Banded North American Birds Encountered in Europe: an Update

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Banded North American Birds Encountered in Europe: an Update Banded North American Birds Encounteredin Europe:An Update John V. Dennis P.O. Box 578 PrincessAnne, MD 21853 :•:-an•et seemsappropriate tobring uptodate theseries Ibegan Teal (13), and AmcricanWigcon (5). Shorcbirdswith in1981 on North American birdsfurnishing recoveries three or more encounters include the Ruddy Tumstone (3), ncountcrsin Europe. As in my earlier papers (Dennis and Red Knot (9). Gulls and rems with three or more 1981and 1987), I amomitting treatment of Brant(Branta encountersinclude the Ring-billedGull (5) and Arctic bernicula),which migrate regularly from northern Can- Tern (4). adato Europe, and birds banded in Greenland. Using the word "encounter"to describeboth encountersand recov- Likelystrays arc Little Bluc Heron, Black-crowned Night- eriesof banded North American birds recorded inEurope, Heron,Wood Duck, American Coot, and Scmipalmated the totalnumber of suchbirds at thiswriting is 76. I Sandpiper--allencountered in the Azores and nowhere suppliedinformation on 50 of these encounters inmy first else. An UplandSandpiper encountered in Spainis paperand 11 in mysecond paper. During the interim since anotherexample of this kind. Islandsin the Azoreshave my secondpaper appeared, 15 moreencounters have been affordeda surprisingnumber of encountersof North reportedto me by the BandingOffice. My purposein Americanbanded birds, especially strays. preparingthis paperis to supplyinformation on these additionalencounters (Table 1), to providein abbreviated TRANSMISSION OF LYME DISEASE form a listingof all 76 encountersshowing sites of bandingsand encounters according to politicaldivisions Onthe basis of recentinformation, the nymph stage of the (Table2), andfinally a listingof totalnumber of encoun- dccrfick(&odesdammini) a speciesresponsible for trans- tersper political division (country, other political entity, mittingLyme disease, is carriedby asmany as 49 species or islandgroup). This listingis shownin Table3. of birdsas well asa numberof mammals(Stccre, 1989). In thesame paper it isstated that the disease is particularly Severalreportcd encounters are not includedbecause of prevalent on the East Coast and in the Midwest of the incompleteinformationorsuspicion of error. More recent UnitedStates and is alsopresent in Europe. Ground- oneshave been carefully screened by DannyBystrak of nestingand ground-feedingbirds are moresubject to theBird BandingLaboratory and seem safe to include. beinginfested with the tick (Garland 1990). In lightof this Nevertheless,there is alwaysa marginof errorinvolved information,bird speciesthat nest in North Americaand inlistingencounters. Difficulty in distinguishing between fly regularlyto Europecould be responsible for dissemi- Arcticand Common Tems when in the nestling stage is an natingthe disease to distantregions. But mostspecies examplethat sometimesconfronts banders. supplyingrecords that appearin this paper nest north oftbe deer tick's rangeand, therefore,are not likely to be As more and more encountcrsof bandedNorth American involved.Some suspicion, however, can be attachedto birdsare recordcd from Europc, a pattcm is beginning to moresoutherly nesting ducks, gulls, and terns. emerge.Some species have been reported often enough to suggestthat they appear in westernEurope on a regular ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS basis--perhapsasmigrants. Others, that are rarely re- ported,seem to fit thestatus of accidentalor stray. Individualsand organizations in Europethat havere- portedfinding American banded birds have contributed Pelagicbirds with threeor moreencounters from waters or greatlyto the successof this studyand deservewhole- shoresof western Europe include the Northe m Fulmar (3), hearted thanks. Some of the most valuable data have been Leach'sStorm-Petrel (3), and NorthernGannet (3). suppliedby groupsconducting ringing (banding) opera- WaterfOwlwith threeor moreencounters include the tions.A RedKnot caught and released at St.Kilda off the Green-wingedTeal (3), Nonhem Pintail (3), Blue-winged westomcoast of Scotlandwas caught 14 dayslater at the Page130 NorthAmerican Bird Bander Vol.15, No.4 same place. The Walney Island Bird Observatoryin NationalWildlil• Rclhgefor his Wood Duck record;Dr. Cumbria in northwesternEngland has supplied records of Ian C. T. Nisbct for his Common Tern record;Dr. Murray a Red Knot and two Ruddy Tumst{mcsbanded on breed- Whirmoreof the Universityof Michiganfor his Upland ing groundsin northern Canada. A Ruddy Tumstone Sandpiperrecord; and Dr. CharlesE. Huntingtonof encounteredat Walncy Island in August 1987 returned BowdoinCollege for hisLcach's Storm-Petrel record. two years later (August 1989). An American Wigcon trappedand released at theFair IslandBird