Stephen G Weisner | 9780073210278 | | | | | American Portraits Biographies in United States History, Volume 2 3rd edition PDF Book In , Audubon returned to Philadelphia to seek a publisher for his bird drawings. For example, there were links to slave narratives and a site about the Carlisle Indian School. The author s present the war on terror matter-of-factly, and do not mention the concerns of privacy and surveillance that have arisen. In France during the chaotic years of the French Revolution and its aftermath, the younger Audubon grew up to be a handsome and gregarious man. The text accurately portrays the history it covers. It also contains supporting documents, headnotes, and discussion questions to help students. This is an aspect in which the book excels. Kitty marked it as to-read May 12, . He met with great acceptance as he toured around England and Scotland, and was lionized as "the American woodsman". It must be "used. I didn't find the same degree of inaccuracy that other reviewers refer to. As much as possible the book should define terms like this in the way they are defined by historians in that field. Audubon's final work dealt with mammals ; he prepared The Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America — in collaboration with his good friend Rev. I could see excerpting chapters on the movement from east to west in order to create a course on that subject matter; it would also be possible to focus solely upon wartime in the US via the use of selected chapters. For example, Chapter His father hoped that the lead mines on the property could be commercially developed, as lead was an essential component of bullets. Other editions. While there, he met the naturalist and physician Charles-Marie D'Orbigny, who improved Audubon's taxidermy skills and taught him scientific methods of research. The book seems to be written for a general audience and is straightforward, easy to read, and no obvious misspellings. Focusing primarily on the last two chapters, the textbook is written in a way that updates might not be easily implemented. The Popular Science Monthly. Cornell, Fordham University Edward T. The book utilizes some jargon, but provides a glossary of important terms and their definitions at the end of each chapter. The text is not unusual in this respect. The language used is accessible to the vast majority of undergraduate students. American Portraits Biographies in United States History, Volume 2 3rd edition Writer

This book does an excellent job of intertwining the stories of underrepresented groups throughout U. Open Preview See a Problem? This text appears accurate and unbiased. While the text was not personally offensive or insensitive, many aspects of the true telling of history are. Having students examine the Federal Slave Narrative database, new immigrant oral histories from the Library of Congress, or exhibits at the National Cowboy Museum, however, may engage their interests, be completed more rapidly online, and also be useful for in-class activities. I liked exploring them, but not enough for them to be self-motivating. In the earlier period, the same years are rightfully covered in multiple chapters. Audubon called his future work The Birds of America. It is, frankly, a far too one-dimensional depiction of a very complex period of American history. Students, buy or rent this eText. He was reunited with his family. After many years over 40 of reading history texts and teaching from them at both the secondary and college levels, I found this book both accessible and clear. Although the HOLC and FHA should also be mentioned to let students know how the Federal government ensured racially-segregated housing patterns, these connections, along with a look at how Japanese Americans re-entered society after being forced into internment camps during the war, really help students see the limits of democracy during this period. Reading through many sections with an eye to error is a common practice of mine after many 47 years of teaching. The summary in Chapter Lizars were deemed inadequate. It's comprehensive, but the depth of coverage is uneven. In section For instance, Chapters provide ample background for readers to understand the impulses that led to what was termed "the Progressive era," and I also appreciated inclusion of a glossary in each chapter. They break up the long chapters, but do not interfere with the flow of the topics. This aspect of the text is also very helpful. View larger. Dynamic content matched to the way today's students read, think, and learn brings content to life Integrated within the narrative, interactives empower students to engage with concepts and take an active role in learning. The inclusion of museum links, and other informational links, was a highlight of this text. Additional questions will need to be developed respectively for those points deemed more important for understanding chapter topics. However, with some supplements, the text could certainly be used in a survey course in American History or American Studies. . This will help students be able to increase their historical acumen and not make it so difficult for them to learn. American Portraits Biographies in United States History, Volume 2 3rd edition Reviews

