Official Hansard Index
2011/12 SESSION of the BERMUDA HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY OFFICIAL HANSARD REPORT INDEX Hon. Stanley W. Lowe, OBE, JP, MP Speaker BERMUDA HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY 2011/12 SESSION OFFICIAL HANSARD REPORT INDEX This Index is arranged alphabetically with “Order of Business” headings and MPs’ names in bold. “Bills” are arranged both alphabetically and procedurally (i.e., First Reading, Second Reading, Committee, Report, Third Reading). A Accounting Certification Funding - Retraining Scholarship Fund, See Statements by Ministers Addax Holding Lease, See Adjournment, motions thereon Adjournment, Motions thereon Addax Holding Lease Burgess, Hon. Derrick V., Sr., 1649 Swan, Hon. Hubert (Kim) E., 1649–1651 Swan, Mr. Charles F. B., 1648 Bazarian Property Status - update requested Swan, Hon. Hubert (Kim) E., 2745 Bermuda’s advanced relationship with UK Blakeney, Hon. Glenn A., 2018 Swan, Mr. Charles F. B., 2018 Bond Issue Richards, Mr. Everard T. (Bob), 2419 Charities, desperate times for Jackson, Mrs. Louise A., 2420–2421 CITV, use for political messaging Swan, Hon. Hubert (Kim) E., 2103–2104 Civil Service, allegations of forced retirement in Swan, Mr. Charles F. B., 2428–2429 Crime in Bermuda, See also Statements by Ministers Crockwell, Mr. Shawn G., 1849–1851 Gordon-Pamplin, Mrs. Patricia J., 1853–1854 Perinchief, Hon. Wayne N. M., 1851 Delay of financial statements, Health Insurance, Mutual Reinsurance, FutureCare Gibbons, Dr. the Hon. E. Grant, 2844–2846 Dentalgate Bean, Hon. Marc A. R., 2749–2752 Roban, Hon. Walter H., 2752–2753 De Silva, Hon. Member, news reports involving Swan, Hon. Hubert (Kim) E., 2101–2103 Democracy and Independence Lister, Hon. Walter M., 2015–2017 Evans Bay Dock Swan, Mr.
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