ANNUAL REPORT 2017-2018 Information Contained in This 2017-2018 Annual Report Is Current According to Records on File and Verification at the Time of Printing

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ANNUAL REPORT 2017-2018 Information Contained in This 2017-2018 Annual Report Is Current According to Records on File and Verification at the Time of Printing ANNUAL REPORT 2017-2018 Information contained in this 2017-2018 Annual Report is current according to records on file and verification at the time of printing. Bermuda College is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE), through its Commission on Institutions of Higher Education. Inquiries regarding the accreditation status by the New England Association should be directed to the administrative staff of the institution. Individuals may also contact: New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) 209 Burlington Road, Bedford, MA 01730-1433 Tel: (781) 271-0022 E-Mail:” VISION STATEMENT Bermuda College will be recognised locally and internationally as a centre for excellence as it responds to the diverse needs of the community through innovative, quality teaching and research that enables students to enrich their lives intellectually, economically, socially, and culturally. MISSION STATEMENT Bermuda College, the only tertiary level institution in Bermuda, is committed to setting Bermuda’s students on the paths to success through the provision of comprehensive academic and technical education, along with professional training, personal and academic support services, quality facilities, and interactive partnerships with local and international entities. CORE VALUES COMMITMENT TO STUDENTS QUALITY TEACHING COMMITMENT TO EMPLOYEES RESPECT, RECOGNITION AND BEING VALUED COMMITMENT TO HIGH STANDARDS STABILITY, SECURITY AND SAFETY RESPONSIBILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY CONTENTS President’s Remarks ............................................ 4 Chairman’s Report .............................................. 7 About Bermuda College ........................................ 8 Supporting Student Engagement ................................ 11 Creating a Data-Driven Culture of Institutional Excellence ..16 Creating a Skilled Workforce for the Present... and the Future .................................................... 19 Creating Access .................................................. 30 PRESIDENT’S REMARKS “Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.” ~ Napoleon Hill This reporting period attests, as no other in my tenure, the fact that Bermuda College was pleased to expand and enhance its role as an strength and growth are attained only through continuous effort, and I external testing centre with the opening of the Testing & Assessment would take this opportunity to salute the commendable commitment of Centre in Hallett Hall. The Centre provides client partners and test all employees, as Bermuda College navigated a particularly challenging takers with a full range of reliable services, flexible scheduling, and a year, but emerged stronger and better for it. convenient location. As the College approached the final year of its last Strategic Plan In efforts to target parents of graduating high school seniors, and to (2013 – 2018), the Board directed efforts to begin in earnest, vision- arm them with information critical to their post-secondary decision- ary direction for the institution for the next five years. A Strategic making, a public forum, “Education Pathways: High School & Beyond” Planning Steering Committee was formed and after a rigorous selection was sponsored by the College to assist in the navigation of the process, the professional expertise of Performance Solutions was proliferation of academic credential options on offer. enlisted to accompany us on this critical journey. The 5-year plan is expected to be presented to the Board of Governors and the campus Student success continues to be the underpinning of all initiatives community in Fall 2018. at Bermuda College. I am happy to underline several instances where students have made their success, the College’s success with their In August 2017, Bermuda College welcomed its new Vice President, achievements. The first nursing graduate of the Associate in Science Academic & Student Affairs, Dr. Phyllis Curtis-Tweed, former principal (Nursing) programme, Ms. Josephine Bean, RN, completed the of The Berkeley Institute. Dr. Curtis-Tweed brings an extensive back- Bermuda Hospitals Board Nurse Residency Programme and is working ground in higher education throughout the United States to this role. in the Post-Anaesthetic Care Unit (PACU) at the Hospital. Two other Of note is her work with the “First Year Experience” which would assist nursing graduates, Janai Caldwell and Waleed Lightbourne have the College in increasing its retention and student success. Her remit received Mental Health Nursing Scholarships and will continue under- also includes the critical areas of enrolment management, strengthen- graduate studies at the University of Northampton in the United ing current articulation agreements, and establishing new articulation Kingdom. The College was pleased to release ten new graduates into agreements with UK schools. The College is already seeing the fruits the nursing profession in Commencement 2017 ceremonies. of her labour as it relates to articulation agreements with many agree- ments near completion. Culinary art students were featured on the popular BBC World News Travel Show, along with their chef, and participated in the America’s Declining enrolment in the face of competing learning options, a still Cup pre-racing event showcasing renowned chefs for the race sluggish economy, a declining birth rate and emigrating families, teams in the Lionfish 11th Hour Cook-off Event. Applied technology continued to be an institutional concern and the focus of several students hosted a series of “Walk-in Wednesday” presentations to concerted campaigns and strategies. The College received encourag- members of the public, including Education Minister, the Hon. Diallo ing response from a proactive outreach campaign targeting students Rabain on projects ranging from network security to creating apps who had registered, but who had not returned within two years to com- for public bus transportation. Additionally, Environmental Science plete their studies. The Call Around campaign also targeted students students participated in a project for Greenrock, earning one student, who were registered the previous semester, but had failed to register KyAsia Scott-Fishenden top prize and a trip to Portugal to attend a for the new semester. A Government Grant of $300,000 for student UNESCO conference on sustainable education. scholarships became a game-changer for many who took advantage of the injection of funds, and immediately registered for the Fall 2017 Faculty continued to make significant contributions to the community semester, boosting numbers still further. by providing activities, expert opinion, research, and publications in various means and in different forums. We commend them for Notwithstanding the declines, there were also several highlights which confidently upholding the trust that has been placed in them to make provided optimism for stabilisation, and subsequent reversal of the learning accessible to all. I would also like to extend my appreciation figures. The College recorded the first increase in male students to the support staff, who less directly, but just as importantly contribute since 2014. This was directly attributable to the presence of new dual- to the success story of our students. Finally, thank you to the Board enrolled students in the Certificate in Applied Science Technology of Governors for placing your confidence in my leadership of this programme. There was also an increase in the number of part- phenomenal institution. time students at Bermuda College – a lingering legacy of the languid economy. I invite you to read through the following pages for details of our accomplishment and success for the 2017-18 reporting period. Another highlight for this reporting period, was the record number of Magna Mirabilia Portendi — great and wonderful things are foretold! graduates, fuelled in particular by increases in the graduates in Business and Hospitality disciplines. Dr. Duranda V. Greene President 4 BERMUDA COLLEGE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 - 2018 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT On behalf of the Board of Governors, it is my pleasure once again, Preparation for the BC Foundation continued with the approval of the to submit the Bermuda College Annual Report for fiscal year April 1, purchase of VineUp, a web-based platform to support alumni relations 2017 to March 31, 2018. The Board is indebted to Dr. Greene, the and outreach; while Bloomerang was approved as the online payment senior leadership team, and all employees for their continued commit- processing software to be used by the Foundation. The Board also ment to the mission, core values and vision of Bermuda College. approved the Memorandum of Association for the incorporation of the Foundation along with the draft by-laws. There were several changes to the Board over this reporting period. Ms. Zaire Hunt joined us as the new student representative for the The National Educators Institute (NEI), an organisation established to academic year. We were pleased to have the skill and talent of four bring local, professional educators together, and which received new Board members who joined in November: Mrs. Cherie Dill, approval in principle from the Board in the previous reporting period, Mr. Fanon Khaldun, Mr. Jerome and Mr. Nasir Wade. Mrs. Romelle pending submission of a formal proposal, received the green light from Warner was promoted to Deputy Chair, while Mrs. Malika Cartwright the Board pending funding. The NEI will serve as an arm of Bermuda became
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