Beyond the Rhetoric of Assimilation and Cultural Pluralism: Addressing the Tension of Separatism and Conflict in an Immigration- Driven Multiracial Society
Beyond the Rhetoric of Assimilation and Cultural Pluralism: Addressing the Tension of Separatism and Conflict in an Immigration- Driven Multiracial Society Bill Ong Hingt Immigration is quickly changing the racial demographics of the United States. In so doing, it is creating both tensions and opportunities. The author responds to those who advocate restricted immigration as the solution to racialproblems. He refutes the underlying assumptions of such Euro-immigrationists: that the United States has a solely white, Christian, and European heritage, and that other immigrantshave failed to accultur- ate. Furthermore, culturalpluralism in a multiracialsociety has several benefits, including its connection to constitutionalprinciples and its advan- tages in both the global and the increasinglydiverse domestic economy. In turn, the author takes cultural pluralists to task for not grappling suffi- ciently with interethnic conflict and separatism. While interethnicconflict and separatistsentiment are exacerbated by society's exclusion ofpeople of color, they are problems that cannot be ignored. The author articulatesa new approach to cultural pluralism in a broader definition of America. This new approach would respect diverse views and cultures, including the right of separatists within communities of color. It would also require adherence to a common core of values, including respect for the laws, for the democraticpolitical and economic system, and for equal opportunity. INTRODUCTION I think God made all people good, but if we had to take a million immigrants in, say, Zulus, next year or Englishmen and t Associate Professor of Law, Stanford Law School. I have many people to thank for this article. Many friends provided helpful comments on earlier drafts: Paul Brest, Lawrence Friedman, Gerry Gunther, Mark Kelman, Bill McGowan, Joyce Hing McGowan, Mark Silverman, Bill Simon, Michael Wald, and especially Tom Grey.
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