2011 Hugo Awards Final Ballot and John W

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2011 Hugo Awards Final Ballot and John W 2011 Hugo Awards Final Ballot and John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer All ballots must be re ei!ed by Sunda"$ July 31$ 2011$ 11&'( pm P*+. ,ligibilit" to -ote All Attending, Young Adult, and Supporting members of Renovation are eligible to vote. -ote Online -ote b" Mail Online voting is available via the Renovation website: 'o vote by mail please !omplete the membership information below. http://hugos.renovationsf.org/vote/ Paper ballots may be mailed to: You will need your Personal dentifi!ation "umber #P "$, printed on H01. AWA2*# A*/3N3#+2A+.2 the mailing label of this progress report, to vote via the web. You may ). B.4 204 also email hugopin@renovationsf.org to get a P ". )AC3FIC G2.-, CA Online ballots may be revised before the deadline by submitting a (%('0-0204 new ballot. Only the latest ballot received is !ounted. f you have any 0N3+,D S+A+,# &uestions please email us at .hugoadmin@renovationsf.org Plesae mail your ballot in a secure envelope. Do not fold or staple your ballot. All ballots must arrive by the deadline . Membership am a member of Renovation. want to pur!hase a membership. Rates below are valid until )uly *+, ,-**. Membership Information (re8uired9 Membership Pur hase Please !omplete the following before submitting your ballot. .allots Please !omplete the following to pur!hase a membership. without a name, address, and signature will not be !ounted. Attending 1*25 4SD "ame Young Adult #age *+ – ,* years on August *+, ,-**$ 1*-- 4SD Supporting 150 4S( Address * Address , 6y !hec7 / money-order / traveler9s !hec7 is enclosed. Charge my !redit !ard :;isa / 6aster/ard< City State/Province Postal /ountry /ard "umber 0=p Amount 0mail 'elephone Please ma7e !he!ks or money orders payable to “Renovation”. Signature .allot is invalid without a signature and will not be !ounted. *. NO+ F.21,+ +. S31N :.02 BA;;.+ @Aorld S!ience Fi!tion So!iety@, @ASBS@, @Aorld S!ience Fi!tion /onvention", @Aorld!on@, @"ASFi/@, @Cugo Award@, the Cugo Award logo, and the distinctive design of the Cugo Award Ro!7et are servi!e marks of the Aorld S!ience Fi!tion So!iety, an unincorporated literary so!iety. 0ligibility to ;ote You may vote in the ,-** Cugo Awards and )ohn A. /ampbell Award for .est "ew Ariter if you are an Attending, Young Adult, or Supporting member of Renovation. Please !omplete the eligibility se!tion on the previous page and do not forget to sign the ballot. Cow to ;ote 'his ballot uses a modified version of the Alternate ;ote System, sometimes known as the nstant Runoff .allot. 'o vote, mark your !hoi!es in ea!h !ategory in order of preference: >*” for first pla!e, >,” for second pla!e, and so on. You are not required to rank all the nominees in any !ategory, and we recommend that you not vote in any !ategory in whi!h you are not familiar with a maDority of the nominees. f you decide not to vote in a given !ategory, leave it blank. "ote that >"o Award” is not an abstention, but a vote that none of the nominees should be given the award in &uestion. Ahen the ballots are !ounted, all the first pla!e votes will be tabulated. f no nominee receives half or more of the votes, the nominee with the fewest first pla!e votes is eliminated, and its votes are transferred to the nominees mar7ed >,” on those ballots. 'his pro!ess of elimination !ontinues until one nominee receives half or more of the votes, at whi!h point it becomes the winner #unless the votes are outnumbered by >"o Award? votes, under specifi! !onditions des!ribed in Section E.** of the ASBS /onstitution). A few tips whi!h may help you in voting: *. Please 7eep in mind that second and further preferences play no part in the voting unless and until your first !hoi!e is eliminated. 'his is not a point system where the se!ond !hoi!es of many voters !an overwhelm the first !hoi!e of a few voters. Ae suggest that after mar7ing your first !hoi!e, you pro!eed by imagining that it has disappeared from the ballot, and pla!ing your >,” by the remaining nominee you most prefer, and so on. 'his mimi!s the way the ballots are a!tually !ounted. 