Annual Report 2010 Forging Ahead

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Annual Report 2010 Forging Ahead T.M.C. ASSER INSTITUUT INTER-UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE FOR PUBLIC AND PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL AND EUROPEAN LAW Annual Report 2010 Forging ahead T.M.C. Asser Ins tuut Annual Report 2010: Forging ahead 1 Editors: Ann O’Brien, Nuria Meijer and Julien Simon, T.M.C. Asser Ins tuut S ch ng T.M.C. Asser Ins tuut – Ins tute for Private and Public Interna onal Law, Interna onal Commercial Arbitra on and European Law R.J. Schimmelpennincklaan 20–22, P.O. Box 30461, 2500 GL The Hague, The Netherlands Tel. + 31–(0)70-34.20.300, Fax. +31–(0)70-34.20.359 E-mail: [email protected], Internet: All rights reserved. © 2011, T.M.C. Asser Ins tuut, The Hague, The Netherlands 2 T.M.C. Asser Ins tuut Annual Report 2010: Forging ahead Contents Foreword ..................................................................................................................... 5 T.M.C. Asser Ins tuut .................................................................................................. 7 Mission & Scope .......................................................................................................... 8 Power of Associa on ...................................................................................................8 Asser in a Global Perspec ve ...................................................................................... 9 Highlights of Ac vi es in 2010 .................................................................................. 10 Research / Inter-University Knowledge Development ....................................... 10 Applied Research and Consultancy .................................................................... 16 Academic Community Organizer ........................................................................18 Knowledge Transfer ............................................................................................22 Interna onal Centre for Counter-Terrorism, The Hague .................................... 26 T.M.C. Asser Press /Publica ons ................................................................................28 Financial Overview .................................................................................................... 30 Organisa on .............................................................................................................. 31 Appendices Appendix 1: Research/interuniversity knowledge development 33 Appendix 2: Applied Research and Consultancy 49 Appendix 3: Academic Community Organizer 56 Appendix 4: Knowledge transfer 64 Appendix 5: ICCT-The Hague 72 Appendix 6: T.M.C. Asser Press: List of 2010 Publica ons plus preview 2011 75 Appendix 7: T.M.C. Asser Press Inter-university publica ons 84 Appendix 8: Editorial and Advisory Boards and correspondents of the periodical publica ons of the T.M.C. Asser Ins tuut 87 Appendix 9: Organisa on – Facts and Figures 95 T.M.C. Asser Ins tuut Annual Report 2010: Forging ahead 3 4 T.M.C. Asser Ins tuut Annual Report 2010: Forging ahead Foreword We are pleased to present the annual report 2010 for the T.M.C. Asser Ins tuut. This report covers the period January – December 2010. It provides a summary of the many ac vi es carried out and accomplishments achieved by members of the Ins tute. It describes our contribu on to academia, students, prac oners, policy makers, the legal community and others ac ve in the broad fi eld of interna onal law. This last year has been a tumultuous one globally. The knock on eff ect of the banking crisis and resultant recession provided the backdrop for our endeavours. 2010 was both a challenging and rewarding me. In keeping with our strategy and with a keen eye on developments in our opera ng environment, we have ini ated and responded to changes impac ng on our ac vi es. As an organisa on, we con nued to maintain the highest possible levels of research, consultancy and training support for our many clients and stakeholders. At the start of the year we set ourselves some clear objec ves. We are pleased to report that we have been successful in streamlining our research department into an effi cient and cohesive unit with a new Head of Research. Priority has been given to pu ng in place the mechanisms to operate balanced and fl exible inter-university research pro- grammes resul ng in measurable success. CLEER has been awarded a second grant by the European Commission under its Jean Monnet Lifelong Learning Programme to support its ac vi es and the IHL/ICL and the Interna onal Sports Law interuniversity research programmes were formalised, ready for launch. New appointments to bolster our research capacity and output have been achieved and whilst we bade farewell to some long standing colleagues through re rement, we are confi dent that we will commence the year 2011 with a capable and energe c workforce. We are proud to have within our midst, two new Chairs, through the appointment of Robert Siekmann as Professor of Interna onal and European Sports Law at the Erasmus University, Ro erdam and Steven Blockmans, as Special Visi ng Professor at the Uni- versity of Leuven, Belgium. We con nued to contribute to interna onal capacity building, working with local and global partners to support Rule of Law. We demonstrated our effi ciency and exper se in delivering top quality seminars and conferences and we are proud to be awarded no less than three KNAW grants to ensure their delivery. Our excellent publica ons, training courses, public dialogues, and invita on-only gath- erings on a range of topics have contributed to building the exper se of the wider legal T.M.C. Asser Ins tuut Annual Report 2010: Forging ahead 5 community. 