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Two new heads in our secondary school

Les coulisses de 2012-2013

Au(x) collège(s)…….….………… page Let us introduce our Irish assistant Festivals ……………………….….… page

Noël en Europe Portrait d’une célébrité …. page

Born to rule

Ariana Grande

Différences culturelles ………….. page Are the English clichés true ? Sciences……………………page

Charity shops Elephant toothpaste Comic Relief Littérature……………………………….. page En route pour…………………………….page Le cercle littéraire des amateurs d’épluchures de patates Welcome to Jersey Island Cœur cerise L’île de Guernesey Musique………………………..…………..… page

Le pays des Scots Hip Hop

Imagine Dragons

Cinéma ………………………….……………page A very fast snail

Le prénom

Petit écran …………………….…………page Touch

Sports…………………………..… ……….page

Harry Potter’s sport : quidditch

NBA La rubrique gourmande………….page

Eton Mess Jeux ……………………………….……… page

Treasure hunt


Do you believe2 in all which is told on England3?

It often rains4in England.

The French say it very often rains in England, but it rains even more in Lille.

The English drink tea all day long5.

The English love tea and drink it a lot but the Irish are heavier tea-drinkers. 7 Alcohol consumption world rankings per The English person per year drink a lot 1 MOLDAVIA 18,2 L 6 2 RUSSIA 15,7 L of alcohol . 3 FRANCE 13,7 L 4 ENGLAND 13,4 L

Of course, the English drink a lot of alcohol but they are not at the top of the world classification. The French drink more than English. What about the traditional English breakfast?

They eat a strange

breakfast8. The English The French breakfast breakfast The English breakfast is different from the French. It is composed of tea, bacon and eggs9, sausages, black pudding10, toast and marmalade11, beans and tomato sauce12 whereas the French have tea, coffee, milk, fruit juice, bread, butter… However, today, not many British people eat the traditional English breakfast, but it is served in hotels and guest houses13.

HELP! 1:Les clichés anglais sont-ils vrais ? 2:croyez-vous 3:en Angleterre 4:il pleut souvent Marine 5:ils boivent du thé à longueur de journée 6: boivent beaucoup d’alcool 7: classement mondial Chagnon et 8: ils mangent un étrange petit-déjeuner 9: bacon et œufs 10: boudin noir 11: pain de mie et Margaux confiture 12: haricots et sauce tomate 13: servi dans les hôtels et maisons d’hôtes Houdin 4èmeA BBOORRNN TTOO RRUULLEE

BIO EXPRESS Little George will one day rule over the United Kingdom. Before him, there is his First Names : George Alexander Louis grandfather, Prince Charles and then Prince Name : George of Cambridge William, his father and then it will be the turn of our " Royal Baby " George Vll. Nationality : English

Birth : 22 July 2013 on St Mary’s hospital Rank as king: (In London) George bears a very popular name at Parents : - Prince William →Duke of Cam- kings of England what would mean that Kate ad bridge William already knows that their baby will be a - Kate Middleton→Duchess of Cambridge king future. If it is tha case it will be the 7th Title : Prince of Cambridge George who will rise in the throne.

Inquiries Some more Georges was baptized the 23 October Strange name ?! 2013, he has now 7 godfathers / godmothers” Oliver Baker, a friends of the prince William- The first name George comes from the The count Hugh Grosvenor, the son of duke of first name of Elisabeth ll’s father, George VI. Westminster-Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton, a sec- After Henry, is the most carried first name retary of Kate and William-William van by kings Then Alexander comes from Elisa- Cutsem, a childhood friend of William-Emilia beth II’s middle name: Alexandra and finally Jardine-Paterson, a childhood of Kate-Julia Louis is Kate's favorite first name. Samuel, a best friend of “Lady-Di” and Zara Phillips, a cousin of William and Harry. Future king or not ? George is going to receive a special ed- ucation for his royal fate even if his parents

wish for their son a normal education. Third in line of the succession:

Elsa LE GUELLEC 4°A Marianne ROBIN 4°B

Comic Relief is a charity organization founded in the United Kingdom by the scriptwriters Richard Curtis and Lenny Henry to fight against the famine in Ethiopia. Its partners are BBC and the supermarket chain Sainsbury’s. The charity organization became known thanks to its first live on Noel Edmonds’ “Late, Late Breakfast Show” broadcasted on Christmas day in 1985 from a refugee camp in Sudan; it’s after that Jane Tewson had the idea of the name “Comic Relief” for charity actions. In 2009, they created a website as well.

Every two years, the “Red Nose Day”, a telethon organized by

Comic Relief, one of the most important of the UK, is broadcasted in March on BBC. Sainsbury’s donates a part of its sales to the charity organization.

“The objective is bringing about positive and lasting change in the lives of poor and disadvantaged people!”

“One Way or Another”, a single recorded by One Direction in © John WRIGHT 2013, was released on February 17th to collect money to bring their contribution to the telethon “Red Nose Day”. The boys- band has also taken off for Ghana, in Africa for their video

shooting and to meet and support disadvantaged families who

live there. Louis, Liam, Niall, Zayn, and Louis organised a campaign to ask people to make donations: £5 only to buy vaccines which will save lives. L’Anglais pour les nuls PANNEAU Sandy et PATU Clélia Comic Relief est une association caritative fondée au Royaume-Uni en 3°B 1985 par le scénariste Richard Curtis et Lenny Henry pour lutter contre la famine en Ethiopie. Elle a pour partenaires BBC et la chaine de supermarché Sainsbury’s. L’association s’est fait connaitre grâce à son premier direct sur l’émission « Late, Late Breakfast Show » de Noel Edmonds diffusé le jour de Noël 1985 à partir d’un camp de réfugiés au Soudan ; c’est après que Jane Tewson a eu l’idée du nom « Comic Relief » pour l’exploitation de projets de bienfaisance. En 2009, l’association a également créé un site internet.

