Corina E. Tarnita Curriculum Vitae Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 Tel: (617) 368-0041, Email:
[email protected] Website: Education PhD Harvard University, Mathematics, June 2009. Thesis: Evolutionary Dynamics in Structured Populations. Advisor: Martin A. Nowak. M.A. Harvard University, June 2008. M.A. in Mathematics. Thesis: The Minimal Model Program. Advisors: Izzet Coskun and Joe Harris. B.A. Harvard University, June 2006. Magna cum Laudae with Highest Honors in Mathematics. Senior Thesis: The Debarre { de Jong conjecture for Fano varieties of lines on hypersurfaces. Advisor: Joe Harris. Appointments 08/2015 { Visiting Faculty, Eco-Evolutionary Math Group, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France 2013- { Assistant Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton Univ. 2014- { Faculty Associate, Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics, Princeton Univ. 2013- { Faculty Associate, Quantitative and Computational Biology, Princeton University. 2013- { Faculty Associate, Princeton Environmental Institute. 2010-2013 { Junior Fellow in Mathematical Biology, Harvard Society of Fellows. 2009-2010 { Postdoctoral Fellow at the Program for Evolutionary Dynamics, Harvard University. Funding 2016 { 2018 Grand Challenges Grant, Princeton University ($ 150,000). Title: \Experimental Tests of Drought and Deluge in African Rangelands." PI: Corina E. Tarnita; Co-PI: Robert M. Pringle. 2016 { 2019 Life Sciences Research Foundation ($ 180,000). Title: \Using Dictyostelium Discoideum to understand the role of ecology and multiple fitness tradeoffs in the evolution of multicellular- ity." 2016 { 2018 Member of the "Collective Cognition & Cooperation Network" (CoCCoN) funded jointly by Princeton University, USA and Humboldt University, Germany ($ 160,000). 2015 { 2017 Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship in Computational and Evolutionary Molecular Biology ($ 50,000).