2011 Hugo Awards Final Ballot and John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer All ballots must be re ei!ed by Sunda"$ July 31$ 2011$ 11&'( pm P*+. ,ligibilit" to -ote All Attending, Young Adult, and Supporting members of Renovation are eligible to vote. -ote Online -ote b" Mail Online voting is available via the Renovation website: 'o vote by mail please !omplete the membership information below. http://hugos.renovationsf.org/vote/ Paper ballots may be mailed to: You will need your Personal dentifi!ation "umber #P "$, printed on H01. AWA2*# A*/3N3#+2A+.2 the mailing label of this progress report, to vote via the web. You may ). B.4 204 also email
[email protected] to get a P ". )AC3FIC G2.-, CA Online ballots may be revised before the deadline by submitting a (%('0-0204 new ballot. Only the latest ballot received is !ounted. f you have any 0N3+,D S+A+,# &uestions please email us at
[email protected] Plesae mail your ballot in a secure envelope. Do not fold or staple your ballot. All ballots must arrive by the deadline . Membership am a member of Renovation. want to pur!hase a membership. Rates below are valid until )uly *+, ,-**. Membership Information (re8uired9 Membership Pur hase Please !omplete the following before submitting your ballot. .allots Please !omplete the following to pur!hase a membership. without a name, address, and signature will not be !ounted. Attending 1*25 4SD "ame Young Adult #age *+ – ,* years on August *+, ,-**$ 1*-- 4SD Supporting 150 4S( Address * Address , 6y !hec7 / money-order / traveler9s !hec7 is enclosed.