The InDesignSecrets Guide to Special Characters in Adobe InDesign®

MAGNIFIED! These screen captures simulate 12 pt. type WHITE viewed at 800% zoom level for easier identification.

Normal Space Nonbreaking width = letterspace Space1 defined by width = normal space

Em Space Nonbreaking width = pt. size of type Space (fixed (24pt type, 24pt wide) width)2

Punctuation Space Space width = 1/2 space width = period, colon, or exclamation in current typeface

Figure Space Third Space width = numeral in width = 1/3 em space current typeface

Quarter Space Flush Space3 width = 1/4 em space width varies

Sixth Space Notes: width = 1/6 em space 1. In CS3 and later, the Nonbreaking space has the same flexible width as the spacebar, but prevents the line from breaking at the space character. 2. Prevents the line from breaking at the space character but does not adjust its width in justified text. (This is how the Nonbreaking Space works in CS2.) 3. The Flush Space is only applicable in lines that are width = 1/8 em space fully justified. In left-, right-, or center-aligned lines, the Flush Space acts like a normal space.

Hair Space Visit us at width = 1/24 em space Twitter: @indesignsecrets

©2008–2012 Publishing Secrets, Inc. The InDesignSecrets Guide to Special Characters in Adobe InDesign 2

HYPHENS Inline End of line

Hard (entered manually) The thin vertical blue line in some of these examples is a portion of the frame edge Auto hyphen

Discretionary hyphen

By definition, nonbreaking Nonbreaking hyphen won’t appear at line breaks.

LINE BREAKS Inline End of line

By definition, forced line Forced line break breaks won’t appear inline.

Discretionary line break The InDesignSecrets Guide to Special Characters in Adobe InDesign 3


Paragraph Break Break (Return)

Odd Page Break Break

Even Page Frame Break Break


End of text in End Nested this story Style

Tab Indent to Here

Custom Right Indent Anchored Tab Object

Non-joiner Split Footnote Used to separate Only visible when frame characters edges are showing The InDesignSecrets Guide to Special Characters in Adobe InDesign 4

MARKERS Layout Story Editor

Index Marker

Hyperlink (Source) Default appearance

Text Anchor A type of hyperlink destination

Cross-Reference Source Default appearance

Cross-Reference Destination Source links to this text

Conditional Text Indicator color and style may vary

Hidden Conditional Text The InDesignSecrets Guide to Special Characters in Adobe InDesign 5

MARKERS continued Layout Story Editor

Inline Note Marker color may vary

Footnote Not shown: Footnote text in layout

Text Variable Shown is a Custom Text variable containing the text “db” and named DB

XML Tagged Text Marker color and tag labels may vary

Note: Some of the special characters shown in this guide are for features introduced in more recent versions of InDesign.

Also available from

Guide to OpenType Fractions InDesign Keyboard Shortcuts Which of the free OpenType All of InDesign’s keyboard that are installed with Adobe shortcuts (many of which InDesign have an “intelligent don’t appear in the menus) fractions” feature? See for yourself are sorted into logical in this handy 4-page PDF. groupings in our 18” by 26” Cost: Free full-color posters. Available for CS2 through CS5. Get it: download-our-guide-to-opentype- Cost: $15.00 fractions.php Get it: http://indesignsecrets. com/indesign-poster-details/