Bc Spending Nearly $7000000 on Racing ...Bets During

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Bc Spending Nearly $7000000 on Racing ...Bets During WHERE TOGO TO-NIGHT WEATHER FORECAST ails Bimjes Pantage*—A Gentleman of Leisure. Royal—The Covered Wagon. For 36 hour* ending 5 p.m.. Friday: Capitol—Unguarded Women. X irtorla an<1 vicinity—Moderatesjo I>omlnlon—The Side Show of Life. fresh westerly wind*, generally faflranB- Columbia—The Fighting Adventurer. Playhouse—A Seaside Revue. «SSSS PRIVE FIVE CENTS VOL. tif> NO. 38 XT1CT0R1A, B.C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1924 DESIGN FOR CENOTAPH TO BE ALLENBY RETURNS SUCCUMBS AFTER B.C SPENDING NEARLY RECOMMENDED FOR ERECTION HERE TO EGYPT; BRITISH SHORT ILLNESS; WORLD’S CROP OF WHEAT IS WARSHIPS SENT JOHN COLBERT Caire, Aug. 14.—Field Marshal 375,000,000 BUSHELS LESS $7,000,000 ON RACING Vieceunt Allenby, British High Commiii^eéf in Egypt end tne Sudan, ie cutting short hie leave and ie returning te Egypt, the .. BETS DURING SEASON newspaper Liberté declare» to­ THAN TOTAL OF LAST YEAR day. --------- - —•— The newspaper gives greet prominence te the arrival at Pert Province Plunges at Rate of $13 Per Capita Official Sudan te-day of the cruiser Wey- Reliable Information so Far Available Indicates That, mouth ond th# «loop Clematis. m Say Officials of Department of Agriculture of Can­ Returns Show; Victoria Contributing About $1,- Th, battleship Marlborough and a battalion ef troope which left ada; Rye Crop Will Probably be 128,000,000 Bushels 500,000 or $25 for Every Man Woman and Child Malta are expected te arrive at Alexandria te-morrew. Other Less Than Last Year’s Total. Here; Businessmen Alarmed as Over $50,000 a Day nawepapera report th# arrival ef . Flows Into Pari mutuel Machines of Local Tracks. ..aareplanea at Khartum. Ottawa. Aug. 14.—An alarming shortage of bread grain* ia In­ dicated in a summary issued to-day by the International Institute British Columbia race tracks, crowded with men and women branch of the Department of Agriculture, which, provided with of every walk of life, will absorb close to $7,000,000 this raving official information from the Institute from aixteen out of forty, season. Of this the Colwood and Willows tracks here will take fire countries, has in advance of the receipt of complete official about $1,500,000. These figures, representing about $13 for every data made from reliable information on conditions and pa*t man, woman and child in the Province, and. in the case of Vic­ OF CONSTITUTION average* a detailed forecast of the world's total yield of bread toria. about $25 per capita, are based on Die official rhving re­ nljktnH for-1924-25. A world decrease from the previous year of turns filed with the Provincial Taxation Department. When the Canadian Teachers’ Federa­ 375.000,(XX) bushels of wheat and 128,000,000 bushels of rye is long ten-week racing season is over, if betting continues at its tion is in Session This disclosed. present fast and furious rate, not less than $6.7,"id.IKK) will have Morning — .in , Europe eharee a little more than passed out of the hands of race track followers into the fit-T” "one-half of the total shortage, or JOHN COLBERT. ; 252.000.000 bushel*, according to the mutuel machines Taxation Department officials estimate. Some Delegates Want the HERE ON VISIT summary. Up to Wednesday night the total I .............................. In th-1 grain year Just ended the amount wrajwed on the tracks of the! Gatherings in Alternate FROM TORONTO; total net exports amounted to the Province wa* $3.401.418, and with to­ PIONEER OF CITY. record figure of 815,000,000 busheis, day* betting this will reach a total MEETING TO PICK J}Years Instead of Annually HON. JAMES 1 YONS of which 626.000.000 were accounted of approximatley Sd.467,000 for six 1 for by imports to Europe and 100.- week* of racing. With the four week*' NELSON CANDIDATE Qilvetiona of per vepita easeiw- 000,000 bushels of unrecorded or ex- betting yet to be recorded, three TO OPPOSE OLIVER meut for the Csnadigii Teevhvrs' DIED LAST NIGHT European import». week*, of It on the largely attended -Vancouver track*, the total wagered Nelson. Aug. 14.—Adherents of Association, the problem of el- a*-Slated; will be up to the $6,75'»,ee) the conservative. Provincial and feeting eeouoniieu by vhanging Well-Known Victoria Busi­ Australians Look mark or high* r Labor partie» will meet In con­ the annual meeting of the Keder Of htl* enormous total the racing vention here to-night to nominate nessman Passes at Age of interest* will receive about $-472,00) a Joint candidate who will run For Big Wheat Crop a* their—two and a LliK against.. Premier Qtlvr In the by - 73 Years I»er vent, of the Government Atri- ! the nature of the representation election August 21. Tfce organi­ of affiliated alliance! lint feder- London. Aug. 14.