Living Lab Falls-MACVIA-LR: the Falls Prevention Initiative of The
G Model EURGER-522; No. of Pages 10 European Geriatric Medicine xxx (2014) xxx–xxx Available online at ScienceDirect Hot topic in geriatric medicine Living Lab Falls-MACVIA-LR: The falls prevention initiative of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) in Languedoc-Roussillon c,d e c c f d g H. Blain , F. Abecassis , P.A. Adnet , B. Alome`ne , M. Amouyal , B. Bardy , M.P. Battesti , c d h c i j k G. Baptista , P.L. Bernard , J. Berthe , C. Boubakri , J. Burille , M.V. Calmels , B. Combe , d d,l m d,n o g D. Delignie`res , A. Dupeyron , G. Dupeyron , O. Engberink , F. Gressard , D. He`ve , p c l c d,q r f D. Jakovenko , C. Jeandel , M. Lapierre , M.S. Le´glise , I. Laffont , C. Laurent , B. Lognos , s d d o j t J.M. Lussert , K. Mandrick , V. Marmelat , P. Martin-Gousset , A. Matheron , G. Mercier , o,u l n k,v,w x j o,y C. Meunier , J. Morel , G. Ninot , F. Nouvel , J.P. Ortiz , M.P. Pasdelou , E. Pastor , d,l d z aa d ab J.Y. Pe´lissier , S. Perrey , M.C. Picot , N. Pinto , S. Ramdani , F. Radier-Pontal , h g ac,ad,ae c j m E. Roye`re , I. Re´dini-Martinez , J.M. Robine , E. Roux , J.L. Savy , Y. Stephan , af c c ag,ah,ai ad l aj D. Strubel , G. Tallon , K. Torre , J.M. Verdier , G.
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