2010 Educa on and Training highlights included the provision of judicial training in The Hague as well as in South Sudan, Serbia and Croa a. As well as delivering on legal research and dissemina on, a number of important stra- tegic issues were advanced. We forged new rela onships and were instrumental in the establishment of contem- porary ini a ves such as the founding of the Interna onal Centre for Counter-Terrorism in The Hague with our fellow ins tutes – the Netherlands Ins tute of Interna onal Rela ons Clingendael and the Centre for Terrorism and Counterterrorism, Leiden Uni- versity. We nego ated an exci ng new distribu on deal for our T.M.C. Asser Press book pro- gramme with Springer Verlag. Work was completed on the renova on of the Ins tute’s library wing to provide con- temporary conference facili es and training space for the Ins tute. Having invested much me in contribu ng, with our (Hague Academic Coali on) part- ners in The Hague, to delinea ng the framework for the establishment of the Hague Ins tute for Global Jus ce, we are excited to see that this new organiza on will be launched in 2011. We believe that the T.M.C. Asser Ins tuut is successful through the good will and per- sonal contribu ons made by its members. Asser’s team of professionals is knowledge- able and fl exible in its approach. Ready for a challenge, quick with devising a solu on and steadfast in ensuring that promises are delivered. Rest to say, as this report demonstrates, we have had a successful year, a year fi lled with challenge, opportunity, and accomplishment. We would like to express our ap- precia on to the many other organisa ons that have collaborated with and supported us in 2010. We are proud to have fi nished the year with the Ins tute in be er shape, and for hav- ing played our part in shaping a profession that is fi t for the future. As we enter 2011, the centennial of the receipt of our namesake, Tobias Asser, of the Nobel Peace Prize, we are confi dent and op mis c that this year will indeed bring us success in our eff orts to forge ahead. Directorate T.M.C. Asser Ins tuut Frans Nelissen Ann O’ Brien General Director Deputy Director March 2011 6 T.M.C. Asser Ins tuut Annual Report 2010: Forging ahead T.M.C. Asser Instituut Located in the ‘interna onal zone’ of The Hague – the City of Jus ce, Peace and Secu- rity, The T.M.C. Asser Ins tuut is a leading, inter-university research ins tute opera ng in the broad fi eld of interna onal law. The Ins tute’s interna onal community of schol- ars is engaged in research, postgraduate training and dissemina on of knowledge in furtherance of the purposes and principles of interna onal law. This inter-university ins tute cooperates closely with and supports the Dutch universi es’ ac vi es in the relevant disciplines. The academic fi elds covered by the Ins tute are Private Interna- onal Law, Public Interna onal Law, Law of the European Union, Interna onal Com- mercial Arbitra on, Interna onal Humanitarian Law, Interna onal Criminal Law and Interna onal Sports Law. T.M.C. Asser Ins tuut Annual Report 2010: Forging ahead 7 Mission & Scope Since its incep on in 1965, the Ins tute has aspired to further legal research and schol- arship through ini a ng, suppor ng and realising innova ve, scholarly research and networks, and postgraduate educa on ac vi es, preferably on an inter-university basis. It also aspires to play a pivotal role in ini a ng and facilita ng dialogue and other ac vi es among academics and professionals which are of importance in dis- semina ng in-depth and broad knowledge of Interna onal Law and European law in the Netherlands and beyond, whilst contribu ng to the strengthening of The Hague’s posi on as the City of Jus ce, Peace and Security. The Ins tute has an excellent reputa on at na onal and interna onal level for its de- velopment, organisa on and hos ng of conferences and academic mee ngs, demand driven postgraduate programmes and training. Its ancillary websites and data collec- ons all contribute to a coherent and integral strategy in the area of knowledge trans- fer. The Ins tute has its own publishing house, T.M.C. Asser Press. The T.M.C. Asser Press not only serves the publishing needs of the T.M.C. Asser Ins tuut, but also those of academics and prac oners worldwide in the fi elds of Interna onal and European Law. Power of Association The T.M.C. Asser Ins tuut is a network organisa on, interac ng with and benefi ng its many stakeholders and rela onships.
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