Renewal o ABANA member? Editor How did you learn about BAM? _________________ Bob Ehrenberger ___________________________________________ Contributing Writers ___________________________________________ Ned Digh Don Birdsall Memberships are for one year from receipt of dues. Dues Joe Wilkinson Bob Stormer are $25, which includes a subscription to the bimonthly BAM newsletter. Please make checks payable to Black- Photo Contributions smith Association of Missouri. Bob Ehrenberger Ned Digh Bob Stormer President's Message Kirk Sullens ABANA Membership Application Mailing Labels Primary ABANA Chapter Affiliation:_____________ Bruce Herzog Name: _____________________________________ The Newsletter of the Blacksmiths Association of Missouri is published Address: ___________________________________ six times a year and is mailed to mem- City: _________________________ State: _______ bers of BAM. The annual fee for regu- lar membership is $25/year; a portion Phone: ( ) ___________________ Zip: ________ of this amount is for a subscription to this newsletter for one year. Edi- o New Member o Renewing Member torial inquiries should be addressed Includes a Subscription to the Anvil’s Ring and The to: Bob Ehrenberger 6192 Hwy 168 Shelbyville, Mo 63469;(573)- Hammers’ Blow magazines 633-2010 or send e-mail to o Regular Member ..............................................$55 yr. [email protected] BAM membership inquiries should be o Senior Citizen (Age 65+) .................................$50 yr. addressed to: Bruce Herzog, 2212 o Full time student ..............................................$45 yr. Aileswick Dr., St. Louis, MO o Overseas airmail ..............................................$80 yr. 63129; (314) 892-4690 or send e-mail to [email protected]. o Overseas surface mail ......................................$65 yr. Occasionally some material will be o Contributory ...................................................$100 yr. copyrighted and may not be repro- Public library ....................................................$45 yr. duced without written consent by the o author. BAM welcomes the use of any See reverse other material printed in this newslet- ter provided the author and this orga- nization be given credit. JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2007 3 Officers: President Kirk Sullens 1st Vice President Send this form in an envelope with your payment to: Doug Clemons BAM, 2nd Vice President c/o Bruce Herzog Ed Harper 2212 Aileswick Dr., St. Louis, MO 63129 Secretary Peggy Williamson Treasurer Bruce Herzog Web site Web Master Ed Harper [email protected] The Blacksmiths' Association of Missouri is an affiliate of the Artist Blacksmiths' Association of North America, and is devoted to the preservation and advance- ment of blacksmithing and to communica- I __________________________ hereby apply for membership in the tion among blacksmiths in Missouri and Artist-Blacksmithʼs Association of North America and enclose $______ surrounding areas. BAM's newsletter's goal is to support these aims. Letters to __ as my annual membership dues for one year. the editor, tech tips, tools for sale or any- thing else which furthers these ends will MasterCard o VISA o Check/Money Order o be considered for publication. The Newsletter of the Blacksmiths' Association of Missouri and its members Card Number do not manufacture, distribute, sell, test, warrant, guarantee, or endorse any of the E x p . D a t e tools, materials, instructions or products contained in articles or features in the (Required) Newsletter of the Blacksmiths' Association of Missouri. The Newsletter of the Black- Checks must be in U.S. currency smiths' Association of Missouri disclaims SEND RENEWAL TO: any responsibility or liability for damages or injuries as a result of any construction, ABANA design, use, manufacture or other activity P.O. Box 816 Farmington, Georgia 30638 undertaken as a result of the use or appli- Dues Distribution: cation of information contained in any 1 year subscription Anvil’s Ring: 68.5 % $24 articles or features in the Newsletter of the Adm. offices & other ABANA projects (Conferences, etc.): 31.5% $11 Blacksmiths' Association of Missouri. The Newsletter of the Blacksmiths' Associa- tion of Missouri assumes no responsibility or liability for the accuracy, fitness, proper design, safety or safe use of any informa- tion contained in the Newsletter of the Blacksmiths' Association of Missouri. 4 NEWSLETTER of the BLACKSMITHS ASSOCIATION OF MISSOURI From the Editor By Bob Ehrenberger his has been a January that a lot of mem- addresses. He then sent notices to all those that to be able to contact the membership. Such as Tbers will remember for a long time. With had listed their e-mail with their membership last November when Doug Hendrickson put the record ice storm, most of Southern Mis- information. Unfortunately, nearly 50 of them on a workshop for BAM with only one week's souri was without power for nearly a week, came back as bad/inactive destinations. notice. some for almost two. Tom McGinnis, who was hosting the January meeting, was one of those his points out why it is important to review d has compiled a list of the addresses that affected. As a result, the meeting was pushed Tyour membership information in the roster Ebounced for me to publish. Please look it back one week from January 20 to January 27. and contact Bruce Herzog with corrections and over and if yours is on it, make the appropriate changes. It would also be nice to have all the changes. n an effort to notify BAM members of the e-mail addresses of members who have e-mail Ichange, Ed Harper (BAM vice-president access. I've been a BAM member for 12 years he next Newsletter submission and Web site editor), tried to contact BAM and this is the first time we have had to post- Tdeadline is March 24. members via e-mail. He got a copy of our pone a meeting due to weather. But we have roster from Bruce and stripped out the e-mail had other times when it would have been nice Bill Ohmert [email protected] Steve Orchard [email protected] Donald Grzeskowiak Darrel Mosley [email protected] Norman Davis [email protected] Steve McKeehan [email protected] Jim McCarty [email protected] Steve McGehee [email protected] Dennis Anderson [email protected] Jim Patton [email protected] Steve Austin [email protected] Dean Powell [email protected] Emily Baxter [email protected] Cary [email protected] Daniel Allison [email protected] Dennis Radford [email protected] Daniel Allison [email protected] Russ Rosener [email protected] Craig Angerer [email protected] Larry Reinwand [email protected] Randy Barringhaus [email protected] Nathan Robertson [email protected] Charles Bates [email protected] Wayne Rice [email protected] Don Asbee [email protected] Thomas Ream [email protected] William Bench [email protected] John Sherwood [email protected] James Butler [email protected] Dave Shepard [email protected] Bill Briggs [email protected] Dan [email protected] Klifton Bullard [email protected] Clay Spencer [email protected] Wayne Colhour [email protected] Ed Shepard [email protected] Larry Crow [email protected] Tom Upton [email protected] James Conway [email protected] Burnard Strunk [email protected] Noel Ferguson [email protected] Albert Stier [email protected] Perry Foster [email protected] William Tanneberg [email protected] Ben Fischer [email protected] Fabian Schilly [email protected] Robert Goodwin [email protected] Todd Schroeder [email protected] Randy Lee Griffis foxfi[email protected] Alen Rundell [email protected] Dick Fisher rmfi[email protected] John Wilding [email protected] David Meneely [email protected] Gary Wingo [email protected] Larry Powitzky [email protected] Melvin Williams [email protected] Ethan Lee [email protected] Billy Templeton [email protected] Jerry Kunkel [email protected] Mike Williamson [email protected] George Rousis [email protected] Michael Brooks [email protected] David Starr [email protected] Matthew Burnett [email protected] Mike Hill [email protected]
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