—Prospects for a mytue! tax for collecting that levy, zation behind the candidate will Succumbed m Hospital Alter ~™tnrge AuairaHar.—wheat crop—on— making In all about $48!.0©0. The l»e called the fvtiaeiuf Party ami ations of teachers in the eeven prov­ .piomialng. according to authoritative pari-mutuel tax for the weapon's op­ the nominee will He styled an At h public mating to be held al the City Hall Ibis evening al • o’clock ince* which have recognised the Short Illness ——— sources, quoted by the Sydney corres­ Independent. eration* will be about $329.000 the' executive committee-appointed at a meeting on May 1 will recommend authority of the central body were pondent of The Daily Telegraph. Up to last night betting on the two subjects engaging the attention of John Colbert, one of Victoria’» : Assuming there are no adverse cir­ local tracks totaled ll.OM.251. If to­ the approval of a design by Sidney Marsh, of Fsrnborough. Kent. England the Canadian Teachers’ Federation for the cenotaph, and will further recommend its erection on a site in the cumstance* before the harvest *ea- day'* betting at Colwood come* up at the second day’s aession bare pioneer businessmen, «lied at the jspn, the crop is expected to total ap­ northeastern corner of Parliament Square. A reproduction In bronze will to expectation*, this total for h» NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. When the meeting opened • this St. Joseph**- Hospital last night proximately 140,0(10,000 bushel*. h« first three week* of racing here w.ll l»e Viewed, as is portrayed above. Tbe~de*»xn contemplates the figure of a morning * policy committee for at tl o’clock. The funeral will 1 compared with 123,900.000 last year. be hooeted to about $1,075.000. CHURCH- BOMBED BY soldier to be eight feet high, mounted on a column of local stone sixteen which C: XV. la* id law. President of the .Manitoba Teachers' Federation, The «tory of Victoria * race track feet high t take place from St. Andrew s «dunging tHim year is told in theee / UNKNOWN PERSONS If the committee's report should be accepted steps will be taken for so­ reported, had recommended the fix­ Catholic Cathedral at U.30 Sat tigure* of money bet at the tlrat Col- ing of a definite year for the collec­ liciting subscription* to the cost. tion of per capita allowance*. It ap- urday morning. wood meet, the first Willow* meet iiaoera Fells. N.Y„ Aug. 14.—The and the second Colwood meet, which péarwd from the dieruasipn that the PRINCE OF WALES First Baptist Church on Mein Street Mr. Colbert* death end* a end* today: affiliated bodies had a wide range here wee bombed early te-day. The of dates, and after canvassing the long and eueesaaful career in . 1244111 First Colwood Meet.. ewploeien wrecked the interior of the whole situation, the meeting re­ buaine*» in Victoria. He caim* First Willow* Meet. 429.721 building end windewe in business DR. DOOLITTLE CROSSES solved that the standard year should here in 1163 before the Canadian Pa­ STOCK TRES IN Second Colwood Meet places a black away were broken. 3.34.360 be July 1 to June 10. cific Railway had reached the Coast, (up to laat night) .. Bev. A. B. Mercer, formerly ef To­ Lieut -Col. Michel I of Toronto and ronto, peeler ef the church, ie presi­ Hesn Bindstm Laird of Montreal, and later started the well known Total .................................$1,016,281 dent of the Niagara Fall» Council of wanted the Federation to go inta plumbing company which l»eara hie Çhurehee and has been active in re­ CANADA BY'BOADfiïH name His business venture wae sw­ LUXURIOUS STYLE Ye*terda.v a wager* at Colwood to­ committee for the purpose of airing cent erueadee against glaces of vies im mediate success and in the course For the ftret time since he be­ taled $60.273 Th ebiggest betting the views of the constituent bodies, of Victoria’s rapid growth hé super­ in the city and vieinity. declaring that th* subscribing leach- came à merol>er of The Fergu­ day of the present meet was last Sat­ vised the installation of many of the Splendid Animals From E.P. son Government. Hon. James urday. When $66.796 passed through DÏÏ0UTE6 MINNESOTA ( Concluded on page 2.1 largest heating and plumbing Sys­ the pari-mutuel machines. Granting tems in the public buildings and pri­ Lyon*. Minister of Land* and Ranch Will be on Show at BANK EMPLOYEES forests, of untarpi. is visiting that the final day i* as good as the vate homes of the « ‘t; - With ht» Exhibition heat clay of the week. Colwood * total IN JOLIET, ILL, ARE sons he was associated with his firm Victoria.
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