'hus, even if your heart is set on one nominee, don’t hesitate to give >,” #and other$ rankings to other nominees you also !onsider worthy of the award. ,. "evertheless, if your top !hoi!es are eliminated early, your lower preferences !ould be the tie-brea7er between the remaining nominees, so !hoose all your preferences !arefullyG "o matter how much you disli7e a nominee, if you rank it, the vote will be !ounted if all of your previous !hoi!es are eliminated. Ae recommend that you rank a nominee that you do not !onsider worthy of the award below >"o Award” if you rank it at all. Reprodu!tion Reproduction and distribution of this ballot is permitted and encouraged, provided that it is reproduced verbatim #including voting instructions$, with no additional material other than the name of the person or publi!ation responsible for the reproduction. *--H valid nominating ballots were !ounted, 22, electroni! and *I paper. /ategory .allots 4ni&ue "ominations 'otal "ominations Jow Cigh .est "ovel KEE E+I ,H3+ +K *,3 .est "ovella I-+ *-E 2K+ IE *IE .est "ovelette EK, ,,* *-*I ,H IE .est Short Story 3*3 IE- *3EK ,2 +, .est Related Aor7 E+3 *E, +,2 E3 H2 .est Lraphi! Story ,K+ *2, HH- ,* HI .est (ramati! Presentation, Jong Borm 3*- **- *,KE +, E,- .est (ramati! Presentation, Short Borm E2I *2I *-EH 3- *,- .est 0ditor, Short Borm I,3 *,- **-3 H3 *E, .est 0ditor, Jong Borm E-- KE H,2 ,* 2H .est Professional Artist I-H ,*H *-3K IE *-2 .est SemiproMine EHK 3K KK* 3+ *E2 .est Banzine EI- **2 K*2 IE H2 .est Ban Ariter E,E ,,3 2*, E- +- .est Ban Artist *+H 2+ IH, ,E IH )ohn A. /ampbell Award for .est "ew Ariter E2- *KE 2IE I- +2 *. NO+ F.21,+ +. S31N :.02 BA;;.+ @Aorld S!ience Fi!tion So!iety@, @ASBS@, @Aorld S!ience Fi!tion /onvention", @Aorld!on@, @"ASFi/@, @Cugo Award@, the Cugo Award logo, and the distinctive design of the Cugo Award Ro!7et are servi!e marks of the Aorld S!ience Fi!tion So!iety, an unincorporated literary so!iety. Best No!el Best Related Wor< .la!7out/All /lear by /onnie Aillis #.allantine Spectra$ .earings: Reviews *22+8,--*, by Lary O. Aolfe #.e!!on) /ryoburn by Jois 6!6aster .ujold #.aen) 'he .usiness of S!ien!e Bi!tion: 'wo nsiders (is!uss Ariting and Publishing, by 6i7e Resni!7 and .arry ". 'he (ervish Couse by an 6!Donald #LollancMN Pyr$ 6alzberg #6!Barland$ Beed by 6ira Lrant #Orbit$ /hi!7s (ig 'ime Jords: A /elebration of (o!tor Aho by the 'he Cundred 'housand Oingdoms by ".O. )emisin #Orbit$ Aomen Aho Jove t, edited by Jynne 6. 'homas and 'ara O9Shea #6ad "orwegian) "o Award Robert A. Ceinlein: n (ialogue with Cis /entury, ;olume *: #*2-+ 5 *2IK$: Jearning /urve, by Ailliam C. Patterson, )r. Best No!ella #'or$ @'he Jady Aho Plu!7ed Red Blowers beneath the Pueen9s Ariting 0=!uses, Season I, by .randon Sanderson, )ordan Aindow@ by Ra!hel Swirsky #Subterranean 6agaMine, Sanderson, Coward 'ayler, (an Aells Summer ,-*-$ "o Award 'he Jife!y!le of Software ObDe!ts by 'ed /hiang #Subterranean) @'he 6aiden Blight of 6!/auley9s .ellerophon@ by 0liMabeth Best Graphi Stor" Cand #Stories: All "ew 'ales, Ailliam 6orrow) Bables: Ait!hes, written by .ill AillinghamN illustrated by 6ar7 .u!7ingham #;ertigo$ @'he Sultan of the /louds@ by Leoffrey A. Jandis #Asimov9s, September ,-*-$ Lirl Lenius, ;olume *-: Agatha Ceterodyne and the Luardian 6use, written by Phil and OaDa BoglioN art by Phil BoglioN @'roika@ by Alastair Reynolds #Lodli7e 6a!hines, S!ience Bi!tion !olors by Cheyenne Aright #Airship 0ntertainment$ .ook Club$ Lrandville 6on Amour, by .ryan 'albot #Dark Corse) "o Award S!hlo!7 6er!enary: 6assively Parallel, written and illustrated by Coward 'aylerN !olors by Coward 'ayler and 'ravis Aalton Best No!elette #Cypernode) @0ight 6iles@ by Sean 6!6ullen #Analog, September ,-*-$ 'he 4nwritten, ;olume ,: nside 6an, written by 6i7e /areyN @'he 0mperor of 6ars@ by Allen 6. Steele #Asimov9s, )une ,-*-$ illustrated by Peter Lross #;ertigo$ @'he )aguar Couse, in Shadow@ by Aliette de .odard #Asimov9s, "o Award )uly ,-*-$ @Plus or 6inus@ by )ames Patri!k Oelly #Asimov9s, December Best Dramati Presentation$ Long Form ,-*-$ Carry Potter and the (eathly Callows: Part *, s!reenplay by @'hat Jeviathan, Ahom 'hou Cast 6ade@ by 0ri! )ames Stone Steve OlovesN directed by David Yates #Aarner$ #Analog, September ,-*-$ Cow to 'rain Your (ragon, s!reenplay by Ailliam Davies, Dean "o Award DeBlois Q Chris SandersN directed by Dean DeBlois Q Chris Sanders #DreamAorks$ Best Short Stor" n!eption, written and directed by Christopher "olan #Aarner$ @Amaryllis@ by Carrie ;aughn #Jightspeed, )une ,-*-$ S!ott Pilgrim vs. the Aorld, s!reenplay by 6i!hael .a!all Q 0dgar ArightN directed by 0dgar Aright #4niversal$ @Bor Aant of a "ail@ by 6ary Robinette Oowal #Asimov9s, September ,-*-$ 'oy Story E, s!reenplay by 6i!hael ArndtN story by )ohn Jasseter, Andrew Stanton Q Jee 4nkri!h; directed by Jee @Ponies@ by OiD )ohnson #'or.!om, "ovember *+, ,-*-$ 4nkri!h #Pi=ar/Disney$ @'he 'hings@ by Peter Aatts #/lar7esworld, )anuary ,-*-$ "o Award "o Award @Aorld S!ience Fi!tion So!iety@, @ASBS@, @Aorld S!ience Fi!tion /onvention", @Aorld!on@, @"ASFi/@, @Cugo Award@, the Cugo Award logo, and the distinctive design of the Cugo Award Ro!7et are servi!e marks of the Aorld S!ience Fi!tion So!iety, an unincorporated literary so!iety.

—— Preview end. ——

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