Access Code Card. There is a clear chronological approach to the text that students will find easy to follow and accessible. Editors' Choice. Trivia About American Portrait Bouffard also took care of the infant boy Jean. This site was preserved as the Audubon House and Tropical Gardens. Many of the primary sources are integrated into the text limiting how much students would need to have multiple browsers open at the same time. Baskerville added it Feb 08, It is adequate. The text introduces this topic in Chapter 19, which spans from to , when migration patterns really did not begin to shift until World War One. The vast majority of events, issues, and themes that I introduce in class and want my students to think about were covered, or at least introduced. Providing some additional primary sources into some of the chapters would be great. Also, while that latter section mentions Chinatown alongside Little Italy, the subhead overlooks the Chinese by calling that section "The Changing Nature of European Immigration. Account Options Sign in. Castigating an entire race or ethnicity without citing specifics is always problematic, no matter which race or ethnic group is being painted with the broad brush. Knight Franklin McMahon. Audubon reportedly took revenge by showing drawings and describing some fictitious fishes and rodents to Rafinesque; Rafinesque gave scientific names to some of these fishes in his Ichthyologia Ohiensis. Paperback , 2 pages. The key terms demonstrate a commitment to all the "Greatest Hits" no survey would miss carpetbaggers, the Sons of Liberty, the Roosevelt Corollary alongside some relevant and inclusive new content I never learned about in college charter schools, executive privilege, commodification. An explanation of how corruption and neglect in Gilded Age-politics led to demands for reform during the Progressive Era, for instance, really helps students understand how change occurs, while the G. This text breaks American history into typical chronological and thematic chapters. An interactive Images as History feature in each chapter focuses on one or two images in depth. Behavioral Ecology. By checking throughout the text, I found no glaring inaccuracies. This sort of surface-level examination of material is suitable for a survey-level course, but unless the This is a pedagogical point of view with which I do not agree but which is so widespread and imposing that it is not really worth an argument. Audubon was born in Les Cayes in the French colony of Saint-Domingue now Haiti [4] on his father's sugarcane plantation. Educators can add notes for students, too, including reminders or study tips. In those areas where the text provides, extensive coverage, it is up to date. Overall, this was a comprehensive and entertaining book--I actually enjoyed reading most sections, and even learned new things about a subject I have been teaching for years. This text is well organized. An imposing monument in his honor was erected at the cemetery, which is now recognized as part of the Heritage Rose District of NYC. Although there were great ones later on Women Democrats in the s , I'd like to echo a previous reviewer who hoped to see average individuals highlighted throughout. October 1, The nature of this text would be easily updated with an addenda that addressed recent events. Depending on how you structure or periodize your class lectures or assignments, you may want to familiarize yourself with the unit headings and assign components of multiple chapters to your students. As a general textbook I feels like it is trying to be all things to all people but that mostly results in a book that does not have the focus of others. A Turbulent Decade: The Twenties Motivation is a significant aspect of historical writing, and sometimes the motivations of peoples rested upon generalizations that needed refinement. I liked that the Table of Contents could be turned on to show continually in the margin so that the reader can move easily between sections. In France during the chaotic years of the French Revolution and its aftermath, the younger Audubon grew up to be a handsome and gregarious man. The authors clearly put effort into acknowledging the continental presence of Native people and their continuing power into the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The litany of misconduct in Audubon's scientific career has drawn comparisons to others such as Richard Meinertzhagen. I have seen several generations glance at it, then turn a few pages and then sit down to read more. The authors do attempt to show the viewpoints of a number of factions, societies, or cultural groups, though I sometimes felt that the terminology was a bit outdated and that the detail in terms of explanations could have been stronger.

American Portraits Biographies in United States History, Volume 2 3rd edition Read Online

Periods: Overall, good work by the authors. Speaking specifically of this text's treatment of American westward expansion, the period of frontier conflict with Native Americans, and the latter half of the 19th century, I found it to be highly problematic. He added colored chalk or pastel to add softness to feathers, especially those of owls and herons. June The text is well-written. Explore history. Some of the chapter images could be displayed more clearly: for example, time-line images, such as the one in Chapter This clear, detailed schedule helps students stay on task by eliminating any ambiguity as to which material will be covered during each class. Increasing tension in Saint-Domingue between the colonists and the African slaves, who greatly outnumbered them, convinced Jean Audubon to return to France, where he became a member of the Republican Guard. Robert Fawcett. April Learn how and when to remove this template message. While no history text can be completely unbiased, this text presents a balanced view. Mentioning "Progress and Poverty" without some sense of the sweeping utopian vision, one that fits in with the general popularity of magic-bullet economic theories in those years, is a missed opportunity. Envisioning Evidence features use graphics and illustrations to help students organize and analyze complex information on key topics. . There is a clear chronological approach to the text that students will find easy to follow and accessible. Audubon lived with the tenants in the two-story stone house, in an area that he considered a paradise. For example, in discussing the reasons for the Japanese surrender in the Second World War, they discussed the dropping of the atomic bomb but did not mention the impact of the Soviet declaration of war on Japan in the final days before the surrender. The book offers lots of facts and generally gets things right, but there are times when the book will leave any serious student of history scratching their head. Both the table of contents and the index have user-friendly links that maximize efficiency of topic browsing as well as of continuous reading. Six years of history since has substantively impacted the American political dynamics that should be addressed for its contemporary value.