

in 1908, a time when American was From the booming from North-western (Booth). This theory later appropriately came under Þre when it to the Tossed Salad became apparent that the public had no intention of ÒmeltingÓ with certain ÒotherÓ races : and . Subsequently, American immigration policies became restrictive based on race, an example Why Coercive of sponsored intended towards reducing the of the melting pot (Laubeov‡). Much Assimilation Lacks has been written about the so-called ÒmythÓ of the melting pot theory (Frey; Booth). However, the the Flavors metaphor has persisted and epitomizes what some Americans see as an ideal model for this country. Crave The melting pot theory, also referred to as , revolves around the analogy that Òthe ingredients in the pot (people of different cultures by LeAna B. Gloor and ) are combined so as to lose their discrete identities and yield a Þnal product of uniform Americans love pizza, Thai food, burritos, and consistency and ßavor, which is quite different sushi. Our taste buds reßect a culinary from the original inputsÓ (ÒMelting PotÓ). This idea appreciation for various culturesÕ foods, and by differs from other analogies, particularly the salad extension, the cultures that bring us these foods. bowl analogy where the ingredients are encouraged However, a heightened of is to retain their cultural identities, thus retaining their currently being promoted that threatens to change Òintegrity and ßavorÓ while contributing to a tasty our views on ethnicity, , and homogenize our and nutritious salad (ÒMelting PotÓ). Yet another tastes. Meanwhile, , where we were food analogy is that of the ethnic stew, where there is a asked to celebrate the cultures that brought us every level of compromise between integration and cultural delicacy from samosas to goulash, is waning and distinctiveness (Laubeov‡). being replaced by ever-conservative assimilation- What these food analogies have in common is oriented thinking. If this trend away from an appreciation that each of these ethnicities has multiculturalism continues and coercive assimilation something to contribute to the as a whole. views become mainstream in America, I believe we By comparing ethnic/cultural groups to ingredients will stiße our creative power and squelch the civil in a recipe, we start with the assumption that each liberties that this country is built upon. ingredient is important and the Þnal product would Amalgamation of materials is the process by not be the same if some distinct ingredient were which metals are exposed to extremely high heat until missing. However, in the melting pot analogy, this they meld into a new compound. With people, this premise is the least apparent and can be criticized metaphor of a melting pot has long been applied to for its dismissively simplistic social theories. This is cultural integration, especially in the case in forming one appropriate evaluation of the weaknesses of the the American . A look into the background of melting pot and the tossed salad analogies: this social theory will help us orient ourselves in this In the case of the melting pot the aim is that debate. The foundation of this theory was perhaps all cultures become reßected in one common Þrst explained in 1782 by a French immigrant named culture, however this is generally the culture J. Hector de Crevecoeur, who envisioned America of the dominant group - I thought this was becoming a nation comprised of a completely new mixed vegetable soup but I can only taste tomato. race that would eventually affect changes to the world In the case of the salad bowl, cultural groups scene through its labour force and its subsequent should exist separately and maintain their posterity (Laubeov‡). The metaphor was speciÞcally practices and institutions, however, Where is popularized in a play by Zangwill, entitled the dressing to cover it all? (Laubeov‡). ÒThe Melting Pot,Ó which opened in Washington

