Standing Outside of Article Iii
UNIVERSITY of PENNSYLVANIA LAW REVIEW Founded 1852 Formerly AMERICAN LAW REGISTER © 2014 by the University of Pennsylvania Law Review VOL. 162 MAY 2014 NO. 6 ARTICLE STANDING OUTSIDE OF ARTICLE III TARA LEIGH GROVE† The U.S. Supreme Court has insisted that standing doctrine is a “bedrock” re- quirement only of Article III. Accordingly, both jurists and scholars have assumed † Associate Professor, William and Mary Law School. I am grateful to Randy Barnett, Amy Barrett, A.J. Bellia, Neal Devins, Dave Douglas, Richard Fallon, Josh Fischman, David Fontana, Barry Friedman, Amanda Frost, Mark Graber, Chris Griffin, Aziz Huq, Vicki Jackson, Alli Larsen, Kurt Lash, Gary Lawson, Daryl Levinson, John Manning, Alan Meese, Gillian Metzger, Henry Monaghan, Nate Oman, Jim Pfander, Marty Redish, Judith Resnik, Mark Seidenfeld, David Shapiro, Suzanna Sherry, Larry Solum, Kevin Stack, Carlos Vazquez, Steve Vladeck, Tobias Wolff, Ann Woolhandler, Ingrid Wuerth,Ernie Young, and Tim Zick for discussions of this project or comments on earlier drafts. I am also grateful to Dara Gibson, Amanda Hamm, Alexis Patillo, and Alex Reidell for helpful research assistance. This Article was selected for presentation at the 2014 New Voices in Civil Justice Workshop at Vanderbilt Law School, the Sixth Annual Junior Faculty Federal Courts Workshop at Brooklyn Law School, and the Fourth Annual Constitutional Law Colloquium at Loyola University Chicago School of Law. The Article was also presented at the Georgetown University Law Center Constitutional Law Colloquium, Florida State University College of Law, William and Mary Law School, and American Universi- ty Washington College of Law. I am grateful for comments and suggestions offered at those events.
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