Tous les deux ans, le « Red Nose Day », un téléthon organisé par Comic Relief, l’un des plus importants d’Angleterre, est diffusé en mars sur la chaîne BBC. Sainsbury’s reverse une partie des bénéfices de ses ventes à l’organisation.

« L’objectif est de susciter des changements positifs et durables dans la vie des personnes pauvres et défavorisées ! »

« One Way Or Another », un single enregistré par les One Direction en 2013, est sorti le 17 Février pour récolter des fonds afin d’apporter leur contribution au téléthon « Red Nose Day ». Le boys-band s’est également envolé au Ghana, en Afrique, pour le tournage de leur clip et pour rencontrer et soutenir les familles défavorisées qui y vivent. Louis, Liam, Niall, Zayn et Harry ont fait une campagne pour appeler les gens à faire don de seulement 5£ pour des vaccins qui sauveront des vies.

ETON MESS L'Eton mess est un dessert anglais à base de meringue, chantilly et fruits frais. Fait en quelques minutes il est tout simplement délicieux!

Préparation: 5min Difficulté: Très facile pour 4 personnes


• 400g de fraises • 20cl de crème fraîche entière liquide, bien froide • 2 cuillerées à soupe de sucre • 1/2 cuillerée à café d'arôme de vanille • 20 petites meringues


• Lavez et équeutez les fraises. Mixez la moitié pour avoir un coulis et réservez l’autre. • Fouettez la crème fraîche en chantilly. Incorporez le sucre et la vanille. • Dans 4 verrines, repartissez les fraises, la chantilly, les meringues et le coulis.

Prep time: 5 min Level: Very easy

4 servings


• 400g of strawberries • 20cl of cold liquid sour cream • 2 tablepoons of sugar • ½ teaspoon of vanilla flavor • 20 small meringues

METHOD: • Wash and hull strawberries. Mix half to make a coulis and leave the other half to macerate. • Whip sour cream until thick. Incorporate the sugar and the vanilla. • In 4 glasses, place strawberries, whipped cream, meringues and coulis.

Coline Pretitsigne et Mathilde Mazeau 3°A Do you know that Harry Potter's sport exists for real?

Quidditch was invented by J-K Rowling in her Harry Potter books and it was adapted as a real sport by Alexander Manshel in 2005, in Vermont, in the USA. It is not very much practiced but teenagers and young children enjoy it. It’s a violent game.

A Quidditch pitch

There are three sorts of balls : the quaffle, in French souaffle which is represented by a volley-ball ball, three bludgers, in French cognards, which are represented by soft balls and the snitch, in French vif- d'or. It is a tennis ball in a sock which is in the player's shorts. There are three goals : the first is 1 meter high , the second is 1,40 m high and the last is 2 meters high. If a player throws the souaffle in a goal, his team wins 10 points. If a player catches the snitch, his team wins the match! Bludgers serve to touch players of the other team, as in dodgeball, to force them to release their broom and return to their camp. The match is finished when the snitch is caught or when captains agree. Different brooms Different quidditch balls

Martineau Tanguy 4B et Willams Xavier 4A

Imagine Dragons is an American alter- Imagine Dragons est un groupe de native rock band. ln 2008, Dan Reyn- rock alternatif. En 2008, Dan Reynolds olds met . They wanted a rencontré Andrew Tolman. Ils vou- to form a band with Ben McKee and laient former un groupe avec Ben Brittany Tolman (Andrew's wife). In McKee et Brittany Tolman (la femme 2010, they made 2 called “Im- d'Andrew). En 2010, ils ont sorti 2 al- agine Dragons” and “”. bums intitulés «Imagine Dragons» et ln July 2011, Andrew and Brittany Tol- «Hell and Silence». En juillet 2011, man left the band to be replaced by Andrew et Brittany Tolman quittent le Dan Platzman and Theresa Flaminio groupe pour être remplacés par Dan (she left the band in January 2012). ln Platzman et Theresa Flaminio (elle a February 2012, they made another al- quitté le groupe en janvier 2012). En bum “Continued Silence”. février 2012, ils ont sorti un autre al- bum «Continued Silence».

Pendant les MTV Mucic Awards de 2013, «Radioactive» a gagné un Teen Choice Award dans la catégorie meil- leure chanson rock.

Nous adorons ce groupe car leur style est différent des chansons électro- niques du moment. Leur chanson la plus connue est «lt's time», bien que nous adorons aussi «Radioactive», «On top of the worId» et «Demons». At the 2013 MTV Video Music awards, «Radioactive» won the Teen Choice Award as the Best Rock Song.

We love this band because their style is different from electronic current songs. Their most famous song is “lt's time”, although we love also “Radioac- tive”, “On top of the world” and “De- mons”.

Garance Fricheteau 3°D Sarah Pedroncini 3°B