29 This criticism that the melting pot produces a society assimilation theories often take on a decidedly that primarily reßects the instead racist overtone (Laubeov‡), with many assimilation of fusing into a completely new entity is reiterated proponents urging Americentric policies such as by other sociologists, anthropologists, and cultural English-only education, strict immigration policies, geographers as ÒAnglo-conformityÓ (Kivisto 151). stipulations of nationalistic criteria for citizenship, This type of assimilation was seen as working like and eliminating programs aimed at helping minorities a one-way street and it was viewed as something (Booth; Hayworth). This issue over terminology that depended primarily on the cooperativeness of and social is vitally important because immigrants to be reoriented towards the dominant America stands at a critical ideological turning point. culture. The idea that the dominant culture would Cultural geographers describe our current society be infused with new energy through the inßuences as experiencing a Òmulticultural backlashÓ that of ethnic groups retaining their distinctive cultural will drastically affect immigration legislation and attributes and thereby forging a new, stronger and possibly lead us towards a more America due to their divergent cultural contributions restrictive and intolerant nation (Mitchell 641). The was not given much weight by early researchers current discourse about cultural assimilation seeks (Kivisto 152-154). to relegate incongruent cultural attributes to the It should be noted in this discussion that earlier private arena so as not to disturb the dominant society in American , some of these terms (Mitchell 642), and instead of promoting a tolerance took on distinctly different ßavours. This ambiguity of diversity, we see the modern-day assimilation of terminology contributes to confusion in the current proponents urging strict deportation and increasingly discourse. For instance, in 1901, Sarah Simons is restrictive immigration policies in order to protect so- quoted as making this conclusion with regards to called American values (Hayworth). assimilation: Some proponents, such as Arizona Congressman In brief, the function of assimilation is J.D. Hayworth, are calling for a return of the same the establishment of homogeneity within type of assimilation policies that others refer to as the group; but this does not mean that the Òhumiliating programs of the all variation shall be crushed out. In 1910Õs and 1920ÕsÓ (Rodriguez). Those programs vital matters, such as language, ideals of occurred during another time of heightened national government, law, and education, uniformity concern, namely WWI and the subsequent ÒRed shall prevail; in personal matters of Scare,Ó where coercive education and employment and habits of life, however, individuality policies were enacted that compelled immigrants shall be allowed free play. Thus, the to assimilate. This assimilation process was spread of Òconsciousness of kindÓ must be structured to produce citizens that conformed, accompanied by the spread of consciousness not just to American democratic ideals, but also to of individuality (qtd. in Kivsito 153). Americanized private habits, American English, Furthermore, according to Peter KivistoÕs and basic political and social intended to interpretation of Chicago School sociologist Robert E. create a pliable work force and ensure certain political ParkÕs writings on the subject, theories on assimilation leanings (ÒAmericanizationÓ [1]). During the war, originally differed from the melting pot fusion theory immigrants experienced , , and in that assimilation Òsignals the proliferation of designed to strip them of their native diversity. Rather than enforced , it makes cultures and loyalties. The public school system possible a greater degree of autonomyÓ Òinstructed the children of immigrants in ÒproperÓ and creates Òa cultural climate that is predicated Anglo-Saxon values and and strongly by pluralismÓ whereby this Òcultural pluralism (or encouraged them to take their lessons home to their multiculturalism) can coexist with assimilationÓ families (ÒAmericanizationÓ [2]) Meanwhile, ethnic (156-157). The idea that a multiethnic society could presses were scrutinized and inspected by the U.S. attain an interdependent cohesion based on national government and higher Þnancial burdens were solidarity while maintaining distinct cultural place upon them from the U.S. Postal Service, who not dependent on like-minded homogeneity was thus demanded to analyze translations, effectively limiting proposed back in the early 1900Õs (Kivisto 161). their freedom of speech and eventually resulting in However, it is vital to recognize that coercive many presses closing (ÒAmericanizationÓ [2]). assimilation theorists often do not support the idea After the war, the leftover social strains and that immigrants should maintain distinct cultural extreme patriotism gave vent for new obsessions, attributes. In the modern-day discussion, coercive including the over suspected communists,

