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JF»%, NURSING TODAY MSN (UBC), who joins the 3rd year team as NEWS ITEMS an Instructor II. Born in Edmonton, she recently completed her MSN in the School and previously has had clinical and NEW FACULTY JOIN SCHOOL teaching experience in Edmonton. SALLY THORNE, BSN (UBC), MSN (UBC), Eight new faces will be seen around who joins the 2nd year team as Instructor the School of Nursing this fall. Please II. A British-born Canadian, she is join in welcoming: well-known to the School as she was a LINDA BEECHINOR, BSN (Calgary), who Lecturer before entering the MSN program. joins the 2nd year team as a Sessional Lecturer. A native of Ottawa, she has taught in basic nursing programs in Kelowna NURSE-SOCIOLOGIST CHAIRS SYMPOSIUM AT and Burnaby. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS MARILYN DEWIS, BSN (Toronto), MEd (Ottawa), who joins the 4th year team as Dr. Joan Anderson organized and Assistant Professor. A native of Toronto, chaired a two-day symposium on "The Rele her most recent position before her move to vance of the Social Sciences to Health UBC was Assistant Professor in the Care" at the Xlth International Congress of University of Ottawa School of Nursing. Her Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences area of interest and expertise is held in Vancouver in August. The symposium medical-surgical nursing. brought together scholars from several dif VALERIE LESLIE, BSN (UBC), who joins ferent parts of the world, including the 1st year team as a Sessional Lecturer. Nigeria, Hong Kong, Singapore, Europe, She has had clinical experience in various British Isles, United States and Canada. hospitals in BC. Twenty-five papers were presented dur KATHERINE McINDOE, BSN, MSN (UBC), who ing the two-day period by anthropologists, joins the 2nd year team as Instructor II. A sociologists, nurse-anthropologists, nurse- recent graduate from the MSN program, she sociologists, physician-anthropologists, has had clinical experience in psychiatry nurses and physicians. The papers included and as a clinical instructor in a basic research conducted in 17 different program. countries. KATHLEEN MAIR, BSN (UBC), who joins One of the central themes in this the 2nd year team as Sessional Lecturer. international, multidisciplinary symposium She has had clinical experience, was the exploration of the tension between particularly in cardiac care at St. Paul's the western scientific model of health care Hospital, before joining the UBC faculty. and the traditional and popular models of KIM MOTUT, RN (BCIT), BA (UBC), who health, illness and healing. Several will work in the obstetrical area at papers emphasized the need to integrate Burnaby General on a part-time basis during social science concepts (specifically the fall term. A former clinical medical anthropology and medical sociology) instructor at BCIT, she has also had into the curriculum of health professionals clinical experience at the Burnaby General in a systematic way, so that health profes Hospital. sionals will be able to provide culturally CAROLE ROBINSON, BSc, BScN (Alberta), acceptable, effective and economical care School of Nursing Glennis Zilm, editor University of British Columbia Vol. 5, No. 1 IRC 338, 2194 Health Sciences Mall September, 1983 Vancouver, B.C., V6T 1W5 Page 1 to clients from different socio-cultural obtained by telephoning the course secre groups. tary at 228-3055. The symposium provided an excellent forum for interdisciplinary discourse, and VISITOR FROM SCOTLAND permitted the nurse participants to inter pret the role of nursing in Canada for col Dr. Kath Melia, Department of Nursing leagues in the social sciences and medicine Studies, University of Edinburgh, in from different countries. The formal ses Vancouver to participate in the Xlth Inter sions, as well as the more informal national Congress of Anthropological and "social" occasions provided the opportunity Ethnological Sciences, visited the School for exchange of ideas by scholars from dif at the end of August. Dr. Melia was a ferent disciplines. research associate, then research fellow at Several members from the School of the University of Edinburgh before joining Nursing, UBC, participated in the sym the faculty there. Her focus is on critical posium. Judy Lynam and Marilyn Mardiros and interpretive methods in research. Dur presented papers. Professor Lynam's paper ing her visit, she met with several faculty was on "Developing a network of support: members to learn about the programs in the Strategies employed by immigrant women"; School of Nursing. She also attended an Professor Mardiros' paper was on "Parents' informal luncheon with faculty to talk explanatory models of childhood dis about the nursing program at the University ability." Both papers were well received. of Edinburgh. Profs. Mardiros, Maureen Murphy and Helen Dr. Melia is co-author of a recent Niskala were also discussants for papers book, Nursing Ethics. presented at the symposium. Verna Splane gave the concluding sym posium comments. She highlighted