Observatory, LITERATURE CITED Fair Island,Scotland, was shot 70 dayslater in Ireland. Dennis,J. V. 1981. A summaryof bandedNorth Thosewho did thebanding on thisside of theAtlantic and Americanbirds encountered in Europe. North gavepermission to usetheir recordsalso deserve special AmericanBird Bander 6(3):88-96. thanks. Canadianpersonnel, for the mostpart banding ß 1987. Additional recoveries of banded underthe auspices of theCanadian Wildlife Service,were North Americanbirds in Europe.NorthAmeri- aclmowlcdgcdin previous papers and again deserve thanks can Bird Bander 12(1):11-12. for giving permissionto use their latest reports. In Garland,A.R. 1990. Birdsand Lyme disease.Bird addition,I wish to thank JohnM. C. Petersonof the High Watcher'sDigest 12(5):102-103. PeaksAudubon Society for permissionto usehis Black- Stetro,A. C. 1989. Lymcdisease. The New England crownedNight-Heron record; Larry R. Dittoof thePungo Journalof Medicine321(9):586-596. Table 1. Encounters of banded North American birds in Island,Scotland, 21 Scpte•nber1986. SecondEn- Europesince last report. counter:Shot, Bannon Bay, Co. Wexford,Ireland, 30 November 1986. Leach's Storm-Petrel (Oceanodromaleucorhoa) PeregrineFalcon (Falco peregrinus) 111-126037: Banded: Seal Cove, New Brunswick, 987-27721:Banded: Fundy Park, New Brunswick, Canada,13 July 1986. Encountered:Found dead. Canada(released in hackingoperation), 18 July St. Herblain, Provinceof Loire Atlantique,France, 1986. Encountered:Captured by falconer,Nor- 12 January1988. wich,Norfolk, England, 24 December1986. 111-132203: Banded:Egg Rock,Maine, USA, 17 Escaped25 dayslater. July 1980.Encountered: Mist nettedand released, UplandSandpiper (Bartramia longicauda) Ellioaey,Iceland, 21 August1988. 1163-19030:Banded: Pellston, Michigan, USA, 5 Northern Gannet (Morus bassanus) July1988.Encountered: Shot near Seville, Spain, 2 638-73634: Banded: Funk Island, Newlk)undland, December 1988. Canada,19 August1984. Encountered:Oiled and Ruddy Turnstone (Arenaria interpres) died, Newport,Co. Mayo, Ireland,March 1988. 1313-50721: Banded: Ellesmere Island, Northwest Black-crownedNight-Heron (Nycticoraxnycticorax) Territories,Canada, 1 July 1987. Encountered: 1337-84427: Banded: Four Brothers Islands, Lake Capturedand released. Barrow in Fumess,Walney Champlain,New York, USA, 11 June1988. En- Island,Cumbria, England, 24 August1987 and 31 countered: Shot, Island of Terceira, Azores, 16 August1989. October 1988. Red Knot (Calidris canutus) Wood Duck (Aix sponsa) 802-51202: Banded: Franklin, Northwest Territo- 835-93261: Banded:Pungo National Wildlil'e Ref- ries,Canada, 24 June 1980. Encountered:Trapped uge,North Carolina, USA, 11 August1984. En- andreleased, Teesmouth, England, 22 November countered:Shot, Flores, Azores, August 1985. - 1985. American Black Duck (Ariasrubripes) 782-30303: Banded: Franklin, Northwest Territo- 917•58891: Banded: Gloucester Co., New Brun- ries,Canada, 2 July 1984. Encountered:Trapped swick,Canada, 5 September1970. Encountered: andreleased, Nigg Bay, CromartyFirth, Scotland, Unspecified,Heligoland, West Germany,10 Feb- 1 December1986, and 17 January1987. ruary 1988. 993-81460: Banded: Ellesmere Island, Northwest Blue-wingedTeal (Ariasdiscors) Territories,Canada, 3 July 1988. Encountered: 835-67952: Banded:Angiers, Quebec, Canada, 6 Trappedand released, Walney Island, Cumbria, August1982. Encountered:Found dead, Stornoway, England,15 October1988. Isle of Lewis, Scotland,September 1982. Common Tern (Sternahirundo) American Wigeon (Ariasamericana) 882-84907: Banded: Nauset, New Island, Massa- 876-62817: Banded:Shepody Bay NationalWild- chusetts,USA, 12 July 1986.Encountered:Found life Area, New Brunswick,Canada, 13 August dead,Finistere, France, 26 October 1986. 1986. Encountered:trapped a. nd released,Fair Oct.-Dec. 1990 North AmericanBird Bander Page 131 Table 2. Completelisting showing sites of bandingsand encounters according to politicaldivisions. Species Banded N•, Encountered Northern Fulnmr(Fulmarus glacialis) Off Laborador 1 Iccl and 1 Ireland 1 West Germany Greater Shearwater(?uffinusgravis) New Brunswick 1 At sea, Ireland 1 At sea, England Leach's Storm-Petrel(Oc eanodr oma leucorhoa) Maine 1 Iceland .... Newfoundland 1 Spain .... New Brunswick 1 France Northern Gannet (Morus bassanus) Quebec 1 At sea, Spain .... Newfoundland 1 Portugal 1 Ireland Little Blue Heron (Egrettacaerulea) New Jersey 1 Azores Black-crwnd N.-Heron(Nycticoraxnycticorax) New York 1 Azores Wood Duck (Aix sponsa) NorthCarolina 1 Azores Green-wingedTeal (Ariascrecca) Newfoundland 1 North Ireland .... New Brunswick 1 England .... Prince Edward Isl. 1 Iceland American Black Duck (Ariasrubripes) New Brunswick 1 France 1 West Germany Mallard (Ariasplatyrhynchos) Michigan 1 Iceland Northern Pintail (Ariasacuta) Laborador 2 England .... Prince Edward Isl. 1 Ireland .... Nova Scotia 1 France
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