30 resurgence in the white supremacist organizations On the other hand, multiculturalism has its such as the Ku Klux Klan, religiously based own of weak points that need further evaluation , labor strikes, and the prohibition and revision. The melting pot and the tossed salad of alcohol (ÒAmericanizationÓ [2]). Certainly, civil metaphors are both inherently ßawed, at least so- liberties were being cast aside, and minority groups far in their practical application. On this, there bore the brunt of this assault under the guise of are many social theorists who are writing about a becoming more ÒAmericanÓ and less Òforeign.Ó Now compromise between the melting pot approach and we are seeing a similar leaning towards coercive the tossed salad analogy. One such new theory is the assimilation spreading across America due to the aforementioned Òethnic stewÓ from Laura Laubeov‡, heightened concern over and the cultural/ who hopes that such an analogy can help bridge the religious differences that are perceived to be behind gap between the two concepts to create Òa sort of that ideological discord. If this assimilation thinking pan-Hungarian goulash where the pieces of different proceeds toward its logical conclusion, America will kinds of meat still keep their solid structure.Ó Indeed, move backwards socially and become a truly bland some sort of compromise between full assimilation melted pot of cultures that is willing to sacriÞce and multiculturalism will be necessary to retain our everything under a misplaced of patriotism. multiethnic ßavour while building a cohesive society. The stance of many coercive assimilation The bottom line is that people are people, not proponents smacks of racist overtones and is based on food. Despite the variety of food metaphors at our apprehension of ÒothersÓ and exclusionary thinking disposal, the power of this rhetoric is limited and more than it is based on preservation of core values. wears thin during pragmatic application. Food For example, in the case of the political debate over metaphors can be useful, but we do not need more designating English as AmericaÕs ofÞcial language, vague metaphors that lead to interpretive disparities. Thomas Ricento makes this point: What we need is an entirely new dialogue on the The has often been used as subject, one that completely and clearly redeÞnes a marker of oneÕs ÒAmerican-nessÓ, and the AmericaÕs objective for a multiethnic society that use of non-English languages as a marker to allows for diversity, not just in the private realm, but oneÕs Òforeign-ness.Ó Penalizing non-English also in the public sphere. We do not need a coercive speakers by limiting their access to public assimilation program that reverts back to outdated services, voting and education is illogical, nationalistic paranoia. We need an inclusive working for it would further stigmatize non-English social theory that unites the disparate enclaves of speakers, rather than help them acquire the this society into a manageable entity moving in language. . . Restricting access of citizens and the same collective direction. Whether Americans non-citizens alike because of a language will ever eventually be reformed into what Israel barrier is not only bad public policy, but an Zangwill called Òa fusion of all racesÓ remains to be insult and a calculated provocation, the initial seen (Zangwill). Right now, what America needs step would certainly be a pro-tracted conßict is a deÞnitive social direction that leans away from between English and non-English speakers coercive assimilation and towards a truly (7). inclusive national identity. True American dreamers The implications of this type of proposed legislation should not settle for anything less. drives fear into minority groups seeking to preserve their against a tide of Americentric propaganda. Ultimately, those seeking to enact coercive assimilation policies threaten to fracture the common ground of the American dream that they claim to be focused on protecting. Minority groups are nearing such numbers in this country that it is projected that the word ÒminorityÓ will soon become obsolete. Enacting exclusionary policies will only fracture an already delicate social framework and potentially further disenfranchise the very groups America needs for inclusive unity.


ÒAmericanization.Ó 25 February 2006. . Behavioral Sciences 40.2. (2004): 149-163.

ÒAmericanizationÓ [2]. American History Study Laubeov‡, Laura. ÒMelting Pot vs. Ethnic Stew.Ó Guide. 6 February 2006. . texts/melting.htm.

Booth, William. ÒOne Nation, Indivisible: Is Mitchell, Katharyne. ÒGeographies of Identity: It History?Ó Washingtonpost com. 22 Multiculturalism Unplugged.Ó in February 1998. 23 February 2006. . Ricento, Thomas. ÒA Brief History of Language Restrictionism in the .Ó ÒMelting Pot.Ó Wikipedia. Feb. 20, 2006. http:// OfÞcial English? No! A Brief History of en.wikipidea.org/wiki/Melting_pot. Language Restrictionism. 27 November 2002. 5 March 2006. . www.milkeninstitute.org/publications/ publications.taf?function=detail&ID=110& Rodriguez, Gregory. ÒAssimilation Happens ÐDeal cat=Arts>. With ItÓ Times 10 Oct. 2004. 1 February 2006 . Culture.Ó 1 February 2006. . en.thinkexist.com/quotes/israel_zangwill>.