the NANDA SEEKS CANADIAN MEMBERS benefits to be derived from multi- disciplinary, international dialogues such The North American Nursing Diagnosis as this, and the need to include scholars Association (NANDA) held its first board from other branches of the social sciences meeting in Boston in late August. Eight such as economics and political science, if board members were named to chair commit "health for all by the year 2000" is to be tees and all are now seeking participation realized. of Canadian members. NANDA provides a formal structure for DIVISION OF CONTINUING NURSING EDUCATION the development and classification of nur OFFERS VARIETY OF PROGRAMS sing diagnoses, an activity that for the past 10 years has been carried on mainly by The Continuing Nursing Education Div an informal task force group. ision of UBC's Continuing Education in the Prof. Win Mills of the School is a Health Sciences has announced eight short member of the board. courses and four comprehensive career- Preparation for the Sixth Nursing oriented programs for Fall-Winter 1983-84. Diagnosis Conference was also discussed at Courses range from Basic Cardiac and the meeting. The conference will be held in Vascular Assessment to Application of Res St. Louis, April 4-7, 1984, with a one-day earch to Nursing Practice. UBC School of continuing education program offered April Nursing faculty have collaborated with 3 for nurses unfamiliar with nursing instructors and clinicians from several diagnosis. community hospitals in planning or presen If you are interested in the work of ting most of the courses. NANDA or want further information, please As well, the Division will offer a contact Win Mills at UBC 338-7483 or write six-week program on Nursing Assessment and directly to: Management of Patients with Acute Neuro The Clearinghouse for Classification logical Disorders via the KNOWLEDGE NETWORK of Nursing Diagnosis on Tuesday evenings from late October St. Louis University Department of through November. Nursing Further information on the programs 3525 Caroline Street and copies of the calendar or flyers may be St. Louis, Missouri 63104 Page 2 SHEENA DAVIDSON FUND GROWS — SLOWLY In December, 1980, one of our much- FACULTY NEWS loved and respected School of Nursing col SHIRLEY BRANDT spent 10 days this leagues was killed, along with her husband, summer visiting regional hospitals, com in a motor vehicle accident. The couple munity agencies and health units in south left three children. eastern and central BC, representing the In Sheena Davidson's memory, the School of Nursing on a tour to provide School established the Sheena Davidson information concerning the School and Nursing Research Fund and set a goal of identifying regional needs in continuing $20,000. The fund is administered through nursing education. During her visits to the the UBC Alumni Association. Kootenays, Cariboo and Okanagan regions, To date, the capital in the fund has she met with many nurses. A report on the reached $11,665 — more than half way to visits and a summary of recommendations for its goal. Accrued interest amounts to continuing education is in progress. $2,169. As well, Prof. Brandt was in San Diego Donations continue to come in — a few in May at the national conference of the large ones and some smaller ones from Association for Practitioners of Infection individuals who contribute on a regular Control. She conducted a dialogue session basis. However, an increase in the growth on the educational responsibilities of IC rate is needed if the fund is to begin to practitioners. She was also appointed to provide research grants in the near the National Accreditation Board of APIC, future. effective this September. Faculty who would like to make a donation to the fund may pick up a brochure KATHLEEN CHRISTIE and PAM THOMPSON from the School of Nursing Office. Dona were program coordinators for a two-day tions would be much appreciated. workshop on "Culture, Health and Illness — Donelda Ellis from a Community Nursing Perspective" held (local 7438) at UBC in May. The well-attended program aimed at promotion of greater understanding of the concept of culture in prevention, "UBC NURSING TODAY" home care and long term care. The UBC Student Counselling and DONELDA ELLIS has returned from a Resources Centre has made a videotape copy one-year sabbatical during which she lived of "The UBC School of Nursing Today" to be and worked in Canberra, New South Wales. used as part of its information package for Most of her time was spent on preparation high schools and high school counsellors of research reports for publication, throughout the province. although she also visited nursing agencies The tape is based on the updated vers and health care facilities in Australia. ion of the slide-tape program on the School first prepared by Ada Butler in 1979. DORIS HASLAM spent two weeks this Counsellor Dennis Magrega of the summer on a tour with the Voice of the Centre said the program was one of the Andes World Radio Missionary Fellowship in best-prepared tapes available in the Equador.