The Westervelt Family Compiled and Arranged by Her Husband During the Last Twenty Years of His Life, Very Great Pleasure to Undertake the Task Allotted to Him
GENEALOGY OF THE 1 \\ ESTERVELT FA11ILY CO'.IIPILED BY THE LATE WALTER TALLMAN WESTERVELT REVISED AND EDITED BY WHARTON DICKINSON NEW YORK PRESS OF TOBIAS A, WRIGHT 1905 ARMS OF Y.~~ \VESTERYELT As emblazoned upon the tomb, in the lioor of the nave of the Church, at Harderwyk, Holland. WESTERVELT ;\R~1s.-Yert, three flenr delis. or: crest, two arms in armor, argent; hands natural \ppr. 1 out of a ducal coronet holding a lieur de lis, or. FOREWORD No words more fully express the intent of this compilation, properly called Some Gleanings, Historic and Genealogical, than those voiced by the Psalmist, when he says: "Which we have heard and known and our fathers have told us * * * That the generations to come might know them, even the children which should be born ; who should arise and de clare them to their children." (Psalm lx:xviii.) Years ago the compiler came into the possession of some frag mentary notes, collected by one of his earlier ancestors, compris ing data relating to the numerous families who were identified with the history of Bergen County, N. J., in colonial days. Among these families was that of WESTERVIU,T, and after tracing his own line of descent through this and allied families, the work became so interesting that he was led to make further researches, to presenre at least an outline of the history of that family for this and future generations. It is a source of honest and commendable pride to an Amer ican, that his ancestors for many generations in this land have done their part as self-supporting citizens in their several periods, for their neighborhood, their colony, their State and their country; as well as a satisfaction to know that at the birth of the Republic, or in the period of its peril, they took a part in the making of this government and in establishing its independence.
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